5th International Conference on “Global Peace through Emotional Intelligence (EI), Inclusive Education, Positive Psychology and Unity in Cultural Diversity” In Conjunction with Global Peace Leadership Conference Theme: Creating a Peaceful World Society through Emotional Intelligence and Peace Education Jointly Organized: World Without Anger (WWA) and Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Nepal. Date: November 1, 2014 Venue: Nepal Academy, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal (Proposed) Conference eligibility: Ph.D./M.Phil /Master's in relevant fields and/ or involved in Research at Govt. and Private Organisations, NGOs, INGOs and Heads of Research and Government Organisations and Universities. Registration Form (PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS) (Filled in Registration Form should be sent to the co-ordinating office address mentioned below. Confirmaton from the co-ordinating office is required for participation) 1. Full Name: Age: 2. Name of Organization: Male/Female: Country: 3. Designation: Qualifications: 4. Profession: 5. Address for Communication: 6. Permanent Address of Applicant : 7. Phone No: Fax No: Email: 8. If you would like to make a paper presentation, you have to submit the abstract or paper to WWA Research Division office by 15th October, 2014 and the subject should strictly adhere to the Theme and or subtitle or the topics of the conference. 9. Mode and Date of Arrival: Flight No. 10. Mode and Date of Dept.: Flight No. Signature of Applicant Date: Time: Date: Time: Date Important Dates: The Last Date of Submission of Abstract : October 15, 2014 Notification of Acceptance : October 24, 2014 Registration Last date : October 25, 2014 Full Paper Submission : October 15, 2014 Conference Date : November 1, 2014 Registration Fees: Registration fee can be paid in the form of / demand draft/ check/ Western Union/ Money Gram etc. the registration fee includes cost of breakfast, lunch, refreshment for one Day and Conference kits and a Certificate will be provided to the registered participants Registration Category Registration Fees Bird Registration June 1, 2014, to July 31, 2014 ($50 for SAARAC Countries) Early Registration August 1, 2014 to September 15, 2014($75 for SAARAC Countries) Late Registration September 16 to October 25, 2014 Nepalese Students Nepalese Individual Nepalese (Institutional) USD$75 USD $100 USD$150 NRs. 750 NRs.1500 NRs. 5000 For Hospitality and others if any, Please contact: Mr. Bharat Giri Chairperson, Hospitality Management Committee Email: info@worldwithoutanger.org For Accommodation, Liesure Activities in Nepal & India: Mr. Srijan Shrestha Versatile Tours & Travels (P.) Ltd., Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal Email: versatiletkt@wlink.com.np, Cell No. : 977-9851137393, Land Line: 014212519 Website: www.travelstreks.com/blogspot Please list any Special Needs: _______________________________________________________ Note: Kindly send filled in registration form to the following Address :WWA Research Division, World Without Anger (WWA), Dillibazar – 33, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: (977-1) 4434320, 4435779, FAX:(9771) 4107737, Mob. No.: 977-9803199726, 9801042930 GPO Box No.13708, Email: editor@worldwithoutanger.org or info@worldwithoutanger.org Website: www.worldwithoutanger.org/5thconference, http://www.worldemotionalliterancy.org/nepalconference-nov-2014/ For more information write in the below address: Dr. Laxman Shakya, Program Director World Without Anger (WWA) Phone: (977-1) 4434320, 4435779 Dillibazar – 33, Kathmandu, Nepal FAX:(9771) 255-0305, GPO Box No.13708 Email: laxman@worldwithoutanger.org Do not email credit card information because security cannot be guaranteed. Bank detail for Application Fees: Machhapuchchhre Bank Ltd, Putalisadak, Kathmadnu, Nepal Swift: MBLNNPKA Account Head: World Without Anger Account No. : 16 – 01- 524 – 145389 – 02 – 2 Organizers : Media Orginazed by: Co- Organizers : Endorsed by: Supporters: di n l e pa hi pal ms Ne :yfM @)&) ur ,N rvic e h oo l M a nju g l is h B o a r Jha l Se En Sc Soc ia ee g sh r In Association with: k h ESTD: 2046 B.S. p e l, lit D ho La b i K h a t,
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