BARMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL - CYNGOR TREF ABERMAW Council Offices / Swyddfa'r Cyngor Dragon Theatre / Theatr y Ddraig Barmouth / Abermaw Gwynedd LL42 Minutes of a meeting of Barmouth Town Council held in the Dragon Theatre at 7.00p.m. on Tuesday 24th March 2015 Present: Councillor J.S. Jones. Councillor M. Harris. Councillor L. Davies. Councillor R. Triggs, Councillor R. Williams. Councillor M. James. Councillor S. Slater. Councillor V. McArdell. Councillor D. Clay. Councillor J. Brooks. Councillor D. Roberts. Councillor T. Roberts In attendance: Sue Phillips Eryl Jones Williams 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillor A, Sanderson. Councillor G, Williams (GCC) 2. DECLARATION OF FINANCIAL INTEREST OR PERSONAL CONNECTION Addendum Item 1 - Councillor J. Brooks 3. MINUTES Minutes from February 2015 approved and signed 4. TO CONSIDER ANY MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA REPORT. Item 3 - Boundary Changes - Mr. Bruce Evans, Hendre Mynach Hotel Councillors asked for an update on this matter. Item 5 - Notice Boards Council Chambers - Mr Dean Edwards was unable to attend meeting Item 9 - 150th Anniversary Barmouth Bridge - Councillor T. Roberts has report Item 9 - B-VAG - Councillors agreed to pay the VAT charge on Small Economic Study Item 15 - Maoi Head - Councillor J. Brooks said the exposure was not as bad as first thought. Some work done to make the Maoi head safe. 5. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chairman had a week's holiday immediately after the February meeting. The last three weeks have been relatively quiet re Council business (though incredibly busy with School Governing) Ysgol y Traeth - Estyn Inspection. Verbal report received, which will be written up before it is sent to the Welsh Office. School has very little to worry about. The written report will be published in May. Attainment in Welsh is considered good & by year 6 pupils equally fluent in English/Welsh. Absenteeism - the school is addressing persistent absenteeism - but there are too many children out of school in term time (on holiday) — this needs to improve. Fines will be introduced probably in September. A letter has been sent to all parents. Councillor L. Davies felt that 1 Barmouth should be considered a special case as it is a tourist area. Many parents need to work all season so are unable to take their children away during school holidays. Councillor J.S. Jones said that parents can request up to lOdays (this is not an entitlement - and if granted this would not be considered unreported absenteeism. If parents were granted these days and took more they would be fined for the extra days taken. If fines were unpaid could be taken to court. Report due in May. The Chairman thanked Councillor R. Triggs for arranging the Beach clean-up 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS C15/0173/00/LL - Erection of single storey extension and external alteration to dwelling Location: Cae Glas, Llanaber, Barmouth, LL42 1YT - NO OBJECTIONS Cl 5/0051/00/LL - Removal of condition 8 from planning permission reference 09M/0060/00/LL - relating to the completion of the estate road and lighting Location: Plots 31-32 Fford Pentre Mynach, Barmouth, LL42 1EN Councillor's object to the removal of Condition 8 until work is carried out satisfactorily. C14/0840/00/LL - Replacement of static caravan with a single storey detach dwelling to include associated parking Location: Winchester Caravan, Church Lane, Llanaber, Barmouth, LL42 1AZ Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 78|(i) Appeal. Councillors agreed to re send original comments objecting to this application. C15/0170/00/LL - Creation of new door opening and extending existing metal staircase. Location: Flat 3, Pembroke House, The Quay, Barmouth, LL42 1ET NO OBJECTIONS C15/0195/00/LL - Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling Location: Tremora, Llanaber, Barmouth, Gwynedd, LL42 1AJ NO OBJECTIONS C15/0135/00/LL - Renew and enlarge existing balcony to side and front of dwelling Location: Penrallt Bungalow, A496 from Church Street, Barmouth to road by Glan y Mawddach, Barmouth, KK42 1TB C15/0257/00/LL - Erection of two detached garages Location: Swyn y Dail, Barmouth, LL42 IDT NO OBJECTIONS 7. FINANCE a. To receive a report from the Finance Sub Committee Recommend Council approve Annual Accounts APPROVED b. To receive monthly finance management reports NOTED c. To approve payment of Accounts All payments approved Clerks Salary Alan Mercer Football Pitch Maintenance Invoice KET Design - Annual update fee for 2015 Invoice Mantell Gwynedd Admin Fee and Member £225 £83 £150.00 £210.00 d. To receive any requests for financial support 2 NONE RECEIVED 8. FORWARD PLANNING SUB COMMITTEE Item 2 — corrected date Item 4 - Toilet Block - land to the side of the building not included in the offer - ask to reconsider - the land is untidy and unkempt. Use of building - initial plan to lease to Ysgol y Traeth for storage - if this ended would want to have the freedom to choose what the building would be used for - would notify Gwynedd County Council of any future change of use. 150th Anniversary of Barmouth Bridge 2017 - no major works planned for the bridge for that period of time. Viaduct will be closed February 2016 for work to be done. Some ideas were discussed for the format of any celebrations. B-VAG - meeting arranged with John Pritchard regarding questionnaire for the Economic Study. 9. GWYNEDD COUNCILLORS REPORT Councillor G. Williams not present - asked the Chairman to raise the following items Ysgol y Gader Catchment area. Would close all existing schools and open brand new School for 3-16 year olds. Four pages of comments some of which were objections. Existing document went to Gwynedd County Council. Councillor J.S. Jones will send original report with Barmouth Town Councils comments/objections again. Proprietors of Bendi-gedig would like to use Talbot Square for activities. Councillor G. Williams already given Gwynedd County Council aspect. Councillors concerned that Talbot Square is a public place - how long would activities last and what form would they take. Regeneration Officer had suggested QR Codes/Maps placed in Car Parks which would give information about towns. Toll House - Dafydd Wynn Williams meeting with Network Rail to clarify boundaries and access also ownership of Toll House. Parking Premium - Statutory Notices - car parking charges increase from 1st April 2015 Didn't include notice of Parking Premium - this will now start in July. Colin Jones has asked for wording on signs. Parking Premium not to apply to annual tickets Pontoon - Gwynedd County Council have agreed to pay for the repairs need to put the pontoon back in place. Council Tax - Gwynedd County Council are receiving £5million less - Council tax will need to increase if Gwynedd County Council are to maintain services. Sand Clearance - Huge bags of sand will be deposited on main section of beach to divert sand at suggestion of Engineer. Councillors would like clarification from Councillor G. Williams. Storm Damage North Prom Wall - being rebuilt April/May 2015 - repair damaged Sections. Promenade Cafe - damaged pipe pulled away since storm 2014 - spoken to Engineers - they will be removing whole pipe. 10. NOTICE OF AND REPORT FROM REPRESENTATIVES ON EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS Harbour Users Committee Traffic calming - Report being prepared Visitors moorings - there is 1 working visitors mooring - suggestion of twinning with Arklow they would have to moor against wall or on ground. Councillors request write to Barry Davies to ask about visitors moorings Procedures to follow 3 Peaks Yacht Race - 27th June 2015 Paddle Sports - 677th June 2015 Applied for Blue Flag Ferry Applications in - not granted yet — could be delays in issuing Ferry licenses - boats have to be inspected. Residents Association Beach Clean - 42 bags of rubbish were collected Access Group - raised the issue of A Boards and Street furniture. Congratulated Barmouth Town Council for raising this issue. Railway Timetable - new timetable 17th May 2015 - Friday night train will run every day - trains will run every two hours with good connections on to Shrewsbury. Keeping 5 through trains to Birmingham International. Last train will run lOminutes later. There will 20 new jobs created. 4 new buses Harlech - Oakley Arms will connect. 11. OTHER CORRESPONDENCE/LETTERS RNLI Signs - these would be information signs - phone number for Coastguard RNLI would pay for the signs. No Council action required Wales in Bloom - ask Barmouth in Bloom if they are interested in applying Barmouth Post Office - the post office will be closed for refurbishment on the 20th April 2015 at 16:00 and reopen on the 29th April 2015 at 13:00. There is a letter available at the Post Office with details of other local Post Offices. Dark Sky - Ty Siamas 22nd April 2015 12. CUMBERLAND PLACE Andrew Board/Network Rail unable to hold meeting till end of April - dates 23r or 30th April. To be held in Dragon Theatre. Full of apologies about how Cumberland Place crossing was closed. Councillors suggest date 23rd April 2015. Format will be drop in. Councillors agreed to help with publicity. Councillor T. Roberts said that the intention is to close one crossing. 13. WEBCAMS Point Webcam is still broken - could be cables or camera and there is no way to check without going on roof of Harbourmasters Office. Harbourmaster can't do this without the permission of Barry Davies. Letter has been sent to Barry Davies - waiting for response. Barmouth own the cameras — Gwynedd County Council supply the links. Dean Edwards of KET sent list of corrections - 1 done so far. Suggested hire cherry picker from R.J. Electrics to examine camera. Proposed Councillor J. Brooks Seconded Councillor L. Davies 14. PUBWATCH Councillor M. Harris will look into ways Barmouth Town Council can help 15. LAST HAUL RAILINGS Councillor J. Brooks sourced a supply of railings at a more economical price and asked for Barmouth Town Councils approval. Councillors agreed by email Actions confirmed. 16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Reverend Kevin Horswell - The rumours about the changes in the parish and the possible implications for Mr Horswell were briefly discussed and the Chairman was asked to contact the diocesan officer requesting clarity about the situation. 17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 28th April 2015 Signed: srfti&tf. ,\fcr. F Chairman
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