RIVER CITY REALTOR R E A LT O R ® T H E V O I C E F O R R E A L E S TAT E ™ I N T H E G R E AT E R ® L A C R O S S E A R E A OCTOBER 2014 • VOL. 35, NO. 1 Annual Meeting: A Great Night It Was! General Election Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Sample Ballots at: http://www.co.la-crosse.wi.us MARK YOUR CALENDAR WI CE Video Courses Offered WI CE Video Courses are offered weekly through December 14, 2014. Check out the flyer attached to this issue of the newsletter. December 11, 2014 Country Sprints Hotel Pewaukee, WI www.wra.org for more information INSIDE THIS ISSUE Association Executive Message. . . . . . . 2 Mandatory Professional Standards Training . . . 2 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Residential Rentals Now in MLS. . . . . . . 3 Dues Renewal Time is Here . . . . . . . . . . 4 RPAC - We Met Our Goal!. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Supra Hot Tip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fair Housing Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New DNR Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Welcome New Members . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MLS Change Forms Now Electronic. . . 13 Annual Meeting photos . . . . . . . . . 15-16 Steve Lillestrand, Past President, installed Kent Gabrielsen as our 2014-2015 LARA President. Congratulation, Kent. Wow! Our attendance reached over 100 for the Annual Meeting. Outgoing President Cindy Gerke-Edwards had the opportunity to recognize members that contributed their time and talent to the Association during the past year. Involvement of our members is so vital to the growth and success of our organization. President Cindy presented the President’s Team Award to Dave Jones. Dave has been a part of the Golf Committee since 2000, attends most Association functions and has invested in RPAC many times over the past years! Whenever needed, Dave is always there to help. Dave is truly a team player and has contributed so much to our Association. Congratulations, Dave. President Cindy also presented the – continued on page 15 2 Executive Report The New Association Year Has Started! RIVER CITY REALTOR® by Char Glocke, Association Executive A special thanks to everyone who joined us for a fun event – the Annual Meeting! It is such a fun time to recognize all the members who have given their time and talent over the past year. We had over 100 in attendance! With Mike Pietrek being our secret member, those in attendance had a fun and great opportunity to network. I had the pleasure of introducing and recognizing our Past Presidents. What an honor for me. These individuals gave us so much. Their commitment and dedication kept us growing and moving forward over the years. Check out the list of these special individuals in this issue. Ryan, Kevin and I would like to thank Cindy for her leadership over the past year. Your caring spirit toward the staff and members is truly a reflection that you are a true leader. Thanks so much. The new Association year has begun. We are looking forward to an exciting year under the leadership of Kent Gabrielsen. Kent and I will complete committee assignments by the end of October. Our activities and events will soon be under way! The colors of fall are peaking! Take some time and enjoy the beauty of our area. Snow may just be around the corner. Have a good month! Have a good month! EDITOR Char Glocke 785-7837 • cglocke@larawebsite.com EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Kent Gabrielsen 608-784-9930 kentsells@hotmail.com President Elect Chuck Olson 608-784-9930 chuck@cbrivervalley.com Secretary/Treasurer Dave Snyder 608-782-2300 davesnyder@charter.net Past President Cindy Gerke-Edwards 608-784-2100 cgerke@realestatelacrosse.com LOCAL DIRECTORS Marv Leisso 608-783-6700 • mleisso@yahoo.com Donna Proudfit 608-386-7161 • realtordonna@centurytel.net L43358 Mandatory Professional Standards Training Scheduled Directors and Professional Standards Committee mandatory Training is scheduled for Friday, October 24, 2014. Director’s portion from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and then Directors and the entire Professional Standards Committee from 9 a.m. – Noon. It will be held at Cedar Creek. Tracy Rucka, Director of Professional Standards and Practices, will conduct the training. Invitations will go out shortly. This training per LARA policy is mandatory in order to serve on the committee Kevin Ryan Char LARA Website The River City Realtor® is published by the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 608-785-7744 • 866-425-7744 www.larawebsite.com membershipservices@larawebsite.com mls@larawebsite.com cglocke@larawebsite.com www.larawebsite.com Jeff Pralle 608-797-5097 • pralle.jeff@gmail.com Kathy Johnson 608-792-9902 kathyjohnsonrealestate@yahoo.com Jim Orlikowski 608-779-3079 jorlikowski@altra.org Scott Ryan 608-792-4122 scott@heritagehomesandrealty.com Advertising rates for the River City Realtor ® are $6.00 per column inch payable in advance. All new advertising or changes in ads should be delivered to the Association Office, camera ready, by the 15th of the month prior to publications. Make checks payable to the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association. Frequently Requested Phone Numbers: WRA Legal Hotline • 608-799-4468 DSPS • 608-266-5511 Zip Forms Support • 1-800-383-9805 Metro MLS Helpdesk • 1-800-490-3731 River City Realtor® Announcements Residential Rentals Now Allowed In MLS Members of MLS are now able to enter residential rental properties into FlexMLS. This includes types of residential properties for lease or rent, such as apartments and homes, Assisted Living apartments, vacation, short and long term. All MLS Rules will apply to Residential Rentals and they must offer compensation to be entered into the MLS. Some distinctions are: • Rental Price is entered as a per month amount. • If the listing is also for sale, then the listing is required to be entered under the appropriate property type as well as Residential Rental. • Rental Remarks represent public information about the property. • Private Remarks should include showing instructions if applicable. • Details - fill in all that apply. Note that there are details specific to smoking and pets! A copy of the WB-37 – Residential Listing Contract – Exclusive Right to Rent, must accompany the Residential Rental Profile Sheet. This Profile Sheet is available at our website www.larawebsite.com on the left column. Although it is not electronic it is a one sided form. If you have any questions please call the Association Office at 608-785-7744. Violation of MLS Rules and Regulations to Loan Your Lockbox Key It is clearly a violation of the MLS Rules and Regulations to loan your key to another agent or any other person. Violation of this rule will result in a $250 fine with subsequent violations increasing by $250. Such violations may result in the loss of card privileges. It is the responsibility of each agent purchasing a key to maintain control of their key at all times. Agent Code Sorry to…Josh Genz for missing his Agent Code in last month’s newsletter! Call the Association Office if you find yours in this month’s issue and you will win a free dinner at the next General Membership Meeting! Member Updates Congratulations to Jo Baldridge of Cindy Gerke & Associates. Jo was awarded “CRS of the Year”! The Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest Designation awarded to sales associates in the residential sales field. It recognizes professional accomplishments in both experience and education. CRS® Designees are experienced REALTORS® who complete advanced training in listing and selling, and meet rigorous production requirements. Way to go, Jo! Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 3 Membership Letter As per Article 5, Section 3 (A) of the bylaws, you are hereby notified that the following people have submitted applications for the class of membership indicated: REALTORS®: Garrick Olerud - Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Mark Johnson - Shane Peterson Realty Daniel Veglahn - Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Michael Knothe - Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Lori Ohland - Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Amanda Dieltz - Castle Realty, LLC Amy LeClaire - Castle Realty, LLC Stephanie Gulbranson - Edina Realty Marybeth Buswell - Cindy Gerke & Associates AFFILIATES: Kay Buck – River Valley Title Group Kyle Christopherson - Associated Bank Should you have any comment in regard to the application of these individuals, submit them in writing prior to October 31, 2014 to the Association Office. It has been determined by the Membership Committee that the above applicant has applied for the appropriate class of membership. Chuck Olson, Secretary/Treasurer La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association Welcome to LARA River Valley Title Group 1288 Rudy St. Ste 110 Onalaska, WI 54650 Contact: Kay Buck Ph: 608-519-4634 Email: kay@rivervalleytitlegroup.com Website: http://rivervalleytitlegroup. com/ 4 Announcements How Well Do You Know The Realtor® Code of Ethics? Members on the Move Transfers: Duties to Clients and Customers: Article 6 Renee Heintz from BHHS Lovejoy Realty to Keller Williams Realty Eric Marr from United Country Markim Realty to Homestead Realty Inc. Wi #2 REALTORS® shall not accept any commission, rebate, or profit on expenditures made for their client, without the client’s knowledge and consent. Inactives: When recommending real estate products or services (e.g., homeowner’s insurance, warranty programs, mortgage financing, title insurance, etc.), REALTORS® shall disclose to the client or customer to whom the recommendation is made any financial benefits or fees, other than real estate referral fees, the REALTOR® or REALTOR®’s firm may receive as a direct result of such recommendation. (Amended 1/99) it’s for you Dana Johnston from BHHS Lovejoy Realty to inactive Roger Morton from BHHS Lovejoy Realty to inactive Office Changes: Re/Max Affiliates (Eau Claire, WI) has gone inactive NAR’s Information Central Need a REALTOR® Pin? If you have lost or misplaced your REALTOR® pin, stop by the Association Office and we will give you a replacement for free. 1-800-874-6500 Dues Renewal Time Is Here! The Dues Renewal Invoices have either been delivered or mailed. If you have not received your statement, please contact the Association Office at 608-785-7744. All payments for 2015 membership dues must be received by the Association Office by 5:00 p.m. December 1, 2014. If not received by the deadline, there will be a fine of $275 that must be paid in addition to your 2015 membership dues Mortgage rates are LOW! Call us or apply online. Please remember, you can pay dues online at www.realtor.org using a Visa or Mastercard! Congratulations! Tina Mueller (608) 779-8294 (608) 790-0442 Cell tmmueller@merchantsbank.com merchantsbank.com/tmueller To Al Iverson and Betty Bertrang for being the first to pay their 2015 Membership Dues! It was a tie! Member FDIC Subject to credit approval. Dawn Garms (608) 779-8222 dmgarms@merchantsbank.com merchantsbank.com/dgarms 3140 Market Place • Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 779-8200 • www.merchantsbank.com * River City Realtor® Member News REALTOR® & Government Day: Spring 2015 at Monona Terrace in Madison REALTOR® & Government Day is your opportunity to help shape the laws that impact you and your real estate business in Wisconsin. Through lobbying efforts at the state Capitol, you’ll meet with state lawmakers and have a unique opportunity to advocate for issues that impact the real estate industry in Wisconsin. Watch for more information coming soon. Tour Information The deadline to submit tour information for listings already entered in flexMLS is Tuesday by 3:00 p.m. However, if it is a new listing, you must submit it by Tuesday by 9:15 a.m. to be included in the tour for that day. We accept tours by: • Phone at 785-7744 • Email to Ryan at mls@ larawebsite.com • Fax at 785-7742 My WRA at WRA.org As a WRA Member, you have the ability to track your education (if taken from WRA Instructors), WRA Committee involvement, WRA membership information, RPAC dollars contributed and much more. Check it out at www.wra.org. MLS Tour Boundaries The current dividing line between the North and the South Tour is I-90. Exceptions: • Holiday Heights and Mayfair Addition are North Tour • Burns, Bangor, Hamilton, and Monroe County are North Tour • Washington and Barre are South Tour • French Island is South Tour • Dakota and Dresbach are North Tour • La Crescent and Hokah North/South are South Tour Dividing Line is I-90 Legal Updates Available at WRA.org At www.wra.org you can search legal updates for the topic of your choice. This publication is emailed to all members on a monthly basis. Important information is covered in these updates. It’s a great resource and benefit of membership for you. President is Spokesperson for the Organization It is important in creating the best public impression of the Association that any statements regarding the activities of the Association or its public positions come from an official source in the Association. This allows for coordination and clarity in the Association’s message. Our policy is to have the Association President, or someone specifically designated by the President in particular situations, as the only spokesperson for the Association. Our Presidents have spokesperson training and an understanding of the entire Association and how its parts fit together. If you are contacted by anyone, including the media, for any report on the Association or its activities, refer them to the Association office and arrangements will be made to respond. Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 5 6 RPAC Works for You What is the Purpose of RPAC? Since 1969, the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has promoted the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates across the United States. The purpose of RPAC is clear: REALTORS® raise and spend money to elect candidates who understand and support their interests. The money to accomplish this comes from voluntary contributions made by REALTORS®. These are not members’ dues; this is money given freely by REALTORS® in recognition of how important campaign fundraising is to the political process. RPAC doesn’t buy votes. RPAC enables REALTORS® to support candidates that support the issues that are important to their profession and livelihood. Collected to date: $13,479 RPAC Contributors $100 - $499: Jeff Pralle Kent Gabrielsen Mike Pietrek Gretchen Whitt Brian Stephan Chad Niegelsen Jim Gull Danyel Zielke Char Glocke Kathy Johnson Gayle Dolle Wendy Pertzsch Josh Neumann Renee Heintz Eric Seeger Scott Ryan Alan Iverson Lisa Kind Harvey Bertrand Donna Proudfit RPAC Contributors $500 - $999 Sarah Hemker Dave Jones Peggy Lovejoy Dave Snyder Jillian Hugo Katy Wood Marty Kirchner Owen Berg Mary Jones Linda Nelson John Young Cathy Fox Dawn Levandoski Ryan Wessel Mary Scheel Roxanne Reynolds Anastasia Gentry Kayla Vess Dan Hoch Rick Hamilton RPAC Contributors $1000+ Mike Richgels Chuck Olson Judy Gull Dan Stacey Nancy Gerrard Cindy Gerke-Edwards Jackie Gerke-Edwards Ryan Olson Brian D. Benson Meet our Closing Agents... Wendy and Mary have over 26 years of combined industry experience in all phases of a file - from searching to examining and closing to post closing. At The Title Company, our closing agents have the experience to get your transactions closed smoothly, professionally, and on time. When challenges come up Wendy and Mary are problem solvers and communicators. They know exactly what it takes to get your deals closed! From the ordinary to the unexpected... They have you covered. Wendy Banasik - Closing Agent Experience in the La Crosse, Viroqua, and Prairie du Chien area markets. Wendy and Mary have closed all types of transactions including commercial, residential, vacant land, FSBO, new construction, and more. Mary Pasch - Closing Agent Experience in the La Crosse, Sparta, and Tomah area markets. The Title Company, Inc. | 500 2nd St. S., Suite 102 La Crosse, WI 54601 | www.TITLECO.com | 1-800-78-TITLE La Crosse 608-791-2000 | Eau Claire 715-838-2800 | Viroqua 608-637-3700 | Prairie du Chien 608-326-7330 | Whitehall 715-538-1400 River City Realtor® Information is supplied by seller and other third parties and has not been verified. Copyright © 2007 by Multiple Listing Service, Inc. See FBS copyright notice. La Crosse County Sold & Active Listings – September 2014 7 PRICE-CLASS/TYPE SOLD/ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS CURRENT ACTIVE LISTINGS 0-2 3 4+ TWO CONDO TOTAL SINGLECONDO BDRMSBDRMS BDRMS FAMILY CO-OP UNITS FAMILY CO-OP 29,999.99 and under 30,000 - 39,999.99 40,000 - 49,999.99 50,000 - 59,999.99 60,000 - 69,999.99 70,000 - 79,999.99 80,000 - 89,999.99 90,000 - 99,999.99 100,000 - 119,999.99 120,000 - 139,999.99 140,000 - 159,999.99 160,000 - 179,999.99 180,000 - 199,999.99 200,000 - 249,999.99 250,000 - 299,999.99 300,000 - 399,999.99 400,000 - 499,999.99 500,000 and over TOTALS AVERAGE MEDIAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 3 3 0 0 0 6 7 1 2 0 1 0 0 3 20 0 2 1 0 1 0 4 17 3 0 2 1 0 0 3 34 2 4 5 1 2 1 1354 1 48 5 1 0 18 70 4 1 4 5 02 1270 3 0 76 6 1 1 1438 3 1 2 0 0 1 4 29 2 0 4 10 0 0 1461 6 1 4 4 0 0 8 46 5 0 2 6 1 1 9 47 3 0 1 20 0 5180 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 1943 41 6 6 116 540 34 100,832167,648 215,563 180,650 180,650 177,368 207,844 200,371 105,000 146,000 200,000 149,900 149,900 152,500 159,850 171,500 Unit Sales by Time on Market Unit Sales by Financing Type DAYS RESCONDO 1 - 30 31 - 6027 53 20 1 3 61 - 90 16 1 91 - 120 6 0 Adj Rate Mtg Assumable FHA Assumable VA Cash Conventional 15 Conventional 30 Federal VA FHA 15 121 or over 151 TOTAL SALES 110 6 TYPE Property Type Residential RESCONDO 0 0 0 17 3 73 6 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 FHA 30 Other Owner Fin Private State VA USDA Loan WHEDA TOTAL SALES TYPE Volume Median Sold Price RESCONDO 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 19,490,766152,500 Condo1,083,900149,900 All 20,574,666 152,500 Have You Looked for Your Agent Code in this Issue? If you find your number, call the A ssociation Office at 785-7744 to claim your free dinner at the next Association activity / meeting! Try these great marketing tools today! MLS Listing Internet Sites MLS Listings are presently on two websites. Check out your listings at the following sites: http://www.wihomes.com http://www.realtor.com Single Family / Condominium If you have any questions, call Char at 785-7837. Title Insurance • 1031 Exchange • Search & Hold • Lender and Cash Closing Servicing La Crosse, Trempealeau, Vernon and Monroe Counties 2850 Midwest Drive, Suite 103, Onalaska, WI 54650 Phone: 608-784-8888 Fax: 866-816-9620 E-mail: title.orders@firstam.com Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 Order online at: www.wisconsinfirstam.com 8 Supra Hot Tip Daylight Savings Time Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour. This is also a good time to check and reset the clock on your fax machine as well. KIM and Daylight Savings Time On November 2, Daylight Savings Time will end, and we will all be setting our clocks back one hour. How does this affect the Supra Lockbox system? The Supra Lockboxes are set to open during the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. during Standard Time. If you need to access the keys at any time outside of those hours, the lockbox can be set for 24-hour access using these simple instructions: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: You need the shackle release code for the lockbox. Push the enter button to turn your key on. Scroll down to programming, push enter. Push 2 for 24-hour access. Enter your shackle code, push enter. Insert your DisplayKey into the lockbox. The DisplayKey will say successful. The box is now set for 24-hour access. To return to timed access, repeat the procedure, only in Step 4, push 1 for timed access. If the box you are accessing does not belong to you, you must contact the listing agent to request that the box be set to 24-hour access. This is done at the discretion of each broker. Your Time is Running Out! Are you still in need of Wisconsin Continuing Education? We have a solution for you. We are now offering videos every week for your convenience. The last scheduled video class is December 8, 2014. Check out the schedule below: Real Estate CE Video Courses Course 1 – Video Dates Course 2 – Video Dates 10/23/2014 11/17/2014 12/2/2014 To register: 10/28/2014 11/17/2014 12/2/2014 For questions: Course 3 – Video Dates 11/4/2014 11/20/2014 12/4/2014 Course 4 – Video Dates 11/4/2014 11/20/2014 12/4/2014 Course A – Video Dates 11/13/2014 11/25/2014 12/8/2014 Call LARA at 785-7744 for a registration form, or print it off our website at www.larawebsite.com. The deadline for ALL Wisconsin licensees to complete C.E. is December 14. Email: cglocke@larawebsite.com. Course D – Video Dates 11/13/2014 11/25/2014 12/8/2014 Hurry, classes DO fill quickly. River City Realtor® Dates to Remember October SMTWT F S 1234 56789 1011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 1 Open House Deadline 3pm South Tour 2 New Member Orientation LARA Board office 9am-2pm 3 WI Video CE Course 4 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open 6 WI Video CE Course A 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open 8 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 15 Open House Deadline 3 pm – South Tour 16 WI Video CE Course D 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open RPAC Breakfast (Direct Givers > $100) 22 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 23 28 November 9 SMTWT F S 1 2345678 9 101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 2 Daylight Savings Time: Set your clocks back one hour 4 WI Video CE Course 3 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course 4 1:00pm – LARA Board Office – Registration Open November General Election Day 5 11 12 13 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour Veterans Day Open House Deadline 3 pm – South Tour WI Video CE Course A 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course D 1:00pm – LARA Board Office – Registration Open 17 WI Video CE Course 1 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WWI Video CE Course 1 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course 2 1:00pm – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course 2 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open 19 20 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 25 I Video CE Course A 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course D 1:00pm – LARA Board Office – Registration Open 26 27 28 30 Open House Sabbatical for 11/30/2014 – South Tour 29 Open House Deadline 3 pm – South Tour 31 Happy Halloween National Book Month 12 “Worry is the misuse of the imagination.” – Dan Zadra WI Video CE Course 3 9:00am – LARA Board Office – Registration Open WI Video CE Course 4 1:00pm – LARA Board Office – Registration Open Happy Thanksgiving – LARA Office Closed LARA Office Closed * Reminder – No Open Houses today! National Book Month Birthdays - October 2 7 7 7 11 13 14 15 16 16 Mary Norris-Strang Mary Scheel John Jaszewski Richard Frank Jennifer Schrader Heidi Overson Kate Malles Tom Kruse Jennifer Faber Chad Niegelsen Birthdays - November 17 19 22 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 Beth Grossbach Mirella Huss Hans Zietlow Gail Krenn Joan Dickie Amy LeClaire Peggy Lovejoy Tom Simonson Lori Gertsch Kevin Biondo Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 29 29 30 31 31 Eric Marr Brianne Weiss Scott Ryan Rebecca Ottoson Terry Herbst 1 3 4 5 6 6 9 9 9 10 11 Jay Hoeschler Keith Brown Erik Hanson Sheri Klein Dan Brodigan Laurie Peter Mike Marohl Debra Reilly Lynda Smith Patrick Walz Bill Kessler 11 Todd Mandel 12 Mike Hoppens 13 Barb Partin 13 Tom Wheeler 14 Linda Sherry 15 Susan Timm 16 Paul Gleason 17 Tom Tomter 18 Cindy Gerke- Edwards 22 Darlene Torgerson 23 Molly Hanratty 24 Lucas Eagon 24 Tika Herritz 25 Mike Richgels 27 Cheryl Lasse Meyers 28 Donna Proudfit 29 Mike Pietrek 29 Steve Boris 29 Kristie Tweed 10 Fair Housing Corner BUILDING A NATION OF NEIGHBORS “Can I get sued if I refuse to sell to minorities?” Key Points A refusal to sell or rent based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nation origin is illegal and violates Section 804(a) of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Areas of Liability The seller can be exposed to charges of discrimination if the refusal to sell is based on the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the homebuyer and not on differences in the terms or conditions of the sale or in the qualifications of the homebuyer. If you do not immediately dissociate yourself from a seller or lessor who wants to discriminate, you may also be charged with discrimination. Are You Our Facebook Friend? You can find our fan page anytime by logging to the official LARA website, www.larawebsite. com, and clicking on our Facebook link, searching for “La Crosse Area REALTORS Association” within Facebook’s search function, or entering the following address into your web browser: NAR’s Information Central it’s for you 1-800 http://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Crosse-WI/ La-Crosse-Area-REALTORSRAssociation/263652751459 874 6500 FINANCING GENERATIONS OF HOMEOWNERS For more than 150 years, Associated Bank has focused on making good loans. Our responsible approach to lending reflects the values of our organization and the customers we serve in the La Crosse area. We’re strong and ready to lend. David Jones 605 State St. | 608-793-3832 | NMLS: 523764 Jacob Martin 127 Sand Lake Rd. | 608-793-3836 | NMLS: 523832 *The Wisconsin’s #1 Mortgage Lender designation is based on information gathered from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data compiled annually by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The results of the data were obtained through SNL Financial, LC, November 2013. • Loan products are offered by Associated Bank, N.A., Member FDIC and Associated Banc-Corp. Loans involve interest and other costs. Please ask about details. All mortgage programs are subject to credit approval and property evaluation. Property insurance and flood insurance, if applicable, will be required on all collateral. Equal Housing Lender. Equal Opportunity Lender. (7/14) 6244 River City Realtor® Member News 11 New DNR Rules In Effect October 1 Well inspection requires automatic well water testing As of October 1, 2014, the DNR will require any well driller or pump installer conducting a well inspection to also automatically test the well water for nitrates, bacteria and arsenic. This will apply to well inspections conducted on or after the effective date of October 1, 2014. (Note – A well inspection is not required under the new DNR rules but, if an inspection is performed, the well water must be tested.) This required testing may create issues for your transactions. If a well inspection is included, the water still must be tested for bacteria, nitrates and arsenic even if a well water testing contingency is not included in the offer. If the well water testing contingency does not include one or all three of the state required tests, the water must still be tested and your offer won’t address the steps to take if the results exceed safe levels. Lastly, the additional testing will likely increase the water testing fees, and may result in possible delays if it takes longer to test for the three required elements. Currently, the DNR has not provided any specific information as to the changes on its website. We apologize for not providing you with this information until now, but the DNR just made public the final draft of the rule today, September 25, 2014. Therefore in the near future, the WRA will provide more information on these new requirements including drafting tips and further background information to assist you in explaining these changes to consumers. If you have any questions, please contact Liesa Lehmann, Private Water Section Chief, Bureau of Drinking Water and Ground Water, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, at 608-267-7649. Source: WRA Email Dated September 25, 2014 Need Information? Check out the Association Web Site at www. larawebsite.com for an update on Association activities, membership information, professional standards forms, online MLS Profile Sheets, Open House online form and so much more. Looking for a lender that can deliver? Same day Preapprovals!! Close on Time!! Local Loan Officers that know the market!!! Rehab loans, Manufactured homes, LOW credit scores ZERO to Low Down‐payment loans FHA, VA, USDA Rural, WHEDA & Conventional Loan programs all available. Todd Cejka – (608)783‐0860 Jeff Thompson – (608)781‐0710 Call today to see how AMEC can help you close more sales faster!! American Mortgage & Equity Consultants 114 N 2nd Ave, Onalaska, WI NMLS Todd 251574 Jeff 256028 Branch 844359 Company 150953 Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 12 Welcome New Members Welcome to Michael Knothe of Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS®. Michael is a married father of two children – son Jackson and daughter Julia. He enjoys staying active by participating on the Stansfield Vending pool league, a golf league and is also a member of the Moose Lodge. Welcome Michael. Welcome to Tika Herritz of Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS®. Tika is a married mom to two children (ages 1 & 3) and two Springer Spaniels. She enjoys boating, the YMCA, and involved in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Additionally, she likes to unwind to some country music or a good comedy flick. Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS® is pleased to bring Steve Betthauser to their team. Steve is a married father of two daughters (Kasey & Heather) and enjoys hunting and fishing along with travel. Welcome aboard! Castle Realty, LLC is pleased to bring Amy LeClaire to their team. Amy enjoys being active in the outdoors – camping, hiking, boating and jogging. She also loves spending time with her kids, family and friends. Welcome aboard, Amy! Welcome to….Garrick Olerud of Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS®. Garrick is a married father of 5-month-old Peyton. He enjoys golf and being involved in the community, currently as a Westby Chamber of Commerce member, Snowflake Ski Club board member and serves as a council member for his church. Welcome to Scott Neumeister. Scott is the latest addition to the Cindy Gerke & Associates team. Scott is a married father of three children and one grandson. He serves as the Commissioner of the La Crosse City Planning Commission and enjoys volunteering as a coach for numerous clubs and organizations. Castle Realty welcomes Katie Kelly (soon to be Gullikson)! Katie recently relocated to La Crosse from TX and is engaged to be married on Oct. 11, 2014. She has an Elementary Education background and enjoys motorcycle riding, traveling and volunteering and enjoys membership with the Alpha Delta Pi Alumni Association. BHHS Lovejoy Realty is pleased to bring Kayla Vess to their team. Kayla is the spouse of an active duty service member and enjoys volunteering as an Army event volunteer and coordinator. She is a mother of a 2-year-old daughter and enjoys hiking and running local 5K events for charity. Welcome to…..Melissa Warren. Melissa is a married mother to three kids and has one more on the way. She enjoys photography, swimming, gardening, fishing and relishes being a mom – often spending her time at kid functions. Melissa is a REALTOR® with Castle Realty, LLC. no photo available BHHS Lovejoy Realty is pleased to bring Ryan Wessel to their Onalaska team. Ryan is a married father of one son and enjoys the investment property business. Welcome aboard Ryan! Welcome to Heidi Overson of Cindy Gerke & Associates. Heidi is a married mother of four children. She’s an award winning writer and editor who’s articles & stories have appeared both locally and nationally and serves as Field Editor for ‘Our Wisconsin Magazine.’ She volunteers with the Rotary Lights and Salvation Army and is an Oktoberfest Grenadier. Additionally, she is the Regional State Rep. for WI Writers Association. Welcome Heidi! Welcome to Jennifer Faber of United Country / Markim Realty. Jennifer is mom to three daughters – Stefanie, Sarah & Kathryn. She’s an active member of seven years to the Kiwanis Club of Sparta and also involved in the Sparta Community Holiday Group. Welcome Jennifer. Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS® is pleased to announce Laurie Noelke as their newest REALTOR® agent. Laurie is a married mom of three children (two sons - 13 & 7 and a daughter - 11) and two dogs. She enjoys biking, boating and scrapbooking and stays active by participating on her churches council and committees. Welcome to….Lori Ohland of Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS®. Lori is a mother to three grown children and enjoys exploring the outdoor recreation our area has to offer – Hiking, Walking Trails, and Canoeing. In her downtime, she likes to unwind by Quilting. Welcome Lori! Cindy Gerke & Associates welcomes Tammie Rochelt as their newest REALTOR® agent. Tammie and husband, Rich, enjoy the quiet life Coon Valley has to offer where they reside with their two dogs – Golden Retriever “Emmie” and Yellow Lab “Sam”. She enjoys reading, antiquing, tennis and quality family time. Welcome to Broker/Owner Chris Kilen of Nordic Hills Real Estate LLC. Chris is a married father of three sons – Truman, Tucker and Gunnar – and one daughter, Martha. He currently resides in the Belleville, WI area and operates out of Westby. Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS® welcomes Dan Veglahn to their La Crosse office. Apart from real estate, Dan is active in the community by serving as a board member at La Crescent Animal Hospital and is a member of the Young Professionals of the Coulee Region group. An interesting family fact is he has one sister – 21 years younger than he. Welcome Dan! no photo available no photo available Welcome to Pam Eilertson. Pam is Owner/Operator of ‘Pamela Eilertson Appraiser’. She and husband, David, enjoy the outdoors – mountain hiking, baseball, football and kickball. She’s a car enthusiast that also enjoys taking Corvette cruises. Welcome Pam! Hoppens Realty, Inc. is pleased to announce Teri Johnson to their REALTOR® team. Terri is a married mother to three children – Ryan, Whitney and Nik. She enjoys reading and gardening during her downtime and is an avid Green Bay Packers fan. BHHS Lovejoy Realty welcomes Marcy Storey. Marcy will be working out of the Onalaska office. Welcome Marcy! River City Realtor® Member News 13 Great News - MLS Change Form is now electronic! Great news for La Crosse MLS users – the MLS Change Form is now electronic. Rather than completing the antiquated handwritten form, you now have the opportunity to complete and submit your Change Forms online. To access the online Change Form, visit our homepage at www.larawebsite.com. From the left hand menu, select “Submit Change Form” under “Multiple Listing Service”. This will bring up an online form in your browser to enter your change information. Before electronically submitting your form to MLS, you also have the opportunity to enter up to two emails that will receive a PDF copy of your online Change Form once submitted. After submission, please fax over any supporting paperwork such as an amendment (if required) for the change you’re requesting. This update compliments the electronic Profile Sheets already available for use (also found on our homepage). If you have not already moved away from the paper forms, we encourage you to do so. The electronic Profile Sheet & Change Form submission system is designed to catch user errors and/or missing information potentially avoiding delays in your listings being entered into MLS. The clarity and quality of an electronic Profile Sheet also enables faster entry into the MLS system and reduces the likelihood of entry errors as at times, faxes or handwriting can be difficult to read. Should you have any troubles with the online change form submission system or have any questions please contact the board office. MLS Postal Municipality Update - Here is what you should know The new “Postal Municipality” field implemented in MLS over late summer 2014 is automatically filled based on the zip code you indicate on your profile sheets. There isn’t a “Postal Municipality” field you fill in or a place to indicate a Postal Municipality on a profile sheet - the MLS system automatically pulls in the Postal Municipality and populates the field in accordance with USPS address standardization when your listing goes live. You can learn more about how it determines the Postal Municipality here: http://metromls.com/sites/default/files/Flextips/ HTML/addressstandardizationislive.html An example of how this works is a property may have a Tax Key of ‘11039XXXXXXX’ with a Tax Municipality matching Mound Prairie, MN…but also have a Postal Municipality of Houston, MN. Both Mound Prairie AND Houston will appear on your listings/hotsheets etc going forward. The Taxing Municipality is still a required field and is not going away. However, when you pull up any of your listings, you will now see a “Taxed By” field (based on the Tax Key) AND the new “County” field that automatically lists the Postal Municipality. This change was made retro-active, so existing active listings that were put into MLS six months ago, a year ago, or even three years ago have this change - you’d don’t have to do anything - they’ve been added for you automatically. Should you find any discrepancies to the new Postal Municipality added to your MLS listings or have additional questions, please notify the Board Office so we may investigate and assist you. We Need You! Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 Want to meet people, make a difference and have some fun? Sign up for a Committee today! Become an active part of the Association through Committee involvement. Choose a Committee that shares your interests. See the attached flyer. The strength of our Association comes from you. Sign up today! 14 Member News I am a Wisconsin REALTOR® and I will a VOTE On November 4 Affiliate Opportunity! At each Orientation, a Goodie Bag is given to each Applicant in attendance. This bag is filled with promotional material provided by our Affiliates. If you are interested in being represented and want to promote your company, please bring 40 of each item to the Association Office by August 15. This is a member benefit which gives you the opportunity to inform Applicants as to what business services you offer. If you have any questions, please call Kevin at 608-785-7744. Did You Know? Take pride in being a R EALTOR.® Irrespective of local dialect and custom, the term REALTOR® has but one pronunciation: Display the REALTOR® “R” logo on your business card and stationery! TE ABC REAL ESTA 123 Main Street nsin La Crosse, Wisco REAL ’ TOR That’s two syllables. Industry professionals pronounce it correctly! R E A LT O R ® River City Realtor® Annual Meeting 15 – continued from page 1 President Cindy also presented the President’s Award – You Make A World of Difference – to Roxanne Reynolds (see photo to right). Roxanne has been actively involved in the Association since 1989. She has not only served but chaired most Committees, served as President, twice, is a faithful RPAC Investor, and is a Fair Housing Instructor at Orientation, to mention a few. It is amazing how much this Lady has helped this Association move forward and become the Association we are today. Roxanne, you have truly made a World of Difference. Congratulations. Marv Leisso had the pleasure of presenting Hall of Fame – Member of Distinction Awards to Mike Pietrek and Steve Lillestrand. Steve has been a REALTOR® for 20 years. He has chaired as well as served on many of our Association Committees. He sat on our Board of Directors from 2007-2012. He served as LARA President in 2009-2010 and again in 2010-2011. Steve has been a member of the WRA Real Estate Forms Advisory Board, and served as a WRA State Director in 2011-2013. His community service includes instructor at Western Technical College teaching real estate sales and brokerage, delivering meals on wheels, volunteer at his church and also the Salvation Army. Congratulation, Steve. – continued on page 16 Past Presidents: Respecting and Acknowledging Our Elite Club At the annual meeting I had the pleasure of introducing the members of our elite club. Over the years, these outstanding members have given their talent and so much of their time. Because of this dedication, our Association is recognized as one of the top Associations in the state. I would like to share with you the Past Presidents of the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association. A huge thank you to each of you for all that you have done and given to our Association. - Char Glocke, Association Executive Claud Pettingill Elmer Hougen Joe Wavra, Sr. Verne Tooke Arthur Ginsky Joseph Wavra Mrs. Floyd Silas Gene Luening Tom Wheeler Clem Feldbruegge Ken Gorman Lester Olsen Levi Swett Tilford Nelson Bill Gerrard Dave Schams James Hoeschler Della Schultz Al Prellwitz Bob Deal Date Unknown Deceased 1948 - Deceased 1953 - Deceased 1954 - Deceased 1957 - Deceased 1958 - Deceased 1959 - Deceased 1960 - Deceased 1961 1962 - Deceased 1963 - Deceased 1964 - Deceased 1965 - Deceased 1966 - Deceased 1967 1968 1969 - Deceased 1970 1970-1971 - Deceased 1971-1972 - Deceased Vol. 35 No. 1 • October 2014 Else Lenser John Dunham Don F. Johnson Al Roberts Marion Pastur Bob Wehrenberg Dick Clements Dave Eilertson Bill Hansen Dennis Baehr Mary Ann Roesler Tom Borreson Fred Prassas Wally Kenimer Nancy Gerrard Brian Stephan Pam Eilertson Grace Spencer Peggy Lovejoy Marv Leisso 1972-1973 1973-1974 - Deceased 1974-1975 1975-1976 - Deceased 1976-1977 - Deceased 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 - Deceased 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 Katy Wood Judy Carpenter Kathy Bakalars Fran Noffke Roxanne Reynolds Gary Lass H. King Holley Larry Jiracek Renee Dettmann Roxanne Reynolds Gary Lass Marv Leisso Fran Noffke John Young John Young H. King Holley Jodi O’Brien Steve Lillestrand Steve Lillestrand Chad Niegelsen Mike Pietrek Cindy Gerke-Edwards 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 - Deceased 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 16 Annual Meeting – continued from page 15 Mike has been a REALTOR® since 1997. During the past 17 years, he has worked as an agent, manager, and Instructor teaching real estate sales and or continuing education. He has served on the LARA Board of Directors from 2008 to present. He was LARA President in 2012-2013 and served on many committees but his major focus has been Government Affairs. Mike serves as the Chair to our Government Affairs Committee and has worked endlessly to surpass our RPAC goal for 2014 which we accomplished. He serves on the WRA Public Policy Committee and is the NAR Federal Political Coordinator for Congressman Ron Kind. His community service has included being a First Responder, and Member of the Lions Club and Knights of Columbus. He is currently a Rotarian. Congratulations, Mike. Thank you both for your caring spirit, your dedication and hours given. Tom Larson , Vice President of Legal and Public Affairs for the WRA, updated us on the DSPS, Legislative Issues and the WI New Landlord Tenant Laws. In addition he installed the 2014-2015 Officers and Directors. Steve Lillestrand, Past President, installed Kent Gabrielsen as our 2014-2015 LARA President. Congratulation, Kent. We are looking forward to a phenomenal year! La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 111 6th Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601 River City Realtor® Meet People, Make a Difference and Have Fun! Dear Fellow Member: As your President-Elect, I am looking forward to an exciting year. The strength of our Association comes from you. Real Estate is a constantly changing business. Your input and special talent keeps us on the cutting edge. Please indicate your choice of Committee involvement below and return it to the Association Office by September 30, 2014. I am looking forward to working with you. Kent Gabrielsen President Elect La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association I am willing to volunteer my valuable time in the following areas of interest: Committee Application In requesting appointment to an Association Committee I understand that any statement, oral or written, on the Committee’s activities or positions taken, may be made only by the Association President or someone who is a designee of the Association President. I agree to abide by this policy. (check one or more of the following) Recognition Committee Holiday Social Committee Golf Outing Committee Governmental Affairs Committee Professional Standards Committee Equal Opportunity Committee Snow Bowl Committee Family Loggers Baseball Event Name: ____________________________________________________ (please print) Please fax your response by September 30, 2014 to: La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association at 785-7742 or email membershipservices@larawebsite.com. Thank you!
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