29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “To recite the Rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ." St. John Paul II TODAY IS A WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Today, World Mission Sunday, is our chance to be united with Catholics all over the world in prayer, friendship and support. We share in the work of missionaries and the young Churches as they share their faith and give life, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances. Through Mission, Catholics are able to actively share in the mission of Jesus: proclaiming the boundless love of God to all peoples. The money collected today will go in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide. Please give what you can; every gift makes a difference and, if possible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes provided. Thank you for your generosity! Malton Italian Association Presents the Friendship Dinner and Dance On Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 6:00 pm Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre 220 Humberline Drive, Etobicoke, On. 416-798-0060 Cost: Adults - $65.00. Children under 12-$40.00 Rich Sit Down Dinner, Music for all, with Fabio Cea Production Entertainment D.J. Services Reserve the date and come with your family and friends. For more information: Contact Franco Cavalcanti: 416-602-1701 Or Silvana Morra: 416-579-1498 REFLECTING ON THE PASTORAL PLAN OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF TORONTO II Vocations “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. – Matthew 4:19-20 God is asking each of us to “cast our nets” and discover where He is leading us. We need priests to lead the parishes of the archdiocese, deacons to assist them, qualified lay people to support our diverse ministries and flourishing religious communities. Every Catholic can be a vocations advocate, through prayer, encouragement and invitation. We recognize the need to integrate our formal programs of formation for ministry, to ensure their effectiveness. We also can't forget the priests who have faithfully served us over the years, ensuring they are cared for in their retirement. Together, we can foster a culture of vocations in our archdiocese. Visit www.archtoronto.org/ vocations to view the six goals associated with “Vocations”. October 20th - 26th 2014 Monday: October 20th 8:00am 7:00pm Tuesday: October 21th 8:00am - +Franco Bartolomucci 7:00pm – St. Padre Pio Wednesday: October 22nd 8:00am - +Romeo Dy (1st year death anniv) 7:00pm Thursday: October 23rd 8:00am 7:00pm - +Rita Malito Friday: October 24th 8:00am 7:00pm - +Henry Taliana (2nd year death anniv) Saturday: October 25th 8:30am - +Giacomo Coletta 5:00pm - +Damien Drake Sunday: October 26th 9:00am – Thanksgiving of Ricardo & Pacita Abug 10:30am – +Adia Iannuci +Dominic Di Filipo +Antonio Dalonzo 12:00pm - For the community of OLA PARISH HEADCOUNT All the churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto will be conducting head counts for all the parishioners who attend the weekend Masses on October 18/19 and October 25/26. Something ponder…. Rendering to Caesar is about morals, not politics.“ The famous reply of Jesus, ‘To Caesar what belongs to Caesar; and to God what belongs to God’ is not a clever evasion... With this reply, (Jesus) turns the question back on his interrogators - taking the discussion beyond the level of the partisanship they are trying to exploit, he tells them that they are faced by a decision of conscience. As is so often the case – think of our own times – involvement in the political life of the nation is not a straightforward matter. The Romans had originally occupied Palestine at the invitation of Jewish leaders, bringing a relative stability that replaced a situation of continuing anarchy. The contemporaries of Jesus must ask themselves whether the presence the Romans was the lesser of two evils... Jesus invites the people to make their own judgment of conscience; he does not make it for them. We would misunderstand the reply of Jesus if we thought it was meant to instruct us about the relationship that should exist between Church and State. His reply concerns, not the order of politics, but the order of moral responsibility - the individual’s duty to participate in the life of the nation in a way that best promotes the common good of justice and peace.” OCTOBER 19TH, 2014 PARENTS MEETINGS / REGISTRATIONS FIRST COMMUNION Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at 7:30pm. Please bring a copy of son/daughter’s Baptismal Certificate at the Registration Night. Thank You! Registration Forms are available at the lobby of the church or at the office during the office hours. VOCATION CORNER…... COME AND SEE WEEKEND: We are hosting a Come & See Weekend retreat for men ages 18 and up at St. Augustine’s Seminary from Friday, October 31 at 6:30 p.m. to Sunday, November 2 at 2:30 p.m. This weekend offers a way for men discerning a possible call to priesthood to meet seminarians, hear a number of vocation testimonies and to receive first-hand experience of seminary life. We encourage you to promote this in your parishes, connect with men who would make good candidates and contact us. Thank you in advance for your generosity as we work together building a culture of vocations. For more information, please call us at 416-968-0997 or email vocations@archtoronto.org. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CEMETERY: On September 3, 2014, His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins began a new chapter in the Church’s desire to minister to all its faithful with the blessing of Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home. The funeral home, the first Catholic funeral home in Ontario is located on the grounds of Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Thornhill and is prepared to serve all the faithful in their time of bereavement and need. Please contact the funeral home at 905-889-7467 or visit our website at http://catholic-cemeteries.com. ALL SOULS DAY For the whole month of November, we remember our deceased loved ones during the Holy Eucharist. If you wish to include your loved ones for all the Masses, please write the names of your loved ones at the envelope provided and drop them off at the basket in front of the altar. Envelopes are available at the back of the church. XXIX DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO L’ipocrisia dei farisei e dei sadducei proclama la veridicità di Gesù, che essi cercano di cogliere nella rete di un dilemma sapientemente calcolato: o egli afferma che il tributo ad uno Stato straniero e idolatra è lecito, e perde la stima di coloro che non accettano il dominio romano; oppure dichiara che questo tributo è illecito, e apre la porta al suo processo con l’accusa di istigare la sedizione. “Rendete dunque a Cesare quello che è di Cesare”. Gesù non è il capo di un movimento di rivolta: il suo discepolo deve compiere i suoi obblighi civici. È in questo modo che l’ha capito la prima Chiesa (Rm 13,1-7; 1Pt 2,13-17). Ma ciò che è importante e decisivo, e che non sembra preoccupare i farisei, è il seguito: “E a Dio quello che è di Dio”. Soltanto a Dio si devono l’adorazione e il culto, e né lo Stato né alcun’altra realtà di questo mondo possono pretendere ciò che è dovuto esclusivamente a Dio. Il martirio è l’espressione suprema della resistenza cristiana di fronte al tentativo assolutistico del potere temporale di usurpare il posto di Dio (Ap 20,4). A Dio ciò che è di Dio! Ma tutto appartiene a Dio, che è il creatore. Ed è per questo che non si può astrarre Dio durante la costruzione della città terrena, “quasi che Dio non meriti alcun interesse nell’ambito del disegno operativo ed associativo dell’uomo” (Reconciliatio et paenitentia , 14). L’uomo può realizzare la pretesa blasfema di costruire un mondo senza Dio, ma “questo mondo finirà per ritorcersi contro l’uomo” (ivi , 18). Malton Italian Association Presenta L’Annuale Ballo e Cena Dell’Amicizia Sabato, 22 Novembre 2014 6:00 pm Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre 220 Humberline Dr, Etobicoke, On. 416-7980060 Costo: Adulti $65.00 - Bambini sotto 12 anni $40.00 Ricca cena, La serata verrá allietata da Fabio Cea Production Entertainment D.J. Services Riservate la data e venite tutti. Rimarrete contenti. Per ulteriore informazioni Telefonate: Franco Cavalcanti: 416-602-1701 COMMEMORAZIONE DI TUTTI I MORTI Durante tutto il Mese di Novembre, pregheremo per i defunti durante la Santa Messa. Se volete includere i vostri cari, scrivete i loro nomi sulle buste provviste e depositatele nel cestino davanti all’altare. Le buste sono disponibili all’entrata principale della Chiesa. WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 6,245.50 Thank you so much for your support! Gruppo di preghiera San Pio La santa messa in onore di San Padre Pio sará celebrata Martedi 21 Ottobre alle 7:00pm. Rosario alle 6:30. Non mancate! ARCIDIOCESI DI TORONTO Tutte le chiese appartenenti all’Arcidiocesi di Toronto conteranno il numero di parrocchiani che vengono alle messe di fine settimana del 18/19 Ottobre e 25/26 Ottobre.
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