Bulletin Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Community Newsletter The November 16, 2014

Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Community Newsletter
November 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
404 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
201.659.2276  www.spphoboken.com
spphoboken @spphoboken
Parish Office Hours
To grow the Catholic Community of Ss Peter and Paul in faith, Monday  Thursday
hope, and love.
Saturday – Sunday
10 AM – 7 PM
10 AM – 5 PM
Ss Peter and Paul strives to be an inviting Catholic community, Church Hours
inspired by Jesus Christ, where we grow a rich sacramental life
through prayerful worship and service to our neighbors with one Sunday  Friday
Pastoral Team
Sunday Masses
Msgr Robert S Meyer, Esq
Stephanie Panzariello, BS
Karen Imbach, BA
Valerie Sorge, BA
Karen Barisonek, MBA
Susan Francesconi, BA
Louis Scarpa, MA
Max Colas, MSc
Matthew Fantau
Drew Stuart, MA
Ed Yruma
7:30 AM – 7 PM
9 AM – 7 PM
Greg McDonald  Katie Riley  Geoffrey Scheer
Rose Perry  Don Meyer
The Waterfront Project, inc
Vigil (Saturday)
5.30 PM
(No music) 8 AM
(Family Mass) 9 AM
10.30 AM
12 Noon
7 PM
Daily Liturgies
Communion Service 12:10 PM
Mass intentions originally scheduled
for Monday will be rescheduled
for the following Friday
Tuesday  Friday
Mass 12:10 PM
Holy Hour
Eucharistic Adoration
First Thursday
of the Month
11 AM to 12 Noon
Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 PM sharp
Ministry for the Sick
If you are aware of any parishioners who
no longer can come to Church and would
like to receive Communion and a visit
from someone at our Parish please call
the Parish Office.
Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father
for November
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing legal assistance to General intention: Lonely people. That all
who suffer loneliness may experience the
disadvantaged individuals.
closeness of God and the support of others.
Elizabeth F Caraballo, Esq FOUNDING DIRECTOR Missionary intention: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarwww.thewaterfrontproject.org Tel: 201.308.3986
ians and religious may have wise and wellformed mentors.
Hoboken Catholic Academy
Our Cover
Proud co-sponsor of Hoboken Catholic Academy
555 7th Street, Hoboken, NJ  201.963.9535
Matthew McGrath, MA, MEd www.hobokencatholic.org
This week our cover is Driving of the merchants from the temple by Scarsellino. It describes this Sunday's Gospel.
Proverbs 31:10–13, 19–20, 30–31 The author
describes “a worthy wife” as holy and just, hardworking and generous. She shall be valued by
her husband and praised by many.
1 Thessalonians 5:1–6 Paul urges the church
to “stay alert” and prepared for the coming
of the Lord, for we do not know the day, and
discipleship should be constant.”
Matthew 25:14–30 A parable: a master gives
three servants different amounts to care for in his
absence. Upon his return, he rejoices in the first
two’s stewardship, but punishes the third’s laziness.
Weekday readings
Monday St Elizabeth of Hungary
Rev 1:1–4; 2:1–5 / PS 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6 / Lk 18:35–43
Tuesday The Dedication of the Basilicas of
Ss Peter and Paul,St Rose Philippine Duchesne
Rev 3:1–6,14–22 / PS 15:2-3A,3BC-4AB,5 / Lk 19:1–10
Rev 4:1–11 / PS 150:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6 / Lk 19:11–28
Rev 5:1–10 / PS 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B / Lk
Friday The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Eph 4:1–6 / PS 119:14,24,72,103,111,131 / Lk 12:54–59
Saturday St Cecilia
Rev 11:4–12 / PS 144:1, 2, 9-10 / Lk 20:27–40
This Week's Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 15
5:30 pm
Albert Guamer
Sunday, November 16
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm 7:00 pm
† James Calandriello
† Cher Horning
† Jack Raslowsky
† Myrna Iris Zelaya Quesada
† Margaret Peltin
Tuesday, November 18
12:10 pm
† The Cappock Family
Wednesday, November 19
12:10 pm † Arthur Pelaez
7:00 pm For the recently departed,
retired members of the Hoboken
Police and Fire Departments
Thursday, November 20
12:10 pm
† Madonna Della Salute
Friday, November 21
12:10 pm
† Nozario Tarabocchia
Saturday, November 22
5:30 pm
† Anna Chirichella
Sunday, November 23
8:00 am † Anna Chirichella
9:00 am † Anna Roberts
10:30 am Edith Ortolano
12:00 pm † Marion DiGiulio
7:00 pm † John Thomas Joseph Nisler
& Catherine McGovern
The Bulletin – Contact: ParishStudioSPP@gmail.com – Please consider advertising on the back of the bulletin to help us maintain this free publication. For more information please
contact J.S. Paluch Cp, Inc. at 1-800.524.0263 and reference bulletin 790250. Please also patronize our sponsors and let them know you saw their ad in The Bulletin. Thank you!
Got photos of SPP events? Share them with us on Facebook or Instagram! You can also email them to parishstudiospp@gmail.com from your Camera Roll and choose "Full Size".
November 15 — December 15
Look around our church today and you will see
portraits of parishioners saying "Thank you". This is our
Thanksgiving photo exhibit by photographer Max Colas.
We all have something to be thankful for:
life, faith, the love and presence of those
around us, health, occupation, experiences
and dreams.
This month, take time to be grateful, turn to
others and share a word of thanks.
The Catholic Community of Saints Peter &
Paul is grateful that you are one of us in
Special thanks to: Don, Elvi, Grace, John, Karen,
Kennedy, Lindsey and Greg, Michael, Susan and
Guy, Sr Symphorosa, and the Nieves/Fernandez
Parish Calendar
Saturday, November 15
Collection: Black & Indian Catholic Relief Services
5:00 PM Confessions
Sunday, November 16
Collection: Black & Indian Catholic Relief Services
9 AM Faith Formation / Family Mass
10 AM Welcome Sunday
Monday, November 17
4:15 PM Jr Girl Scouts 12881 / Daisy 12006
Tuesday November 18
5:30 PM ACOA Meeting
Wednesday November 19
10 AMStay. Play. Pray. Wednesday
Morning Mom's Group.
7 PM Mass of Remembrance
7:30 PM Choir rehearsal
Thursday November 20
9:30 AM Theology Thursday
(at St Lawrence Community
Center, 22 Hackensack Avenue,
7 PM Wine Tasting
Friday, November 21
5:30 PM Wedding rehearsal:
Woolley —Vincent
Saturday, November 22
3 PM Wedding:
Sunday, November 23
9 AM Breaking Open the Word
10 AM Faith Formation — Home
Activities/Sacramental Classes
Also note...
Wednesday, November 26:
Parish Office closed
Thursday, November 27:
Thanksgiving: Parish Office closed
Friday, November 28:
Parish office closed
Nothing but the Best
Investments can be tricky. Wouldn’t it be nice to have
a crystal ball? Then we would know that our choices
would be sound and we’d never lose a penny. Better
yet, we’d have a windfall every quarter. But we don’t.
And unless time is on our side or we have a fallback
plan, we generally aren’t willing to take chances with
our money or with anyone else’s. Besides, taking risks
is, well, risky. But Jesus has a different perspective.
When Jesus really wants to make a point he tells a
parable. Parables are stories that seem to be heading
toward a predictable conclusion but then suddenly
the rug is pulled out from under the listener. There’s
always a surprise ending, and it is often one that
takes time to understand, like today’s.
“Jesus told his disciples this parable: “A man going on a
journey called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents; to another,
two; to a third, one--to each according to his ability.
Then he went away.”
You know the story. The first two servants went out
and doubled their investment. They jumped right in.
They weren’t afraid, they did not circle their wagons
or hide whatever it was under a mattress for safekeeping. They used it in the way it was intended and
it increased. The third servant lacked trust. He did not
trust his own ability to make a good choice, he did
not trust what the talent might become, and he did
not trust the one who gave it to him. The only faith
he had was in the status quo. So he kept it to himself.
So sad. Choosing to hide what has been entrusted to
Theology Thursday
All are invited to attend a New Program
that is beginning in November.
Our new spirituality program is called “Theology Thursday”. It takes place on Thursdays, immediately after the 9:30 AM Liturgy at St Lawrence. Susan Francesconi and Sr Joann Marie
will take turns leading the sessions. “Theology
Thursday” will consists of two themes:
„„ Susan will facilitate a study about The
Gospel of Mark, as this is the Gospel that
will be read on Sundays during this
coming Liturgical year.
„„ Sr Joann Marie will consider A Look at
the Saints. During these sessions various
Saints in the Church will be discussed
and talked about.
“Theology Thursday” will take place at the St
Lawrence Community Center on Thursdays after the 9:30 Liturgy — until 11 AM and is open
to parishioners from St Lawrence and Ss Peter
and Paul.
By Susan Francesconi
us because we are afraid does a both disservice to the
object and to ourselves. But it mostly offends the one
who provided us with the opportunity.
The metaphor of talent as used in the parable can
be applied to any number of things: money, skills,
intellect, etc. but for the purposes of understanding
what it means to be an evangelizing people, it might
be helpful to think of Jesus as the talent. By virtue of
our baptism we are charged with sharing the Good
News of Jesus Christ in word and in action. We are to
invest ourselves in this task to the best of our ability
and without fear. This is the story of Christianity and
how it grew from a dozen or so believers to what it is
today. So share it, increase it, enhance it, supplement
it, prove it. Give nothing less than your best for God.
Breaking Open the
Word with Children
On the second and fourth Sundays of the
month at the 9 AM Mass, we invite children
who are 4 ½ to 9 years old to the Family Chapel to participate in Breaking Open the Word.
Depending upon numbers we may use two
doors to bring the children up and to lower
church (Waterfront Room and Children
Chapel). We ask parents not to accompany
the children of this age downstairs but to remain in the upper Church. Thank you.
There will be
no Mass nor
Service on
November 28
(Day after Thanksgiving)
New group aims to pave way for legal immigrants
in Hudson County to become US citizens
By Matthew Speiser, The Jersey Journal
Tucked in the fourth floor of a building on
Bergen Avenue in Jersey City – – the second most
diverse city in the country — a new nonprofit
organization is preparing to take on the challenge
of empowering legal immigrants to become US
We Are One New Jersey, backed by a $125,000
grant from the county, wants to raise the tide of
immigrant workers living in Hudson County by
providing them with the necessary assistance to
become United States citizens and obtain all the
rights that come with citizenship.
We Are One also offers Deferred Action on Childhood
Arrivals (DACA) application assistance to help
immigrant students attend and pay for school,
wage advocacy on behalf of immigrant workers,
notary services and citizenship loans.
“This project seeks to connect the labor movement
in New Jersey with the community to provide
community services and to educate people on
how to become U.S. citizens,” said Edward Correa,
executive director of the program and a Colombian
immigrant himself.
According to Correa, New Jersey has the fifth
largest population of legal immigrants eligible for
citizenship in the country and 93,000 (15 percent)
of them live in Hudson County — more than
anywhere else in the state.
If those 93,000 obtained legal citizenship, We Are
One projects it would provide a significant boost
to the development of the area.
“Naturalized citizens gain access to better jobs,
education and economic opportunities,” said
Angela Delli Santi, communications director for
the New Jersey American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
“They gain the right to vote and with it the right
to engage fully in the democratic process without
fear of deportation. Fully engaged residents help
build stronger communities.”
We Are One New Jersey will open its doors for
business on Oct. 28 with a kickoff ceremony
featuring Sens Robert Menendez and Cory Booker.
We Are One hopes to help at least 300 Hudson
County residents obtain citizenship and register
500 new voters through a nonpartisan voter
registration campaign, Correa says.
We Are One New Jersey offices are located at 830
Bergen Ave. — Suite 4A in Jersey City.
Elizabeth Carraballo, Director,
The Waterfront Project, Inc.
The need to help Hudson County’s poorest
continues to be acknowledged by community
leaders. Last week, Elizabeth F. Caraballo, Esq.,
Director of The Waterfront Project, Inc, and Trustee
Monsignor Robert Meyer, Esq., attended the
official opening ceremony of a new legal center,
We Are One NJ, a legal center sponsored by Hudson
County. We Are One NJ is a legal center located in
Jersey City that provides immigration and labor
and employment legal services to Hudson County
American Bible Society and America cordially
invite you to a talk with N T Wright, Leading New
Testament Scholar, Professor and Author on “Paul
and the Powerful Word: Gospel, Community,
Mission”. The conference will take place on Tuesday,
November 18, 2014 AT 6:30PM at American Bible
Society, 1865 Broadway, New York. Reception to
follow. The event is free and open to the Public. Please
respond by November 15th to Margaret Sarci, American
Bible Society at MSarci@americanbible.org
An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled
for Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:30 PM-Saint
John the Apostle Church, 1805 Penbrook
Terrace, Linden. A staff member of the Tribunal
of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide
basic information about annulments; the
requirements for annulments and how to begin
the process of petitioning for an annulment.
Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions,
please call the parish at 908.486.6363.
Vespers Service
On Sunday, November 23, the Archdiocese of Newark will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King
with a Vespers Service and Multicultural Concert to
at 3 PM at St Aedan’s, the Church of St.Peter’s University, at 800 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. All are
invited to join in this moment of prayer and rejoicing.
The Zucchetto Trade-ition
Using God’s Gifts
How Pope Francis' white skull cap made its way to SPP.
By Janel ESKER
On October 11, 2014 SPP parishioners Kevin and
Rachelle were married at the Chiesa Del Santissimo
Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano in Rome, with Father
Bob presiding. After a beautiful ceremony, the newlyweds received a piece of advice from Father Bob’s
seasoned experience of Rome and the Vatican. He
filled them in on a special area of Vatican Square
that is reserved for newlyweds to meet the Pope. Can
you imagine the opportunity to be married in Rome
and have the chance to meet Pope Francis in the
flesh? Father Bob explained, “People know about the
newly wed greeting area. But very few know about
the tradition of the zucchetto swap”.
It takes courage to entrust something precious to
someone else. New parents stall when leaving their
newborn in a babysitter’s care for the first time. A
mother repeatedly reminds her daughter on prom
night that her grandmother’s pearl necklace needs
great care. I’ve hesitated when handing my car keys
to my husband, even though he’s the safest driver I
know. When we entrust another with a precious gift,
there’s an unwritten covenant that the recipient will
use the gift wisely and responsibly.
The zucchetto is the skull cap that clergyman wear,
with the white zucchetto being reserved to the Pope.
The instructions were simple: buy a new zucchetto
from the Pope’s official provider and present it to
the Holy Father. A few years ago, an Associated Press
article chronicled US clergyman Father Richard
Kunst’s difficult but ultimate successful journey
in presenting a zucchetto to Saint Pope John Paul
II, who was not so keen on and rarely practiced the
“trade-ition”. Would Pope Francis make the trade or
would he air on the side of John Paul II in keeping his
So at the direction of Father Bob, Rachelle and Kevin
made their way to Gamarelli’s, the official papal
clothing store located across the Tiber River from St
Peter’s and just around the corner from the Roman
Pantheon. they then entered the special section
of Vatican Square with zucchetto in hand. After
celebrating Mass, Pope Francis made his way over to
the designated area which corralled a gathering of
newlyweds that anxiously awaited the Holy Father’s
arrival. As Pope Francis walked down the line amidst
the couples trying to kiss his “Ring of the Fisherman”
or take a photo he approached Kevin and Rachelle.
Excitedly, Rachelle knelt down, kissed his ring and
Kevin presented the zucchetto. The Argentinianborn Bishop of Rome then offered his blessings and
without hesitation, lifted the zucchetto from atop
his head, and accepted the trade.
Today, we are delighted and thankful for Kevin and
Rachelle who have generously presented the zucchetto to Saints Peter and Paul, here in Hoboken.
We wish them many blessings on their marriage
and many thanks for sharing their amazing experience with Pope Francis in Rome. The zucchetto will
be presented to the parish during the 10.30AM Mass
on Sunday.
The Pope's zucchetto is usually white, cardinals'
are scarlet, and those of bishops are amaranth.
Priests and deacons can technically wear a
black zucchetto and ordained Franciscan Friars
(like Fr Linh, OFM) can wear a brown one. The
zucchetto is not a liturgical vestment and it
is never worn in the presence of the Blessed
Such was the covenant between the master and
his servants in today’s Gospel. Jesus tells us the
master entrusted his precious possessions to the
servants. This wasn’t a random scattering of excess monies. The master gave particular thought
to what each servant should receive based on his
abilities. The master was thrilled at the first two
servants’ use of his gift and gravely disappointed
in the third’s refusal to use the gift responsibly.
Top: Kevin presents the zucchetto to Pope
Francis. Middle: Rachelle kisses the Fisherman's
Ring. Bottom: The Holy Father removing his
zucchetto and giving it to Kevin.
Prayer for the Holy Father
Almighty and Everlasting God,
have mercy on Your servant Pope Francis,
our Supreme Pontiff, and direct him,
according to Your loving kindness,
in the way of eternal salvation,
that with Your help he may ever desire
that which is pleasing to You
and accomplish it with all his strength.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord Jesus,
shelter our Holy Father the Pope
under the protection of Your Sacred Heart.
Be his light, his strength
and his consolation.
We know the master represents God, the servants us,
and the talents God’s many gifts to us. But have we
pondered our unwritten covenant with God—God’s
courageous choice to entrust to us what is precious
to him and an expectation that we’ll use these gifts
to the best of our ability? God’s gifts aren’t randomly
scattered, but instead confidently entrusted to us for
use in serving others. Perhaps we ought to look at our
good health, ample food and clothing, creative talents, and compassion as keys to God’s Corvette or the
finest pearl necklace in the divine jewelry collection.
They’re to be used—and used well—in the service of
the Lord.
Saint John’s Open House
The Staten Island Campus Open House will
be held on Saturday, November 22nd from 10
AM – 3 PM, and will provide students and their
families the opportunity to learn more about
St John’s University, our Vincentian heritage,
the benefits of a Catholic university education,
our prestigious academic programs, international service learning opportunities, and
more. For more information, go to http://www.
Offertory Envelopes to Faith Direct
— Now that you have made the switch!
Thank you to the many parishioners who are changing their method of giving to Ss Peter and Paul from
the envelope system to FaithDirect, our eGiving
program. If you have recently switched to FaithDirect, please let us know so that we are 100% sure
that envelopes will no longer be sent to you. We are
doing all of this in an effort to make your donations
go further for SPP. Contact Stephanie, parish secretary at secretaryspp@gmail.com or at 201-6592276 to let us know. Sign-up for FaithDirect today at
www.faithdirect.net with our parish code of NJ627.
Thank you for helping SPP achieve great things
through good stewardship!
Why Register
as a Parishioner of
Ss Peter and Paul?
If you are currently attending SPP (and we love
that you are with us!) but are not registered, we
need you to commit to the parish community in a
very concrete way by registering as a parishioner.
„„ You will receive end of the year tax
contribution statements.
„„ You will be personally invited to gatherings to
meet the staff and other parishioners.
„„ The parish will know the demographics and
respond to needs. Further, the Archdiocese
will know that our parish has a healthy base
of registered, supportive parishioners.
Learn the Basics and Enjoy a Taste!
Understanding wines is a fun, informative and
fascinating journey. Take the first step with an introductory wine class and tasting with Susan Hesleitner, founder of The New Jersey Wine School on
November 20th, 7 pm at Waterfront Hall, Ss Peter
and Paul Church. Learn the basics about wine,
food pairing, wine ratings, how to choose a wine,
the seven noble grapes, and what makes them
taste different around the world. You will taste six
wines and learn how to write a tasting note. Enjoy
delicious "palate teasers" from The Hoboken Gourmet Company. Wines will be available to order
from Giannone Wine and Liquor. Sign-up today
at www.spphoboken.com/wine. Place your holiday wine order at the event! Class fee is only $25.
You can also send a check payable to Ss Peter and Paul
to 408 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Contact
Louis Scarpa, Development Director at 201-659-2276
x306 or email ddevelopmentspp@gmail.com for
more information. This is a great event to attend with
friends and makes a wonderful gift. Cheers!
Thanksgiving Meals for The Hoboken Shelter Ministry
cooks and servers! Please consider preparing
one of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes a
little early this year and sharing that dish in
community and fellowship with those who
Archdiocesan Youth
Conference Day
Register online at http://www.spphoboken.com/registration.php or call the parish office for more information at 201-659-2276. Register today!
will be touched by your generosity. If you are
interested in participating in this effort, please
contact Guy Francesconi at guyfrancesconi@
gmail.com for more information.
We ask a minimum of one hour’s wage from each
working parishioner weekly. Why one hour?
The first hour of the work week is given to God,
imbuing our work with a sense of sacredness and
gratitude. This is a spiritual approach to work and
Average weekly
e-giving contribution:
This represents 62% of our weekly expenses.
November 9, 2014
Weekly average expense :
Basket Collection (121 envs):
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Cumulative expenses:
Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Cumulative Collection:
Deficit for the fiscal year to date:
„„ You may receive verification letters to
sponsor individuals for sacraments, receive
sacraments yourself or your child (i.e.
marriage, baptism).
The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal is our parish gift to the support the ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark. As of November 11, 90 parishioners
from Ss Peter and Paul have pledged $43,460 toward our goal of $59,176.
Thank you to those who have made a gift. Please make a pledge today – our
true goal is helping others. To donate, make your check payable to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, you can mail your gift to Ss Peter and Paul Church.
Stewardship and Financial Responsibility
For a convenient guide on how much is one
hour's wage for you, please go to: spphoboken.
Why register?
Annual Appeal Update
The Hoboken Shelter ministry at Ss Peter &
Paul is coordinating a Thanksgiving meal for
the single occupancy residents of the Hoboken Y on Monday November 24 and we need
New Hymnals for Ss Peter and Paul:
Because Music Enriches Our Faith!
Join us on Saturday November 22nd
from 9:30am until 9pm
Our Ritual Song hymnals have served the parish
well for 15 years. They are now worn and do not include the revised mass settings. The bilingual resource Unidos en Cristo / United in Christ is a 3 year
hymnal subscription which ends this November. A
new, comprehensive hymnal is needed to replace
both of these books.
After reviewing various hymnals, we’ve selected
Gather 3rd Edition from GIA Publications. Gather
contains most of our current repertoire with additional new music. Therefore, you will still enjoy
the familiar titles you have come to know and love,
while learning new music.
The parish will purchase 300 hymnals plus choir
and accompaniment books. Please make a donation today to help defray the cost of the hymnal
Mom’s Group
Calling all moms and little ones (newborn to
pre-K) to the Ss Peter & Paul mom’s group. Come
join other parish moms for friendship, playtime,
prayer, and the support every mom needs during
this new, exciting, and sometimes challenging
time. Create lasting friendships with other
moms and children in your parish community!
Wednesday, November 19
10am – 11:30am
Ss Peter & Paul Family Chapel, (lower
level of the church) Questions? contact
Susan at evangelizespp@gmail.com
and lend to support to music ministry at Ss Peter
and Paul. We are asking parishioners to provide of
gift of $100 for each hymnal. We will create a placard in the hymnal to recognize your thoughtful
gift. See the donation envelope for details.
Fall Sports are over! (unless your towns football
team makes the 2nd round of the State Playoffs)!
Marching Band Season is over!! Winter Sports can’t
start for another 2 weeks!!! CONFLICT FREE !!!!
You may make additional donations for multiple
hymnal commemorations. Donation envelopes
are found in the church vestibule. You may also
donate to the Hymnal Fund online at www.faithdirect.net, using our parish code NJ627.
Chris travels around
the country speaking
to teens and adults and
has been a presenter
at Steubenville, National Catholic Youth
Conferences and more.
Donations can be made at any point throughout the
year, even after the hymnals have arrived. We anticipate having the books in place on November 30th in
advance of Christmas. We are very grateful for your
generosity. May God bless you.
Keynote Speaker — Chris Padgett
Keynote Speaker — Bob Perron
Bob was one of the
Keynote Speakers for
the National Catholic
Youth Conference held
in November of 2013
and spoke in front of
23,000 teens!
Have your High School Teens join us for a GREAT
Day of Music . . . Opening Prayer with Archbishop
Hebda . . . Workshops . . . General Session with Chris
& Bob . . . Eucharistic Adoration . . . Lunch AND Dinner . . . Reconciliation . . . Mass . . . Closing Dance!
ONLY $20 a PERSON. Learn more and get group
registration materials at www.newarkoym.com
PLEASE NOTE: This Event IS NOT meant to
be a Confirmation Retreat and should not be
used as a substitute for one. Our Office offers
Confirmation Retreats during the school year.
Arts and Entertainment
The Church’s Perspective
Imagine this: You are diagnosed with a terminal illness and told that you only have a year to live. For the
next six months, you endure debilitation and suffering beyond anything you could have imagined. In
the process, you begin to lose your autonomy and
are increasingly forced to rely on others for help. You
begin to fear that your quality of life will degrade
to the point that you will become a burden on your
family and friends. Finally, you to lose hope as you
realize that you will never return to full health. Now
imagine that the law permitted you to ask your physician to help you die. What would you do?
Whether you know it or not, this scenario has been
played out numerous times, right here in the United
States. Oregon, Vermont, and New Mexico have all
passed so called “death with dignity” laws. Under
these laws, anyone who is 18 or older and has a life
expectancy of 6 months or less can ask their physician to prescribe lethal drugs to hasten death. Patients are required to make the request three times
at least two weeks apart, twice orally and once in
writing. After the third request, the physician prescribes a lethal cocktail of pills. The patient is then
free to take this prescription at the time of his or
her choosing. “Death with dignity” advocates insist
that this process cannot be considered physician
assisted suicide. Instead, they believe these laws allow people, who would rather live if it were not for
their illness, to maintain their dignity by giving them
control over their death. At first glance, this seems
compassionate; after all, no one likes to see another
person suffer. However, despite such staunch denials, “death with dignity” laws do legalize physician
assisted suicide. The CDC defines suicide as “death
caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any
intent to die as a result of the behavior.” Knowingly
taking a lethal prescription is clearly a “self-directed
injurious behavior” that is intended to cause one’s
own death. Physicians who prescribe these lethal
drugs are therefore helping people commit suicide.
While we may sympathize with those who feel the
need to take advantage of these laws, sympathy
does not change the reality of the situation: doctors
are helping these people kill themselves.
By Kathleen M Basi
While American society may one day accept physician assisted suicide, Catholic teaching unequivocally opposes it. The Church asserts that physician
assisted suicide takes an innocent life, thereby violating human dignity. Opponents of this position claim
that it condemns people to a life of suffering and
pain without hope of recovery. However, over 80%
of the people who request physician assisted suicide
do so because of a loss of autonomy and control, not
for reasons of unbearable pain. Modern medicine is
fully capable of addressing the pain and depression
associated with terminal illnesses through palliative
care, a holistic treatment approach that makes use
pain medication, psychological and spiritual counseling, antidepressants etc. This refutes the common claim that “death with dignity” laws are primarily a way to acknowledge human dignity by allowing
the terminally ill to end their pain.
This being said, when a debilitating illness takes
away a autonomy, making even the most basic tasks,
such as eating, walking, and bathing, by oneself impossible, a person may feel that life has lost all value.
This can be compounded if he or she also feels like
a burden on friends and family. Some believe this
lends support to advocates of physician assisted suicide. However, Scripture and the Church’s teaching
tell us that all life is sacred. Human dignity comes
from being made in God’s image and likeness, not
from having autonomy and independence. This dignity can never be lost or compromised. At the same
time, from a Christian standpoint, suffering has a
value and purpose. Saint Pope John Paul II asserted
that our suffering is added to all that Jesus suffered
during his Passion. In this way, human suffering becomes redemptive as it shares in the saving power of
Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. John Paul II personally
bore witness to this during the last ten years of his
life. Parkinson’s disease and other illnesses slowly
deprived him of his autonomy, causing his mind
and body to fail. Despite this he endured, practicing
what he preached by showing us how to bear suffering with dignity and courage.
Truly acknowledging the dignity of those who are
terminally ill therefore consists of standing in solidarity with them, not in helping them end their lives
once autonomy begins to fade. Compassion should
motivate us to help them bear their suffering with
courage; it should not motivate us to hasten their
deaths. While the Church asserts that modern medicine should never be used to end a life, it supports
the use of palliative care, such as pain medication,
and psychological counseling, to ease the process of
dying. Essentially, Church teaching calls us to show
the terminally ill that their lives still have value; that
we see them as human beings made in God’s image
and likeness, not as burdens. This is the only way to
truly recognize their inviolable human dignity.
I don’t know about you, but I find my
nightly TV-viewing options rather
uninspiring. It seems basic cable offers little more than crude sitcoms,
so-called reality TV, and gruesome
crime dramas. I’m a writer with aspirations to publish fiction, so I understand how we got to this point.
As entertainment options increase,
artists try to stand out by delivering
the unexpected, something that irresistibly draws people to the next
page or scene. The trouble is, the
more we see, the more it takes to
shock us and the more desensitized
we become to the real—but ultimately less dramatic— presence of
evil in everyday life.
Of course, there are bright spots
in modern entertainment. And we
always have the option not to view
morally offensive material. Corporate executive, author, and syndicated radio personality Dr Dick Lyles
has created Origin Entertainment as
a way to carve out a place for Christi-
anity in today’s culture. Catholics, he
says, are willing to give money to the
poor, but they don’t give to the arts
as much as they used to. That means
Catholics aren’t helping shape our
culture through the arts.
Artists of the past like Michelangelo, Palestrina, and da Vinci are
revered by the faithful as masters,
in part because the Church and its
wealthiest members made the arts
a priority. Nowadays, people criticize the Church’s vast collections of
art. Sometimes local parishes catch
flak for commissioning artwork for
new worship spaces: Shouldn’t the
Church’s wealth be used instead to
feed the poorest of the poor?
It’s a tough question, and I don’t
pretend to have answers. But it’s
worth remembering that the stakes
are high: The next generation is at
risk of becoming even more desensitized to cultural values that stand
utterly opposed to the faith we’re
responsible for passing on.
Top: Last week the Family Assembly was busy crafting some colorful
hands. Middle: Meanwhile, the Rosary Society gathered and was awed
to be presented with the original document in Latin that created the
Rosary Society at SPP (the Confraternitas Sanctiii Rosarii, as it was
called in October 1915). If you would like to join the Rosary Society,
call Maria 201-656-6176 or Joan 201-792-2596. Bottom right: Newlyappointed Hoboken Chief of Police Kenneth Ferrante meets with Fr
Bob. Left: the Social Justice Sunday collection raised over 60 boags of
food for St Matthews. Many thanks to all who could help!
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