PARISH OF SS PETER & PAUL - DONCASTER EAST Twenty Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time Sunday, 19th October, 2014 OUR VISION We are a Catholic Community who profess, celebrate and witness that Jesus lives, and to whom the Father sends His Spirit. We express that belief by living out and spreading the message of the Gospel. Parish Priest: Fr Bill Gill Pastoral Associate: Sr Lyn Eastmure Church: 23 Leeds St, Doncaster East 3109 Phone: 9842 1480 9842 5764 Fax: 9842 0181 Emails: (parish) Website: Weekend Masses: School Principal: Saturday Vigil 6.00pm Sunday 9.00am 11.00am and 6.00pm Reconciliation: Saturdays 9.30am and 5.30pm and any weekday after Mass Baptisms & Weddings: By appointment Mrs Maria McIntyre School Phone: 9842 2056 Fax: Email: 9842 1125 Website: EXPLORING THE WORD (Matthew 22: 15-21) This was an interesting question posed to Jesus. Given the political and religious structures of the society in which he lived, this was a no-win situation! Jews were required to pay a denarius (a day’s wage) to the Roman overlords and were also required to pay a half-shekel (a standard silver coin) tax towards the running of the Temple. If Jesus had answered ‘yes’, he could have been accused of betraying his religious duty. If he had answered ‘no’, he could have been reported to the Roman authorities for inciting others not to pay their taxes. This was a trick indeed. Jesus’ answer makes clear that there are obligations to the State for any citizen but also makes clear that there are obligations to God. The coin bears Caesar’s image and therefore belongs to him, but the whole of creation bears the imprint of God. The first loyalty of all created things is therefore to God. From the PA’s Desk... Our Prayers are asked for those who have died Last Wednesday was the feast of St Teresa of Avila: recently: Antonio La Rosa and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Mark Edward Murray, Rose Chia, Mick Mernagh, Christopher Liew, “Christ has no body now but yours. Rudolf Meraviglia-Crivelli, Frances Nolan, Jesus Maria Ureta, No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Helen, Spiro, Lorico & Carmela Borg, Ian Williams, Giovanni Natarelli, Assumpta Lee, Francesco Nigro, Vincente Belmonte Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Snr, Salvador Bonaccorso, Enzo Salvatore, Rosario Serruto Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. and Michele Simonetti. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, This prayer of hers is one I really love: Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” ― Teresa of Ávila Blessings, Sr Lyn Weekday Masses & Feast Days: Monday 9.00 am Service of the Word with Communion Tuesday 9.00 am Service of the Word with Communion Wednesday 9.00 am Service of the Word with Communion Thursday 9.00 am Mass Friday 9.00 am Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 12.00 noon Saturday 9.00 am Mass 6.00pm School Family Mass hosted by Rooms 4 & 5 Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our Parish Priest, Fr Bill Gill, who will be celebrating his 75th Birthday on Friday, 24th October. For those who are sick:- Peter Moroney, Tanya Dean, Angela Federico, Nina Lynch, Beryl Humber, Gino Villani and Helen Larkin. From the PP’s Desk... Vatican Synod on Marriage and the Family Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster, UK, said that the mid-term report has been misinterpreted in some quarters. The controversial document which uses conciliatory language, is not a doctrinal or decisive document. This account of the discussions of the first week served to crystalise the hopes and difficulties raised in that week. He said: “I appreciate the Spirit of the Report which seeks to proclaim and strengthen the pastoral care of the church. The warmth and the reach of the Church’s pastoral care is crucial even if not always known or experienced.” Fr Bill ‘One in a Hundred Appeal’ A Parish Celebration will be held on Sunday, 26th COLLECTION IS DUE NEXT WEEKEND October beginning with Mass at 11.00am. Please BYO For the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion Jerusalem and the Palestinians drinks and a plate to share and keep the date free for this special event! It will be Fr Bill’s last birthday Time For A Smile: Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible? Pharaoh’s daughter. She went down to the bank celebration in our parish. of the Nile and drew out a little prophet. The Parish family of Ss Peter & Paul’s invite you and your family to participate in Weekly Calendar: Wednesday 22nd Evening Practice for Concert with Barry Sims Thursday 23rd 7.30pm St John’s Parish, Heidelberg Fr Elio Capra to speak on Liturgy Ss Peter & Paul’s Community invites you to join us at Bereavement Masses Ss Peter & Paul’s 2014 “Sounds of Spring” to be held here at our Parish Church Benefit Concert 7.30pm Saturday 25th October in the Church Saturday/Sunday, 1st/2nd November The 17th Annual Concert is multi-instrumental, featuring Piano, Flute, Cello, Brass, Guitar and Voice Compositions by Bach, Debussy, Gaubert, Kapustin. Featured Guest Artists include “The Melbournaires” Men’s Harmony Chorus, Agatha Yim on Flute and Michael Dahlenburg on Cello, of the acclaimed Round Window Ensemble, the indomitable Barry Sims on Piano, Sr Geraldine Larkins rsj, Jessica Ridler and Ian Cox, and many talented locals, including Jessica Ting, Marcelle Dusart, the Crosby Family, the Sleeth Sisters, Anna Ng and Gabriel Kok, Mary Duke and Fr Bill Suggested Donation: $15 (Concession $10) Ss Peter & Paul’s Social Club is organising a BYO Picnic for Saturday, 8th November at 12.00pm at Ruffey Lake Park in Doncaster. Come and make some new friends and enjoy each other's company. Also, for those interested, on Thursday 23rd October, there will be a bus trip to Phillip Island National Vietnam Veterans’ Museum. $20 per person. This trip is being organised in collaboration with St Philips Social Club. Bus leaves the carpark at 9.30am and will be back at 4pm. Please call Margaret Dodd on 9842 4167. Melways ref: Map 33 E10. Entrance is from the Boulevard at the west end of George St. FAMILY MASS For all families in the Parish. Share our special Liturgy, with special involvement of the children. The Ss Peter & Paul’s FAMILY MASS 6.00 pm on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th on the weekend of at our usual Mass times. This will be an opportunity to remember all those who have entered eternal life. life. A memorial book and table will be provided for those who would like to bring a photograph to place on it. Come and share this weekend with us. Transport can be arranged by contacting the presbytery on 9842 1480. Tea & Coffee will be provided after the Masses. Volunteers Needed Please for assistance with running the St Vincent De Paul Charity Shop in Mont Albert. No experience necessary! Training and support provided on the job. Please call Geraldine on 9898 0720 for more information. Manningham Interfaith Network is holding a Sacred Treasures Tour on Sunday, 26th October 1-4.30pm. Our local Faith Centres hold some wonderful art pieces. More information from the flyer on the noticeboard in the Narthex. 26th October, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 22: 20-26 Thessalonians 1: 5-10 Matthew 22: 34-40 6pm R. Noel Spinks C. 9am All welcome We encourage parents attending Family Mass with their children to sit in the front pews of the church as this enables the children to feel more fully involved in the Mass - it is difficult for small children to feel involved if they cannot see the activities making up the celebration. Alena Chia Greg Sleeth Lyn Tompson 11am Carmel Armiento Cynthia Blundell 6pm Projector Operators Melanie Thomson Esther Lee Loida Herrero A Vocation View We do not choose a vocation completely on our own. We must prayerfully reflect on how we can best give to God what is God’s. And then live as though everything depends on God. Money Counters: Group 8: Bill Gilmore, Carole & Barry Mernagh and Noel Spinks
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