October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 19, 2014
Twenty-ninth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
St. Bernard Church
415 Tower Hill Road,
North Kingstown, R. I. 02852
A Stewardship Parish
The church is located at 275 Tower Hill Road.
Rev. John E. Unsworth, Pastor
Pastoral Assistant: Angelo Giacchi
Sundays: Rev. Albino Barrera, OP
Rev. Charles Maher
Administrative Asst.: Jane Allen
Mass Schedules
Saturday Vigil ~ 5:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
8:00 AM
Monday through Friday
Parish Center:
Phone #:
Fax #:
415 Tower Hill Road
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM
Please visit us on the web:
Please call the Parish Center for
information about scheduling and
to the Sick:
Please notify us of those sick and
in need of Communion at home.
Please call 10 months in advance.
Holy Orders:
Tel: 401-831-8011
Project Rachel:
Post abortion counseling
Tel: 401-421-7833, ext. 118
Sacrament of
Saturdays 4:00 PM ~ 4:30 PM
Following Tuesday’s 8:00 AM Mass
until 12:00 Noon
Music Ministry:
Alison Shea, Director
Family Faith Formation Program:
This family based program provides parishioners of
all ages opportunities for learning, growing and living
our Faith through common experiences, age-specific
learning and interactive sharing and is designed for
families with children in grades 1 through 7. Our
Confirmation Program accepts students in grades 8
and 9, but any high school student is welcome. For
information contact SBC.GOF@verizon.net .
Dawn Masterson, Director of Faith Formation
Deborah Fortin, Faith Formation Office Manager
“Continuing The Mission”,
The Campaign For St. Bernard Church
Back at the end of June we concluded the major
phase of our Capital Campaign to raise $2 for the
construction of a new Parish Hall and Parish Center. We are very proud of the fact that we have
raised almost 80% of that goal ($1.55 million)
through the donations and pledges of our very generous parishioners. We are truly grateful for the
320 Families who have already participated in the
Campaign, and now we are re-opening the Campaign to ask the more than 300 of our contributing
parishioners who have not yet participated in the
Campaign to help us so that we can finally reach
our goal.
What progress have we made so far? As of this
date we have accomplished the following:
1. We have secured the contractual services of
the architectural firm of Durkee Brown
Werenfels and Viveiros (who also designed
the Church) and they are presently preparing
final design plans so that we can go out to
bid on the project as soon as possible – we
hope by the end of the year.
2. We have met with DEM and requested permission to proceed with the plan. We need
their approval because of the wetland issues
on the property. We are also working with
Town officials for permission to build near
an existing historic cemetery, which is a requirement.
3. The final, and most challenging part of the
project is, or course, the funding. Because of
the large debt ($1.6 million) from the con-
struction of the church, we will not be
given permission to borrow any funds.
This means that, if we are unable to afford the total cost of the project, then we
will have to modify it. Most likely, if we
do not have all the funds, we will scale
the project down and only build the Parish Hall and Parish Offices, leaving the
classrooms to be built at a later time.
It is difficult to say at this time what the
final result will be. We will first need to see
the results of the bidding process, choose a
contractor and then negotiate the final price for
the project.
We have invited many of our parishioners
to attend a series of “Informational Receptions” to help them learn more about the project and how they can participate in it. Please
consider making time to help us build a future
for our parish by contributing to this Parish
Center. It will be a source of community and
unity for all of us and will help our strong and
vibrant community of Faith continue to serve
God’s people for generations to come.
Please pray for the success of our Campaign
and, if you have not yet made a donation or
pledge (we are asking a 5 year pledge of
$5,000 or $75/month – or whatever you are
able to pledge) then please contact the Parish
Office of use one of the envelopes located in
the pews of the Church.
Fr. Jack
Pierre & Sue LaPerriere, co-chairs of the Campaign
Mark Bamford, chair, Finance Council
Tom Orsi, chair, Building Committee
We welcome new parishioners to St. Bernard Parish. If you are new to the area
and would like to register in the parish, please call the Parish office (295-0387).
There is a lot to get involved in here and we would love to have you join us.
Upcoming Meetings
MONDAY, October 20:
8:00 AM – Elfrieda & Francis Haggarty & sons
by Arlene Gardiner
TUESDAY, October 21:
8:00 AM – Deceased of the Parish
WEDNESDAY, October 22:
8:00 AM – Steve & Elsie Knapik
by Virginia Dilick
THURSDAY, October 23:
8:00 AM – Daniel Murphy
by James & Laura Murphy
FRIDAY, October 24:
8:00 AM – Crisanta Raynon
by her family & friends
SATURDAY, October 25:
5:00 PM – Patrick McShane by his daughter
SUNDAY, October 26:
7:00 AM – Deceased of the Parish
Confirmation, Church
2:00 pm
Teen Choir, Church
7:15 pm
Bible Study, Parish Center
RCIA, Parish Center
9:30 am
6:30 pm
Children’s Choir, Church
5:00 pm
Thurs. Adult Choir, Church
Legion of Mary, Parish Center
7:00 pm
10:00 am
Knights Corner
1265 Tower Hill Road,
North Kingstown, RI
The Knights of Columbus Hall
is available to rent at very reasonable rates
for various functions such as graduation/
birthday parties, weddings, baby showers,
anniversaries and funeral collations.
Room for up to 130 with plenty of parking.
Call 295-0507 for rates and details.
8:30 AM – Elda Coppa by her family
10:30 AM – Augustus Kern by his family
Please take a moment to reflect on the
men and women who are pictured on the
board in the meditation area. Please keep
them and their families in your prayers. PARISH SUPPORT
Oct. 11/12
Online Giving
Through 06/30/14
Prev. Year
$8725 (Month of Sept.)
St. Bernard offers parishioners the opportunity to make their contributions through Online
Giving. Visit www.SBCWickford.org.
Click on “Support your Parish” then click on
the link for OSV Online Giving link and follow the prompts.
Many companies offer matching funds for
donations to non-profit organizations. Your
company might match your donation to St.
Bernard! Please find out if your company has
this policy.
Online Giving
We offer an online option that complements our offering envelope use. By signing up to give your
weekly offertory and special collections online, you
will help the parish more accurately forecast our finances and plan more strategically. Online Giving is
a safe, secure and dependable means of income for
the parish. Visit www.SBCWickford.org, click on
“Support your Parish” and follow the link to OSV,
Online Giving.
Bulletin Submission
E-mail parishcenter@sbcwickford.org with
bulletin materials The deadline for submission
is Monday by 5:00 pm.
Please drop off your GOOD, USED
COATS at the Parish Center at 415
Tower Hill Road to be distributed to
those in need.
For more information or to help, please contact us
at ParishCenter@SBCWickford.org or 2950387
thanks to all who helped make our first "Art
Walk" a success at this year's Parish Festival. A
very special thanks to the artists who generously
contributed their work. Keep your paint and brushes
ready! Plans are already underway for next years "
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the 5th annual
Gala Auction on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at
6pm at the Quonset 'O' Club. Please come spend
"a night by the bay" filled with a nautical atmosphere, dinner, a silent auction, live auction pieces
and great company. It will be a night to remember.
Bible Study: "
The Nativity of Jesus", a four week
bible study from Little Rock Scripture Study, began
on Tuesday October 7th from 9:30-11:00 in the Parish Center. We read and discussed the early chapters from the Gospels according to Matthew and
Luke concerning the birth of Christ. For more information contact Deborah McCoy as soon as possible
at 486-4394 or dlmccoy@cox.net to register. A donation of $14 is suggested.
Holy Hour for Vocations: Please join Bishop Tobin in prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the
Diocese of Providence as he presides at the monthly
Holy Hour for Vocations on Thursday, October 23 at
6:30 PM at St. Joseph Church, 1200 Mendon Road,
Woonsocket. .
Prout School Open House will be held Sunday,
November 2 from 1:00pm-4:00pm. The Prout entrance exam will be held on December 6th &13th at
8:30am at Prout. For more information, please
contact Admissions at 789-9262, Ext 515 or
Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Weekends: The
women’s retreat weekends at Our Lady of Calvary
are gentle, welcoming and uniquely designed to
meet the needs of women wherever you may find
yourself on your spiritual journey. For more information, call 398-7433 or 294-9022.
The Music Corner
It's Time For Children's Choir
Practice begins October 22nd from 5-5:45
pm in the church. Open to ages 5-12, We'll
be getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If
your child loves to sing we would love to have them
in our group and, yes we work with non-readers also.
Please see Alison Shea in the music area of the
church if you have any questions.
Always looking for more voices!!
Teen Choir practices on Monday Nights from 7:158:15 in the church. ages 12-up
Adult Choir practices on Thursday Nights from
7:00-8:30 in the church. Looking Especially for
Male Voices to join.
Sunday Community Dinners
The Sunday Community Dinners will be held at the
Main Street. Dinners are served at 1 p.m. and are
open to all, FREE. St. Bernard’s will be providing
the meal today, October 19 and on November 16
and December 14. If you would like to help, call
Chris Kosak at 294-2885 or the Parish Center at
Emmanuel House Homeless Shelter is always in
need of new socks, bath towels, and backpacks.
Now thanks to new beds and laundry facilities they
are also in need of twin sized bedding. Please drop
larger items at the Parish Center. Contact Jane at
ParishCenter@SBCWickford.org or 295-0387 for
more information.
The North Kingstown Food Pantry is in need
of tuna, peanut butter, jelly and all nonperishable lunch items and snacks! Drop off
your donations in the entry-way of Church or at
the Parish Center.
Gentle-Option for the Poor & Stewardship
Luke 18:15-17—Jesus Blesses the Children
Saturday, November 15th - 9:00—10:30 am
Sunday, November 16th -12-1:30 pm
Monday, November 17th -5:30-7 pm
Please come to class with a donated item for
Our goal is 120 items. This will fill 30 backpacks
over the entire school year.
“Blessings in a Backpack” provides food to local
elementary school-aged children in the NK school
district, who might otherwise have little to eat on
the weekend. Individualized microwavable meals
from Campbells, Chef Boyardee, Kraft Mac &
Cheese, and Dinty Moore. This is a great opportunity to Bee Gentle!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children between the ages of 4 and 11 are welcome
to join us each week for the Children’s Liturgy of
the Word at the 10:30 Mass. Children are dismissed to the Gathering Space for the readings and
a “child friendly” homily. They return to their families at the collection.
We congratulate the 43 young men and women
of our parish who will receive the fullness of
the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation this today, (Sunday) at 2:00 PM. We pray
that the power of the Holy Spirit, conferred upon them this weekend by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence, will guide and direct
their future lives.
Jessica Antaya
Emma Rose Asher
Ashley Baierlein
Megan Barden
Rachel Bedard
Bay Ann Bode
Joseph Cofield
Mary Cofield
Michaela Comolli
Charles Compton
Juliana Daggett
Abigail Dailey
Jonathan DeAngelis
Chase DeGregory
Domenique DeMaio
Rose Dowden
Emily Dugan
Ryan Ferreira
Mark Halloran
Timothy Healey
Agnes Hicks
Sean Jackson
Michaela LaCroix
Brianna Leite
Elena Leite
Gianna Leite
Colleen McKenna
Jessica Moniz
Michael Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Nicolette Naya
Rachel Petrone
Grace Rathbun
Jacob Rizzi
Nicholas Ruggieri
Thomas Sacchetti
Benjamin Schapira
Sydney Smeals
Kate Sullivan
Anthony Ucci
Stephanie Warila
Nathan Wilhelm
Joseph Zingarelli
Important Dates:
Confirmation 3 Students:
October 19th: Confirmation Mass at the Church at 2 pm
Confirmation 1 & 2 Students: October 26th: Sacramental Preparation Classes at the Church
Conf. 1: 5-6 pm
Conf. 2: 6:15-7:15 pm
Reminder: Confirmation Candidates are required to sign in to record their attendance at weekly Mass in the
book located in the gathering space. If you attend Mass at a different church, please return a signed
bulletin to the Parish Center on a regular basis.
First Eucharist 1 & 2:
October 26th: Sacramental Preparation Classes begin at the Parish Center 9-10:00 am