Wednesday Night Meals October 2014 Saturday, October 4 5:00 pm Senior Adult Hay Ride at Raymond & Nancy Moody’s Sunday, October 5 Sign up for Church Pictorial Directory Begins 9:15 am Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:00 pm JaM Kids Choir to Sing In Evening Worship Sunday, October 12 Missions Emphasis Sunday 10:30 am Guest Speaker 6:00 pm Guest Speaker Mission Sessions October 1 Spaghetti & Meatballs Salad Fruit Cobbler Bread Sticks Wednesdays @ 4:45 pm October 8 Fried Chicken Oven Roasted Potatoes Pinto Beans Slaw Banana Pudding Kids: Chicken Nuggets October 15 Ham Mac & Cheese Green Beans Slaw Apple Crunch October 22 Parmesan Chicken Baked Potatoes Salad Pecan Cobbler October 29 Meatloaf Black Eyed Peas Carrots Slaw Cake Kids: Pizza Kids: Corndog Nuggets French Fries Kids: Pizza Sticks Sympathy Wedding Invitation The Staff and Church Family of West Jackson express our sincerest Sunday, October 19 Missions Emphasis Sunday sympathy to: 10:30 am Noon 6:00 pm Lord’s Supper 5th & 6th Grade Mission Luncheon Mission Sessions Saturday, October 25 6:00 pm Youth Fellowship at the Barkley’s Sunday, October 26 Missions Emphasis Sunday 10:30 am JaM Kids Choir Sing in AM 6:00 pm Mission Sessions Wednesday, October 29 6:00 pm All Stars for Jesus HERO Night Friday, October 31 6:00 pm Mr. David Lundebo Grant & Jessica Smallwood and family in the loss of her grandfather, Joe Maddox; Request your presence at the wedding of their children Morgan Elyse Barron To Dora Bivens and family in the death of her husband, Wade Bivens; Solomon Nathaniel Lundebo Josh & Vickie Cochran and family in the death of her grandmother, Kathryn Morgan; Two thousand and fourteen At four o’clock in the afternoon West Jackson Street Baptist Church 1349 West Jackson Street Sunday School Morning Worship JaM Kids Choir Evening Worship Wednesdays 10:30 AM Morning Bible Study 4:45 PM Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 PM Adult Prayer Service Adult Worship Choir Crown Financial Class “33” The Series Men’s Study Beth Moore Women’s Study Youth Worship All Stars for Jesus Welcome New Members: Philip Ritchey Stephanie Ritchey Tupelo, Mississippi Staff Anniversaries & Birthdays ANNIVERSARY October 6—Rickey Hester BIRTHDAY October 20—Chris O’Daniel October 28—Steven McMorris Year to Date Contributions Year to Date 2014 August 3 General Fund Budget $24,963 General Fund Receipts 27,009 Over/Under 2,046 Building Fund Receipts 770 Designated Receipts 1,108 August 10 $24,963 18,784 (6,179) 770 2,207 A Monthly Publication of West Jackson Street Baptist Church August 17 $24,963 18,474 (6,489) 1,330 5,933 August 24 $24,963 19,294 (5,669) 6,116 2,759 *September’s totals will be published in the November’s Newsletter August 31 August 2014 Year to Date $24,963 $124,815 $873,705 27,591 111,152 734,235 2,628 (13,663) (139,470) 445 9,431 33,085 1,453 13,461 140,516 October 2014 A Word from the Pastor... Passion for the World. When Jesus left this world He gave the disciples one last command. In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His disciples, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” We are to be witnesses. You know what a witness is supposed to do? Speak. Testify. A witness is supposed to speak. They are supposed to speak about what they have seen and heard. That is our job. We are to be witnesses. We are to be witnesses about Jesus, His work, His salvation, His Word, and His plan for man. On Saturday, the eleventh of October Barry & Jane Cox and family in the death of her brother James Mack Trunk-n-Treat Rowland. Regular Schedule Sundays 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Mr. & Mrs. Terry Barron and Outreach This month we will take a few weeks to focus on our mission. Our mission is to be a witness. Sometimes when we think about “missions” we think about a trip, a committee, or a specific event. In reality, missions is not a “thing”. We do not “do missions”. We are “on mission.” Our Lord has sent us into the world, so that we can tell the world about Him. Please make plans to be a part of this special emphasis as we focus on being a people who are sent. Join us as we look to weave missions into the DNA of our lives. Join us as we grow in our PASSION for the World. Let’s live on mission! Bro. Keith Keith Cochran Pastor @keithwcochran October 12th-26th Be sure to join us Sundays and Wednesdays, October 12-26 as we focus on living our lives as a people who have been sent with a mission. We will focus on our mission through worship services, equipping breakout options, and strategic partnerships to help us grow in our PASSION for the World. Sunday, October 12 Guest Speaker: Mike Curry Mike will be with us for the morning & evening services. Sunday, October 19 Lord’s Supper in Morning Service. 5th & 6th Grade Missions Luncheon after service. Missions Break-Out Sessions in Evening Service. Sunday, October 26 Missions worship celebration in Morning Service led by the Adult & Kids Choirs. Missions Break-Out Sessions in Evening Service. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” HUNGER · LOVE · PASSION Church Wide Events Preschool & Children Lisa Hofmister, Director of Preschool & Children · 5th & 6th Grade Mission Luncheon What: BBQ Plates (includes BBQ, slaw, chips & drink) When: Sunday, October 19 Cost: $8 per person ($25 max per family) Where: Fellowship Hall To Benefit: Cebu Children’s Home, Cebu, Philippines Tickets will be available at the Welcome Center beginning October 5! Dates to Remember theOutreach October 5th October 19th October 26th October 29th October 31st November 19th November 23rd December 8th December 14th December 17th December 24th/31st October 2014 West Jackson Street Baptist Church 1349 West Jackson Street Tupelo, MS 38801 CHURCH LEAGUE BASKETBALL All age divisions for boys, girls, men, and ladies. Cost is $45 per person. Sign-up deadline is Sunday, October 5. 1-2 Grade Girls 3-5 Grade Girls 6-8 Grade Girls 9-12 Grade Girls 1-2 Grade Boys 3-4 Grade Boys 5-6 Grade Boys 7-8 Grade Boys 9-12 Grade Boys Men’s Fastbreak Men’s Slowbreak Ladies Please pay fee at time of registration. Coaches are needed for each team. If there is not enough to register for a division, we will not have that team. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Fill out envelope with your name, phone number, and the correct basketball division. - Include cash or check made out to WJSBC for $45. - Place in box or give to Bro. Chris Church Pictorial Directory November 13-16 Appointments can be scheduled in the Lobby October 5-29. You may schedule appointments before and after Morning Worship and on Wednesday nights. Check our website for online sign up as well. STAFF Keith Cochran Pastor Chris O’Daniel Minister of Students Kids Choir leading PM worship 5th/6th Grade Mission Luncheon Kids Choir singing in AM worship All Stars HERO Night WJ Trunk-n-Treat OCC Praise & Packing Party PS JaM Performing @ Banquet CD JaM @ the Christmas Parade Prison Angel Tree Deadline Kids Party NO ASFJ Clubs Students Chris O’Daniel, Student Minister · · @chris_odaniel OCTOBER PRAYER BREAKFAST Steven McMorris Minister of Worship Sunday morning before Sunday School October 5, 9:15 AM Lisa Hofmister Preschool Director YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Find Us Online! Like us on Facebook! wjsbctupelo Follow us on Twitter! @wjsbctupelo Saturday, October 25 – 6:00-8:00pm At Tony and Debbie Barkley’s 127 Road 1552, Mooreville Food and drinks provided. Youth bring chips/desserts. Worship Steven McMorris, Minister of Worship · · @sbmcmorris Save the Date! Joy of Christmas 2014 December 13 & 14 · 6 pm Christmas will be here soon! Make plans to join us for this awesome annual Christmas celebration featuring the West Jackson Worship Choir & Band, and the JAM Kids Choir!
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