VILLAGE OF BELCARRA REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA VILLAGE HALL MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2014 FOLLOWING 7:00 PM PUBLIC MEETING COUNCIL Mayor Ralph Drew Councillor Bruce Drake Councillor Jennifer Glover Councillor Colin Richardson Councillor Jamie Ross 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ralph Drew will call the meeting to order. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 20, 2014 Recommendation: That the Agenda for the regular Council Meeting, Monday, October 20, 2014 be approved as circulated. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 6, 2014 Recommendation: That the Minutes from the regular Council Meeting held Monday, October 6, 2014 be adopted. 4. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Holly Butterfield, School Trustee, School District 43, regarding the matter of school busing program discontinuation. 4.2 Kimberley Harburn, 1378 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, regarding parking issues for water access only properties. 1 5. REPORTS 5.1 Mail Ballot Voting Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer, to provide a report dated October 15, 2014, regarding Mail Ballot Voting. Recommendation: That: 1. the October 15, 2014 report from the Chief Election Officer titled “Mail Ballot Voting” be received for information; and 2. staff be directed to amend the election bylaw to allow for mail ballot voting and registration for future local general elections. 5.2 Highway Encroachment Agreement – 4092 Marine Avenue Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer to provide a report dated October 14, 2014 regarding Highway Encroachment Agreement – 4092 Marine Avenue. Recommendation: That: 1. the issuance of a Highway Encroachment Agreement to the owners of 4092 Marine Avenue authorizing permission to encroach, occupy and maintain existing stairs on municipal lands fronting property located at 4092 Marine Avenue, be approved; and 2. the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Highway Encroachment Agreement for the five year period October 22, 2014 to October 21, 2019. 6. REPORTS FROM MAYOR AND COMMITTEES 6.1 Mayor’s Report 6.1.1 Federal Government Designates Admiralty Point ‘Park’ 6.2 Public Works & Planning – Councillor Ross 6.3 Special Projects – Councillor Richardson 6.4 Protective Services – Councillor Drake 6.5 Environmental Affairs – Councillor Glover 7. BYLAWS No items presented. 8. CORRESPONDENCE/PROCLAMATIONS Recommendation: That correspondence item 8.1 be received. 2 REQUEST FOR ACTION 8.1 Mark Ferrari, Secretary-Treasurer, School District 43, October 2, 2014, regarding Eligible School Site Proposal 2014. Recommendation: That the Board of Education for School District 43 September 30, 2014 resolution of proposed 2014 eligible school site requirements for the school district be accepted. INFORMATION ITEMS No items presented. 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 11. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING 11.1 That the October 20, 2014 regular meeting of Council be closed pursuant to the Community Charter section 90 (1) “a part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following: (c) labour relations or other employee relations.” 12. ADJOURNMENT Recommendation: That the October 20, 2014 Regular Meeting be terminated. 3 3.1 VILLAGE OF BELCARRA REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES VILLAGE HALL MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 Council in Attendance Mayor Ralph Drew Councillor Jennifer Glover Councillor Colin Richardson Councillor Jamie Ross (Arrived at 7:18 pm) Council Absent Councillor Bruce Drake Staff in Attendance Lynda Floyd, Chief Administrative Officer Larry Scott, Superintendent of Public Works and Building Inspector Shelly Kean, Corporate Services Assistant 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ralph Drew called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 2.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 6, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Richardson Councillor Glover That the Agenda for the regular Council Meeting, Monday, October 6, 2014 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 15, 2014 Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Glover Councillor Richardson That the Minutes from the regular Council Meeting held Monday, September 15, 2014 be adopted. CARRIED 4 4. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Public Meeting Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads Mayor Drew provided a review of the public input process on Revenue Generation Options for Belcarra Roads and invited input from the public in attendance. George McRae, 4012 Marine Avenue, queried the rights of First Nations relative to selling municipal (or Crown) land. Dave Warren, 4925 Robson Road, spoke relative to Community Charter requirements under Section 41. David Goodman, 5163 Whiskey Cove Lane, spoke in support of the consultant’s report and suggested that the matter be brought to closure. 7:18 pm Councillor Ross arrived at meeting. 5. REPORTS 5.1 3750 Bedwell Bay Road – Tree Removal – Hazard and Sightlines Larry Scott, CPWI 3, Superintendent of Public Works and Building Official provided a report dated October 2, 2014, regarding 3750 Bedwell Bay Road – Tree Removal – Hazard and Sightlines, noting that: • The request was initiated by a resident across the street from the owner whose property is adjacent to municipal property where the subject trees are located; • Two of three trees at the subject location have root decay; • The third tree, if isolated, would be vulnerable to windthrow, presenting a fall hazard; and • Hemlock are susceptible to core rot, which was observed on two trees. Discussion ensued relative to: • Potential for soil erosion by removal of the subject trees; and • Neighbours having been polled regarding tree removal. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Ross Councillor Richardson That, subject to the terms and conditions noted on Road Use Permit # 02102014, approval be granted to remove three (3) Western Hemlock trees from Municipal Road Allowance adjacent to 3750 Bedwell Bay Road. CARRIED 5 6. REPORTS FROM MAYOR AND COMMITTEES 6.1 Mayor’s Report No items presented. 6.2 Public Works & Planning – Councillor Ross It was noted that staff are researching feasibility of “brining” for municipal road snow removal. 6.3 Special Projects – Councillor Richardson No items presented. 6.4 Protective Services – Councillor Drake No items presented. 6.5 Environmental Affairs – Councillor Glover It was noted that beginning October 7, the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver is scheduled to re-treat knotweed in areas treated in August and September 2014. 7. BYLAWS No items presented. 8. CORRESPONDENCE/PROCLAMATIONS Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Glover Councillor Richardson That correspondence items 8.1-8.3 be received. CARRIED REQUEST FOR ACTION 8.1 Jessie Christophersen, Information Services Assistant, Recycling Council of British Columbia, September 16, 2014, regarding Waste Reduction Week in Canada 2014. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Ross Councillor Glover That October 20-26, 2014 be proclaimed Waste Reduction Week in the Village of Belcarra. CARRIED 6 8.2 Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development, September 30, 2014, regarding Foster Family Month in British Columbia. Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Richardson Councillor Glover That October 2014 be proclaimed Foster Family Month in the Village of Belcarra. CARRIED INFORMATION ITEMS 8.3 Allan Neilson, General Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment, Metro Vancouver, September 26, 2014, regarding Belcarra Regional Park – Belcarra South Cabins. 9. NEW BUSINESS No items presented. 10. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Maureen Jamieson, 4925 Robson Road, queried the type of road salt used on municipal roads in Belcarra, noting a change in its efficacy last winter. Craig Rietchel, 3790 Bedwell Bay Road, queried invasive species program plans and whether other municipalities in Metro Vancouver are addressing the problem. Les Bramley, 4071 Bedwell Bay Road, noted that in the United Kingdom property insurance is being denied to properties with invasive species infestation. 11. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING No items presented. 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Seconded by: Councillor Ross Councillor Glover That the October 6, 2014 Regular Meeting be terminated (7:51 pm). CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT Ralph E. Drew, Mayor Lynda Floyd Chief Administrative Officer 7 5.1 COUNCIL REPORT File: Date: October 15, 2014 From: Karen-Ann Cobb, Chief Election Officer Subject: Mail Ballot Voting 3900-01/4200-01 Recommendation for Consideration: That: 1. the October 15,2014 report from the Chief Election Officer titled “Mail Ballot Voting” be received for information; and 2. staff be directed to amend the election bylaw to allow for mail ballot voting and registration for future local general elections. Purpose: It was brought to my attention that a number of residents were inquiring about the availability of mail ballot voting for the upcoming local general election and Lynda Floyd; Chief Administrative Officer requested that I provide a report to Council regarding this matter. Background: Legislative changes were made in 2008 to provide for mail ballot voting. In prior election years 2008 and 2011, Council was elected by acclamation. Inquiries from residents regarding mail ballot voting in Belcarra were first received in early September 2014. Section 100(1) of the Local Government Act states, a local government may, by bylaw, permit voting to be done by mail ballot and, in relation to this may permit elector registration to be done in conjunction with this voting. Section 39(1) of the Local Government Act states, Unless otherwise provided, in order for a bylaw under this part (Part 3: Division 2 – Arrangements for Elections), to apply in relation to a general local election, the bylaw must be adopted at least 8 weeks before the first day of the nomination period of a general local election. The first day of the nomination period for the 2014 general local election was September 30, 2014 therefore any amendments to the elections bylaw must have been completed by August 5, 2014. Unfortunately, Belcarra Electors, for the upcoming general location elections, will not be able to vote by mail ballot voting. Alternatives: There are no alternatives. Respectfully submitted, Karen-Ann Cobb Chief Election Officer 8 5.2 COUNCIL REPORT File: 2380-20-4092 MAR Date: October 14, 2014 From: Lynda Floyd, CAO Subject: Highway Encroachment Agreement – 4092 Marine Avenue Recommendation for Consideration: THAT: 1. the issuance of a Highway Encroachment Agreement to the owners of 4092 Marine Avenue authorizing permission to encroach, occupy and maintain existing stairs on municipal lands fronting property located at 4092 Marine Avenue, be approved; and 2. the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Highway Encroachment Agreement for the five year period October 22, 2014 to October 21, 2019. Purpose: To seek authority to execute the Highway Encroachment Agreement with the owners of 4092 Marine Avenue. Background: The Highway Encroachment Agreement between the Village of Belcarra and former owner of 4092 Marine Avenue terminated at the time of the property sale and ownership change. Accordingly the owners are pursuing the necessary steps to obtain Port Metro Vancouver and Village of Belcarra approvals to facilitate ownership changes of the license agreement required by Port Metro and for the Highway Encroachment Agreement. Continued encroachment on municipal lands to occupy and maintain stair access to the high water mark and to enable access to the wharf facility in Bedwell Bay is desired. Alternatives: None suggested. 9 Mayor’s Report Federal Government Designates Admiralty Point ‘Park’ 6.1.1 On Friday, October 17th, the Hon. James Moore (MP, Port Moody‒Westwood‒Port Coquitlam) announced that the Admiralty Point Military Reserve will be officially designated as ‘Park’ and henceforth administered by Parks Canada in collaboration with the Metro Vancouver Parks Department. This announcement is excellent news for both the Tri-Cities communities and Metro Vancouver (MV). The continued use of the former military reserve as ‘park’ in conjunction with Belcarra Regional Park means future generations of Metro Vancouver citizens will be able to enjoy this great natural asset. The Admiralty Point Military Reserve was established in 1860 by Colonel R.C. Moody of the Royal Engineers Columbia Detachment. In 1912, the government reserve was leased to the City of Vancouver for park use, and in 1972 the 99-year lease was assigned to the Greater Vancouver Regional District to be the nucleus of the newly created Belcarra Regional Park. The 99-year lease expired in April 2011, and has been renewed on a year-to-year basis for the past three years while the Federal Government undertook consultation as to the disposition of the land. In March 2013, Belcarra Council wrote to the Federal Government advocating preservation of the Admiralty Point Military Reserve, and to request that the Federal Government transfer the land in perpetuity to MV for park use by future generations of Metro Vancouver’s citizens. Belcarra Council’s letter to Environment Canada was copied to all MV Councils to encourage them to do the same and underscore the importance of preserving the former military reserve for park use by future generations of Metro Vancouver’s citizens. About 14 (two-thirds) of MV’s municipal Councils adopted parallel resolutions and also wrote to Environment Canada to express their views. MV Parks Department staff prepared a report regarding the significance of the Admiralty Point federal land to Belcarra Regional Park, and that report went before the MV Environment & Parks Committee in April 2013. Both the committee and the MV Board endorsed the report, and MV wrote to the Federal Government advocating for transfer of the Admiralty Point Military Reserve to MV for on-going park-use purposes. James Moore worked diligently on this issue over the past two years, and for his untiring effort on this matter I express our collective ‘thanks’ on behalf of Belcarra residents. Ralph Drew Mayor 10 8.1 File: 0460-03 11 12 13 14 15
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