This Week - Saints Peter And Paul

Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Community Newsletter
December 21, 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent & Christmas
404 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
201.659.2276 
spphoboken @spphoboken
Parish Office Hours
Sunday Readings
To grow the Catholic Community of Ss Peter and Paul in faith, Monday  Thursday
hope, and love.
Saturday – Sunday
10 AM – 7 PM
10 AM – 5 PM
Ss Peter and Paul strives to be an inviting Catholic community, Church Hours
inspired by Jesus Christ, where we grow a rich sacramental life
through prayerful worship and service to our neighbors with one Sunday  Friday
Pastoral Team
7:30 AM – 7 PM
9 AM – 7 PM
Sunday Masses
Msgr Robert S Meyer, Esq
Stephanie Panzariello, BS
Karen Imbach, BA
Vigil (Saturday)
5.30 PM
8 AM  9 AM  10.30 AM
 12 Noon  7 PM
No music +Family Mass
Daily Liturgies
Valerie Sorge, BA
Communion Service 12:10 PM
Tuesday  Friday
Mass 12:10 PM
Karen Barisonek, MBA
Other Daily Masses available
in the Deanery:
St AnnMonday  Friday 7 AM
St FrancisMonday  Friday 8 AM
St LawrenceTuesday  Friday 9.30 AM
OLGMonday 
Friday 12:30 PM
Thursday 7 PM
Susan Francesconi, BA
Louis Scarpa, MA
Max Colas, MSc
Matthew Fantau
Drew Stuart, MA
Nick Leeper
Ed Yruma
Greg McDonald  Katie Riley  Geoffrey Scheer
Holy Hour
Eucharistic Adoration
First Thursday
of the Month
11 AM to 12 Noon
There will be no confessions on Christmas
eve and Christmas Day.
5:00 PM sharp
Ministry for the Sick
Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father
for December
Hoboken Catholic Academy
Proud co-sponsor of Hoboken Catholic Academy
555 7th Street, Hoboken, NJ  201.963.9535
Matthew McGrath, MA, MEd
Luke 1:26–38 Gabriel greets Mary and
announces the Incarnation and conception of a
divine Son and eternal ruler, as well as Elizabeth’s
pregnancy. Mary accepts, saying, “May it be
Weekday Readings
1 Sm 1:24–28 / 1 SM 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8ABCD/ Lk 1:46–56
Tuesday St John of Kanty
Ml 3:1–4, 23–24 / PS 25:4-5AB, 8-9, 10 & 14 /
Luke 1:57–66
2 Sm 7:1–5, 8b–12, 14a, 16 / PS 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 AND
29 / Lk 1:67–79
Thursday Nativity of the Lord
Is 52:7–10 / He 1:1–6 / Jn 1:1–18
Friday St Stephen
Ac 6:8–10; 7:54–59 / PS 31:3CD-4, 6 AND 8AB,
16BC AND 17 / Mt 10:17–22
Saturday St John the Apostle
1 Jn 1:1–4 / PS 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 / Jn 20:1a, 2–8
Saturday, December 20
If you are aware of any parishioners who
Rose Perry  Don Meyer
TRUSTEES no longer can come to Church and would
like to receive Communion and a visit
The Waterfront Project, inc
from someone at our Parish please call
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing legal assistance to the Parish Office.
disadvantaged individuals.
Elizabeth F Caraballo, Esq Tel: 201.308.3986
Romans 16:25–27 Saint Paul proclaims God’s
presence revealed in word (“gospel and…
prophetic writings”) and in Jesus Christ, for the
good of all people and to glorify the Lord.
This Week's Mass Intentions
Sacrament of Reconciliation
2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8b–12, 14a, 16 Through the
prophet Nathan, God speaks to King David,
affirming his eternal providence for Israel and
the house of David. An heir like a son of God is
General intention: Christmas, hope for humanity. That the birth of the Redeemer may
bring peace and hope to all people of good
Missionary intention: Parents. That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to
their children the precious gift of faith.
5:30 pm Bridget Cahill
Sunday, December 21
The Gifts are offered in memory of †Stephen Darago
8:00 am The Cappock Family
9:00 am †Ronald Paul Margraf
10:30 am † Bernice McDonough
12:00 pm †Filomena Mastropasqua
7:00 pm †Joseph and Joan Canavan
Tuesday, December 23
12:10 pm Maureen Heslin
Wednesday, December 24
4:00 pm † John Arias, 10th Anniversary
5:30 pm † Cosmo Scardigno
10:00 pm The Meyer Family
Thursday, December 25
10:30 am † Joseph and Joan Canavan & †Joseph Stellato
Friday, December 26
12:10 pm Daniel Brown
Saturday, December 27
5:30 pm
† Anna Chirichella
Sunday, December 28
The Gifts are offered in memory of †Stephen Darago
8:00 am The Cappock Family
9:00 am † Paul Frommer
10:30 am † Margaret Erhardt
12:00 pm † Fr Francis Hennessey
7:00 pm † Joseph and Joan Canavan
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Christmas Eve
Children's Mass
My Dear Parishioners:
Merry Christmas!
On Christmas we remember that one special
night, a long time ago when an angel appeared to
some shepherds and told them a savior had been
born nearby who would save people from their
sins and ultimately from death. Then many more
angels appeared proclaiming “peace on earth,
good will to all.”
What an amazing scene in the hills outside
Jesus was born to reconcile us with God and with
one another. Jesus came to establish the just order
based on loving God above all else and on loving
others as children of God. Sharing our human life
even to the point of suffering and dying, Jesus
brought hope. He rose from the dead never to die
again, and he offers eternal life to all who come to
Pope Francis has called Christmas “the feast of trust
and of hope which overcomes uncertainty and
pessimism.” He said: “And the reason for our hope
is this: God is with us... he comes to abide with us,
he chooses earth as his dwelling place to remain
with people ... in joy or in sorrow. Therefore, earth
is no longer only ‘a valley of tears’; rather, it is the
place where God himself has pitched his tent, it is
the meeting place of God with humanity, of God's
solidarity with people.”
In celebration of Jesus’ birth and in the
spirit of Christmas, we invite those who
attend the 4:00 PM Mass on Christmas
Eve to dress your children in red and
green or other festive Christmas clothing. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let
Earth receive her King!
As Pope Francis said, “This closeness of God to
every man and woman, to each of us, is a gift that
never fades.”
March for Life
Thursday January 22, 2015
May this Christmas bring peace and hope to you
and your loved ones today and always!
Fr Bob
Why Is Developing
Our Spirituality So Important?
Sr Joann Marie AUMAND, SCC, MA
Pastoral Associate for RCIA,
Faith Formation and Spirituality
Newcomers and parishioners are invited to stop by the Waterfront room
after the 9am family mass. Enjoy refreshments, register to join the parish,
learn about upcoming programs, or
just catch up with fellow parishioners.
Come on down!
Why is developing our spirituality so important? Because God is asking us to!!
Christmas Schedule
God is inviting us to be in a relationship with Him
and saying YES to God and allowing Him into our
lives gives us Life!! By saying YES to God's invitation
we are saying, YES God, I want you in my life and YES
I want you to feed me with your LIFE-GIVING Presence. How can we possibly even consider saying NO
to God who can only give us His love, joy, and peace?
How can we dare say NO to an evite from God??
Advent Evening Holy Hour
Every day God's Spirit is calling us to be part of His
holy energy; and every day we have the option to say
either yes or no to God. God is always asking us if he
can be part of our life and often we don't even hear
Him speak to us. If we want God in our lives and we
want God in our children's lives we need to say yes to
the opportunities provided us so that our spirituality
can grow and develop.
Personal prayer, family prayer and community
prayer are all ways to be in spiritual union with
God. Attending and participating in weekly Liturgy,
reading scripture, giving thanks to God for our food,
blessing ourselves before bed and on rising, praying
for our sick family members and friends and asking
God for help in time of need are all ways we can develop our spirituality and teach our children the importance of connecting with God.
Developing our spirituality is about learning to
listen to God. We should want to be in close communion with God and we must teach our children
that God is real, alive, and speaks to us in a language
called prayer.
As we celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas, and as we
begin a New Year, may our YES to God's invitation be
strong, bold and sincere so that we and our children
grow in our spirituality with the Spirit and live lives
that say YES God we want you in our lives!
Join us during our last Holy Hour of
Advent on December 21. Holy Hour
will begin at 6 PM with Evening Prayer
beginning at 6:30 PM. Come and spend
some time in the Presence of the Lord,
be still and find peace.
Christmas Eve
4 PM
5.30 PM
10 PM
Children Mass
Vigil Mass
Midnight Mass
10.30 AM
Mass of the Nativity
of our Lord
Christmas Day
Our Parish Office will be closed
on December 24th, 25th, 26th and
31st, and on January 1st.
If You Have Lost a Child Gratitude Gala
The Office of Family Life
Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors
three support groups for
Parents Grieving the Death
of a Child. Groups meet year
‘round on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30
PM (July and August at 7:00 PM) at St Thomas the
Apostle Parish Center, 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield,
and on the third Monday of each month at St Peter
the Apostle Parish Center, 445 Fifth Avenue, River
Edge. The Support Group for Fathers Who Have
Lost a Child meets quarterly at Notre Dame Parish
Center, 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell. There is
no preregistration for any of the groups, and there
is no fee. For further information about meeting
times and dates, please contact the Office of Family
Life at 973-497-4327 or email
Director of Development
Save the date for our Gratitude Gala: March 5, 2015 at 6.30
PM at Chart House, Weehawken honoring Bishop Thomas
Donato, David Roberts and Edward & Jennifer Yruma.
Getting Married at Ss Peter & Paul
All wedding preparation begins with a meeting
with one of the priests on staff. Here at Ss Peter and
Paul, all couples must meet with Fr Bob in order to
get the process started, regardless of who will perform the ceremony. No wedding will be put in our
parish calendar until this meeting has taken place.
Available dates are not given out via phone or email
until this first meeting has occurred. Make arrangements for your wedding at least six months in ad-
Sponsor Certificate
Many of our parishioners request Sponsor Certificates so that they may serve as Godparents at the
Baptism or Sponsors for the Confirmation of a loved
one. This is a great honor. It means is that the young
person (or his/her parents) recognize you as someone who is an active and regular participant in the
practice of the Catholic faith, willing and able to
help pass on the faith to a young person.
In order for our Pastor to prepare a Sponsor Certificate on your behalf, we ask that parishioners review
and complete a form available from our website.
Please note that Ss Peter and Paul will only certify
those who are registered (for at least 3 months) and
are known to the parish, actively participate in its
life, including regular mass attendance and support
Ss Peter and Paul with envelopes or Faith Direct.
Anonymous parishioners and donors cannot be
Ubi Et Orbi Blessing
Don't forget to tune in to the Vatican YouTube channel on on Christmas day to receive
the Holy Father's Apostolic Blessing.
The Christ-Bearer
SFIC High School
Basketball Festival
Director of Evangelization
Here’s what we know. Mary was a young, most likely
poor Jewish woman who was engaged to a man
named Joseph. She lived in a small and remote place
called Nazareth, far from the city of Jerusalem. And,
as a member of a patriarchal society that placed little
value on women and the young, the still unmarried
Mary was among the most powerless of her world.
We also know from scripture that Mary had found
favor with God, and God had plans. So, God arranged
a meeting between Mary and the angel Gabriel.
The sacrament of marriage and its preparation are
taken seriously at Ss Peter and Paul. In asking the
Church to witness your marriage, you are tacitly
noting your willingness to cooperate with its theology and protocol. The priest or deacon witnessing
your wedding needs to certify that you share in and
believe what Church teaches about marriage.
vance by calling or emailing the Valerie Sorge at
201-659-2276 or
The discussion of a marriage date will only happen
with those couples who are registered (for at least 3
months) and known to the parish, actively participate in its life, including regular mass attendance
and support Ss Peter and Paul with envelopes or
Faith Direct. Anonymous parishioners and donors
cannot be verified.
Child Baptism
Baptism is the gateway to the rest of the sacraments
of the Church, and as such, ensuring that families
are properly disposed to introduce their child(ren)
to a sacramental life is essential.
Begin each day praying for yourself and your future
spouse that God will continue to ripen His grace in
you as you approach the sacrament of marriage.
Stewardship and Financial
Should you have questions, please check out our website first, then call the office at 201-659-2276 or email:
Baptism Schedule
for 2015
„„ Saturday, January 10, 2015 — 11:30am
„„ Sunday, February 8, 2015 — 1:30pm
„„ Saturday, April 25, 2015 — 11:30am
„„ Saturday, May 2, 2015 — 11:30am
„„ Saturday, June 14, 2015 — 11:30am
For Baptismal prep sessions in 2015, please contact the Parish office.
verified. Simply being a Catholic is not enough to
serve in this important capacity. We strictly adhere
to this policy.
Should you have questions, please check out our website first, then call the office at 201-659-2276 or email:
Prior to her startling conversation with Gabriel, Mary
almost certainly envisioned an ordinary domestic
life for herself and Joseph and their future family.
She had no reason to think otherwise. But then, here
appears this angel with amazing news. Luke’s gospel
indicates Mary was “greatly troubled at what was
said.” But the text does not imply a sense of unworthiness on Mary’s part. She does not say, “Who me?”
Instead she asks the angel how it could be possible
even though it is clear she accepts it will be so. She
consents to her role as the bearer of the child who
will be called the Son of the Most High. The words of
the angel indicate this child will be the long-awaited
Messiah, the Christ.
Parents wishing to have their child(ren) baptized
at Ss Peter and Paul Church must be REGISTERED,
REGULARLY ATTEND, and ACTIVELY SUPPORT (either with Envelopes or Faith Direct) the parish for
at least 3 months in order to schedule a baptismal
date. Anonymous contributions are not verifiable.
You be required to have a meeting with Father
Bob before a date can be confirmed. This meeting
is required whether the child is being baptized in
Ss Peter and Paul parish or at another church.Parents are also are expected to attend one baptism
preparation meeting prior to the baptism with the
Godparents, if the Godparents are able. (Parents are
asked only to attend the session for their first child.)
This meeting ideally should take place during the
mother's pregnancy.
For any questions regarding Baptisms, please check
out our website first and please contact the Parish
Secretary at and
many blessings to you and your young family. Should
you have any particular needs, please be sure to let us
know. Congratulations again!
We ask a minimum of one hour’s wage
from each working parishioner weekly.
Why one hour? The first hour of the work
week is given to God, imbuing our work
with a sense of sacredness and gratitude.
This is a spiritual approach to work and
For a convenient guide on how much is
one hour's wage for you, please go to:
Average weekly
e-giving contribution:
This represents 65% of our weekly expenses.
Weekly average expense :
This bulletin is printed early. Collection
for Sunday, December 14 will be
published at a later date.
Christmas Collection
The budgeted amount for the Christmas
collection this year is $65,000. Thank you for
your generosity today and always!
As an evangelizing people, we are also called to bring
Christ into the world, albeit in a much different way.
We do this through our Christ-centered actions, our
sharing of the Gospel message in word and deed, and
our openness to God’s plan for our lives and for that
of the world.
Have you considered your role as a Christ-bearer? Will
you also say yes?
The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children will
hold its 12th annual High School Basketball Festival
on January 2 and 4, 2015 at Kean University in Union
with Hudson Catholic, Seton Hall Prep, St Dominic’s
Academy, Paramus Catholic, St Joseph’s Regional
and many more. For complete game schedule, times
and information on ordering tickets, please visit www. or call (973) 497-4279.
Memorialize One of our New Hymnals
Please help the Music Ministry with the purchase of our new hymnals by
donating $100 to memorialize one.
Please memorialize one
of the new hymnals:
My name:
My address:
My email:
My phone:
Please choose your placard:
In memory of
In honor of
(Please only fill one line)
Please detach this receipt and
deliver with a check for $100 to
the parish offices or mail to 404
Hudson Street, Hoboken NJ 07030.
You can also pay by FaithDirect
using the parish code NJ627.
Children's Corner
Guess whose birthday it is today: it is Jesus' Birthday! Jesus
was a child like you, a long, lomg time ago. And Jesus
grew up to proclaim a message of love that continues to
live today. You can color the drawing of Jesus as a baby
below and offer it to someone you love in honor of Jesus.
Merry christmas!
Parish update
The Priests
and Staff of
ss Peter & Paul
wish you a loving,
uplifting and
holy christmas.
the Light
of the World
is shining.
Parish Calendar
Saturday, December 20
5 PM Confessions
Sunday, December 21
9 AM Faith Formation: Family Class
10 AM Welcome Sunday
6 PM Holy Hour and Evening Prayer
Tuesday, December 23
9 AM Church decoration
5.30 PM ACOA Meeting
Wednesday, December 24
Parish Office closed
No Daily Mass at 12.10 PM
4 PM Children's Mass
5.30 PM Mass
10 PM Midnight Mass
Thursday, December 25
Parish Office closed
10.30 AMMass of the Nativity of our Lord
Friday, December 26
Parish Office closed
Saturday, December 13
5 PM Confessions
Sunday, December 28
9 AM Breaking Open the Word
(Family chapel)
10 AMFaith Formation:
Home Activities/Sacramental
12 PM Mass with Baptism
We welcome our newly-registered parishioners in
September: Stephen and Tina Kurian g Margaret Lee
g Katelyn Scavone g William Donohue g Kerry Dolan
g Daniel and Shaelyn Annunziata g Michael and
Debra Cunningham g David and Lisa Johnson g Adam
Magaletta g Cliff Ogbuagu g Joseph and Sarah Gallo g
Eric and Kelly Natelson g Danielle Manzi g Keith and
Elizabeth Waggoner g Alexander and Jessica Sarenac
g Marlon and Jhosan Duprey g Jerome Fenton g
Meghan Zanetich g Matthew and Odalys Caballero
g in October: Alexandre Keichinger g Victoria Lee g
James Murray g Christopher Sarracino g Christopher
and Satoko Ragan g Jayna Clarke g Eleonora Tinoco
g Victoria Sensi g Michael and Nicole O'Donnell g
Jennifer Gall g Benny and Grace Abe g Matthew and
Sara Cowan g Danielle Mazza g Rosemarie Flores
g Robert and Gina Semerad g Jennifer Zatwarnicki
g Kevin Nixon Jr g Sabrina Pasini g Sean and Nicole
O'Neal g Stephen and Annie Caprio g Catherine
Rosetti g Cathleen Deignan g John McAleer g James
Semerad g Nicholas and Michela DeTrizio g Mark
and Melissa Tower g in November: Alex and Patricia
Banos g Robert and Meghan Grant g Diego and
Katherine Chavez g Brian and Lauren Giordano
g Madison Geroski g Nyla Saoud g Benjamin and
Dina Moore g David and Carrie Tyler g Julie Kapsch g
Jennifer Van Savage g Bill Buzaid g Kathleen Boozang
g Gregory Lane g John and Michelle Schram g Brian
Siano g Kirsten Midtbo g Blake Kirkpatrick g Claudio
and Bernadette Cofre g Tanya O'Connor-Hogan g
Ryan and Marisa Huthwaite g Peter and Christine
Barbera g John and Dori Bright g Frances Tucceri g in
December: Katie Matarazzo g Brian and Ann Marie
Gray g Jessica Erskine g Craig Swanson g Gabriela
Mastrangelo g Justin Cannella g Megan Carr g Joseph
and Kristin Martins g Chad Broussard g David Nowak
g Jeremy and Stacey Vuolo g Brian Daly.
Not registered yet?
Go to
and enjoy the benefits today!
Follow us
Like us on Facebook an share
our pages with your friends
and enjoy updates, photos,
comments and spiritual
help throughout your week.
Welcome to our community!
We welcome our newly-baptized in September:
Jack Andrew Liska g in October: Liam Patrick Harrington g Jack Benjamin Denk g Evelyn Grace O'Grady
g Maeve Janiszewski g Brody Robert Katz g in November: Gemma Catherine Smith.
Baby on the way?
Now is the time to plan your
child's baptismal preparation.
See page 4.
We congratulate the couples who became one in
Matrimony in September: Gregory Robert Elliot and
Kelly Suzanne Schoeler g Kevin Michael Ferguson
and Shannon Glavan g Matthew Normand Cabral
and Lauren Elaine Lam g Travis Allen Sivek and
Megan Theresa Milliken g Thomas Matthew Fox and
Melanie Jane Hoshko g Charles Daniel Tacopino and
Brittany LeAnna DeTitta g Ryan Michael Mott and
Christina Chu Ma g in October: Sean Patrick Neafsey
and Alyson Villano g Thomas Francis Moran and Erin
Marie Campbell g Gabriel Jesus Figueroa and Lauren
LaSasso g in November: Frank Anthony Corvino
and Marissa Richichi g Bryan Van Steenbergen and
Michelle Alvarez g John Joseph Maydick III and
Lindsay Ann Gallagher g Joseph Edward Vincent
III and Nicole Christine Woolley g Berje Andrew
Stephan and Nicole Louise Feniello.
Proposal in the air?
;-) Discreetly read more on page 4.
We remember those who completed their
pilgrimage on Earth in September: Robert J
Murillo g Carlos Albert Moreno g in October: Xavier
Hernandez g Onofrio Tattoli g in November: Mildred
Charity and
the Church
Benedict XVI Intern
Pope Benedict XVI released first papal encyclical,
Deus Caritas Est (God is Love), in 2005. One of the
subjects that Pope Benedict addresses in the encyclical is importance of charitable works to the
mission of Church. He goes so far as to say that
love of neighbor is the responsibility of the entire
Church (individual Catholics, parish communities,
diocese, and the universal Church). This being the
case, we must stand together with the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized to affirm that poverty
or any other condition that prevent people from
living a dignified life are unacceptable. According to Pope Benedict, the Church’s very nature is
expressed in its three responsibilities: proclaiming God’s word, celebrating the sacraments,
and exercising charity. Because it is part of the
Church’s very nature, charity cannot be neglected.
Going on, Pope Benedict calls for cooperation between state and Church agencies in order to provide
the most effective charitable outreach. However, he
points out that even with such cooperation, the
Church’s charitable activity must be distinct since it
should be motivated by a desire to live and share the
Gospel. At the same time, the Church’s charitable
activity should be distinguished by its heartfelt concern for the humanity of each and every person it
helps. Pope Benedict asserts that the Church’s charitable action flows from our faith. It is, essentially,
our faith in Christ made active through our love of
neighbor. It is therefore through Christian charity that the love of Christ is made present to world.
Finally Pope Benedict cautions that Christian charity should never be used to impose our faith on
others, since the love of Christ is unconditional.
While faith cannot be set aside when carrying
out Christian charity, we must not use charitable
acts as an opportunity make people feel obligated
to listen to or accept the message of the Gospel.
Overall, Pope Benedict asserts that charitable acts
are an integral part of the Church. Motivated by
the Gospel, acts of Christian charity bring our faith
into action by showing the world Christ’s love. Pope
Benedict writes, “A Christian knows when it is time
to speak of God and when it is better to say nothing and to let love alone speak.” Essentially, a true
Christian knows that a “pure and generous love,”
shown by our actions, is the best witness to God.
Overall, in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est, Pope
Benedict emphasizes that charity to the poor
and vulnerable is an essential part of the Church’s
mission and an obligation for all Catholics. Charity is a means of showing the world Christ’s love.
Sharing the blessing of the year
Year-End Giving
Opportunities at
Ss Peter and Paul
With the year drawing to a close, now
is a time when many parishioners offer a year-end gift to Ss Peter and
Paul, making the most of their donation thanks to various tax benefits.
The deductions allowed by the IRS
for charitable giving help individuals
grow their generosity and enable the
parish continue its good works.
We want you to know about some
unique financial tools you can use to
plan your gift to Ss Peter and Paul so
that it also returns benefits to you.
„„ you can make a gift that costs
you nothing during your lifetime? Naming Ss Peter and Paul
Parish as a beneficiary of your
will or revocable trust or your
retirement plan is a great opportunity.
„„ giving an asset may help others
more than it's helping you?
Assets such as a life insurance
policy whose coverage your
family no longer needs, or
real estate like a parcel of
undeveloped land, or
even artwork that
you no longer have
room to display can be
placed at the service of
the shepherds and the Wise Men. Ss Peter
and Paul is present all year round —open
daily for prayer, teaching our children,
comforting those who mourn, celebrating
the joys of marriage and baptism. Ss Peter
and Paul can only be present thanks your
matching gift programs.
With the year also drawing to a close, now
is good to be mindful of the the deductions
allowed by the IRS for charitable giving,
helping individuals grow their generosity
and enabling the parish to continue its
good works. Please also check with your
employer's matching gift program. If your
employer does not match to religious
organizations, please designate The
Waterfront Project, Inc, an independently
incorporated non-profit legal clinic
supported by Ss Peter and Paul, as a
You may make your gift to the parish via
check or visiting, using
parish code NJ627. Thank you for your
generous presence and financial support.
How can my gift do the most
good for Ss Peter and Paul?
Peace and blessings to you!
„„ you can make Ss Peter and Paul
a partner in your giving? You can
deed the parish a home and yet
continue to live there.
Did you know that:
„„ you don't have to use cash
to make your gift? Donating
appreciated securities is the
same as a cash gift, and you
pay no capital gains tax on the
Christ, born to poor parents, was rich
due to the presence of Mary, Joseph,
Will my employer match my
Many companies offer their employees matching gifts. Sometimes it is assumed that a company will not match a
gift to a religious institution, this is not
always the case. The Waterfront Project, Inc, a non-profit legal clinic hosted
by the parish is an independently incorporated entity and qualifies for many
By designating your gift to the Ss Peter
and Paul Legacy Fund assessments by
the Archdiocese are waived, therefore
100% of your gift directly supports the
work of Ss Peter and Paul.
How do I start?
To find out your giving options or to
learn more, please contact Louis Scarpa,
Director of Development at 201-6592276 x306 or ddevelopmentspp@gmail.
com or contact your financial advisor.
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*First Three Months
David J. McKnight
Owner / Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4766
Only your Nonna
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Eric Lawton, Jr., Manager, NJ Lic. No. 2650
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(201) 659-1660
Daniel Simone, Jr., Dir., NJ Lic. No. 3347
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