07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan NEWSLETTER NO. 33/14 MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ROSH YESHIVA DARKENU PARSHAT VAYEIRA “DARKENU” – The Yeshiva Way! “LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY GRANDCHILDREN!!!” Over the millennia there have been many causes for which Jews have tragically become martyrs – giving up their lives to sanctify the name of Hashem. R’Chaim of Volozhin explains that we ‘inherited’ the strength to give up life itself because our father Avraham did so first. “Ma’aseh Avos Siman L’Banim” – this principle teaches that everything that the Avot experienced, will happen to their children. R’Chaim thus explains that not only are the events of the parents an historical blueprint for the children, but also a personality blueprint. Thus, throughout the centuries, settling in the land of Israel demanded much courage and hardship and actual danger – yet the Jews did so in their thousands. We found that courage in our father Avraham who blazed the trail and paved the way for all of us. Yitchak’s role in the Akeida was greater than Avraham’s own role in a number of ways; one outstanding example of this was the fact that Avraham received his commandment to sacrifice his son directly from G-d Himself. Yitzchak, on the other hand, received his instruction from his father, verily the ‘sage’ of his day. This bequeathed to his progeny the outstanding ability of Emunas Chachamim – to trust the ‘Wise Ones” – even in the face of the apparent illogical reasoning and certainly where it flies in the face of conventional wisdom. (Chasam Sofer). We look to our father Avraham and father Yitzchak, not just as national patriarchs, but as luminaries of parenting and Chinuch. Indeed it almost seems that they gave birth to this great nation – not only because of their personal greatness, but because of their greatness as Avos – parents. We try to affect the lives of our children and grandchildren in every way possible. Mostly we can impact the quality of their lives by raising the bar, by our own ‘mesirus nefesh’ – being people who seek not the comfortable, but rather who seek meaning, inspiration and truth, and constantly seeking to move beyond the comfort zone in that holy search. Good Shabbos Rabbi Avraham Tanzer Rosh Yeshiva Dads, For An Inspiring Uplifting Tefillah. Please join our Davening each morning Mesivta 06:45 Tichon 07:30 A L L W E L C O M E. SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting: 6.10 Shabbat ends: 7.02 CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ROSH YESHIVA 1 MISSION STATEMENT OF YESHIVA COLLEGE 3 MENAHEL'S MICHTAV 4 MENAHELET'S MEMO 7 COUNSELLORS' CORNER 9 Y C SPORTS BUZZ 11 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 12 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (Includes Playschool) 14 ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS 18 CLASSIFIEDS 25 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 2 MISSION STATEMENT OF YESHIVA COLLEGE To create a nurturing environment in which the Yeshiva partners with parents to provide excellence in Torah Chinuch (education) and General Studies, in order to prepare children for life and its responsibilities as Torah Jews, with values in line with the core values of our school. CORE VALUES OF YESHIVA COLLEGE ● Ahavat Hashem – nurturing a meaningful relationship with Hashem. ● Commitment to Halacha – striving to live according to Torah values. ● Talmud Torah – pursuit of Torah learning. ● Derech Eretz – approaching all endeavours with responsibility and integrity. ● Gemillut Chassadim – respect, sensitivity, tolerance and concern for individuals and community. A social responsibility towards society. ● Love of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) and appreciation of the State of Israel. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 3 MENAHEL’S MICHTAV So much happening this week – will have to capture the essence in photos… Kfar farewell “lunch”: Grade 11 Kfar graduates shared their sagely wisdom with Grade 10’s about to leave – especially how to eat gar’inim the quickest! Our MD bids the Kfarnicks farewell at airport Mifkad – looking forward to hearing amazing things!!! Our Rav Shaliach shared some inspirational words with the group as well… and followed up with more inspiration as a guest appearance for Grade 8… … followed by a trick or two how to play cricket! 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 4 Rumour has it the Menahel died his eyebrows pink – hmmm – who was the “bad” influence??? Ribbons and pink hair all for a wonderful cause! Aish HaTorah as part of their annual brought out Ari Schonbrun as their guest speaker for their Gala Dinner. Ari was on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center on November 11 when the first plane flew into the Twin Towers and was miraculously saved. We’re looking forward to him addressing our Grades 7, 8 & 9 on Friday. Still with Aish HaTorah, our Grade 11 students were privileged to hear a shiur by Rav Tilatowsky. We thank Aish for these amazing shiurim and wish them huge success in continuing to ignite the fire of Yiddishkeit!!! Match of the week: much eager anticipation, excitement and preparation went into welcoming the Selwyn Eagles to our campus for a legendary match. Bumper issue next week PG. Huge shkoyach to Grade 7 for their efforts preparing, welcoming & supporting!!! Some “photo-less” events to end with: Shkoyach to Grade 7 for their Siyum on Massechet Brachot Mishnayot!!! Behatzlachah to Grade 11’s who join the Matrics writing exams! Shabbat Sha-lom, Ilan Raanan 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 5 YESHIVA COLLEGE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE QUIZ 2015/5775 SYLLABUS FOR SECOND ROUND SEFER CHAPTERS AMOUNT OF CHAPTERS BEREISHIT 12 - 16 5 YEHOSHUA 14, 22 - 24 4 SHMUEL ALEF ENTIRE SEFER 31 TOTAL 40 PROPOSED TIMELINE GOING FORWARD DATE 5 November 2014 19 January 2015 20 January 2015 23 February 2015 24 February 2015 EVENT Second Round Syllabus handed out Second Round Test Third Round Syllabus handed out Third Round Test Final Round Syllabus handed out !!!בהצלחה 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 6 YESHIVA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL Menahelet’s Memo Dear Parents! Last week I was away on study leave and it’s great to be back at school again! I want to thank Morah Tammy for stepping up and leading the Girls school in my absence. (Although in truth we all know that the REAL boss is actually Devorah…) This past weekend, the Grade 9’s were treated to a fantastic Shabbaton. We spent Shabbat together in Aghterberg. I really enjoyed seeing all the students in a more informal and relaxed setting! I hope the girls were not too traumatised with my ball catching skills (or lack thereof…) Thank you to Gilad, Kidwell and our awesome Yidden for all your hard work! 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 7 The school is definitely quieter now that our Grade 10’s have left for Kfar. We wish them all Hatzlacha Rabba and hope that they learn, grow and come back soon to inspire the rest of us. With both our grade 10’s and matrics gone, the school felt so empty that we had the Grade 9’s and Grade 8’s come down from the upper level to join the rest of the school. n Tuesday the Grade 8’s visited the Old-Age Home. They sang and danced for the ladies and did arts and crafts activities with them. As I have said before, I am so proud of the wonderful Chessed that our students do on so many levels. Happy Birthday to Chenli Amoils in Grade 7! Wishing you all a wonderful Shabbos! CHANA MEIRA KATZ Menahelet 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 8 COUNSELLORS’ CORNER 10 THINGS A MOM OR DAD SHOULD TELL THEIR KIDS EVERY DAY. 1. I love you Your child will face competition and criticism every day. It’s nice for her to know there’s someone in her corner. Along with the successes there will be failures. Your child needs to know there is someone out there who loves her no matter what. 2. Eat something healthy From schoolwork, to sports, to the playground, your child is going to burn a lot of calories. It’s tough to face the day without some good and healthy fuel. Poor eating habits will lead to a lack of energy, poor concentration and can contribute to some serious health problems. So, care enough to say no to junk. Don’t just say it, set a good example by eating your vegetables, too. 3. Good job Don’t you love it when your boss tells you how much you’re valued? So do your kids. When you’re the mom/dad, you’re the boss. Take some time to recognize your kids for the things they do well. 4. Be nice So many of the world’s problems would magically disappear if everyone followed the golden rule. Teach your children to be selfless. Teach them to give a helping hand to those in need. Teach them to control their anger and frustrations. Tell them to smile. Tell them to, “Be nice.” 5. Good idea Parents don’t have a corner on the market when it comes to good ideas. Listen to your kids and you’ll be surprised at the great solutions they can come up with. When your child has a good idea, encourage it. The positive reinforcement will encourage him to be creative and share more good ideas in the future. 6. Get to work Teach your kids to work hard, and they’ll have a step up on many of their peers. Behind every success story you’ll find a lot of hard work. You want to prepare your kids for life without you. To get out of your basement, they actually need to know how to do things for themselves. They’ll need some kind of vocational training and the ability to consistently show up for a job. All of this requires some work. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 9 7. You’re so funny Kids like to know they bring joy to your life. Your child likes to see your face light up when you talk to him. So, laugh at all the jokes — even the dumb ones. Let your child know he’s a bright spot in your day. 8. How about a hug? Never underestimate the importance of physical contact. Give your kids a hug every day. Hug your child when she’s had a hard day and needs one, or just because. Also, ask for a hug when you need one. She’ll feel good knowing she can do something to help you have a better day. 9. Don’t forget .. your lunch, your homework, to be kind, where you’ve come from, where you want to go in life and that I love you. 10. Be yourself With all their friends, teachers and the media trying to mold your kids into a certain image, give your kids permission to be themselves. He doesn’t have to wear a certain kind of shoes. She doesn’t have to wear her hair a certain way. She can dislike any subject in school she wants, and he can pick all the toppings off his pizza. Tell your child, “You’re no stranger than anyone else and you’re great just the way you are.” 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 10 Y C SPORTS BUZZ 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 11 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL As you know, parents are expected to participate in the protection of our children at school. By doing CSO duty you help contribute to achieving a high level of protection for our children at school. All that is expected of you is to keep your eyes and ears open, and to be aware of anything suspicious. Your attendance and punctuality is vital. Please report for security duty on the day allocated at 7.10 am at the main entrance, Long Ave. Duty ends 7.45 am. If you are unable to do the allocated shift, it is your responsibility to swap your shift with another parent. Please inform Mark Finkelstein on (082 808 8632) of the change or contact him should you have any queries. 10 – 14 November 2014 - 7.10 am Monday 10.11.14 Names Tuesday 11.11.14 Names Wednesday 12.11.14 Names Thursday 13.11.14 Name Friday 14.11.14 Names Behr, Rachel Dembo, Cayla Freeman, Liora Greenstein, Amira Hurwitz, Julia Kahn, Adina Joffe, Aaron Kahn, Rachel Mallah, Sivan Labe, Jesse Lapiner, Sara Noya, Schleider Melchior, Yotam Moritz, Aaron Rabinowitz, Ilan 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 12 PLEASE CALL BEFOREHAND TO ARRANGE A TIME Contact Melanie: 011 440-1906/082 462-7713 PRICE LIST Jersey Girl’s Skirt Girl’s Shirt White Shirt (with or without badge) Sport Skirt Sport Shirt Sport Shorts Sport Caps (with Yeshiva logo) Swimming Costumes Tzitzit (not pasul) Raincoat Thick Rain Jacket Grey Pants Shoes Blazers 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 75 00 13 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dear Parents We have had a wonderful week, made all the more exciting by some lovely additions. The first was the delivery to the Nursery School garden of the eagerly awaited Playdome. Colourful and unusual, it allows for the children to climb up, over and down as well as inviting them to crawl underneath it through various entrances. It is providing many hours of musclestrengthening fun and exploration. It also transformed amazingly into Avraham's tent and, in the future, will be the perfect Har Sinai! This amazing addition to the garden was made possible through the generosity of parents and I thank them for partnering with us in our vision of providing our children with an exciting and innovative school experience. 1. The Grade R garden is slowly, but surely, taking shape with the planting and blooming of gorgeously coloured flowers and interesting greenery. To add to the garden's appeal, irresistible animal characters, made from wire, can be seen in the various beds. Taking pride of place is a multicoloured giraffe sporting a pair of funky sunglasses! We have also started to lay astroturf in certain areas of the Grade R garden and the lush green covering is a very welcome and needed addition. I thank one parent in particular, who wishes to remain anonymous, for her incredible energy in spearheading and contributing towards these initiatives. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 14 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (cont). PRINCIPAL While our Playschool had their makeover last term, our youngest learners have brought their special brand of enthusiasm into the Nursery School with their weekly visits to the school. The visits, which started last week, allow the children to familiarise themselves with their environment for the following year. There has been so much delight at the meeting of siblings, cousins and friends! PHOTOGRAPHS We would like to complete the purchasing of photographs by next week Wednesday. If you would like to purchase your child's photograph, please remit payment to your child's teacher as soon as possible. If you have decided not to take the photograph, please inform the teacher. MAIDS' DAY Our annual Maids' Day is fast approaching. Letters and pamphlets advertising the day were sent out this week. Bookings need to made, with Lisa, in advance as no tickets will be sold at the door. Guest speakers, a cooking demo, goodie bags, prizes and more will all make for a wonderful day for these special ladies who play such an important part in our and, certainly, our children's lives. GRADE R: 2015: STATIONERY/UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS All parents in the 5s unit (Middle Group) must please ensure they received the letter detailing the stationery and uniform requirements for Grade R for 2015. Have a lovely weekend! SHABBAT SHALOM. Ruth KIrkel 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 15 YESHIVA COLLEGE PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL (cont). PRINCIPAL Please take note of the security duties for the week commencing 10.11.2014. Your attendance and punctuality is vital. If you are unable to do your allocated shift, it is your responsibility to swap your shift with another parent. Please inform Mark Finkelstein on 082 808-8632 of the change, or contact him should you have any queries. PLAYSCHOOL SECURITY ROSTER DATE MORNING SHIFT 07h45 – 08h30 Monday 10 November Gadi Tomson Tuesday 11 November Alon Topol Wednesday 12 November Eitan Zagey Thursday 13 November Aaron Bricker Friday 14 November Liron Cohen PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL SECURITY DUTIES DATE MORNING SHIFT 07h45 – 08h30 AFTERNOON SHIFT 12h20 – 13h00 Daniella Simon Yehudah Bernstein Benjamin Waksman Ella Crouse Yaira Wainer Nava Levy Gavriel Zimbler Asher Marks Benjamin Falk Leah Morris Jonah Hoffmann Dalya Lewis Ari Kantor Gadiel Sosnovik Ariella Leslie Dalya Swartz Aaron Rabin Zahava Toys Talia Smookler Noa Cohen Monday 10 November Tuesday 11 November Wednesday 12 November Thursday 13 November Friday 14 November * On a Friday the Afternoon Shift begins at 12h00 and ends at 12h30 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 16 FEED A GUARD 1. The Feed a Guard programme has been functioning for six years now thanks to the participation members of the Yeshiva campus (shuls and schools). The security guards who look after our campus throughout the night while we are snuggled in our warm cosy beds are deeply grateful for the hot meal they received nightly. I am now looking for volunteers to assist us with continuing this project for next year. Can you make supper for 3 security guards one night every second month? If you can please email me so I can include you on the roster. If you are not going away at the end of the year, can you help do a meal while most of our volunteers are away? Many thanks WENDY KAHN wendy@sajbd.org . 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 17 ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS FOR NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT SHIRLEY SAACKS AT YESHIVA COLLEGE. TELEPHONE NUMBER: (011) 640-3111 - OR EMAIL SHIRLEY AT: shirley@yeshivacollege.co.za. THE NEWSLETTER IS AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE AND IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN HARD COPY (limited amounts) EVERY FRIDAY DURING TERM TIME. THE D E A D L I N E FOR INSERTIONS AND ADS IS 4 P M ON T U E S D A Y S. THE COST IS AS FOLLOWS: Classified Ad = R100 ½ Page = R200, Full page = R320 N.B. IF THERE IS NO PAYMENT IN ADVANCE -- THERE WILL BE NO ADVERT 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 18 Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it! (Elbert Hubbard 1. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 19 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 20 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 21 STUDIO EXHIBITION Janet Pollack Art Studio welcomes you Sunday 9 November 2014. Join us for a snack from 11 am to 1 pm. 12 Otto Street, Illovo. (All donations will be given to CHOC (Children’s Haematology and Oncology Clinic) 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 22 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 23 BABY, TODDLER, KIDS AND MOMMY STORE OPEN FAIRMOUNT (behind Genesis centre) Call Toni - 084 604 1994 or email – toni@limekidz.com “Just what the neighbourhood needs” Clothes from birth to 12 years old, boys and girls Educational toys and games Class gifts Books Nursery Décor Furniture Gift Hampers Personalised gifts Banana Brushes – teethers, Sunhats, umbrellas, rain ponchos Stockists of: Precioux clothing Aden & Anais Havaianas Sophie Carters Melissa and Doug Djeco 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 24 CLASSIFIEDS A member of the Jewish Community needs a kidney transplant. Blood Group O If you would consider this great mitzvah of donating a kidney Please contact: Dr Robert Odes Email: drrodes@gmail.com Or: sms 082 391-5062 BOOK COVERING SERVICE I will take the hassle out of covering your children's school books for next year. Contact 082 775-8900 STUDIO EXHIBITION Janet Pollack Art Studio welcomes you Sunday 9 November 2014. Join us for a snack from 11 am to 1 pm. 12 Otto Street, Illovo. (All donations will be given to CHOC (Children’s Haematology and Oncology Clinic) Qualified PA looking for employment. Has many years of experience as a Doctor’s receptionist and school administration. Excellent typing skills. Happy to do secretarial work too. Available to commence work immediately. Please contact Paula on 082-707 8615 SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK My name is Thembi Shezi. I am a 32 year old female seeking domestic work. I am very honest and hard-working. My contact number is: 076 906-5366. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 25 SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK. My name is Norah Masemola. I am in my fifties and am seeking employment as a domestic worker. I have had five years’ experience and know kashrut cooking. I would like a sleep-in position. My phone number is: 072 954-0343. Reference: Nicole Huppert: 082 565-9150. SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK. My name is ESTHER NGWENYA. I am in my forties and am seeking domestic employment. I would like a sleep-in job. For contact details please contact: 083 305-3900 Or : 082 444-8755 SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK I am a Zimbabwean smart lady aged 25 years. My name is OTTILIA. I am seeking employment as a housekeeper and babysitter. I have four years’ experience. Kindly contact me on: 071 814-7261 if you would like to interview me. I am also a fast learner. Thank you!:: For a reference please contact: AMANDA DANKIE on: 073 950-6295 SEEKING DOMESTIC WORK My name is SEMUKIWE MOYO. I am 28 years old and am seeking employment as a domestic worker. I have experience in cleaning, washing, ironing and childminding. My cell no. is: 060 344-8032. For a reference kindly contact: ERICA HOCH on (011) 882-8085. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 26 GLENHAZEL MIKVEH PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: Keilim Mikveh: Keilim Mikveh times – in order to protect the privacy of women using the main Mikveh, please observe that the open times are strictly from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. To ensure that vessels are toivelled in the proper manner, please remove all stickers before immersing . Ladies Tvilah Times Please note that the Mikveh is open from ½ hour before tvilah time and closes 1½ hours thereafter. If you intend to prepare at the Mikveh, come at least ½ hour before closing time. If you are running late, call the Mikveh on 011 485-1555 and the attendant will gladly wait for you. Enquiries and Bookings: Please book appointments for Friday evenings and Yom Tov (preferably 2 days in advance) Contact GLYNNIS SKLAR on 082 926-0965. 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan 27 YESHIVA COLLEGE SHUL Include your Shul in celebrating your s’machot. Sponsor a Kiddush Sponsor the Newsletter Phone Beverley on (011) 640 3111 if you have an engagement, wedding, birthday, family birth, Barmitzvah or anything else worthy of a le’chaim. Do we really need an excuse for a party!! WEEKLY SHIURIM BY RABBI TANZER Gemara Shiur Masechet Megilla Every Tuesday Parsha of the Week Shabbat morning 11.15 ________________ Pirkei Avot Every Thursday (Ladies only) 10:30 19:30 Main Shul Sunday Morning FOOD FOR BODY AND SOUL 07 November 2014 – 14 Cheshvan In Rabbi A Tanzer’s office 28
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