Development research of real-time monitoring and optimized control for energy conservation and CO2 reduction of existing buildings Speakers: Bumpei Magori 1, Tomonari Yashiro 2, Sako Hiroshi 3 1 Institute 2 Institute 3 Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Alter building Japan, Tokyo, Japan Abstract: Development/Methodology/Approach; Our first goal is to develop a real-time monitoring system and locate wasted energy from energy-related data. The second goal is to develop algorithms and control systems that optimize the control of M&E devices and systems in order to minimize energy loss and achieve improved efficiency. Findings; One is a real-time monitoring system and installation methodology for existing buildings that have no sensors. Others include the development of procedures to analyze timeseries data of sensors, and algorithm. Originality/Value –A) A procedural methodology for installing and monitoring sensors in existing buildings and analyzing energy data. B) The algorithm for the optimization of control systems. Keywords, Real-time Monitoring, Visualization, Optimized Control, Energy Conservation, CO2 reduction Introduction/ Technical and social background Fossil fuel consumption accounting for 30 to 50% of Japan, as the result of operation of existing buildings. Effective use of non-renewable energy and, in order to reduce CO2 emissions, the effective use of non-renewable energy and the reduction of energy consumption in existing buildings is necessitated important for us on a global scale. The supporting technology and theories for reduction of energy consumption in existing buildings have matured. Numerous technologies and productions for energy conservation have been developed, diversifying the operating conditions and the physical aspects of existing buildings. , Such diversification necessitates the continuous improvement of the "usage" on the actual condition of the individual buildings. Therefore, the informational data of “operating situations” and "usage" of individual property have to be collected and analyzed. Currently, we do not have a standardized methodology for the collection and analysis of detail time-series date related to energy consumption. Decisions for improvements of "usage" and “operation” are generally made using intuitive judgment, without sophisticated engineering studies and its resultant data. The purpose of this paper is to develop a strategy with real-time monitoring for energy conservation and CO2 reduction in existing buildings and to optimize the control for building equipment by using monitoring data. In addition, an attempt is to develop a theory related to the real-time data monitoring method using a designed monitoring system. This system was installed in the existing buildings, employed in the process of collecting and analyzing monitored data in the field, and was used to improve the operations of the existing buildings. 1.0 Research question and purpose / Development Research methodology Our first goal is to develop a real-time monitoring system and locate wasted energy from the monitored data. The second goal is to develop an algorithm and a control system that optimizes the control of M & E devices and systems for minimization of energy loss and 1 achieves improved efficiency. In general, most buildings are not programmed to collect timeseries data or grasp quantative “space information”, “information related energy consumption”, “information related to energy consumption”, and “operation data”. It is necessary for energy management to keep the efficiency by using mechanisms designed to process continues data, visualization and analysis. Our data management process and applications include finding a variety of problems and items of waste energy about M&E equipment from energy data. This methodology must easily identify problems and solutions by using graph processing, statistical analysis and evaluations for appropriate energy consumption. This mechanism captures the constantly changing environment and selects the optimal solutions (control pattern and settings) for energy-saving and efficient energy use. This development research methodology is implemented in an actual building group, and verified whether integrated energy management is possible. (Table1-1) Table 1-1 Purpose of development research Purpose and the contents ①② ③ The developed system can be implemented inbeexisting buildings that facility manager isaalways absent. The developed system and methodology can adopted organizations that do not have full-time energy manager This methodology is introduced into organizations with many stakeholders, and Verified energy saving and data CO reduction.(shown below methodology 1)~6)) The purpose is to verify the flow of the mechanism (energy collection, analysis, evaluation, associated with the solution and control algorithm for optimization.) 2 Development Research methodology 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Prototype real-time data monitoring and designed of a general model.To clarify the elements ofbuildings. these technologies. Arrange the issues and effects of "Energy Visualization" through the installation in existing We propose a mechanism to optimize energy use to identify issues from case studies, and identify the ideal architecture. Proposed an architecture that can bearchitecture implementedis allied for effective use as insocial infrastructure, and used toofinvestigate given conditions for installation. This tp the building its actual operation. A system integrated energy management is designed to organize its effects and issues. Optimize the mechanism to take(Automatic advantage control, of the energy data,control, and energy conservation andcontrol, CO reduction; Developa and test logic and algorithms predictive artificial intelligence etc.) Propose mechanism associated with aInstalled solution forin results of data analysisVerify and energy optimization todevelopment clarify the algorithm. The above items1)~5)are an actual operating. the contents of the research, and evaluate the feasibility. 2 2.0 Target Buildings and Organization We selected the target buildings for our analysis. Because these buildings do not have solutions for reducing the energy consumption and a demand control methodology. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ No facility manager in the buildings. (Most small buildings do not employ staff for energy control and management.) Existing buildings which do not have sensors for energy management and those that do not have Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and /or Energy Management System.( EMS) Stakeholder complex organization The building owner has several buildings. The owned buildings are away from each other. 3.0 Designed system for data collectio The proposed model is based on the systematic use of information supplied by the buildings. (see Figure 3-1). Data collection Facts data Action Analysis Concern Interpretation Control Technical data Economic data Analysis is distorted by the lack of information Figure 3-1 Well informed decision making model by using quantitative information 4.0 Visualization for what / Stake holders of energy management The points of the designed system are below. (see Figure 4-1) 2 Web-based system. (date collection, visualization, analysis data) / Module function framework / Open source (protocol, database and web application and software) Information user Manager layer Energy Information system Data sending side Monitoring system Hotel Admi and financial Facility manager Building maintenance Environmental section Office Data Base Research campus Energy analysis server Environmental impact analysis Large-scale office building Factory Building user Distribution center Figure 4-1 Real-time・data monitoring a conceptual diagram of the field Represents the relationship between the stakeholders effective use of energy and energyrelated information. The left side of the figure indicates users of the information. The center of the figure shows the information service providers that evaluate and analyze data accumulation. The right side of the figure indicates a group of buildings for various applications, and they are the originators of the data.The target is to apply the system in buildings anywhere in the world. Information service providers present the information stakeholders of the building by using the Internet. Information service providers can also collect and retrieve information from the building and information necessitated by users, such as information requires to change the usability of the building. Information service providers collect the building-related energy information from sensors in the buildings. This system can also issue commands and send the required information to the user. Information is available in both directions. In addition, information may be transmitted and controlled by the information service provider on behalf of or in the absence of another praty. In some cases, the information users are both and stakeholder and partners. The same information is used for different purposes and different display. Information service providers are required to have the ability to display the results of their own purposes. 5.0 Module function framework (Sensors and the designed system) Designed architecture for control and optimization of real-time monitoring. (see Figure 5-1) It indicates function modules. These modules are different fields of technological advances and industry. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ “Black arrows” indicates sensing (data collection) to visualization flow. “Blue arrows” show analysis information flow. “Red arrows” show control information flow. “Local” indicates onsite buildings and/or building related parties. “Center” indicates integrated data storage and analysis system. “Designed modules generally have open interfaces that use open protocol and are easily connectable.” each other. Each module and software can be improved if the module functions are not able to adopt this total system in the future. 3 Measurement System ① Devise Control System ⑫ Building items with related to energy use Ⅰ ⑪ ②Sensors Ⅱ ③Measurement devices Ⅲ equipment ⅩⅠ Control section Ⅹ Ⅷ ⑨Local data analysis section Analysis System ④Data transfer section ⅩⅢ Ⅸ ⅩⅤ ⑩Central data analysis section ⅩⅡ Ⅳ Storage System Local ⑤Receiver and real-time data collection section ⑭Setting, Parameter, Demand pattern data collection section Center ⅩⅣ Ⅴ Ⅴ Display System Optimize System ⑬ Optimize section ⑥Data Display section Ⅵ ⑦Data Visualization section Visualization System Ⅶ Local ⑧User Figure 5-1 Development research whole architecture data flow and 7 function modules for visualization and optimized control Table 5-1 6 modules of visualization and optimized control Measurement system module: This function module includes ①Energy related items ②Sensors ③Measurement device which applies physical meaning to the data. ④Data transfer section which uses open protocol and translates the data into a generic protocol on TC/PIP. Storage System module: This function module includes ⑤Receiver and real-time data collection which have data servers and data tables for each project Display System module: This function module includes ⑥Data Display section which has a web server function. Visualization System module: This function module includes ⑦ Data Visualization section and ⑧Users The visual section is a web browserfunction on a general PCdevice and analog some smart devices connected through the Internet. Users themselves are able to include this module as the controller. Devise Control System module: This function module includes ⑪Control section and ⑫equipment. The Control section has a special protocol that can adopt many kinds of M&E equipment and system. Analysis System module: This function module includes⑨ Local and ⑩Central data analysis sections that calculate and compareindicators the energy consumption of the best results, bothandpastCentral and current. The Local dataincludes analysisvalue, sectionindicators includesfortarget value, for energy consumption and efficiency, data analysis section energy consumption and efficiency. 5.1 The goals of this development are the followings. ・ The automatic visualization of obtained sensor data. ・ Share information with experts. ・ Energy audits and analysis using the time-series sensor data. ・ Control for optimization of energy use. 6.0 Real-time time-series data and analysis (Case study) The following case study is analysis of the Field Study Building, public office building in Yokohama. The Field Study Building was completed in 1999. This building has B3, F8, P1 4 stories and total area is 24,335 ㎡. The building type is ward office with a public hall (600 seats). The operation hours are from 8:45~17:00 on weekdays. This building is equipped with multiple energy conservation systems, such as a high efficient absorption chiller、 variable water volume control, variable air volume control, cooling system that uses outside air, high frequency lighting fixtures, a ice thermal storage system. “This building can easily be called an energy conservation building’. 6.1 Monitoring analysis for Electrical energy demand. Our procedure of our analysis is shown below. 1) Monitoring and analysis for power demand. 2) Verification for efficiency of heating and cooling sources. 3) Installing CO2 controller and verification of its effect. Peak power demands are composed in only few hours, which are highlighted with the circle line in 20 every hour; power demands from maximum order are extracted. It is possible to cut the peak power demand form 908.8kW to 830kW, if the higher ranking 7 hours power demand can be controlled. Our system should prepared to stop the equipment operation, which will not affect building operation instantly, such as ventilation, when peak demand would exceed 830kW.If this preparation and detail monitoring for power demand is accomplished, 8.5% of the power demand can be cut. The peak power demand not only cuts, also allows for more operation at local power plants. 1,000 920 36 900 900 34 880 32 ) W k ( d n a m e D r e w o P N=2016 800 ) kW ( 860 nda em840 D er 820 w o P 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 30 28 26 800 24 780 22 20 760 0 1 201 401 601 801 1001 1201 1401 1601 1801 2001 Figure6-2 Order of Power demand (all data) ) (℃ reu ta re p em T ir A dei st u O 13 12 9 14 11 10 10 13 13 9 11 10 13 11 15 14 14 13 13 15 Hour 7/30 7/30 8/7 7/30 8/7 8/7 7/16 7/16 8/6 7/16 7/16 7/30 8/10 7/30 7/30 7/16 8/7 8/19 8/5 7/16 Month/day Figure6-3 Order of Power demand (top 20 data) 7.0 Algorithm for optimized energy demand and energy saving control 7.1 Features of the theory The following are the main features of the algorithm and its theory. ・ Discover the particular demand patterns for different buildings by using the energy demand of real-time data. ・ Locate the highly relevant parameters according to the demand pattern. ・ Select control relevant to the identified demand pattern, effectively reducing energy consumption. 7.2 Features of the developed algorithm (see Figure 7-1) According to the CO2 sensor and the temperature and humidity sensor installed in the interior, the building is considered comfortable. ・ From the created demand model that has been extracted from the historical monitoring data, the energy demand can be predicted, calculated, and corrected.(see Table 7.2) ・ In the process of creating the demand model, we determined whether there is a need to classify the model. At first, we make 24hour demand patterns and classify the following. 5 Whether changes in demand in different seasons. Whether the demand changes during weekdays and holidays. Whether the demand changes special events take place. Data is then compared to identify whether there is any effect on the demand parameters. Start Calculate and predicted demand model from by using given Historical timeseries data Correct the model Correction coefficients: Weather forecasting ・ Max, Low, and Av temperature of the previous day Probability and rainfall Holiday weekdays or weekends ・ event day or not ・ ・・ Created demand patterns N Compared with past demand models Y(Amount 95%≧ N Event change level Y Determine the demand prediction model Select a number of energy-saving control patterns <Electric power control> <Control Energy> Change the set temperature ・ Automatic-reporting and monitoring power ・ ・ Control and CO2 concentration demand ・ Control and inverter ・ Control and electric power demand ・ Control and airflow ・ Interval Control ・ Control and intermittent operation ・ Rotation control Rotation control and operation Determine the order of the control patterns Real time demand data Set the various parameters N Comparing the current value and the predict value Y N predict ≧current Within +2.5%, -5.0%, 15min Determine the increase of the energy saving level Y Determine the rapid changes in the outside temperature and humidity N END Y (Figure 7-1 ) Optimized energy demand and energy saving control algorithm 6 Table 7.2 Parameters for demand model Building property; Regional characteristics / Building orientation / Scale / Outer wall and window position and size Building types; Office building / Commercial Building / Hotels. etc Typical operation operation form; Morning / Daytime / Noon and Evening / Weekdays and/or weekends and holidays Special operation operation form; form; Time specific events Environmental Environmental conditions onditions; Outside air temperature and humidity / Solar radiation / Sunny, cloudy, rain and/or snow / Seasons M&E System operations operations; Change the operation of the system for heating and cooling equipment / Changing the start and end times of the equipment operation ・ Optimized depending on the building, minimizing energy consumption in all the equipment and systems (Air-conditioning equipment, heat source equipment, such as natural ventilation) that can be controlled. ・ During the building operation, the present algorithm is used to compare the predicted demand and demand theory inhibition is calculated, along with the actual energy demand. ・ Perform a "change of control parameters" and "control pattern selection" according to the monitoring data. ・ When there is a sudden change in the external environment, or configuration changes that occur when a special event occurs, the present algorithm can revise the demand pattern. ・ As a result, continue to run energy consumption and optimize energy efficiency. 8.0 Conclusion Summary of research and development results. Outcome 1 I revealed the basic framework of the real-time monitoring. Verification and basic functions and operations of the prototype. Study and technical elements of research and development module structur Apply the prototype to the actual project Outcome 2 Introduce the development research prototype system to actual facility. Clarify the effects and issue. ・ Organize “ Visualization” The use of monitoring data to determine the waste of energy Calculation and the amount of reduction of by improving operation and settings. ・ Case study and application of data use Do not you reduce the waste of energy by the control equipment and systems? By using real-time data, we try to introduce EMS to the organization that owns the multiple facilities. As the result, how to consider an integrated energy management is possible. We study how to organize the challenge to social infrastructure. ・ ・ ・ ・ Outcome 4 Optimization control by monitoring time-series data Clarify the algorithm for optimized and high efficiency energy use, and development system, and the scope of application. ・ Optimizing control algorithm ・ Predictive control algorithm ・ AI control algorithm Outcome 3 I have proposed an architecture that can be implemented in order to be used effectively as social infrastructure. To clarify the applicable conditions Organize the following for integrated energy management. Methods and integrated energy management by using "visualization" To organize its scope and issues Differences in architectural applications Difference by the organization ・ Requirements that make it difficult to introduce ・・ For the building of energy management is absent / Can we management through 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? If you find a waste, Could we determine whether the relationship between the improvement and analysis results? Outcome 5 By the results of the data analysis, found methodology to determine the relationship between the solution and the waste.In addition, we show the algorithm to determine the relationship between, was clarified flow of data usage. Outcome 6 By using real-time data monitoring, clarify the solution flow for implementing the optimal control and predictive control. By introducing a system to manage the organization and its multiple facilities, Clarify the scope of application. In addition, I have also found that the flow solution for renovating the existing building, do the best combination of energy use discovery, use of natural energy, energy conservation and optimal control. And I understand the scope and issue. 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