BPCI TheConferenceisdedicatedtoProf.PawełKafarskionoccasionofhis65thbirthday. BIOTRANSFORMATIONS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL AND COSMETIC INDUSTRY IInd Symposium on Biotransformations for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry October 23rd to October 24th 2014 Warsaw, Poland Second Circular Introduction On behalf of the organizing committee we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the IInd Symposium on Biotransformations for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. The aim of our interdisciplinary meeting is to bring together specialists of white biotechnology and coil a system of collaborative research considering the experience of chemists, biochemists, biotechnologists and microbiologists, especially for practical applications. The Symposium will be held in Warsaw, Poland on 23rd and 24th October 2014 at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The programme of the Symposium will comprise full lectures (45 or 30 min.), oral communications (15 min.) and poster presentations. The official language of the Symposium is English. All relevant information concerning scientific or practical matters related to this event is to be found on the Symposium website: www.icho.edu.pl/bio2014 This information will be gradually and regularly updated until the beginning of the Symposium. Invited Speakers Prof. Paweł KAFARSKI (Wrocław University of Technology) Prof. Kurt FABER (Department of Chemistry Karl-Franzes-Univeristat Graz) Prof. Stefano SERVI (Politecnico di Milano) Prof. Piotr KIEŁBASIŃSKI (Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies PAS) Dr Anna FRYSZKOWSKA (Chirotech Technology Centre Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd) Dr Silvia GLUECK (Karl-Franzes-Univeristat Graz) Dr Maciej SZALENIEC (Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS) Registration and registration fees How to register: Fill in the attached registration form and send it by e-mail together with your abstract (see information below) to biotransformations@icho.edu.pl August 1 at the latest. Registration is now open, through the symposium website: http://www.icho.edu.pl/bio2014/registration.html Regular fee: Student fee*: Conference dinner 200 PLN 150 PLN 100 PLN * young scientist status (students, graduate students) must be confirmed by sending a copy of their student card together with the registration form Payment of the registration fee can be made by bank transfer to the following account: Account holder: Bank name: Bank address: Account No: SWIFT code: IBAN PL: Reference: Instytut Chemii Organicznej PAN Bank BPH S.A. w Krakowie Bank BPH S.A. w Krakowie, Al. Pokoju 1, 31-548 Kraków PL 68 1060 0076 0000 3210 0020 8385 BPHKPLKPK 68 1060 0076 0000 3210 0020 8385 BPCI 2014 <Your Full Name> Registration fees include access to conference, lunch on Thursday, conference materials. Abstract submission You are welcome to submit abstracts (see template on the website) for oral and poster presentations. The abstract submission form is now available on-line until 15 July 2014 for oral presentations and 1 August 2014 for posters. All abstracts will be refereed and a criterion of rejection will be lack of originality. Only a limited number of oral communications can be accepted. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept papers. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their contribution until July 25th 2014. The official language of the conference is English. Preliminary symposium schedule Thursday 23.10.2014 Venue: Intitute of Organic Chemistry PAS (Main Auditorium) Kasprzaka 44/52, Warsaw Main Auditory Friday 24.10.2014 09:15-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:50 10:00-14:00 14:00-14:10 14:10-14:40 14:40-15:25 15:25-15:45 15:45-16:15 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 REGISTRATION Plenary lecture 2 prof. Stefano Servi Oral communication 4 Oral communication 5 Oral communication 6 Oral communication 7 Cofee break Invited lecture 2 prof. Piotr Kiełbasiński 11:50-12:05 12:05-12:20 12:20-12:35 12:35-12:50 Oral communication 8 Oral communication 9 Oral communication 10 Oral communication 11 12:50-14:10 LUNCH Opening Honour lecture prof. Paweł Kafarski 14:10-14:40 Plenary lecture 1 Invited lecture 3 Dr Silvia Glueck prof. Kurt Faber 14:40-14:55 Oral communication 12 Cofee break Invited lecture 1 14:55-15:10 15:10-15:25 Oral communication 13 Oral communication 14 Dr Anna Fryszkowska 15:25-15:45 Oral communication 1 Oral communication 2 15:45-16:15 Cofee break Invited lecture 4 Oral communication 3 16:15-16:30 17:00-18:00 Poster session 18:00-20:00 Free Time 20:00 -……. Conference Dinner 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 17:00-17:10 Dr Maciej Szaleniec Oral communication 15 Oral communication 16 Oral communication 17 Closing remarks Social events An optional conference dinner will be held on Thursday 23th October 2014. The place of the conference dinner will be provided soon in details. The cost is 100 PLN (ca. 25 EUR) per person. Deadlines Registration deadline: Abstract submission deadline: - oral presentations: - poster presentations: Acceptance of oral presentation notification: Payment deadline: August 1st July 15th August 1st July 25th August 1st Organizing committee Ryszard Ostaszewski - Head Of Organising Committee (ryszard.ostaszewski@icho.edu.pl) Dominik Koszelewski – Secretary (dominik.koszelewski@icho.edu.pl) Szymon Kłossowski – Vice-secretary (szymon.klossowski@icho.edu.pl) Anna Brodzka Małgorzata Zysk Anna Żądło Stanisław Berłożecki www.icho.edu.pl/bio2014
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