Middletown, Connecticut October 2013/tishrei-cheshvan 5774 ADATH ISRAEL WHY I BECAME

Middletown, Connecticut
October 2013/tishrei-cheshvan 5774
by Rabbi Haaz
by Mike Sigal
As you read this letter,
the Jewish High Holy Day
Season has just come to a
close, and the next major
holiday celebration will be a
double holiday. This year
Thanksgiving falls on November 28, first day
of Hanukkah. (This means that we light our first
Hanukkah candle on Wednesday night the 27th.)
This has never happened before, and it will not
happen again until the year 79,811. For more
information, please refer to the link at the end of this
article. Certainly, Thanksgiving will be special this
year as it is decorated with the light, tastes, and
songs of Hanukkah. In addition to Hanukkah, we at
Adath Israel have another reason to be thankful
around the upcoming fall holidays. On Sunday,
November 17, we will host an Interfaith
Thanksgiving Celebration. At this event we will
welcome the greater Middlesex community into our
synagogue to enjoy an afternoon of performances
featuring religious institutions, community
organizations, and Wesleyan cultural groups. This
will be a large event that will fill our synagogue with
people and our hearts with pride.
The Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration on
Sunday, November 17, is the fourth event during the
past six months that speaks to our desire to open our
doors to the larger community and increase our
sensitivity to the diversity of our Adath Israel
Welcome and thank
you for choosing to celebrate
the Jewish New Year of 5774
with us here at Adath Israel.
Why am I here as the
I’m passionate
about Adath Israel and I want it survive and thrive.
The thought of the Shul failing is totally
unacceptable to me.
As some of you know, I never aspired to be
the President of Adath Israel. I was always happy
being the Treasurer. I was actually thinking of
stepping away from that position and allowing other
voices to shape the decisions for our Shul. After all,
I had been on the Board for 15 years, 14 of them as
the Treasurer.
In case you don’t know, no one stepped up
during the nomination process to be an Executive
Officer of the Shul. The problem with no one
wanting to be an Executive Officer is that we would
have to shut our doors. Adath Israel is a religious
institution which for financial and governance
reasons needs to be run like a business. Simply put,
only the officers are authorized to meet the financial
obligations of the Shul. If no one chooses to become
an officer, then salaries and bills would not be paid.
We would have to shut the doors. This would not be
fair to our Rabbi, our office administrator, our
religious school principal, and our custodian. It
would be catastrophic to us members.
The only Executive Officers would have
(Rabbi Continued on page 2)
(President Continued on page 3)
(Rabbi — Continued from page 1)
membership and friends. Early in the summer we
hosted Driving Miss Daisy to engage people in a
community conversation about Jewish/AfricanAmerican relations in the community. During this
program, we hosted Vintage Players’ performance of
Driving Miss Daisy, the music of The Afro-Semitic
Experience, and a distinguished panel of scholars and
community leaders. Later in the summer, we
experienced another successful and enjoyable
Interfaith Golf Open that, over the past 17 years, has
raised an astounding $1,000,000 for the synagogue
and other worthy organizations in the community.
And, less than two months ago, we dedicated a
section within our Adath Israel cemetery for multifaith burial. Thank you to all who have volunteered
for these programs because they have helped to establish our synagogue as a leader in the interfaith community.
Please join us on Sunday, November 17, as we
conclude this six month celebration of the diversity in
our synagogue community and in greater
Middletown. The Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration
will be a great show; it will raise money for those in
need in Middletown and will continue to build us up
as a model religious institution in the area. Your
participation and welcoming of new faces will make
the afternoon even more special. Please know that
more volunteers are needed. If you would like to be
involved with the planning or preparation, please
email me at rabbi@adathisraelct.org. Please also visit
my newly launched site at rabbihaaz.com and
participate in an ongoing conversation from the High
Holy Days about the search for God, truth, and
With great pleasure and excitement let it
be known that Adath Israel has been chosen to
display a very powerful and beautiful piece of art,
entitled "Peace/War", by Westport artist Marlene
Not until 1996 when 57 people were killed in
suicide bombings in Israel did Marlene's paintings
reflect such emotion. She felt compelled to
create this piece; the results were so significant and
moving that it was accepted into the permanent
collection of the B'nai Brith National Jewish Museum
in Washington, D. C.
"This is very special for me", Marlene said.
"I've been a artist my whole life and I have never had
such an emotional connection to a piece. I cried a lot
while working on it". "Peace/War is my way of
expressing senseless killing and violence in Israel and
all over the world."
The impressive painting (82" tall x 42" wide)
is made of heavy paper torn into the shape of
Israel; areas of land that have been fought over are
pulled away. Beautiful pastel colors symbolize
various aspects of the state of Israel - it is mounted so
that it floats in the frame. Seeing it in our treasured
building will be a special experience, to say the least.
"Peace/War" is expected to arrive in mid
October, and will be on loan from the museum for
several months. During this time there will be many
opportunities to view the painting and to learn more
about Marlene's work. She is looking forward to
visiting us, and to sharing her amazing talent and
story with us.
How lovely to look forward to.............
Marge Sadinsky
Please remember to sign up for Adath Israel’s
Helping Hands and don’t forget to check the calendar
to volunteer at lotsahelpinghands.com If you are in
need of a volunteer and want it posted on the calendar, please contact Debbie Seligman at
Sunday, October 12
10:00 AM - Noon in the Nester Center.
Spend the morning with the remarkable Margaret
Jonas Kahn, a par ticipant in the Kinder tr anspor t.
Mrs. Kahn grew up in Hamburg, Germany. With her
sister, she was sent to England by her parents as part
of the Kindertransport. (She was never able to see her
parents again) Eventually, she studied to become a
nurse and trained at the well-known Guys Hospital in
(President Continued from page 1)
been Naomi Kamins and Stephanie Meadow because
they are now the immediate Past Presidents. They
would have to do the work of the President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer. This would not
have been fair to them so I originally agreed to stay
on as the Treasurer. Then, just before the May Board
meeting, Joanna Schnurman volunteered to be the
Secretary. This was a terrific thing for her to
volunteer for because she also began her new job as
the Office Administrator of our Shul at the same time.
So, why did I choose to become President? It was not
because business couldn’t be conducted. Bless their
hearts, Naomi and Stephanie would have conducted
the business of the Shul because they care. I did this
for personal reasons. The warmth and welcoming of
the community, the enduring friendships, the sharing
of joys, and the support through life's challenges and
We joined the Shul in 1997, 16 years ago this
week, when our oldest daughter Amy was entering 1st
grade. Ruth and I wanted Amy and our youngest
daughter Stacey to get a Jewish education and to be
Bat Mitzvahed. We walked into the office and met
Linda Adler who signed us up and walked us around
the building. We came to our first Friday night
service that same week. Who came up to greet us,
but Nate Olshin. He is an incredibly warm and
friendly person. Ruth and I had a terrific discussion
with him that night and continue to do the same
whenever we see him. I know I speak for the entire
community when I say we wish him well and that he
will always have the love and support of our
Next up was the 1st day of religious school
where we met the parents of other kids and formed a
car pool. It turns out that Ruth ended up having an
emergency appendectomy that same evening. Ah, the
memories. The next week, we came to services again
and Dave Director, who was the President at the time,
greeted us and became a good friend. He
subsequently asked me if I wanted to get involved
and he asked me to join the board.
So I did and Ruth came along for the ride. We
wanted to demonstrate our own values to our kids.
For us, life is not about only us. We live in a larger
world around us and we feel the need to give
something back. For example, before we joined the
Shul Ruth was a Nutmeg Big Sister in the Big
Brother/Big Sister program as well as being on their
board of directors. I was a member of the Aetna
Men’s and Employee Club Board of Directors and
also served as President. So we decided to further our
volunteer involvement at Adath Israel. I joined the
Board of Directors and then became the Treasurer.
Ruth works on the Fund Raising Committee and got
involved in the Religious School. We put ourselves
out there, met lots of people and became a part of the
community. This must have rubbed off on the kids.
Amy is now a Big Sister in the NYC Big Brother/Big
sister program and Stacey joined a service fraternity
at Dickinson College, which specializes in helping
kids. Stacey also volunteers at the Dickinson Hillel.
In addition, all of us visited Israel last year. The kids
went via the courtesy of the Birthright program and
Ruth and I went on the synagogue trip.
There were events in our lives when many
members of the Adath Israel community showed us
what a caring, warm community means. Some of
them were joyous times such as when Ruth, Amy and
Stacey were Bat Mitvahed, when the kids were Confirmed and when they graduated from High School.
Then there were the other times which were not
joyous. Ruth lost her Dad in the year 2000, I lost my
job at the Travelers, Amy had an operation to correct
her Scoliosis last year and I lost my Mom in January
of this year. Because the loss of my Mom is still in
the very recent past, the wound is still raw. The
warmth, caring, compassion and outreach to us by
this community, without our asking, was so touching
that I can’t adequately put it into words. We have
built lasting friendships with many of the people in
this community. It’s about building and sustaining
relationships. None of it is easy, but when you’ve
done it, it’s tremendously rewarding.
How could I let this place close? It’s
inconceivable to me that it could happen. For those
of you who don’t feel what I feel for this place, is it
something you want? If so, it doesn’t happen on its
own. You need to reach out, meet people, get involved and build those relationships. Believe me, this
community is wonderful and you may just end up
treasuring it as much as we do!
So, I stepped up to be the President. I’m also
happy that Eileen Daling, who Ruth often refers to as
my second wife, based on our working together all
those Treasurer years, has chosen to become the Vice
President, Joanna Schnurman the Secretary and Rob
Goldstein the Treasurer. Their motivations to step up
are similar to mine and maybe I had a little to do with
them stepping up now. Many members of the
community have reached out to me and told me to ask
them for help whenever I need it. I have already
reached out to some of you, and believe me, I will be
reaching out to more of you!
There are a number of great things happening
here. We have a terrific Rabbi who has a number of
great ideas that are already enhancing the Shul such
as Bagels and Blocks/Mazel Tots and he has other
ideas that we need to make a reality. We hosted a
very successful interfaith program built around the
(Continued on page 9)
Daf Bet HaSeifer shel
The School Page for Tishrei/Heshvan
October 4th, 2013 Pray—Eat– Sing
Services start at 5:30 PM with dinner following. The family-friendly atmosphere and earlier
time makes it easy for even our youngest members to have a great Shabbat experience. Best of
all dinner is FREE! We do ask that you RSVP to the synagogue office 860-346-4709 by
Friday, September 27.
October 12, 2013 Elise Gendrich called to the Torah
Elise Gendrich will begin her life as a Jewish adult when she is called to the Torah as a bat
Services begin at 9:30 AM. Mazal tov to Elise and the Gendrich family.
October 13, 2013 Confirmation Class Tribute
Even though school is closed due to the Columbus Day holiday, the confirmation class will
have a display area set up in the Nester Center as a tribute to righteous leaders during the time
of the Holocaust. The display will be accompanying the adult education speaker in
commemoration of Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass). Those students in 6th grade and
above who are in town are encouraged to attend the speaker and see the presentations at 10:00
AM in the Nester Center.
October 19, 2013 Shabbat L’hol Adat
and Tot Shabbat
All students, families, the entire community are invited for a Shabbat L’hol Adat (Shabbat for
Everyone). Services for everyone begin at 9:30 AM. Students from each grade will help to
lead. At 10:30 AM Tot Shabbat, an active worship service for children and a caretaker, will
take place in the Purple Room of the Religious School. A special kiddush luncheon follows.
There is no Sunday school on October 20th. This replaces Sunday school for that week.
October 27, 2013 Global Day of Jewish Learning
Temple B’nai Abraham in Meriden will join us for this family program. The theme for this year
is “Creating Together: Jewish Approaches to Creativity and Collaboration”. There will also
be a Hanukkah gift sale from 11:00—1:00 PM taking place at the synagogue. We are Looking
for volunteers to run the Hanukkah book sale that day as well. If interested, please contact the
Education Director, Grae Sibelman, directly at adathisraelrs@yahoo.com or by calling 860-3464709.
Please check one of these sources for
storm-closing postings
Watch or listen to:
Or go to website:
WFSB-TV Channel 3
WTNH-TV Channel 8
WVIT-TV Channel 30, NBC
WTIC AM 1080 Radio – on air &/or
WRCH FM 100.5 Radio
WTIC FM 96.5 Radio
If the weather is inclement,
we will make a decision about closing school
no later than 7 AM on a Sunday
and on later than 1 PM on a Wednesday.
The TV and radio info will appear
within a few minutes of those times.
If you call the Synagogue and follow the prompts
(press 4 for the Religious School), you will also hear our
announcement about closing.
If you cannot get information due to a power outage or if
Your cable and/or internet connection are down – chances
are school is closed! Stay home and stay safe!
As this was my very first Blood Drive as
Adath Israel Coordinator, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank some people. A BIG thank you
to Hortie Kabel for overseeing the many drives we
have had in the past and for assisting me as I
embarked on this new responsibility. I would like to
thank our custodian, Mike, for his help by preparing
the eggs and tuna for our sandwiches. Thanks also to
Lynn Bennett and Linda Adler for their help putting
those sandwiches together in the morning. For all the
following who worked the blood drive either at the
registration desk or the canteen, I sincerely appreciate
the time they took from their schedules to work on
this worthwhile drive: Michael Daling, Susi
Delldonna, Joan Gordon, Anita Hennessey, Joan
Needle, Stephanie Meadow, Sara Paley, Sharon
Slossberg, Gert Steele, Harriet Thiela, and Lee
Zagoren. Most importantly, a HUGE thank you to all
who came to donate as this is a very easy and
important way to help those who will need blood at a
critical time in their lives. This community effort
resulted in 27 pints of blood being collected. Kudos
to all!! Watch for the date of our February blood
~Eileen Daling
If you've been thinking about checking out our
synagogue's choir, there's never been a better
time. Beginning October 1 the Synagogal Singers
will resume rehearsals in the Nester Center from 6:30
-8 PM. We'll be preparing for the Interfaith
Thanksgiving service. Participating in the choir is a
great way to enhance your understanding of and bring
beauty to the mitzvot of our liturgy. Plus there are
rumors that we will be experimenting with new styles
of vocalizing. If you are a regular member of the
choir, I'm looking forward to seeing you again. If
you have never sung with us before, come try
For more information contact Rebecca Axelrod at axelrodrebecca@gmail.com
Would you know what to do if someone next
to you suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing? Do
you know what to do if someone was choking and
couldn’t breathe? If you answered no to either
question then we have an opportunity for you to learn
what to do in each of the emergencies described
above. We will be holding a class on Community
CPR on Sunday October 20th at 11 a.m. in the large
social hall. If there is enough interest we will add
another class later that same afternoon. Class will run
approximately two and half hours.
The program begins with adult, child and
infant CPR and how to respond when someone has a
sudden cardiac arrest. The class will include
instruction in choking emergencies and will end with
instruction on how to use an Automated External
Defibrillator (AED). This is an American Health &
Safety certified course. Upon successful completion
participants will receive a certification card good for
two years.
Cost $25.00 payable in advance to Congregation
Adath Israel. Registration deadline is October 11th.
CAI is able to process Visa, MasterCard,
American Express and Discover credit card
payments. There are a number of benefits:
 You save time and money, no checks, no
stamps, no worries
 You have the option of spreading out your
 You will always be a CAI member in good
 CAI will have a dependable revenue stream
When you pay by credit card, your contributions will be paid automatically. You will no longer
have to worry about mailing your payments or about
not being able to pay your contribution while you are
out of town on business or vacation. Enrollment is
easy. You have the option of charging any or all of
your contributions and donations at once or on an installment schedule with the final installment being in
July. If your previously paid by credit card but have
not filled out a new form for this year, please stop
in or call the office at 860.346.4709 to get a new
form. New forms must be filled out every year.
Once your credit card information is up to
date and on file in the office, you can always charge
your credit card for any donations/contributions made
over the phone throughout the year.
As always, if anyone has any questions regarding
your contribution, please call Michael Daling 860346-0667 or Irwin Zagoren 860-347-6550.
Please call Joanna in the office 860-346-4709 if you
want to enroll in or have any questions about the
credit card program.
The Jewish Historical Society of Greater
Hartford has set two new dates for its popular “Back
to the Old Neighborhoods” bus tour. They will take
place on Sunday, October 20 and Sunday, November
3, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. All tours leave from the
Community Services Building, 333 Bloomfield Ave.,
West Hartford. The tour is approximately 3 hours and
the cost is $28 for non-Society members and $24 for
The tour, led by a professional guide, travels
through two hundred years of Jewish history in the
Hartford area. Even those who did not grow up here,
will find it fascinating to learn about the first Jew
mentioned in public records—in the 1600s, how the
first synagogue came to be built and the ways in
which the community grew and developed. The group
will also visit three sites—the former Congregation
Beth Israel (now the Charter Oak Cultural Center),
and the former Emanuel and Agudas Achim
synagogues, now churches. A specially prepared
booklet with historic photos brings other buildings
and businesses to life. (Please note that some
buildings are not handicapped accessible and
participants are welcome to remain on the bus).
Reservations can be made at the Society’s
website at: www.jhsgh.org For further information
call 860-727-6170.
Please share with us a proud and joyous
celebration as our daughter, Elise is called to
the Torah as Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October
12 at 9:30 AM. We invite the Congregation to
join in our simcha and Kiddush after services.
Jodi & Chuck Gendrich.
Please share with us a proud and joyous
celebration as our daughter, Sarah is called to
the Torah as Bat Mitzvah on Saturday,
November 9 at 9:30 AM. We invite the
Congregation to join in our simcha and
Kiddush after services.
Wendy & Jack Wilkins.
Have you seen our Gift Shop lately? If not, we
invite you to visit the newly organized, newly stocked
and newly rejuvenated shop. You may be able to find
something for the High Holy Days, or a B’nai
Mitzvah gift, wedding gift, Passover gift or just something new for your Shabbat celebration. Please note
that there is a catalogue from The Source Everything
Jewish available near the gift shop, so if ther e is
something special you’re looking for but we don’t
have in stock, let us know what it is and we would be
happy to order it for you. You pay less than the
catalogue price.
Items can be purchased from the gift shop during the following hours:
Monday through Friday:
10 AM-Noon
Our new proprietor, Shirley Schloss has done
a remarkable job rearranging and updating our shop.
She will be more than glad to help you with you purchases or an order.
Other days/times, please see Joanna in the
office if there is something special you are in need of
Mark your calendar for a special
“ P ray – Eat – Sing ”
Friday night – November 1st
Services at 5:30 pm followed by a
Shabbat Dinner at 6:30 pm
Our whole community comes together to celebrate the joy of Shabbat. Early services
let us pray together and share a meal and conversation. After dinner Rabbi Haaz will
teach Shabbat songs ( and take requests ) .
MUST RSVP: Synagogue office at 860-346-4709 by October 25th in order to be sure
we have enough food for all who join us.
Please, remember to bring a non-perishable food item for the Amazing Grace Food
Cost: Free to all members ( reservations are a must.) Non-members must also
RSVP and are free the first time. After that, there is a charge of $10 per person or
$18 per family each time you attend thereafter.
Monetary donations toward the cost of food are requested
and gratefully appreciated.
Your help needed: Contact Harriet Thiela or the office if you would like to help prepare the meal. If
you can ’ t assist with preparations, help is always needed and very much appreciated with clean up
after dinner.
(Rabbi — Continued from page 3)
play Driving Miss Daisy. The Interfaith Golf Open
continues to be very successful in terms of interfaith
relationships and contributing money to our Shul and
the youth of Middlesex county. In the 17 years of the
tournament, we have donated more than $1M to a
variety of charities that focus on youth. We just
dedicated the multi faith section of our cemetery
which came into being because we had members who
felt passionately about this subject and spent hours
working on making it happen. Committees such as
Helping Hands, Ritual, Chevra Kadisha, Fund
Raising, Adult Education, Religious School, Interfaith
Golf and the Financial committees are vibrant and
active. Recently, a number of congregants have
brought their passion for Mah Jong to the Shul and
are spreading that to other congregants via Tuesday
afternoon and Wednesday night Mah Jong in the
Nester Center.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of a synagogue. We
have a number of people who consistently volunteer
to do things and thank goodness they are here! For
example, the only reason we can do Pray, Eat and
Sing is because we have dedicated volunteers who
give us time and/or money. But we need more of
Of course, we always need money, but that’s
another topic for another time. Adding to the
membership base is the most critical objective we
have. I’d like to challenge everyone in this room to
bring in 1 new member over the next 5 years,
essentially doubling our membership in 5 years.
Membership has a plan to host parlor meetings at
homes of our congregants to bring our members
closer and to invite their friends to experience the
warmth and friendship that our community has to
offer. New members give the promise of increasing
the vitality and having a larger group of people from
which we can draw volunteers.
I’m excited for the coming year. The Board
will be getting some help from the USCJ. They will
help us learn how to reach out to and attract
unaffiliated people from all walks of life to take a
chance and attend a service or an event and hopefully
join Adath Israel. They will also help us with more
ways to reach out to and cultivate our existing
membership. So I’d like to ask each of you to think
about the Sigal story. The presidency offers me the
opportunity to add new elements to that story and
may help create stories for others. I know that most
of you have your own story when you felt
meaningfully engaged here. Maybe the Sigals are
already in your stories or maybe we’ll be in some of
your future stories.
Reach out to me, to Ruth, Eileen, Joanna,
Rob, Naomi, Stephanie, any member of the Board,
and/or any committee chair and see how you can
help. I am not the most extroverted person in a room.
I typically like to work outside of the limelight and
behind the scenes. I don’t usually walk around
rooms, introduce myself and start engaging in
conversations. I’ll try to do better at that. Reach out
to me, talk to me, send me an email, text me, call me,
write me a letter. Do you have an idea for an event?
Would you like to work on one thing to see if you like
it? Are you interested in a leadership position? Who
wants to go on this journey with us?
So in closing, please bring your passion to us
and help. Whether you want to do something that
gets public recognition, something that doesn’t,
something you’ve always wanted to do in synagogue,
but never did. We all want this to be a vibrant,
thriving Congregation. Look into your heart and I’m
asking you to become involved. We need you.
Please become someone who shapes the sacred
stories of another in the coming years through your
volunteerism. Thanks and L’shanah Tova.
A big thank you to EIS Foundation for thei matching
grant allowing us to reach financial goal necessary to
open the multi-faith section of our cemetery. Thank
you as well to Bobette and Jeffrey Kahn for their generous donation for gardens and landscaping in the
new section.
Speaking of landscaping and gardens, thank you to
Barbara and Steven Weiss for donating mulch and to
Bobette and Jeffrey Kahn for gorgeous perennials to
make our synagogue gardens beautiful for the high
holy days.
Keeping on the theme of flowers and beauty one
more time, Thank you to Harriet Levin and Family,
Barbara & Ruth Schwarz for the lovely flower arrangements which graced the bimah during the high
holy days.
Thank you to Teresa and Dave Shulman for printing
our New Year’s Greeting postcards and for transporting the food collected during our High Holy Day
Food Drive to the Amazing Grace Food Pantry.
Reesa and Dan Belin proudly announce the arrival of
Max, their newest grandchild. Stewart and Kristin
Belin are the proud parents.
Claire and Irv Pincus proudly announce the arrival of
their newest grandchild, Michael Pincus.
Emma Axelrod was called to the Torah as a bat
(Continued on page 10)
We wish a “Refuah Shlemah” to Hymie Schwartz,
Do you have some wonderful, exciting
Jonathan Betts, and Nathan Olshin.
news about you or someone in your family that
you would like to share with the congregation?
We now have a new L’Chaim Board just outside
Deepest sympathies to Terri Klein and her family the office! So stop by and pin up a picture, a
on the loss of her brother, Marty David; Sharon
newspaper article, a note about your news, etc.
Slossberg and Lynn Bennett and their family on
We would love to celebrate with you!
the loss of their special cousin, Sylvan “Shep”
Freedman; Marge Sadinsky and her family on the
loss of her brother, Charles Cooper.
Tikkun Olam/Fundraiser
We continue again this year to collect cleaned $.05
returnable bottles and cans for Tikkun Olam/Fundraiser.
From July-October we will be collecting Bottles and Cans and the
money collected will benefit the Hebrew School.
From November – February we will be collecting Bottles and Cans and the
money collected will go to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund.
From March-June we will be collecting Bottles and Cans, and the money
will go towards Middletown’s Relay for Life Organization.
Each month a reminder notice will go out to let you know that we are
collected from all your bottles and cans (5 cent ones only) and which area
is benefitting.
Please drop your CLEANED cans and bottles off in the designated bucket in
front of Joanna’s office.
Thank you so much for helping to repair the world (Tikkun Olam) and raise
a few dollars as well.
Stephanie Meadow
USY and Kadima is back for the 2013/14
year. Kadima is for grades 5th-8th grade and USY is
for 9th-12 grade. There are wonderful activities
planned throughout the entire year. Enrollment forms
will be available shortly. The above calendar is only
the regional events coming up this fall. There will be
chapter events as well.
Our chapter consists of 3 synagogues. B’nai Tikvah
Shalom, Beth El Temple, and Adath Israel. Come out
and meet other Jewish teens from the area.
Look for more information and sign-up sheet to come
out in the near future.
October 19-20 Training
October 22 or
Nov. 3
Sports Center
of CT,
Shelton, CT
Hartford, CT
Kadima Event TBD
November 15Fall Kinnus
New Haven,
Take advantage of an opportunity to share a
family simcha, honor a friend or relative, or
remember a loved one by sponsoring a Friday night
Oneg Shabbat or a Saturday morning Kiddush. This
is a delightful way to let others in our community
celebrate a special occasion or share a memory with
you. You can host an Oneg or Kiddush even if you
may not be able to attend, although your presence
would certainly add to the occasion.
The following is a breakdown of the cost for a
Saturday morning Kiddush and what foods are
normally provided:
Regular Kiddush - $54 – Challah, gefilte
fish, horseradish, herring(s), tuna fish, egg salad,
assorted sweets, bagels, cream cheese, wine, juice,
Deluxe - $118 – all of the regular Kiddush
plus lox, flavored cream cheeses, tomatoes, onions,
and fruit.
Cost for a regular Friday night Oneg Shabbat
is approximately $40, with additional costs for life
cycle occasions.
These prices are based on normal attendance
at minyan (approximately 20 attendees).
Call the synagogue office at 860-346-4709 at least a
month in advance to make arrangements with the
synagogue office administrator.
While the seasons are ever changing, the
needs of the elderly remain constant. Currently one
of the most frequent requests St. Luke's Eldercare
shoppers. Concern about how to obtain such a basic necessity as food is extremely stressful for home-bound
elderly -- a stress that you can help alleviate. Just a
few extra minutes picking up items for someone
unable to shop for him or herself, while doing your
own shopping, will solve a huge problem for an
elderly neighbor!
As always St. Luke's Eldercare Services is
also seeking volunteers to drive clients to and from
out-of-area medical appointments, or simply to
brighten a life by visiting for an hour one day a
week. For additional information, please call us at
860-347-5661 or e-mail us at info@stlukeshome.org.
St. Luke's Eldercare Services
760 Saybrook Road
Middletown, CT 06457
Serving Cromwell, Durham, East Hampton, East
Haddam, Haddam, Middlefield, Middletown and
Tot Shabbat!
October 19
10:30 AM
In The Purple Room
Join us for a fun, active Shabbat morning service for children
in Grade 2 and under along with their parents or guardians.
From time to time we will publish a list of
items both big and small that are needed for the
synagogue, for use by the Religious School or the
congregation. We wish to thank all of the members
who have so kindly read about and donated previous
items from this list. You have all made it a great
success. Please think about making a donation to
help defray the cost of purchasing the following
items that are still needed:
 For the Kitchen: Pr ogr ammable
(timer) Coffee Maker for use during
Passover, both round and banquet size
white tablecloths,
 For General Use: donations to help
cover costs for beautification projects for
our synagogue
The following Committees are
looking for members and chairs:
Social Activities & Programs – Do you
like to party? Or at least plan them?
This is the committee for you. Social
Activities and Programs is charged
with finding ways for our community to come together to enjoy each other’s company and have a
good time.
Tikkun Olam (Social Action) –
Do you see pain & suffering in the
world and want to make a difference? Is your Jewish identity
about doing as well as davening? Tikkun Olam
(Social Action) could use your passion and ideas.
Please contact Joanna at 860-347-4709 or
office@adathisraelct.org if you are interested or wish
additional information.
Arthur Curkin by Herb Curkin
Yetta Curkin by Herb Curkin
Arthur Director by Marge Rosenblatt
Todd Director’s engagement by:
Ruth and Bob Maron
Marge Rosenblatt
David Holder by Arthur Director
Maurice Schwarz by Arthur Director
Eugene Littman by Arthur Director
Mrs. Edward Kunzman by Arthur Director
Julie Gross by Arthur Director
Edythe Director by Arthur Director
Sophie Gross by Arthur Director
Maurice Schwarz by Donna & Matt Finkelstein
James Shapiro by
Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Edie Betts
Susan Silver’s Mother by Louise Feldman
Maurice Schwarz by Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Edie Betts by
Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Louise Feldman
Linda Adler by Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Ruth Maron’s Special Birthday by Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Ruth & Maurice Schwarz’s Anniversary by Marge &
Stan Sadinsky
Grace Poliner Becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Marge &
Stan Sadinsky
Emma Axelrod Becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Marge &
Stan Sadinsky
Eileen’s Retirement by Marge & Stan Sadinsky
Myra Finkelstein’s Special Birthday by David Finkelstein
MINYAN by Sandra Browasky & Barry Lichtenber
Aidan Bauer’s Graduation from High School by
Sheila & Phil Saxe
Paulette & Herb Gewirtz
Samantha Goldstein’s Graduation from High School
Sheila & Phil Saxe
Paula & Herb Gewirtz
A. Lerner’s Special Birthday by Marge Rosenblatt
Grace Poliner Becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Marge Rosenblatt
Herb & Paulette Gewirtz
Eileen & Michael Daling
Elise Gendrich’s Bat Mitzvah by Robin Buscato
Eileen’s Retirement by Marge Rosenblatt
Mr. & Mrs. J Horn’s New Home by Joan & Michael
Ruth Maron by Linda & Jack Adler
Sharyn Marks by Ethel Peltz
Jerry Kabel by
Arthur and Marcia Meyers
Edie Betts
Linda Adler by
Eileen & Michael Daling
Sara Paley
Morty Pear
Sheila & Phil Saxe
Dotty & Hal Kaplan
Sandra Beckman by Eileen & Michael Daling
Edie Betts by Morty Pear
Nathan Olshin by
Arthur Director
Herb & Paula Gewirtz
Marge Rosenblatt
Mike, Ruth, Amy, & Stacey Sigal
Irena May
Edie Betts
Sandra and Paul Beckman
Estelle Epstein by
Abby, Gene, & Pauline Cerrotti
Judy Sochen
Sandra & Paul Beckman
Nihla Lapidus
James Shapiro by
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Rau
Hazel Kurlansky
Anita Hennessey
Ruth & Bob Maron
Marge Rosenblatt
Carol Holzberg by Lee & Irwin Zagoren
Joseph Shapiro by
Betty Goldberg
Sara Paley
Philip Simon
Maurice Schwarz by
Laurie & David Schwarz
Leslie Weinstein
John Isenberg
Ruth & Bob Maron
Roberta & Monroe Nair
Cynthia Cohen
Margaret & Robert Goldberg
Catherine Dress
Sylvia Moore
Stephan & Suzanne Goldberg
Steven & Joan Epstein
Tim Catz & Ken Moffett
Barbara & Ken Schwarz & Family
Myrna Price
Merna & Jerry Morse
Stephen SOreff
Linda Soreff Segel
Shirley & Jean Levitz
Reva Rogoff
Mrs. Robert Mayer
Pat & Lon Silver
Cromwell Outboard Assn.
Wendy & Tom Rusker
Bernice Bonchi
Irwin Zagoren
Ruth & Herb Freedman
Elaine & Gary Fialky
Nihla Lapidus
Margo Grodsky
Judy & Ted Inger
Susan & Norman Jepsky
Marsha & Rickless
Louise & Jerry Nathan
Charlotte Greenberg
J. Ronald Rinaldi
Muriel Shulman by Nihla Lapidus
Preston Revnick by Julie & Eric Weiss
Marty Davis by
Paula & Herb Gewirtz
Mike, Ruth, Amy, & Stacey Sigal
Eileen & Michael Daling
Anita Hennessy
Edie Betts
Sandra and Paul Beckman
Susie Lapidus
Sylvan “Shep” Freedman by Eileen and Michael
Merrill Lieberman by Betty Greenberg
Meda Kahn by
Margaret Kahn
Bobette and Jeffrey Kahn
Lillian Cohn by Marshall Cohn
Rubin Cohn by Marshall Cohn
Louis Hutnesky by Barbara and Bill Hutensky
Lillian Levin by Wendy Peterson
Celia Hoffman by
Ruth Schwartz
Mariyam and Mort Hoffman
Rose Dampsky by Sara Paley
Morris Dampsky by Sara Paley
Ralph “Mickey” Paley by
Sara Paley
Lori, Philip, Jillian, and Nicole McDermott
Morris Levenson by
Anita Hennessy
Hazel Kurlansky
Colman Weiss by Steven Weiss
Irma Gilfix by Barbara and Steven Weiss
Sidney Mellman by Steven Weiss
Betty Friedman by Ed Friedman
Yetta Curkin by Herbert Curkin
Leo Nevas by Jo-Ann Price
Mary and Emanuel Waldman by Sheila Greenspan
Max Goldberg by Susan Goldberg
Henrietta Soll by Penny Bersch
Charles Russman by Naomi Hoberman
Joseph P. Katz by Flora Goldstein
Jane Schwartz Gould by Nancy Schwartz
Emil and Emma Eligator by
Nancy Schwartz
Rhoda and Julian Eligator
Jean Tombank by Hymie Paley
Sari Rosenbaum by Howard Rosenbaum
Rose Freedman by Ruth Beit
Philip and Myrtle Schwartz by Rhoda and Julian Eligator
Daniel Miller by Jon Miller
Gerald Director by Arthur Director
Lillian Pincus by Marcia Wrubel
Herbert Garten by Shirley Schloss
Bernie Fields by Harriet Deeton
Fannie Lerner by Natalie Kirschbaum
Abner Kabatznick by Edith Kabatznick
Zelda Shulman by Teresa and Dave Shulman
Kitty Curkin by Eric Curkin
Harry Curkin by Eric Curkin
Sam Abrahamson by the Abrahamson Family
Abraham Joseph Apter by Penny Apter
Berths Marcus by Harris and Leona Marus
Edith Eisner by Phyllis Waldman
Sidney Paley by Hymie Paley
Edythe Director by Judy Greenspan
Katie Adler by
Linda and Jack Adler
Edie Betts
Alice Waxman by Sharon Slossberg
Ester Slossberg by Sharon Slossberg
Charles Slossberg by Sharon Slossberg
Joseph “Buzz” D’Amato by Katherine Didato
Zelda Treifeld by Donna and Mark Finkelstein
Sidney Finkelstein by Donna and Mark Finkelstein
Brenda Dubin by Joseph Dubin and Family
Sarah Finkelstein by Myra and David Finkelstein
Kalman Palmer by Sue and Steve Palmer
Elizabeth Beroz by Teresa and Dave Shulman
Stanley Apter by Robert Apter
William Resnikoff by Judith and Daniel Merida
Jane Savitsky by Rhea Hurwitz
Ron Thiela by Marcey, Aaron, Jason, and Harriet
Irving Kahn by
Leona and Harris Marcus
Margaret Kahn
Bobette, Rebekah, Jennifer, and Jeffrey Kahn
David Marcus by Leona and Harris Marcus
Ethel Moskowitz Goske by Leona and Harris Marcus
Judith Mellman by Barbara and Steven Weiss
Jack Director by Arthur Director
Abraham Sigal by Ruth, Amy, Stacy, and Mike Sigal
Rebecca Shukman by Teresa and Dave Shulman
Jason Brett Itkin by Harriet and Mark Itkin
Stanley M. Apter by Penny Apter
Rose Dampsky by Sara Paley
Ann Edelberg by Paul Edelberg
Mollie Silverman by Marion Daling
Paula Sossen Lawson by Rhea Sossen
Max Finkelstein by Mark & Donna Finkelstein
Harry Soll by Penny & Myron Bersch
Sari Rosenbaum by Julia Rosenbaum
The Moss Family by Lisa S. Lyman
Philip Cohn by Linda Adler
Marie Dominque Boyce
Maurice Schwarz by Barbara & Steven Weiss
James Shapiro by
Barbara & Steven Weiss
Nancy Shapiro
Estelle Epstein by Suzanne Goldberg
Nathan Olshin by Arthur Director
Whether it celebrates a Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah,
Birth of a Child or Grandchild, Wedding, “Special”
Birthday, special event/honor, etc. share your joy
with our synagogue community – FOREVER.
Bar Mitzvah
Jonathan Goldstein
Your loving Parents
Only $136.00 – A gift that endures
Contact Joanna @ 860-346-4709
or office@adathisraelct.org.
Stitchery has returned from its summer hiatus
and is meeting the first Wednesday of the month at
10:30 AM. Our next two meetings are October 2 and
November 6.
We hope more new members will join us for
needlework, yarn arts, and fun. We also share patterns
and fellowship, and do projects for the synagogue.
Liz Whittaker, Leader
If You Would Like to Use the Synagogue
We are an active community at Adath Israel,
and we want to meet as many groups’ needs as we
can. If you would like to hold a meeting, program, or
celebration in the synagogue or Nester Center, it is
important to contact Joanna, the Office Administrator,
at (860) 346-4709 or office@adathisraelct.org at least
one (1) month in advance. Please give at least 6
months’ notice for major events such as a Bar/Bat
Mitzvah or wedding.
If You Would Like Visits When You Are in the
Because of stricter legal guidelines regarding
the release of patient information from health care
facilities to congregations and clergy and shorter hospital stays, we need your help if you would like Rabbi
Haaz to visit. First, notify the synagogue of the hospitalization as soon as possible. Second, upon admission to the hospital, please say, “yes”, when asked if
you want to have your religious affiliation as a part of
your medical record and for permission to make your
name available to clergy.
If You Need a Ride or Can Offer One
There are members and friends of Adath Israel
who would love to be more involved in the life of
Adath Israel but need a ride. If you are able assist
(even occasionally) with transportation or are in need
of transportation, please call the synagogue office
(860) 346-4709 or office@adathisraelct.org and we
will try to match drivers and riders up.
Morning Minyan
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Shabbat Evening Services begin at 7 PM.
One Friday Evening a month – “Pray-Eat-Sing” at
5:30 PM.
All worship services at Adath Israel are
available for anyone who wishes to attend. Members
and guests who desire a welcoming community and
the warmth of Jewish prayer are always encouraged to
join us. We look forward to enhancing our community
with your presence and participation.
Our Thirteenth Annual High Holy Days Food
Drive has been a wonderful success thanks to you.
According to our expert counters in the religious
school, our community collected over 70 bags of
groceries plus several cases of pet food for the
Amazing Grace Food Pantry. Food donations are
lowest in the summer so by early fall, our food
donations are critically important.
If you didn’t get a chance to drop off a donation,
don’t worry. There are always food donation bins in
the hallway outside the synagogue office. While all
non-perishable food items are welcome, here is what
If You Have News to Share
Please remember to share any family simchas,
other important information, and the passing of any they need the most:
relatives with the synagogue office (860) 346-4709 or SOUP, CEREAL, TUNA, PEANUT BUTTER,
office@adathisraelct.org for publication in V oices.
Hungry families have hungry pets. If your budget
If You Are Looking for a Place to Park
allows, please consider donating pet food, too.
Have you ever wondered, “Which parking
spaces belong to Adath Israel?” Well wonder no
more. Over the summer, our parking spaces were
repainted in a brilliant yellow and stenciled “Reserved
AI”. Please use these spaces only. On weekends or
major holidays additional parking is available in a lot
located on William Street behind the First Baptist
Church and there are 35 spaces along the fence closest to the new housing) at Traverse Square on Church
Hanukkah is WHEN?!!!!
This year Hanukkah
begins November 27
Make holiday shopping a breeze and help Adath Israel in its mission to be the
Jewish heart of Greater Middletown. Order gift cards using the attached order
form from the Great Lakes Scrip Program or go to our website
(www.adathisraelct.org) and click on the Great Lakes Scrip link.
See your money in action! On the order form there is a column showing the percentage of your purchase the synagogue will receive for each of the gift card(s)
you order—at no additional cost to you.
Orders placed by November 15th will arrive before that first candle is lighted.
Send your orders to Eileen at the email address below and then choose your payment option: a) stop by the office with cash b) send a check made out to Adath
Israel c) or call the office to pay by credit card. You will be called or emailed
when your order arrives.
Remember gift cards aren’t just for gifts. There are gift cards for everyday
needs as well as special occasions. Please consider purchasing gift cards for purchases you make on a regular basis. For example: if you always shop at Stop &
Shop, purchase cards and use them instead of cash/check. Every time you do,
the synagogue earns money. Please think about purchasing scrip (Stop & Shop,
Staples, Home Depot) for the synagogue. It is tax deductable and would help the
Religious School and other areas of the synagogue.
It is as simple as that!
If you have any questions about the program please contact:
Eileen Daling-860-346-0667or edaling21@att.net
Stephanie Meadow -860-632-7731 or stmeadow@ix.netcom.com
13/9 cheshvan
28/25 cheshvan
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
29/26 cheshvan
9:00 AM Religious School
10:30 AM Mazal Tots
11:00 AM Hannukah Gift
27/24 cheshvan
22/18 cheshvan
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
21/17 cheshvan
Columbus Day
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
15/11 cheshvan
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
8/4 cheshvan
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
1/27 tishri
No Religious School
9:30 AM Ritual Committee
9:30 AM JWV Brunch – NC
11:00 AM CPR class
20/16 cheshvan
No Religious School
10:00 AM Adult Ed –
Kinderstransport - NC
14/10 cheshvan
7/3 cheshvan
6/2 cheshvan
9:00 AM Religious School
9:30 AM Education Committee
10:30 AM Mazal Tots
4:00 PM Religious School
6:30 PM Mah Jongg - NC
30/27 cheshvan
4:00 PM Religious School
6:30 PM Mah Jongg - NC
23/19 cheshvan
4:00 PM Religious School
6:15 PM Religious School
Staff Mtg
6:30 PM Mah Jongg - NC
16/12 cheshvan
4:00 PM Religious School
7;00 PM Evening Minyan NC
7:15 PM Board of Directors
- NC
9/5 cheshvan
7:00 AM Professionals
10:30 AM Stitchery Group
4:00 PM Religious School
7:00 PM Executive Board
Meeting - NC
2/ 28 tishri
31/28 cheshvan
24/21 cheshvan
17/13 cheshvan
10/6 cheshvan
3/29 tishri
4/30 tishri
7:00 PM Shabbat Evening
5:37 PM Candle Lighting
25/22 cheshvan
7:00 PM Shabbat Evening
5:47 PM Candle Lighting
18/14 cheshvan
7:00 PM Shabbat Evening
5:58 PM Candle Lighting
11/7 cheshvan
Rosh Chodesh
5:30 PM Pray, Eat, Sing
Shabbat Evening Service &
6:21 PM Candle Lighting
Adath Israel Calendar
October 2013~tishri/cheshvan
Parshat Chaye Sarah
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
26/23 cheshvan
Parshat Vayera
9:30 AM Shabbat L’chol Adat
Morning Service
10:30 AM Tot Shabbat
19/15 cheshvan
Parshat Lech L’cha
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
Service – Elise Gendrich
called to the Torah as Bat
12/8 cheshvan
Parshat Noach
Rosh Chodesh
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
5/1 cheshvan
3/30 cheshvan
9:00 AM Religious School
9:30 AM Education Comm
10:00 AM Adult Education – Golems, Dybuks, and
10:30 AM Mazal Tots
Rosh Chodesh
24/21 kislev
No Religious School
9:30 AM JWV Brunch
3:00 PM Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
17/14 kislev
9:00 AM Religious School
9:30 AM Ritual Comm
10:30 AM Mazal Tots
10/7 kislev
9:00 AM Religious School
10:30 AM Mazal Tots
3:00 PM Vintage Players
Production - More Fall Follies
5/2 kislev
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
12/9 kislev
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
19/16 kislev
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
26/23 kislev
6/3 kislev
7:00 AM Professionals Minyan
10:30 AM Stitchery Group
4:00 PM Religious School
6:30 PM Mah Jongg
7:00 PM Executive Board
13/10 kislev
4:00 PM Religious School
6:30 PM Mah Jongg
7:00 PM Evening Minyan
7:15 PM Board of Directors
20/17 kislev
4:00 PM Religious School
6:30 PM Mah Jongg - NC
7/4 kislev
14/11 kislev
21/18 kislev
28/25 kislev
Office Closed
27/24 kislev
No Religious School
Light 2 candles at sunset
1/28 chesvan
7:00 PM Evening Shabbat
4:05 Candle Lighting
Light 3 candles before Shabbat candles
29/26 kislev
7:00 PM Evening Shabbat
4:08 PM Candle Lighting
22/19 kislev
7:00 PM Evening Shabbat
4:13 PM Candle Lighting
15/12 kislev
7:00 PM Evening Shabbat
4:20 PM Candle Lighting
8/5 kislev
5:30 PM Pray, Eat, Sing
Evening Shabbat Service
5:28 PM Candle Lighting
Adath Israel Calendar
November 2013~cheshvan/kislev
4/1 kislev
Rosh Chodesh
11/8 kislev
18/15 kislev
7:30 PM Semi-Annual Meeting
25/22 kislev
11:00 AM Mah Jongg – NC
12:30 PM Mah Jongg – NC
6:30 PM Synagogal Singers
7:30 PM Al-Anon Meeting
Hanukkah Eve
Light 1st candle at sunset
2/ 29 cheshvan
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
Parshat Toldot
9/6 kislev
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
Sarah Wilkins called to Torah
as Bat Mitzvah
Parshat Vayetze
16/13 kislev
9:30 AM Shabbat L’chol Adat
Morning Service
10:30 AM Tot Shabbat
Parshat Vayishlach
23/20 kislev
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
7:30 PM Vintage Players
Production - More Fall Follies
Parshat Vayeshev
30/27 kislev
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
Light 4 candles after Havdallah
Parshat Miketz
P.O. Box 337
Middletown, CT 06457
Synagogue Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00a.m. – 3:00p.m.
9:00a.m. – Noon; 1:00p.m – 6:00p.m.
9:00a.m – Noon
Rabbi Haaz’s office hour s ar e:
M, W, TH, F
Please call to schedule an appointment