TENTATIVE PROGRAMME Day 1: 24 October 2012 (FRIDAY) 09:00 – 10:30 AM Venue: Little Theater OPENING SESSION National Anthem Interfaith Prayer Welcome Remarks Dr. Rosario O. Lapus, President of Miriam College Summit Objectives and Session Flow Prof. Aurora de Dios, WAGI Executive Director Convener’s Speech Former Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani Keynote Speech Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan, Commissioner, CHED 10:30-10:45 BREAK 10:45 – 12:30 NN Venue: Little Theater PLENARY SESSION Moderator: Prof. Tesa de Vela, IS Department, Miriam College Gender, Peace and Security: How Far Have Women Gone? Speakers: Sec. Teresita Quintos Deles / Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer Young Women’s Voices: Hopes and Aspirations on Beijing+20 Ms. May-i Fabros, Youth Commissioner, Philippine Commission on Women Gender in Post-2015 Agenda Dr. Carol Sobritchea, University of the Philippines OPEN FORUM 12:30 – 2:00 PM Lunch Break 2:00 – 3:30 PM PARALLEL/SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS Session 1: Feminist Perspectives in Gender, Peace and Security Venue: Lecture Room 1 Ms. Amina Rasul, PCID, WPT Prof Aurora de Dios, WAGI Ms, Indai Sajor, Gender Adviser on Peace & Devt Program Session 2: Media & ICT updates: Implications to Young Women Venue: Lecture Room 2 Ms. Chat Ramilo, APC Ms. Lisa Garcia, FMA Ms. Ma. Ivy Castillo, Anti-Cybercrime Group Session 3: Poverty & Economy Venue: Lecture Room 3 Moderator: Ms. Luz Maria Martinez, Social Work Dept Dr. Rosalinda Ofreneo, UP CSWCD USEC Florencia Dorotan, NAPC Dir. Erlinda Capones, NEDA Session 4: Violence Against Women and Access to Justice Venue: Lecture Room 4 Ms. Jelen Paclarin, WLB DSWD 3:30 – 5:00PM Implementation of Reproductive Health Law Dr. Junice Melgar, LIKHAAN Institutional Mechanisms in Implementing BPfA: Key Issues and Challenges Ms. Emmeline Verzosa, Executive Director of Philippine Commission on Women PARALLEL/SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS Session 5: Strengthening Women’s Participation in Peace Building Venue: Viewing Room 1 Moderator: Dr. Maria Paz Manaligod Speakers: Ms. Josephine Perez, GZO Session 6: Media & ICT updates: Implications to Young Women Venue: Lecture Room 2 (Continuing session) Session 7: LBT & Feminism: Identity, Affinity, & Politics Venue: Viewing Room 2 Moderator: Prof. Tesa de Vela, IS Department Miriam College Speakers: Prof. Maureen Pagaduan, UP CSWCD Ms. Angie Umbac, Rainbow Rights Day 2: 25 October 2014 (SATURDAY) 8:30 – 12:30 NN PLENARY SESSION Venue: ESI Gender in Humanitarian Response Ms. Gloria Steele, USAID Mission Director of the Philippines Women in Power & Decision-Making: Are Women There Yet? Involving Women in Regional Economic Programs: APEC, ASEAN Ambassador Delia Albert OPEN FORUM 12:30 -2:00 Lunch Break 2:00 – 3:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS/SIMULTAENEOUS SESSIONS Session 1: The Role of the Youth and the Academe in Peace Building Venue: Viewing Room 1 Ms. Amina Rasul, PCID, WPT Fr. Eliseo Mercado, OMI Notredame University, UP Islamic Studies Session 2: Power and Decision-Making Venue: Viewing Room 2 Ms. Elizabeth Yang, PILIPINA Session 3: Women’s Health and SRHR Venue: Viewing Room 3 Ms. Princess Nemenzo, WOMAN Health Atty. Claire Padilla, EnGendeRights Session 4: CEDAW & Human Rights Venue: Viewing Room 4 Atty. Amparita Sta. Maria, Ateneo Human Rights Center 3:30-5:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS/SIMULTAENEOUS SESSIONS Session 5: The Role of the Youth and the Academe in Peace Building (Continuing session) Venue: Viewing Room 1 Session 6: Environment, Climate Change Disaster and Mitigation Venue: Lecture Room 1 Moderator: Ms. Luz Maria Martinez, Social Work Dept. Speakers: Dr. Donna T. Reyes, ESI Jing Pura/Clem Novales, Oxfam Philippines Session 7: Girl Child Venue: Lecture Room 2 Ms. Virginia Verora, Gender Country Adviser, Plan International Session 8: ASEAN Economic Integration: Impact on Women Migrant Workers Lecture Room 3 Prof. Aurora de Dios, WAGI Ms. Ellene Sana, Executive Director, CMA 5:00 – 6:00 Closing Venue: Environmental Studies Institute
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