MASSES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 4:30 P.M. SAM SALERNO (Rose Pitt) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 -TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. RESPECT FOR ALL LIFE, ESPECIALLY THE UNBORN MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:30 A.M. NO MASS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:30 A.M. JACK ENTLER (John & Vickie Garland) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 8:30 A.M. AT ST. MARY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 8:30 A.M. IRMA TRUDELL (Family) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 8:30 A.M. NO MASS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 4:30 P.M. MARY KNAPP (Husband Gil) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 -THIRTIETH SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. MICHAEL KUHN (Wife & Family) SUNDAY OFFERING: Sunday, October 12...............................$6,423.54 160 envelopes THEME: JESUS TEACHES US HOW TO RECONCILE OUR EARTHLY COMMITMENTS WITH OUR OBLIGATIONS TO GOD. Jesus challenges us to examine how we demonstrate our fidelity to Him while living in the world. Do worldly attachments or loyalties get in the way of our being faithful to Jesus and His teachings? Today’s readings show that there need not be a conflict between fulfilling our civil obligations and our obligations to God. LITURGY OF THE WORD The prophet Isaiah tells us that God uses even the pagan king, Cyrus, to do His will. Saint Paul gives thanks for the Thessalonians, who live their faith in Christ with total ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO OCTOBER 19, 2014 PAGE 1 NOTE: If you would like to bring up the offertory gifts during a Mass that is scheduled for a family member or friend, please see the ushers before Mass. conviction. In the Gospel, Jesus disarms the Pharisees by telling them to give to Caesar what belongs to him but give to God what belongs to God. STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Today’s Gospel is not only a question about taxes, but rather a question about Church and state. Do we allow our political affiliations to shape and form our belief in Church teaching or do we truly allow our relationship with Christ and His Church to challenge our understanding and opinions in the public forum. May our sense of faith and stewardship invite us to always put Christ first. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE by Bud Ozar Jesus was exasperated when he scolded: “Why do you put me to the test?” It is natural for children to test parents; this is how they learn and how we teach limits, rules and values. Be like Jesus in today’s gospel; he was firm, honest and direct. VOCATIONS “Give to God what is God’s.” You belong to Christ and Christ is God’s! How will you respond to so great a love? Is He asking you to follow Him by serving in the priesthood or consecrated life? PARISH NEWS “MORE THAN JUST THE CHURCH BULLETIN” Please be sure to visit our website: ETERNAL FLAME INTENTIONS - Week of October 19 IN MEMORY OF CELIA DALOISIO By Ella & Joanne Luhaney IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM O’MALLEY By Wife, Ann SANCTUARY LAMP INTENTION IN MEMORY OF MARCIE CAVANAUGH By Martha Mahoney Serving Mass October 25 & 26 Eucharistic Ministers October 25 4:30 p.m. October 26 9:30 a.m. Lectors October 25 4:30 p.m. October 26 9:30 a.m. Altar Servers October 25 4:30 p.m. October 26 9:30 a.m. N.Hlad/L. Burgess/J. Kolesar A. Misel/ D. Butler/ M. Cullivan C. Burgess C. Sylvester K. Miller/ A. Tarr H. Sylvester/ P. Wilson ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO OCTOBER 19, 2014 PAGE 2 MINISTRY SCHEDULE THIS WEEK AT ST. STEPHEN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 3:45-4:15 Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Stephen SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen 9:15 a.m. CCD Classes at St. Stephen MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:30 p.m. Bereavement Committee Mtg. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:30 a.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. R.C.I.A. at St. Rose WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 8:30 a.m. Parish Ministers Mtg.(Columbiana) 6:00 p.m. Choir Practice at St. Mary THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 8:30 a.m. Mass 4:45-6:00 p.m. Community Suppers FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 3:45-4:15 Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Stephen SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen 9:15 a.m. CCD Classes at St. Stephen FROM FATHER KORDA When Bishop Murry asked me to be the Administrator of St. Stephen Parish, it was with the direction to collaborate with Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish. He said that the objective is to have one parish in the City of Niles, with two worship sites and one pastor. This objective was shared with the entire parish when Fr. Shori, Director of Evangelization, visited the parish to announce the collaborative effort on the weekend of September 28, 2014. It is my hope that working with both the Parish Council and Finance Committee of St. Stephen Parish that we can assess the strengths and challenges that are before us so as to better enter a spirit of collaboration. Please understand that this process cannot happen overnight. We will work together to meet the objective that the Bishop has set for both Niles’ parishes. In this day and age, collaboration, merging and parish-twinning has become necessary and the process is never an easy thing. Given the reality of the fewer priests situation in our diocese, it has become imperative that we move in this direction. Please note that I have a full time commitment to the diocesan radio and television ministry in Canfield that I run and have been involved with for over 20 years. Many of our priests have multiple assignments. As a matter of fact, out of the 88 active priests in our diocese, 32 have more than one pastoral responsibility. I would encourage all of you to pray for us priests and for an increase in priestly vocations in our diocese. As the collaborative effort unfolds, I will share information with you through the parish bulletin. I thank you for your cooperation and support in this important endeavor. Fr. Korda WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Today is World Mission Sunday. We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches, through the Missions in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the second collection today helps priests, religious and lay leaders offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your prayers. Be as generous as you can to today’s collection. For more information please visit ST. STEPHEN CEMETERY The caretaker at St. Stephen Cemetery has asked that all flowers and decorations be removed from graves by October 26, to allow for leaf removal. They may be replaced November 2. RCIA ~ CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS . Every year our parish welcomes adults into this Catholic community through the RCIA program. Classes continue every Tuesday from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at St. Rose Parish House in Girard. Contact Connie at our Parish Ministry office, 330-652-5511 for more information. call the parish office, 330-652-4396 or email to by Monday, November 3rd. MINISTRIES TO THE SICK/HOMEBOUND Do you know someone who would welcome the opportunity to receive Eucharist at home? Please call Connie at 330-652-5511 and they will be added to our visitation list. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SEEKS VOLUNTEERS Has God given you the gift of good cooking? If so, we ask you to consider sharing your gift as we minister to the poor at the St. Vincent de Paul dining hall. We are asking for a commitment of one day every other month on the second Friday of that month starting November 14 . Not such a good cook? We still need your help prepping and serving the meal. Men are encouraged to help too! Please think about “Lord, when did we see you hungry?” and call the rectory to volunteer. Volunteers are needed for the truck to help pick up donations. Items picked up will be sold in the thrift store. Days available are Wednesday thru Saturday. Call David Skowron at 330-509-3128. ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO OCTOBER 19, 2014 PAGE 3 MEMORIAL MASS.....THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 We will have a Special Mass at 7:00 p.m. at St. Stephen Church, during which all our beloved dead will be remembered, especially those who have died this past year. These names will be read at the Mass and a candle will be lit in their memory. If you have a loved one who made the transition this past year but was not buried from this parish and you wish to have his/her name added to the list of the elect, please WIN TWO CLUB SEAT TICKETS TO BENGALS VS. STEELERS SUNDAY, DEC. 28, 2014 @ Heinz Field Proceeds to benefit the continued operation of the St. Vincent DePaul Dining Hall. 1st Prize..Two Club Seat Tickets (Parking Pass included) Total Value $435. 2nd Prize...$200. 3rd Prize...$100 Tickets $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 Drawing December 7, 2014 at 2:00 at the St. Vincent DePaul Dining Hall, 2355 Niles Rd., Warren, OH. Winner need not be present. For tickets, call Dan Minor at 330-544-1676 or see Frank Burke. Sponsored by the St. Vincent DePaul Society, Trumbull Deanery. NILES CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS The group will be sponsoring the TNT musical production “I Love You, You’re Perfect…Now Change!” on Sunday, November 9. Tickets are $20 for wine, soft drinks and hors d’oeuvres at 2 p.m., followed by the play at 3 p.m. See any NCWC member for tickets, or call Jacquie Whetstone at 330-397-1427. SAVE THE DATE....HOLIDAY HOME SHOPPING AND CRAFT EVENT November 8th, 2014... 10am-2pm, 129 West Park Ave. Parish Center (formerly the school gym). $20.00 per table. Contact Cathy for information and to reserve your table! 330-394-0186 or COMMUNITY SUPPERS: ST. STEPHEN CHURCH, 129 W. Park Ave., NILES Suppers are free & open to the public every Thursday serving from 4:45 to 6 p.m. HARRIET’S CUPBOARD – OCTOBER – Cleaning supplies, including all purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner, Clorox wipes, sponges, bleach, dish soap, etc. There is a large box in the vestibule of the church for those who wish to help with this mission of Catholic Charities NILES COMMUNITY SERVICES 2014 CHRISTMAS APPLICATION....NILES COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC. Niles-Mineral Ridge-McDonald Food and Toy Program. November 3 -5*-6*- 7 -10* - 11- 12* OFFICE 402 Vienna Ave. Niles, OH 330-652-6412...9:30-11:00 & 1:30-3:30 EXTENDED HOURS on 5th, 6th, 10th , 12th ..9:30-11:30 & 1:30—7:00 FILL A BAG...and help us make a difference. In support of this vital program and MAkE A DIFFERENCE DAY, please take a bag (available at the doors) fill this bag with non-perishable food and bring bag to the church next weekend. We will deliver to Niles Community Services on Monday, Oct. 27. ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO OCTOBER 19, 2014 PAGE 4 OTHER NEWS NILES CHRISTIAN CHURCH...CRAFT SHOW Saturday, Nov. 1, 2015- 9:00 am—4:00 pm Sponsored by Knotty Girls Quilting Group. Many vendors, some items for sale (jewelry, bake sale, cand, items made by quilting group. Lunch will be available consisting of homemade soup and sandwich. Admission is free. PLEASE JOIN US! TRUNK OR TREAT...NILES FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PARKING LOT 608 N. Crandon Ave., Niles, OH..Sunday, October 26, 2014 4:00-6:00 p.m. FOR INFO: Call 330-652-1439 or HOSPICE VOLUNTEER TRAINING October 24th-November 21st. 1:00-4:30 pm Hospice House, 9803 Sharrott Rd. Poland, Ohio ...For an application or to reserve a spot, please call 1-800-640-5180. CATHOLIC EXPONENT—JOB OPENING The Catholic Exponent is seeking a part time freelance graphic designer who can design attractive pages for our print edition. The job is an every-weekend telecommuting assignment, requiring 3-5 hours of work each weekend from your location, with the ability to send and receive online. Qualifications: Experience in graphic design (especially print newspaper/magazine design). Ease working with InDesign and Photoshop. Self-motivated with excellent time management skills (in order to meet deadlines) and organizational skills (in order to plot out entire section per available space and hierarchy of stories/art). Familiarity with and respect for the post-Vatican II Catholic Church. Interested candidates should send resume, cover letter and 3-5 samples of newspaper/magazine-style page design, by October 22, to: Elaine Polomsky Soos, Managing Editor, Catholic Exponent, Finalist must agree to do a tryout via email. PRISON MINISTRY WEEKEND IS YOUR MARRIAGE FALLING APART? Come fix your marriage NOW so your misery can be healed. Retrouvaille has helped thousands of couples heal their marriages and the next program will begin October31st at the transformational Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center in PA. Limited Space, please call early. For confidential information on our Youngstown diocese program call 330-9797787 or visit or email 2015~ YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE ST STEPHEN CHURCH NILES, OHIO OCTOBER 19, 2014 PAGE 5 “Lord, when did we see you in prison?” Volunteers are needed to work as team members, which involves going to the prison to be with the inmates in a secure area away from the general population. There are currently 25 Catholic inmates who will participate in the retreat which will be Nov. 6 – 9th. Outside help including food, money, non-perishables, drivers,etc will be greatly appreciated. They also enjoy homemade cookies. Prison ministry is the only time they receive these special treats. For Niles, contact people are Mary Lou at 330-399-2026 or Alec at 330-448-2227. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this important ministry. Pope Francis has declared a Year of Consecrated Life marking the 50th Anniversary of Perfectae Caritatis, the Second Vatican Council document of Religious Life. The Holy Father calls all within the Church to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the indispensible role of consecrated life for the mission of the Church. The Diocese of Youngstown will formally open the Year of Consecrated Life with a special liturgy on Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 at St. Columba Cathedral at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy. All are welcome. Please mark your calendar. To register, call the Parish Ministry Office at 330-6525511 by Monday, Oct. 13th. PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY...OCTOBER 26th, 2014 Priesthood Sunday is a day to reflect upon and affirm the priesthood as a central role in the life of the Church. You can show your appreciation of their ministry with a personal thank you after mass, a card signed by all of the members of your family, or a spiritual bouquet.
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