Agenda Planning Committee 0745 Registration and Continental Breakfast Sheryl Krause, RN, MS, CEN, ACNS-BC 0815 Introductions and Overview 0830 Abdominal Pain: The Ticking Time Bomb Michael Halberg, MD, FACEP 0930 What’s New in Anticoagulants? Nathan Sippel, PharmD, BCPS 1000 Break 1015 Geriatrics in the ED: A Rose by Any Other Name... Jayne McGrath, RN, MS, CCRN, CEN, CNS-BC Kim McPhee, MS, RN-BC Michele Schroeder, PhD, RN, CPNP Advancing Emergency Care Current Trends and Topics Contact Hours 5.75 contact hours have been awarded for this program. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Wisconsin Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Carrie Bennett, MS, RN, GCNS-BC 1115 Lunch 1200 Care of the Intoxicated Patient: Legal Dilemmas Joseph Hanes, JD Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your practice through education, network with other emergency nurses, and attend the Wisconsin ENA State Council meeting! 1300 Break 1315 Traumatic Brain Hemorrhage and the Impact of Location Joshua Medow, MD, MS, FAANS, FACS 1415 Burn Management: Initial Treatment/Triage Cindy Schmitz, RN, MS, ANP 1515 Evaluations 1545 Wisconsin State ENA meeting The Wisconsin Emergency Nursing Association (ENA) State Council meeting will be held at 3:45 p.m. immediately following the conference. All ENA members and non-members are invited and encouraged to attend! Sponsored by St. Mary’s Hospital and University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Epic Campus Andromeda Building Delphi Room 1979 Milky Way Verona, Wisconsin Purpose Presenters REGISTER NOW! Space is limited! This conference will focus on current trends and topics relevant to emergency nurses in today’s fast-paced patient care environment. Carrie Bennett, MS, RN, GCNS-BC Geriatric Clinical Nurse Specialist Meriter Hospital Please register by Nov. 7. Event is Nov. 12 Target Audience Michael Halberg, MD, FACEP Emergency nurses, nursing students and EMS providers Objectives At the conclusion of this educational offering, the participant will be able to: a Identify diagnostic and treatment priorities for patients with abdominal pain a Discuss benefits and risks of novel oral anticoagulant medications a Identify two interventions to increase patient safety and satisfaction in geriatric patients a Describe strategies for promoting patient safety and patient rights when caring for an intoxicated patient a Discuss the potential complications and outcomes of a brain hemorrhage based on the anatomic location a Summarize the evidence supporting the initial apporach to managing the patient with partial and full-thickness layer burns For more information Contact Jayne McGrath: 608-890-9098 or Emergency Services Medical Director St. Mary’s Hospital Joseph Hanes, JD Senior Staff Attorney SSM-Wisconsin and Dean Clinic Joshua Medow, MD, MS, FAANS, FACS Director of Neurocritical Care UW Hospital & Clinics Nathan Sippel, PharmD, BCPS Pharmacist UW-Madison Hospital & Clinics Cindy Schmitz, RN, MS, ANP Burn Service Nurse Practitioner UW Hospital & Clinics $35 includes continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon refreshments. Parking is free. Carpooling is encouraged. Confirmations: All registrations will be confirmed by email and include directions to Epic. If you do not receive a confirmation email, call 608-263-6490. Cancellations must be received in writing or by email no later than Nov. 7 in order to receive a refund. Substitutions are welcome. Please print: Name/Credentials _____________________ ____________________________________ Address _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Phone (_____) _______________________ Email _______________________________ Please note: There is significant distance from the parking area to the conference room. If you would like assistance from the parking area to the conference room or have other special requests, please indicate here: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ $35 fee may be paid online or sent by U.S. mail: By credit card online: Click on Nursing Education, then select Advancing Emergency Care: Current Trends and Topics. By check, made payable to UWHC, and mailed to: Nursing Education & Development UW Hospital & Clinics Attn: Heidi Miller wUWHC mail code 9305 600 Highland Ave Madison, WI 53792-9305
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