Transforming Your Care Implementation for better outcomes Wednesday 15th October 2014 • Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast Media partner Sponsored by Implementing Transforming Your Care Future of healthcare seminar Transforming Your Care (TYC) is the pathway for the future of health and social care services in Northern Ireland. In 2013, the post-consultation report on the TYC review set out key recommendations for change across a number of important service areas including primary care, older people’s services, acute services and services for those with long term conditions. There was also a focus on prevention, earlier intervention, integrated care and promotion of personalised care to enable more services to be provided in the community. In 2014, the vision at the heart of TYC – to drive up the quality of care, to improve outcomes and to enhance patient experience – is now being implemented. Progress has been made to implement the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) initiatives which were funded towards the end of the 2013/14 year which will make care more joined up. £150 million is also being invested in the development of five ‘hub and spoke’ models to provide care in the community. Other initiatives include early intervention work, increasing the amount of community based mental health services and developing alternatives to A&E attendance or hospital admission. However, given the scope of change required in a constrained financial environment, alongside ever increasing pressures on local A&E departments, significant challenges remain. How can we provide a safe and sustainable health and social care service which is fit for the future? Key themes The event will be addressed by a mixture of local healthcare leaders and visiting experts with experience of leading and implementing transformational change in health. It aims to bring together individuals and organisations with an interest or stake in the health sector in Northern Ireland. The objective is to create a genuine, in-depth understanding of the need for radical change and to look at how the recommendations of TYC are working in practice, as well as the challenges that still remain as we look to the future. Visiting experts Neil Jordan is General Manager of the Worldwide Health Group with Microsoft. He is chief strategist for the organisation’s health industry initiatives worldwide and is charged with defining and articulating the Microsoft vision for the future of healthcare, and how its products, technologies and partner solutions will make it a reality. He joined Microsoft in 2002 and for three years was the Head of Healthcare at Microsoft UK where he led the NHS National Programme for IT. Julia Manning is founder and Chief Executive of 2020health, a leading UK-based think tank with a mission to ‘Make Health Personal’. It seeks to improve individual health and create the conditions for a healthy society. Julia studied visual science at City University London and became a member of the College of Optometrists in 1991. Her career has included being a visiting lecturer at City University, a visiting clinician at the Royal Free Hospital, working with South London Primary Care Trusts and a Director of the UK Institute of Optometry. She specialised in diabetes and founded a practice for people with mental and physical disabilities using the latest digital technology. Julia is a regular commentator in the media. Key issues that will be covered during the seminar will include: 3 Transforming Your Care: Making progress 3 Delivering better outcomes through Integrated Care Partnerships 3 The role of technology in transforming healthcare 3 Involving the patient in healthcare delivery 3 What can telemedicine really achieve? 3 Improving the lives of those with long term conditions 3 Looking to the future of urgent care 3 Best practice / learning from elsewhere Seminar programme 0830 Registration and morning coffee 0900 Chairman’s welcome and introduction TYC UPDATE TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH HOSPITAL SERVICES Progress on TYC and looking to the future Pamela McCreedy, Director of Transforming Your Care, Health & Social Care Board INTEGRATED CARE TELEMEDICINE Healthcare in the 21st century Neil Jordan, Worldwide Head of Health Microsoft Delivering hospital services in a safe and sustainable way Hugh McCaughey, Chief Executive South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Morning coffee / networking break 1115 Putting the patient first in service delivery Tom Frawley, Northern Ireland Ombudsman PATIENT PERSPECTIVE Can telemedicine deliver on its promises? Norman Black, Professor of Medical Informatics, University of Ulster LONG TERM CONDITIONS Meeting the growing challenge of long term care Andrew Dougal, Chief Executive Northern Ireland Chest, Heart & Stroke URGENT CARE How can we deliver urgent care safely? Janice Smyth, Director, Royal College of Nursing Questions & answers / Panel discussion 1045 Integrated Care Partnerships to transform the way healthcare is delivered Dr Alan Stout, Chair of East Belfast Integrated Care Partnership Questions & answers / Panel discussion 1315 Chairman’s summary and seminar close followed by networking lunch ‘We are now on a three to five year journey with the emphasis on getting it right and in a safe manner. We are now making significant progress in implementing that transformation to deliver the right care, at the right time, in the right place… We will need to work together – and work in new ways.’ Edwin Poots, MLA, Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety speaking in 2014 I WISH TO: Reserve _____ place(s) at the Transforming Your Care seminar Delegate fee £175 + VAT @20% = £210 Discounted rate for the voluntary/community sector Delegate fee £150 + VAT @20% = £180 Fee includes documentation, lunch and other refreshments served during the seminar and is payable in advance. Fee does not include accommodation or travel. Delegate details Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr): _______________________________________________________________________ Job title: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Organisation: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Postcode: _________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment options I enclose a cheque for £___________ Registration form (Payable to ‘bmf Business Services’.) Please invoice me Please debit my Visa / Mastercard Card number Name of card holder ____________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________ Expiry date _______________________________________________________ How to register By telephone 028 9261 9933 Online By fax 028 9261 9951 Scan QR code By email By post Davidson House, Glenavy Road Business Park Moira, Co Down, BT67 0LT Security code ____________________________________________________ (Please provide card billing address if different from company address) Acknowledgement of registration Confirmation of registration will be emailed to all delegates, following receipt of registration details. If you have not received your acknowledgement seven days prior to the date of the seminar, please contact Angela Dickson to confirm your booking. Email: Cancellations/substitutions For those unable to attend, a substitute delegate may be sent at any time for no additional charge. Alternatively a refund will be given for cancellations received in writing, by fax or letter, up to 14 days prior to the seminar, less an administration charge of 25% plus VAT. Regrettably no refunds can be made after that date.
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