©HANNELE SEECK 1/7 LIST OF LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS JUNE 2014 CITATIONS Link to my Google Scholar profile: http://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=6hOGEEMAAAAJ&hl=fi&oi=ao All 2009 onwards citations 397 371 h-index 10 9 i10-index 10 9 Most of the publications (links to full text) can be found on: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/view/lseauthor/Seeck,_Hannele.html Table 1: Overview of Publications Publication category/type: Articles and reviews in peer-reviewed journals Text books and professional handbooks Articles in edited books Scientific monographs published by governmental authorities Peer-reviewed international conference papers (full papers peer-reviewed) Journal special issues, research reports and manuals Other writings (e.g. chapters in research reports, but not counting abstracts or other brief writings) Academic thesis TOTAL Number of publications: 23 3 5 4 14 6 4 1 60 ARTICLES AND REVIEWS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS 1. Seeck, Hannele & Rantanen Terhi (2014). Media Events, Spectacles and Risky Globalization - A Critical Review and Avenues for Future Research. Media, Culture & Society. Forthcoming. 1.092 impact factor 1.149 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 3 2. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2013). Subtle Resistance to Normative Management Ideas in a Masculine-Gendered Corporate Culture. Management and Organizational History 8(3), pp. 214-230. Article not on isi as journal not indexed there, but on the left of this page on sci image they have a measure http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=11700154305&tip=sid JUFO: level 2 3. Kantola, Anu & Seeck, Hannele (2011) Dissemination of Management into Politics: Michael Porter and the Political Uses of Management Consulting. Management Learning 42(1), pp. 25-47. 1.582 impact factor 1.708 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 2 ©HANNELE SEECK 2/7 4. Välikangas, Anita & Seeck, Hannele (2011) Exploring the Foucauldian Interpretation of Power and Subject in Organizations. Journal of Management and Organization 17(6), pp. 812-827. 0.463 impact factor 0.687 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 1 5. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2010). Management Paradigms in Finnish Journals and Literature between 1921 and 2006. Business History 52(2), pp. 322-352. 0.474 impact 0.638 5 year JUFO: level 3 6. Seeck, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2010). From HRM to Psychological Contracting – The Case of Finnish Mobile Content Producing Companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21(15), pp. 2675-2691 0.792 impact factor 1.510 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 2 7. Seeck, Hannele & Laakso, Aino (2010a). Adoption of Managerial Ideologies in Finnish Academic Management Education 1960-2007. Management and Organizational History 5(1), pp. 37-64. Article not on isi as journal not indexed there, but on the left of this page on sci image they have a measure http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=11700154305&tip=sid JUFO: level 2 8. Seeck, Hannele & Laakso, Aino (2010b). The Adoption of Management Paradigms in Finnish Management Research 1937-2007. Journal of Management History 16(2), pp. 174-194. Not on isi or scimago, but peer-reviewed. JUFO: level 1 9. Kuokkanen, Anna, Laakso, Aino & Seeck, Hannele (2010). Management Paradigms in Personnel Magazines of the Finnish Metal and Forest Industries. Journal of Management History 16(2), pp. 195-215. Not on isi or scimago, but peer-reviewed. JUFO: level 1 10. Seeck, Hannele & Kantola, Anu (2009). Organizational Control: Restrictive or Productive? Journal of Management and Organization 15(2), pp. 241-257. 0.463 impact factor 0.687 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 1 11. Seeck, Hannele & Lavento, Heidi (2009). Nokian vesikriisin johtoryhmätyöskentely: jälkibyrokraattisen toimintamallin anti (The Nokia Water Crisis Management Group and the Effectiveness of the Post-Bureaucratic Operating Model). Työ ja ihminen (People and Work) 37, pp. 34–56. JUFO- not listed 12. Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta, Seeck, Hannele & Leppänen, Anneli (2008). Employee Innovativeness in Organizations: A Review of the Antecedents. Finnish Journal of Business Economics 2, pp. 165–182 (review article). JUFO: level 1 13. Seeck, Hannele & Eräkivi, Ossi (2008). Rationaalista vai normatiivista ideologiaa? Johtamisoppien käyttö vuosikatsauspuheessa Suomen perusteollisuudessa 1980–2005 (Rational or Normative Ideologies? The Use of Management Rhetorics In The Annual Reports Of Finnish Basic Industries 1980–2005). Hallinnon tutkimus (Administrative Studies Journal) 27(2), pp. 13–35. JUFO: level 2 14. Seeck, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2008). Employee Agency: Challenges and Opportunities for Psychological Contract Theory. Personnel Review 37(5), pp. 473–489. 0.825 impact factor 1.236 5 year impact factor JUFO: level 1 ©HANNELE SEECK 3/7 15. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2008). Ihmissuhdekoulukunnan pioneerit Suomessa (The Pioneers of the Human Relations School in Finland). Historiallinen aikakauskirja (Historical Journal) 4, pp. 402– 417.´ JUFO: level 2 16. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2007). Ihmissuhdekoulukunta – synty, sisältö ja perintö (The Human Relations School – The Initial Stages, Content and Legacy). Työelämän tutkimus (Work Research Journal) 5(2), pp. 118–137. JUFO: level 1 17. Seeck, Hannele & Järvelä, Simo (2007). Katsaus taylorismin saapumisesta Suomeen ja sen asemasta työnjohtokoulutuksen osana 1910–1950 (Historical Review of the Emergence of Taylorism in Finland and Its Status in Management Training). Työelämän tutkimus (Work Research Journal) 5(3), pp. 251–259 (review). JUFO: level 1 18. Seeck, Hannele (2007). Valtionhallinnon viestintä Suomessa: byrokraattista tiedonsiirtoa vai jälkibyrokraattista viestintää? (Governmental Communications in Finland: Bureaucratic or Post-Bureaucratic Communication?). Tiedotustutkimus (Media and Communications Journal) 3, pp. 19–32. JUFO: level 1 19. Huhtala, Hannele & Laakso, Aino (2007). Kirjallisuuskatsaus organisaatiokulttuuriteorioihin: mitä ne ovat ja miten niistä on keskusteltu kansainvälisissä ja suomalaisissa tieteellisissä journaaleissa? (Literature Review Of Organizational Culture Theories: What They are and How They Have Been Discussed in International and Finnish Scientific Journals). Hallinnon tutkimus (Administrative Studies Journal) 26(2), pp. 13–32 (review article). JUFO: level 2 20. Huhtala, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2007). A Review of Employee Well-Being and Innovativeness: An Opportunity for Mutual Benefit. Creativity and Innovation Management 16(3), pp. 299– 306 (review article). 0.855 impact factor 5 year not listed JUFO: level 1 21. Huhtala, Hannele (2006). Max Weberin byrokratia ja kriisiviestintä: Suomen viranomaisten toiminta Aasian hyökyaaltokatastrofissa (Weber’s Bureaucracy and Crisis Communications: The Functioning of Finnish Authorities in the Asian Tsunami Crisis). Tiedotustutkimus/Media ja Viestintä (Media and Communications Journal) 3, pp. 22–37. JUFO: level 1 22. Huhtala, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2006). Innovatiivisuus ja aikapaine tietotyössä (Employee Innovativeness and Time Pressure in Knowledge Work). Työ ja Ihminen (People and Work) 20(2), pp. 149–157 (review). JUFO- not listed 23. Huhtala, Hannele & Laakso, Aino (2006). Kirjallisuuskatsaus johtamisen rakenneanalyyttiseen paradigmaan (Literature Review of Structural Analysis). Hallinnon tutkimus (Administrative Studies Journal) 25(4), pp. 4–18 (review article). JUFO: level 2 TEXT BOOKS st nd rd 1. Seeck, Hannele (1 ed. 2008, 2 ed. 2009, 3 largely revised ed. 2012) Johtamisopit Suomessa. Taylorismista innovaatioteorioihin (Management Paradigms in Finland: From Taylorism to the Theories of Innovation). Helsinki: Gaudeamus (438 p.). Handbook-type textbook which is in widespread use in the Finnish universities and business schools as a central course book for core courses on organisation and management. Used also, for example, at the Medical School and the National Defense University as a reading on Organisation and Management. ©HANNELE SEECK 4/7 2. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele and Hakala, Salli (2007) Kriisi ja viestintä. Yhteiskunnallisten kriisien johtaminen julkisuudessa (Crisis and Communication: Management of Civil Crisis in Public). Helsinki: Gaudeamus (215 p.). The first Finnish book on organising, management and communications in societal crisis. Used widely also by practitioners. 3. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2004) The Emancipated Worker? A Foucauldian Study of Power, Subjectivity and Organising in the Information Age (edited PhD thesis). The Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters: Commentationes Scientiarum Socialicum 64 (351 p.). Edited PhD thesis that has been used, for example, in the methods course at the University of Helsinki as an example of how to conduct qualitative analysis. SCIENTIFIC MONOGRAPHS 1. Seeck, Hannele, Lavento, Heidi and Hakala, Salli (2008). Kriisijohtaminen ja viestintä. Tapaus Nokian vesikriisi (Crisis Management and Communications: The Case of Nokia Water Crisis). Acta 206, Suomen Kuntaliitto, The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities: Helsinki (284 p.). Link to publication: http://hosted.kuntaliitto.fi/intra/julkaisut/pdf/p081117093234T.pdf 2. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele, Hakala, Salli, Laakso, Aino and Falck, Annette (2005). Tiedonkulku ja viestintä Aasian hyökyaaltokatastrofissa (Information Flow and Communications in the Asian Tsunami Crisis). Helsinki: Publication Series of Prime Minister’s Office, 7/2005. (327 p.). Link to publication: http://www.vnk.fi/julkaisukansio/2005/j07-tiedonkulku-ja-viestinta-aasian/pdf/142820.pdf 3. Nieminen, Hannu, Hakala, Salli, Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele, Åberg, Leif, Slätis, Thomas and Tarviainen, Johanna (2005). VISA - valtionhallinnon viestinnän seuranta- ja arviointijärjestelmä, osa I (VISA: A Framework for Assessing Finland’s Governmental Communications, Part 1). Publication Series of Prime Minister’s Office, 4/2005 (71 p.). Link to publication: http://www.vnk.fi/julkaisukansio/2005/j04-VISA2-tutkimusraportit/pdf/fi.pdf 4. Nieminen, Hannu, Hakala, Salli, Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele, Åberg, Leif, Slätis, Thomas and Tarviainen, Johanna (2005). VISA - valtionhallinnon viestinnän seuranta- ja arviointijärjestelmä, osa 2 (VISA: A Framework for Assessing Finland’s Governmental Communications, Part 2). Publication Series of Prime Minister’s Office 3/2005 (188 p.). Link to publication: http://www.vnk.fi/julkaisukansio/2005/j03-VISA1-valtionhallinnon-viestinnan/pdf/fi.pdf ARTICLES IN EDITED BOOKS 1. Seeck, Hannele (2009). Johtamisopit ja niiden leviäminen. (Dissemination of Management Paradigms.) In Jukka Kiuru (ed.) Johtamisen perusteet. (The Basics of Management) Helsinki: National Defense University, p. 36–48. 2 Hakala, Salli and Seeck, Hannele (2009). Crisis and Agency: The Cases of Sukellus.fi and Thairy.net, In Kivikuru, Ullamaija and Nordin, Lars (eds.) After the tsunami: Crisis communication in Finland and Sweden. Helsinki: NordiCom., p. 169–185. 3. Seeck, Hannele and Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2008). Johtaja innovatiivisuuden tukijana: työyhteisöviestinnän rooli. (Manager and Supporting of Innovations: The Role of Organizational Communications.) In Aula, Pekka (ed.) Kivi vai katedraali. Organisaatioviestintä teoriasta käytäntöön. (Organizational Communications: From Theory to Practice.) Helsinki: Infor Oy, pp. 191–211. 4. Lindström, Kari, Ervasti, Jenni and Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2007). Työorganisaatiot ja johtaminen. (Work Organizations and Leadership.) In Kauppinen T, Hanhela R, Heikkilä P, Kasvio A, Lehtinen S, Lindström K, Toikkanen J, Tossavainen A, (eds.) Työ ja terveys Suomessa 2006. (Work and Health in Finland 2006.) Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, pp. 104–120. 5. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2006). Organisaatiotutkimuksen nykysuuntauksia. (Current Trends in Organizational Research.) In Kivistö, S., P. Ahola, K. and Vartia, M. (eds.) Työterveyspsykologia. (Occupational Health Psychology.) Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, pp. 78–83. ©HANNELE SEECK 5/7 ACADEMIC THESES Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2004) The Emancipated Worker? A Foucauldian Study of Power, Subjectivity and Organising in the Information Age (PhD thesis). The London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Sociology: Institute of Social Psychology (342 p.). PEER-REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PAPERS (FULL PAPERS PEER-REVIEWED) 1. Seeck, Hannele & Välikangas, Anita (2013). Market Rationalism from a Top Management Perspective: An Explorative Study in a Finnish Context. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013, Orlando, Florida, August 9-13. 2. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2013). In the Shadows of Rationalization: The Weak Institutionalization of Human Relations in Finland. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013, Orlando, Florida, August 9-13. 3. Seeck, Hannele & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2013). A Literature Review on HRM and Innovation – Taking Stock and Future Directions. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013, Orlando, Florida, August 9-13. 4. Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta, Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2012). Adoption and Entry of New Management Ideas and Practices over Time: a Top Management Perspective. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2012, Boston Massachusetts, August 3-7. 5. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2010). The Role of Gender in the Adoption of Management Paradigms. Paper accepted for presentation at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2010, Montreal, August 7–11. 6. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2009). Adoption and Legacy of the Human Relations School in Finland. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2009, Chicago, August 7–11. 7. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2009). Comparing the Adoption and Legacy of the Human Relations School in Finland and Japan. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, February 18–20, 2009. 8. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2008). Management Paradigms in Finland: their Manifestation in Finnish Business Journals and Literature between 1921 and 2006. Paper accepted for presentation at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2008, Anaheim, California, August 8-13. 9. Seeck, Hannele (2007). Why Foucault? Power and Subject in Organizations through a Foucauldian Lens. Paper accepted for presentation at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2007. 10. Laakso Aino, Seeck, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2007). Supporting Innovativeness through Organizational Culture: A Study of Three Finnish Entrepreneurial Communities. Paper presented at (and in proceedings of) ASAC Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2007. 11. Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta & Huhtala, Hannele (2006). Employee Wellbeing in Knowledge Work – Between Human Resource Management and Innovativeness. In proceedings of HRM Conference, Helsinki, November 16, 2006, (eds.) Vanhala, S. and Kolehmainen, M. Helsinki: Publications Series of Helsinki School of Economy B-75; pp. 203–216. Link to publication: http://epub.lib.aalto.fi/pdf/hseother/b75.pdf 12. Huhtala (Seeck) Hannele, Ketola, Tarja & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (2006). Bureaucracy and Innovative Organizations: Contrasting the Finnish Mobile Content Industry with Weber's 15 Tendencies of Bureaucracy. Paper presented at (and in proceedings of) Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. Yeppoon, Australia, December 2006. 13. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2005). From Organisational Object to Self-Managed Subject: Some Implications for Organisational Control. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 5-10. 14. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2004). From Socio-Technical Systems to Human Activity Networks: the Relevance of Social Psychology for Understanding Organising in the Information Age. Paper presented at ©HANNELE SEECK 6/7 st 51 British Psychology Society Social Psychology Conference, University of Liverpool, September 1-3, 2004. OTHER INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (ONLY ABSTRACTS PEER-REVIEWED) AND SELECTED WORKSHOPS 1. Bancori, Anne-Laure & Seeck, Hannele (2014). Exploring Management Experts and the Different Functions of Managerial Ideology. Paper presented at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, 2014. Subtheme/Workshop 41: The Power of Management Experts in Organizations and Society (extended abstract). 2. Segercrantz, Beata & Seeck, Hannele (2013). The Construction of Social Innovation and Undesirable Consequences of Innovation - A Critical Reading of the European Union’s Social Innovation Policy. Extended abstract presented at the EU-Spri Forum Conference 2013 on Management of Innovation Policies, held in Madrid, April 10-12, 2013 (extended abstract). 3. Seeck, Hannele & Kuokkanen, Anna (2012). The Absence of the Human Relations School in Finland: Some Historical and Societal Explanations. Paper presented at the 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, 2012. Sub-theme/Workshop 07: (SWG) The Glocalization of Organizational Design and Managerial Practice (extended abstract). 4. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2012). Resistance against New Management Ideas in a Gendered Organizational Culture. Paper presented at British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference, 2012, stream: Work, Economy and Society. University of Leeds, April 11–13, 2012. (abstract). 5. Kuokkanen, Anna & Seeck, Hannele (2012). Subtle Resistance against New Management Ideas in a Gendered Organizational Culture. Paper presented at the 7th Interim Meeting of European Sociological Association, ESA RN19 - Sociology of Professions, Professions and Social Inequalities, May 24-26, 2012, University of Helsinki, Finland. (abstract). 6. Participant in the Future of Innovation Research Seminar, April 17, 2012, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki (invitation-only workshop, no abstract required). 7. Kantola, Anu & Seeck, Hannele (2010) Creative Consultocracy: The Packaging of a Global Guru for National Politics, in session on The Local-Global Interfaces and Domestication of Transnational Models. Power & Knowledge: the 2nd International Conference, University of Tampere, September 6-8, 2010, Tampere, Finland. (abstract) 8. Participant in Beyond the Pro-innovation Bias. Exploring Alternatives: Workshop on Consequences of Innovation, Hanken, Helsinki, Finland, May 5-7, 2010 (invitation-only workshop, no abstract required). 9. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2006). Critical Responses to the Katrina Crisis: Developing an Agenda for Future Research and Action. Presenter and discussant at Personal Development Workshop, at Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2006, August 11-17, Atlanta, Georgia (abstract). 10. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2004). Will We See the End of Human Resource Management as a Monitoring and Surveillance Practice in Contemporary Work Organisations? Paper presented at Cambridge Graduate Conference on Social Psychology, May 22, 2004, University of Cambridge, UK (abstract). OTHER RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES, RESEARCH REPORTS AND MANUALS 1. Seeck, Hannele (ed.) (2009). Kriisit ja työyhteisöt – kriisijohtaminen työyhteisöjen tukena. Työ ja ihminen tutkimusraportteja 37 (Workplace Crisis and Management: The Contribution of Crisis Management Models. People and Work Special issue/Research Report 37). Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (96 p.). 2. Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta & Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2006). Review of Research on Wellbeing, Creativity and Innovation in Organizations. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (85 p. for corporations’ internal use only). ©HANNELE SEECK 7/7 3. Parzefall Marjo-Riitta & Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele & Luukkonen, Ritva (2006). Report on Wellbeing, Creativity and Innovation. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health ( 90 p. for corporations’ internal use only). 4. Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta,Ala-Laurinaho, Arja, Luukkonen, Ritva & Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2006). Report on Innovation, Wellbeing and Management. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (50 p. for corporations’ internal use only). 5. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (eds.) (2005). Review of Research on Innovativeness and Wellbeing Conducted at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (70 p. for organisations’ internal use only). 6. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (2009). Hyvä tutkimustapa Työterveyslaitoksessa – toimintaperiaatteet ja menettelytavat (Good Research Practice at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health). Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (member of working group). OTHER WRITINGS (SELECTED) 1. Seeck, Hannele (2009). Kriisijohtamisen anti työyhteisökriiseihin (The Contribution of Crisis Management to Analysis of Crises in Work Organizations). Työ ja ihminen (People and Work) 37, pp. 5–18 (Introduction to special issue). 2. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2005). Conventional Organization and the Contemporary Way of Organizing. In Huhtala, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (eds.). Review of Research on Innovativeness and Wellbeing Conducted at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, pp. 13-19. 3. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2005). A Post-Modern Perspective on Organizations. In Huhtala, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (eds.). Review of Research on Innovativeness and Wellbeing Conducted at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, pp. 20-23. 4. Huhtala (Seeck), Hannele (2005). The Last Decades in Organizational Studies: 1980–2005. In Huhtala, Hannele & Parzefall, Marjo-Riitta (eds.). Review of Research on Innovativeness and Wellbeing Conducted at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, pp. 24-27.
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