Grace No ces Friday, 17 October 2014 Tel. 08 9726 4200 Email: Coming up Term 4 Week 1 Saturday, 18 October BUSY BEE Week 2 Monday, 20 October Parent Prayer Group 9am Constable Care Incursion Year 1—7 Year 11 Exams commence (20—27 October) Tuesday, 21 October Little Library 9am Thursday, 23 October Kindy Tour 9.30am Friday, 24 October Junior School Assembly 2.20pm Week 3 Monday, 27 October Parent Prayer Group 9am Tuesday, 28 October Little Library 9am Thursday, 30 October Interschool Athletics Competition From the Principal’s desk Welcome Welcome back to School and Term 4. Term 4 is consistently a very busy term, even more so than the previous three and it becomes essen@al that secure rou@nes are maintained to assist children in this final term of the year. I would par@cularly like to welcome the new families to our school; Connor Thornhill (Year 6), Brodie Banks (Year8) and Sindiso Gumbo (Year 10). We pray you will seCle in and feel part of our community very quickly. Year 12 students Yesterday we saw off our Year 12 students with an incredible assembly and Gradua@on Dinner. The final day for our Year 12’s is always steeped in emo@ons, a sense of finality and sadness, but also enormous pride as we take stock and see what wonderful young men and women graduate from our school. The Grace community becomes very evident on these days, and as staff, parents and students made men@on, it is like a family. I would like to thank our Year 12 students for the way they conducted themselves throughout the day. You have done the school proud and made the final day something very special. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the parents of these young people. For some, this marks the end of a partnership with Grace Chris@an School that has lasted for many years. Your valued support of our Chris@an school has not only provided for your child’s growth but also for the future of Chris@an educa@on in the Bunbury area. Thank you. NAPLAN results The NAPLAN results were recently released and parents should have a copy of their children’s results. Whilst we see this standardized test as one of many tools we use for review and improvement for both the individual and the school programme, it is very pleasing to see the hard work of the teachers in the years of the test and the prior years pay off. Kindy Tour 9.30am Creative Arts / Open Night 5.30pm—8.30pm Friday, 31 October Reformation Day Middle School Assembly 2.20pm Week 4 Monday, 3 November Parent Prayer Group 9am Tuesday, 4 November Little Library 9am Year 8 Immunisations Kindergarten Parents Dinner 6.30pm Thursday, 6 November School Tour 10am PR Uniform Fittings Friday, 7 November Worship Service 2.20pm PR Uniform Fittings Term Dates Term 4—ends Friday, 12 December The results in all years reflected this effort and I thank our teachers for their dedica@on and skill in facilita@ng the results. In all areas our school results not only showed significant growth in individual results but also significant growth against state and na@onal results. Well done to all concerned. 25th Anniversary Next year marks the 25th year of opera@on for our school. To celebrate this occasion a number of significant events will be held over the year including a Bush Dance, a May Fair, Dinners and special dedica@on services where we will acknowledge the blessings the school has received from our Lord and Father over the past quarter of a century. Stay tuned. Crea ve Arts / Open Night You are warmly invited to the Crea@ve Arts Open Night on Thursday, 30th October, between 5.00pm and 7.45pm. Music, drama and dance performances, art work and much more will be on display on the night. There will also be a school tour for any families interested in enrolling their children into Grace Chris@an School. I encourage you to aCend and invite family and friends as we showcase our school to the community. (See further details on page 2) Mr Hugo de Ridder Principal Let us acknowledge the LJKL; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. Hosea 6:3 (NIV) Term 4 Issue 1 School News Grace No ces - Friday, 17 October 2014 Page 2 Page 3 Grace No ces - Friday, 17 October 2014 Term 4 Issue 1 School News Year 5/6 Parliament House and Scitech Excursion On 12th September, the Year 5/6 class took an excursion to Parliament House and Scitech. Our students were complimented for their knowledge, behaviour, and neat uniforms at Parliament and they really enjoyed their tour. Scitech was also exci@ng, and aOer some @me on the floor, our class were very successful in crea@ng Stop Mo@on Anima@ons in the CSIRO lab. I was very proud of them! Many thanks to Mrs Hobbs, Mr Williams, Mr Carter and Mr Meyer, who were gracious helpers for a very long day. Comments on Parliament House When we arrived at Parliament there was an awesome view of the city and the front of the Parliament was really tall! Brody We were 20 minutes early, so we went for a walk. When we came back we saw Mark McGowan MP (Leader of the Opposi@on) in the middle of an interview! The parliament had lots of stairs and amazing artwork. Jessica The most interes@ng thing was learning about a person called John Forrest. He was born near Eaton. It was an awesome day. Marlize The tour guide told us how John Forrest was accepted to become a Lord, but when he was on the boat, travelling to the House of Lords in England, he died. She took us up some elegant white stairs to the 2nd floor, where there were beau@ful chandeliers hanging from the roof, and showed us a pain@ng of the first men to start Parliament. I had a fantas@c @me at Parliament House and learnt lots of interes@ng things. Elavina Our guide started to ask us some ques@ons about Parliament House. I think she thought we had not learnt a lot about it, (but we answered them all and she was impressed!). Lochlan Our guide was really nice and showed us some of the history of the Parliament. When we went into the Lower House we reenacted the passing of the Bill about hoons on the roads. I acted as the Member for Wagin. AOer that we went to the Upper House and we were shown the Black Rod before we leO to have blueberry muffins with juice, supplied by our Member of Parliament. Imogen Comments on Scitech Scitech has lots of fun, scien@fic and interes@ng games for kids aged 4 -13. LiCle kids might say it’s a magical place. It has lots of games that trick your mind and make you wonder how it did that. Jessica I was fascinated by what I saw at Scitech. By the end of the day, I had laid on a bed of nails, had my head almost chopped off, gone through this awesome mirror maze and made a small anima@on. I just could not stop smiling! Shelana Lochlan and I started our thaumatrope anima@on with Pacman chomping. Lochlan drew the pictures while I took the photos with a special, small camera. When we were done, we made another, longer anima@on. It was great fun. Nathan Georgia and I created an anima@on of a strawberry growing with a caterpillar coming out and then dissolving. Sophie I had an absolute blast! Imogen Mrs Maxine Jolly Year 5/6 Teacher Pirate Day To celebrate all things nau@cal and, possibly, in recogni@on of today (19th September) being Interna!onal Talk Like A Pirate Day, yesterday Mrs Bignell’s Early Childhood class held a pirate party. The children made pirate costumes and their own pirate play ship and then, with an appropriate level of swashbuckling and many cries of “Ahoy!” they set sail for a treasure island! Aye, an’ what a successful adventure t’was! They found gold coins which they later gleeful showed the landlubbers from other classes. Mr Ross Le Cras Community Rela ons Term 4 Issue 1 Grace No ces - Friday, 17 October 2014 Page 4 School News con nued Emily progressing strongly through the Premier's ANZAC tour compe on Next year will be a milestone in the history of Australia as the na@on remembers the 100th Anniversary of its involvement in WWI. On ANZAC Day 2015, Grace Year 10 student Emily Fernley hopes to be among those gathered of the hilltops of Gallipoli in remembrance of our brave soldiers. From over 1,000 entries, Emily is one of 57 students shortlisted for the Premier's ANZAC Student Tour 2015. As well as having an ac@ve interest in the study of history, applicants were required to write a 1000 word essay on The Spirit of ANZAC. Those selected to progress to the State Final have an interview with the selec@on panel on Friday, 10 October 2014, aOer which the final tour group of 32 students will be announced. If successful, for 10 days in April 2015, Emily will visit key baClefield sites and aCend the historic ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Gallipoli as an ambassador for the school, her community, and the state of Western Australia. Emily said she was drawn to apply because she wanted to know more about the event which became the crucible of our na@onal iden@ty, “Australia is a small country on the global scale and yet this spirit of ANZAC has become our great thing. It’s from this @me we have we have drawn our iden@ty, and I wanted to know more about that, and get greater insight into it.” Head of Senior School, Mrs Diane Hackney, said she was pleased to be able to support Emily’s applica@on with a glowing reference. “Emily has been an asset to her year group ever since joining our school. She is responsible, a mature thinker and has a strong interest in history. I believe she will be an asset to the tour party and a fine representa@ve for our school.” Mr Ross Le Cras Community Rela ons Officer Raising confident and resilient children With resiliency being a focus of our school’s Pastoral Care Team, I would like to advise all parents of some free seminars available through the local community. The Bunbury Community Health Services is running “Triple P – Seminar Series” during November in Dalyellup. The three week program provides seminars for parents, and covers key concepts of: Seminar 1 – Posi ve paren ng Seminar 2 – Raising confident, competent children Seminar 3 – Raising resilient children Parents can aCend one, two or all three seminars. Venue: Tuart Forest Primary School, Crystal Bend, Dalyellup Dates: November 11th, 18th and 25th Time: Tuesdays 10am-11:30am Bookings are essen@al for these sessions. Free crèche available. Please call Bunbury Community Health Services on 9795 2888. Mrs Akita Olsen Chaplain Busy Bee Our next Busy Bee has been scheduled for tomorrow SATURDAY,18th OCTOBER between 8.30am and 12.30pm. Please join us for a produc@ve morning of working around the school and school grounds and enjoying a cuppa together at morning tea. Families who aCend will receive a $75 credit on their tui@on account. Please bring a plate to share for morning tea. We look forward to seeing you there. Exam Invigila on We are looking for parent help/volunteers to assist staff with exam invigila@on during the Semester 2 exams for students in Year 810. Exams are during Week 7 of this term, Monday, 24 November to Thursday, 27 November, and are between 8.35pm and 12.15pm. If you are able to assist, please contact Mrs Diane Hackney via the school office on 08 9726 4200. Thank you. Page 5 Grace No ces - Friday, 17 October 2014 Term 4 Issue 1 School News con nued Remembrance Day This year marks the 96th anniversary of Armis@ce Day, which will be celebrated on Remembrance Day, Tuesday, 11th November. During World War One, on many of the devastated baClefields in France and Belgium, where figh@ng had occurred, red poppies began to grow and flower. People saw the flowers as symbols of remembrance for those who had died. Today, we wear poppies on Remembrance Day to honour all those who gave their lives in war. A collec@on @n from the RSL Sub-Branch Bunbury and poppies will be available from Student Services from Wednesday, 5th November. There will also be a service at the War Memorial, Bunbury on Thursday, 11th November at 11am. Grace Chris an School app – SKOOLBAG Our Skoolbag app can be downloaded from the App store for smart phones and smart devices such as iPads and Android tablets. On this App you will find relevant up to date informa@on about school events, newsleCers, etc. It is also a great communica@on tool for you to send informa@on to the school, eg. Absentees. Simply search for Grace Chris@an School in the Google Play Store on your phone, PC or Mac and install. AOer the app is installed click on “more” then “Setup” and select which categories you would like to receive push no@fica@ons for. To find out more go to This is an effec@ve communica@on tool for our school, and we encourage you to download this free app. Private Music Tui on Are you interested in learning a musical instrument: drums, guitar, piano or taking vocal lessons? We are incredibly blessed to have highly experienced and qualified tutors teaching at Grace Chris@an School. Piano—Mrs Jill Faed Drums—Miss Jasmine Greminger Guitar—Miss Stasia Worthington Vocals—Mrs Sue le Clair Lessons are conducted once per week during school hours and cost $28 for half hour sessions. For an applica@on form or if you wish to find out more informa@on, please contact Mrs Sandra Dinkelman in the administra@on office on 9726 4200. Musical Instruments Our Music Department is keen to hear from you if you have any musical instruments you are not using and would like to donate to the school. If you have any quality keyboards, guitars, etc. collec@ng dust at home, and you would like to donate, please drop them off at the school office. Thank you. We are most grateful to all donors of instruments this year, which included an accordion, trumpet, clarinet, guitaris and keyboards. School Fees A reminder that school fees are due on Friday, 24th October. If you have any ques@ons regarding your family’s tui@on account, please contact the Bursar, Mrs Fiona de Ridder on 9726 4200. Romans 10 : 9—13 (NLT) If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced. Jew and Gen@le are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on Him. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
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