14 — OCTOBER 22, 2014, THE JEFFERSON STAR Reach Jefferson • Clark • Bingham Counties – Call 745-8701 ADVERTISERS are requested to CHECK the FIRST appearance of classified ads for corrections. If there are mistakes, notify us immediately. We will make changes for errors if we receive notice before 5 p.m. on Friday the first week the ad is published. We do not accept liability for any other damages which may result from an error or omission in an ad. All ad copy must be approved by the newspaper, which reserves the right to request changes, reject or properly classify an ad. The advertiser and not the newspaper is responsible for the truthful content of the ad. Advertising is also subject to credit approval. 745-8701 THE JEFFERSON STAR The deadline for a classified ad to be included in *The Star Plus is Friday at noon. *Space available basis 2 Announcements THE 6TH ANNUAL FALL INTO THE HOLIDAYS CRAFT FAIR - Is moving its location to Idaho Falls High School. Saturday, November 8th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call Kate 351-9344 or kateclinger@hotmail.com. 2-6hs-e10/29 Journeyʼs Activity Center. Reserve your booth by calling 419-8479. 2-5hs-e10/29 KB VARIETY THRIFT STORE RIGBY - East on Hwy 48 by Webster Produce. New dressers $95. School clothes, Leviʼs $1, Shirts 50¢. Lots of knick knacks, kitchen items and many more! New items put out everyday. Kids side-by-side 125cc $1,500, new. Call 716-7008. 2-5hs-10/29 Lost and Found 4 LOST – MALE, SIBERIAN HUSKY 9 months old. White and tan. Lost near 4500 E. 280 N. on 10/2/14. Reward. Was a companion dog. Was wearing shock/vibration collar. Call Lamont 538-7918. 4-3hs-e10/29 LOST LARGE BLACK CAT MALE – Missing front leg. Lost on Saturday, Oct. 4th from State Street area, Rigby. Please call 745-7600. 4-3hs-e10/22 LOST DOG OR WANTING TO ADOPT? Please call Mountain River Veterinary Hospital. 3745 E. County Line Rd. 745-5003 Evening calls welcome! HAS 4 FULL TIME OPENINGS - It is a smaller more personal daycare. All meals and snacks provided. References available. Sela Parsons 351-1722. 11-5hs-e11/5 12 Help Wanted YELLOWSTONE LUMBER IS HIRING A CASHIER/ sales person to work Saturdays and possibly some weekdays. This will be a long term position. Please do not apply if looking for temporary work. Pick up an application at 272 N. Yellowstone Hwy. in Rigby. 208745-8983. 12-3hs10/29 SNAKE RIVER PERFORMANCE.COM - Is looking for a full-time Customer Service Rep. in Rigby. Applicant must be ambitious, detail oriented, and possess problem solving skills. Phone, Internet, and computer skills a must. Diesel knowledge, Photoshop and Excel skills preferred. Flexibility in hours, Pay will be a base plus commission depending on experience. E-mail application to info@snakeriverper formance.com. 12-3hs-e10/22 PART TIME POSITION AVAILABLE AT JEFFERSON COUNTY - Treasurerʼs Office 14 hrs a week. Must be flexible. Extended hours months of June & December required. Duties include a variety of clerical responsibilities, but not limited to, processing tax payments, answering phones, preparing deposits. Working with money/balancing & computer Skills required. Good communication & public relations skills a must. High School Graduate/GED required. $9.00 hr. For appli- • Do you live in Roberts? • Are you involved in your community? • Do you enjoy writing, meeting people and attending local events? • Have you always wanted to take pictures? Then here is the job for you. The Jefferson Star is looking for a Roberts Correspondent, contact Earlene @ 745-8701 or email epoole@jeffersonstarnews.com. 11 out representation, warranty or covenant of any kind. (TS# 7303.25404) 1002.263293-File No. Published in the Jefferson Star, Rigby, Idaho, October 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2014. Notice of Trustee's Sale Idaho Code 45-1506 Today's date: September 10, 2014 File No.: 7037.106030 Sale date and time (local time): January 9, 2015 at 11:00 AM Sale location: in the office of First American Title Company, 110 N. Clark Street, Rigby, ID 83442 Property address: 1174 Twin Butte Road Menan, ID 83434 Successor Trustee: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., an Idaho Corporation P.O. Box 997 Bellevue, WA 98009 (425) 586-1900 Deed of Trust information Original grantor: Rial Andrew Palmer, Husband and Wife and Shelli V Palmer Original trustee: Alliance Title & Escrow Corp. Original beneficiary: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Recording date: 04/29/2008 Recorder's instrument number: 367865 County: JEFFERSON Sum owing on the obligation: as of September 10, 2014: $151,986.80 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day to day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary after we receive your check. For further information write or call the Successor Trustee at the address or telephone number provided above. Basis of default: failure to make payments when due. Please take notice that the Successor Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for certified funds or equivalent the property described above. The property address is identified to comply with IC 60-113 but is not warranted to be correct. The property's legal description is: Township 5 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Jefferson County, Idaho. Section 4: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 4; thence North 89 degrees 35' 40" West 420.52 feet; said point lies on the County Road; thence South 40 degrees 59'40" West 1082.54 feet to a point of intersection; thence South 19 degrees 14'40" West 539.21 feet to the True Point of Beginning; said point is also the point of curvature for a curve; thence South 19 degrees 14'40" West 76.25 feet; thence South 89 degrees 24' 20" East 250.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 37' 50" East 195.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 39'14" West 183.65 feet to a point on curve left; thence along the arc of said curve (Delta = 2 degrees 31'19", R = 2806.7 feet, T = 61.78 feet) for a distance of 123.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning and the point of curvature of said curve. The sale is subject to conditions, rules and procedures as described at the sale and which can be reviewed at www.northwesttrustee.com or USA-Foreclo sure.com. The sale is made without representation, warranty or covenant of any kind. (TS# 7037.106030) 1002.272677File No. Published in the Jefferson Star, Rigby, Idaho, October 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE At 10:00 o’clock a.m. on the 17th day of November, 2014, in the foyer of First American Title Company, 110 North Clark, Rigby, Idaho 83442, Michael D. Mayfield, Esq. (Idaho State Bar No. 7857), Successor Trustee, or his designee, will sell at public auction, 13 Instruction MUSIC INSTRUCTION FORMER SITES MUSIC School instructor. Offering violin/fiddle & piano lessons in Shelley. Call Gina at 3575806 or 252-1515. 13-sh-etfn 14 Help Available LOOKING FOR HELP THIS FALL with yard work and odd jobs? I'm a part-time college student that can help with virtually any project around the house or yard. I am detail oriented and hard working. Call me at 821-1366. 14-sh-tfn INVITING ALL CRAFTERS, ARTISTS AND home sales representatives for the 2nd Child Care & Annual Wishes and Dreams Babysitting and Other Things Boutique. Friday, December 5th, Noon through Midnight Madness, SELAʼS PLACE DAYCARE LEGALS / from page 13 cations or more information contact the Jefferson County Treasurer, Kristine Lund at 208-745-9219 210 Courthouse Way, Ste 160, Rigby. 12-1hs-e10/22 GABLES OF SHELLEY ASSISTED LIVING - is looking for an energetic, compassionate, dependable, and organized caregiver that loves the elderly!!! Must have current Criminal History Background check, Medication Assistance Certification, and CPR/First Aid Certificate. Must be willing to work weekends and have open availability (graveyard, day, evening), this is a part to fulltime position. Must be able to be a team player and communicate with your coworkers effectively. Must always have a positive attitude! Please email resume to caroliney1980@hotmail. com or call 357-3110. 12-sh-tfn MCDONALDS AT LOVE'S TRUCK STOP - Is now hiring part-time and full time help. Starting wage is $8.00 per hour. 12-sh-e11/26 to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of sale as set forth below, the following described real property, situated in Jefferson County, Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A (ATTACHED HERETO). For informational purposes only, the real property or its address is purportedly known as 3415 East 100 North, Rigby, Idaho, 83442. The real property tax identification number is purported to be RP 04N38E296536 A. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligations secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in certain Deed of Trust (“Trust Deed”) dated November 15, 2005, executed by Brian K. Bailey and Mamie Bailey as Grantor, First American Title Insurance Company as Trustee, and Zions First National Bank as Beneficiary, and recorded January 6, 2006, as Instrument No. 345432 in the Official Records of Jefferson County, Idaho. The above Grantor is named to comply with Section 451506(4)(a) Idaho Code. No representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly payments for the month of October 2013 and each month thereafter, and all accrued but unpaid interest as well as any other amounts owing on the Home Equity Line Credit Agreement and Disclosure (“HELC”) made by Brian K. Bailey (“Maker”), secured by the Trust Deed, in the approximate principal amount of $97,943.55, as of July 1, 2014, plus all additional payments, interest, late charges, attorneys’ fees and other amounts which thereafter become owing under the HELC and Deed of Trust. The total accelerated obliga- tion owing on the HELC secured by the Trust Deed is approximately $97,943.55, plus interest, fees and costs incurred since October of 2013, together with any and all payments which thereafter become due and payable, including interest, extension fees, loan fees, reconveyance fees, BPO fees, property taxes, costs and expenses actually incurred. All delinquencies are now due together with any late charges, advances to protect the security, and fees and costs associated with this foreclosure. The Beneficiary elects to sell or cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. The successful bidder, other than the Beneficiary, must make a $5,000.00 down payment, at the time of sale, by bank cashier’s check made payable to Zions First National Bank, with the remaining balance of the successful bid payable, in certified funds, within 24 hours following the sale. DATED this 11th day of July, 2014. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE: /s/ Michael D. Mayfield Michael D. Mayfield (Idaho State Bar No. 7857) Ray Quinney & Nebeker 36 South State Street, Suite 1400 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (801) 532-1500 Generally available during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday EXHIBIT A Real property in the County of Jefferson, State of Idaho, described as follows: TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO. SECTION 29: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN; THENCE N89°48’E FOR A DISTANCE OF 826.79 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N00°12’W FOR A DIS- 27 Wanted to Buy LOOKING FOR A PUSH BAR for a late 1990ʼs Ford pickup. Please call 745-0661. 27-hs-gtfn 30 Wanted to Rent NEEDED HOME TO RENT – For at least 1 year. 4+ bedrooms, in the Rigby area. Call 745-6689. 30-3hs-e10/22 used your last wish? let a classified ad in The Jefferson Star work some magic… call 745-8701 today! 31 Apartments for Rent Meadowview Apartments 375 Farnsworth Rigby, Idaho 83442 208-745-6505 Affordable Housing Rent determined by income No application fee 2 Bedroom spacious apartments Laundry facilities Playground Professionally managed EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TANCE OF 302.66 FEET; THENCE N89°48’E FOR A DISTANCE OF 393.00 FEET; THENCE S18°28’ 26”W ALONG THE BANK OF THE BURGESS CANAL FOR A DISTANCE OF 129.21 FEET; THENCE S44° 40’49”W ALONG THE BANK OF THE BURGESS CANAL FOR A DISTANCE OF 130.47 FEET; THENCE S49°39’04’W ALONG THE BANK OF THE BURGESS CANAL FOR A DISTANCE OF 136.17 FEET; THENCE S89°48’W FOR A DISTANCE OF 155.48 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST BANK OF AN IRRIGATION DITCH THAT IS EAST 967.34 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, JEFFERSON COUNTY, IDAHO, AND RUNNING ALONG SAID EAST BANK THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: (1) N33°58’37”E 35.51 FEET; (2) THENCE N42°49’59”E 68.54 FEET; (3) THENCE N46°59’21”E 83.26 FEET; (4) THENCE N45°38’15”E 80.79 FEET; (5) THENCE N23°53’12”E 94.46 FEET; (6) THENCE N09°19’15”E 23.86 FEET; THENCE EAST 25.42 FEET TO THE WEST BANK OF THE BURGESS CANAL; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST BANK THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES: (1) S18°40’26”W 129.21 FEET; (2) THENCE S44°52’49”W 130.47 FEET; (3) THENCE S49°51’04”W 94.22 FEET; (4) THENCE S18°13’49”W 30.06 FEET TO THE SOUTH SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 29; THENCE WEST 38.09 FEET ALONG SAID SECTION LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Commonly known as: 3415 East 100 North, Rigby, ID 83442 1236193 Published in the Jefferson Star, Rigby, Idaho, October 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2014. THE JEFFERSON STAR, OCTOBER 22, 2014 — 15 Lakeview Family Apartments 681 N. 2872 E. • Roberts, ID (208) 228-6040 Tues 8am-4pm 2 and 3 bedroom townhouse units with air conditioning. Rent based on income. Community room, laundry facilities & playground on site; call for info or check website www.eicap.org (affordable housing) THE CEDARS welcomes you to nice spacious 2-bedroom units available for occupancy. We have a large 80-unit complex with a park-like setting. The rent is based on 30% of your annual income.Come in and visit us. Weʼd love to have you join our community! 357-5134 Homes for Rent IN SHELLEY – 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, double car garage, great location, close to schools. No pets, no smoking. $850 per month, $500 deposit. Call 881-8253. 32-3sh-e10/22 34 35 Storage Space for Rent Rigby Mini Storage FOR RENT Several Sizes Available Call Anytime EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER 32 month. Main floor space 12x19 (228 sq. ft) $200 a month. Separate outside entrance space (482 sq. ft) $450 a month. For a showing please call 208357-0339. 34-sh-tfn Property for Rent AFFORDABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN SHELLEY - Located just behind Arctic Circle and Phillips 66 gas station. Three sizes of office space for rent. You supply internet and phone, we cover rest of utilities. Basement space 19x45 (855 sq. ft) new window and carpet. $450 a $79,900 This home has good sized 24 Hours Free Recorded Information Call 1-800-218-7936 and enter code ext# 1148 for more details. Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath home comes with oak cabinets in the kitchen, 2 car garage and a fenced in back yard. Call the hotline for more details. 1-800-218-7936 ext # 1148 Sondra Ward Keller Williams Realty - East Idaho 208-521-0560. 745-7603 Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777; 1-800-927-9275 for hearing impaired. This ranch home has been updated with new kitchen and new master bath, and the main floor bath is all new. The master bedroom is huge with an extra large walk-in closet. There is a new well, two water heaters, gas heat, an over sized two car garage, central vac. This home is extra nice! All brick with water rights. 2.052 ac. Bring the horses and enjoy this property! Clint S. Croft Amazing 5 Bedroom 3 bath home in Shelley. This home has over 3000 sq. ft. of living space, a 2 car garage, sunroom, and much more. Bringing Buyers and Sellers together. Call the hotline for more details. 1-800-218-7936 ext # 1088 (208) 200-6257 (208) 524-6000 Sondra Ward Keller Williams Realty - East Idaho 208-521-0560. 45 Commercial Property NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING IN RIGBY – 3 offices available and conference room. Close to courthouse and bank. Call 313-6241. 45-5hs-e10/22 24 Hours Free Recorded Information Call 1-800-218-7936 and enter code ext# 1178 for more details. Wonderful open floor plan with over 3600 sq ft, 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, and a large 3 car garage all on a one acre lot. Livestock is welcome. 1-800-218-7936 ext # 1178 Sondra Ward Homes for Sale $194,900 24 Hours Free Recorded Information Call 1-800-218-7936 and enter code ext# 1088 for more details. Call the hotline for more details. 44 bedrooms and a large kitchen. It sits on .74 of an acre, fully landscaped and has sprinkler system. There is maintenance-free metal siding and metal roof. $254,900 Home in Ucon 3382 Sq ft. 4 bed 3 bath quality built home. Nine foot ceilings up and down. Huge family room with theater room off the side. Call today. $149,900 Six bedroom 3-1/2 bath, 3,500 sq. ft. home in Idaho Falls. $159,900 2011 home in Shelley 2854 sq. ft. 3 bed 2 full bath. Room to grow in the basement and a large two car garage. $115,900 four bedroom two bath home. New windows, siding, roof and carpet. Nice home in Idaho Falls. $110,000 commercial property on main street. 5500 sq. ft in Shelley. Great location... Keller Williams Realty - East Idaho 208-521-0560. 93 Pets/Supplies for Sale WIGGLES N WAGGLES PET GROOMING in Firth. 17 years professional grooming. Early drop-offs and pick-ups available. All shapes and sizes. Call Theresa Ahrendts at 357-0889. 93-sh-tfn 95 Free Offers FREE MANURE - You load, you haul. Call Steve at 5212782. 95-6hs-e10/29 WASHER/DRYER SETS, $250 & UP REFRIGERATORS, $100 & UP RANGES, $100 & UP FREE OFFERS are printed Free of Charge Courtesy of The Jefferson Star 745-8701 97 All with warranties Free delivery & set-up 524-2122 DO YOU NEED CARPET FOR YOUR OFFICE OR HOME? Carpet tiles .50 each, 18” x 18” easy to install, Call 221-8100 for more information. 98-hs-gtfn 105 Firewood FIREWOOD - YOU LOAD Peeled Blocked $155 cord. Unpeeled Blocked $140 cord. Notches $70 cord. End Trim $30 cord. Yellowstone Lumber 272 N. Yellowstone Hwy. Rigby, ID 83442. Any questions please call 208-7458983. 97-hs-tfn 98 Motor Homes 2003 Gulf Stream Ultra Supreme motor home. 35ʼ, 2 slide outs. Call 208351-9246 and come see at 406 N. 4000 E., Rigby, ID, Asking $35,500 or best offer Furniture & Appliances Here’s a GREAT Christmas gift for all ages! Only $ 395 plus tax AVAILABLE NOW AT THE JEFFERSON STAR 134 W. MAIN • RIGBY, ID BUSINESS DIRECTORY When you’re in need of any of the following services – keep our local businesses in mind. AUTO DETAILING TJ’s Auto Detailing 230 S. State Shelley 208-221-3017 Monday-Saturday 8 am to 5 pm DIRT/GRAVEL Demolition Road Building Excavation • Sand Topsoil • Gravel Office 208-745-7816 PLUMBING TRAINING WASTE DISPOSAL Mathews’ Plumbing EXCELLENT SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE EAGLE ROCK SANITATION COMPLETE LINE OF PLUMBING FIXTURES EXPERT INSTALLATION SHELLEY • 357-3439 SEPTIC WATSON’S ROTO-ROOTER EXCAVATION Johnson’s Trucking & Excavation Ditch cleaning • Water lines Trenching • Hauling • Top soil and Gravel. FREE ESTIMATES Call Jordon 208-569-1983 PROTECT YOUR EMPLOYEES AND PROVIDE TRAINING SO THEY CAN STAY SAFE WHILE ON THE JOB. Our mission is to make that process easier and painless for you. From regulatory compliance to risk reduction and/or mitigation, from decreasing the rate of recordable incidents in your facility to creating a safer working environment, and from leadership type training to nuclear materials management, Porter House training methods provide the solutions Shelley Adult Training Academy PORTER HOUSE, INC 670 N. STATE ST, STE 2, SHELLEY, ID (208) 522-4218 rhodehouseconstruction@hotmail.com www.rhodehouseconstruction.com 208-589-4445 YOUR GOAL IS TO FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE (208) 754-4658 John Simon Septic Tanks Cleaned & Repaired ROBERTS, IDAHO 228-3321 1” ad 2” ad 3” ad for 13 $52.00 $91.00 $156.00 weeks “The Quicker Picker Uppers” RESIDENTIAL SERVICE IN JEFFERSON, MADISON AND FREMONT COUNTIES LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED INC. Well Drilling & Pump Service GARBAGE SERVICE (208) 357-1850 Snake River Dispose-All Commercial Household Construction Waste The Only Locally Owned Full-Service Garbage Company Jefferson Star Shelley Pioneer 684-3404 LIST YOUR SERVICE IN THE BUSINESS DIRECTORY… 745-8701 357-7661 The Jefferson Star For Service Call… 529-5566 call today 745-8701 357-7661 WELL & PUMP The Shelley Pioneer Business Cell (208) 589-7195 HATCH PUMP Sales & Service Installation, Repair Lifetime experience Heritage of integrity 357-7737 or 521-0536 $52 for 13 weeks for this 1x1 size (larger sizes available) YARD & TREES ZUNDEL TREE SERVICE • Trimming Trees & Shrubs • Removing Trees & Stumps • Fruit Tree Pruning Call Steve 317-5025 Certified Arborist TELL OUR READERS ABOUT THE SERVICE YOU OFFER… ADVERTISE IN THE BUSINESS DIRECTORY! YOUR AD WILL BE SEEN IN THE JEFFERSON STAR AND THE SHELLEY PIONEER
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