Park Families  Training Directory  2014/2015 

 Park Families Training Directory 2014/2015 1
Qualifications for caring for Children and Young People: Level 2 course Level 3 courses First Aid Qualifications: Pg 3 Pg. 3 First Aid at Work Emergency First Aid at Work Top Tips for Parent/Carers Paediatric First Aid Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 5 Pg 6 Health and Safety: Health and Safety Law Risk Assessments and Hazards Care of Substances Hazardous to Health. (C.O.S.H.H) Moving and Handling Pg 7 Pg 7 Pg 8 Pg 8 Continuing Professional Development: Basic Safeguarding Pg9 Safeguarding‐Level 2 Pg9 Safeguarding‐Level 3 Pg10 Safeguarding‐Level 4 Pg10 Good Practice for Birth to Three’s Pg11 Supporting Positive Behaviour Pg11 Role of the Key person. Pg12 Child Development Pg12 Equality and Diversity Pg13 Food Hygiene Level 2 Food Safety. Pg 13 Communication, Language and Literacy for Early Years. Positive Interaction Programme. Pg14 Speech and Language Courses Pg14 2
Qualifications for Caring for
Children and Young People
Level 2 courses – An introductory course for those wishing to work with children ‘on
the front line’, in assistant roles and under supervision. An ideal stepping stone towards
a full Level 3 qualification. Level 3 courses – For people with more experience of working with children, those who
work in more specialized areas, alone and unsupervised, or those who supervise /
manage others.
Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce
If you have ever considered working with children in a school, nursery, crèche or kids
club then this part time course is for you. This nationally recognized certificate will
provide a progression route to the Level 3 qualifications. For further details or
information please contact Carrie Kay.
Level 3 Qualifications in Childcare and Education
The Level 3 courses offered by Park Families Training are nationally recognized
qualifications for practitioners working with children and young people. It will enable you
to extend on existing skills and knowledge to improve your practice and work at a senior
level. For further details and information please contact Carrie Kay.
Academic year 2014/15 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: EYL2 EYL3 Starting Sept 2014 Sure Start Centre
Finishing July Monday 9.30‐ 2015 12.30 Starting Sept 2014 Sure Start Centre
Finishing Sept Tuesday 9.30 – 2015 12.30 3
Call on 023 9242 4980 On application. Call on 023 9242 4980 On application. First Aid Qualifications
First Aid at Work:
This three day course is fully approved and accredited by Qualsafe. Once qualified,
holders of this certificate can be used as First Aiders in the workplace in accordance
with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The course includes theory and practical
sessions, looking at accidents and medical conditions in the workplace. Certification is
for 3 years.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: First Aid at Work FAW AU FAW SP FAW SU Start date 08.10.14 Finish date 10.10.14 Start date 11.02.15 Finish date 13.02.15 Start date 03.06.15 Finish date 05.06.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £250 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £250 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £250 4
Emergency First Aid at Work:
This one day approved and accredited course is designed for those who are nominated
First Aiders. The day includes both practical and theory sessions looking at accidents in
the workplace.
Course Code: Date: Emergency First Aid EFAW AU 08.10.14 Venue: Booking Details: Cost: Sure Start Centre
Call on 8.45‐4pm 023 9242 4980 £110 EFAW SP 11.02.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £110 EFAW SU 03.06.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £110 Top Tips for Parents/Carers:
This 2 hour workshop focuses on basic first aid, looking at resuscitation, care of the
unconscious casualty, choking, head injuries, minor burns and bleeding.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: TTP 1 13.05.14 Sure Start Centre
9.30‐11.30 Call on 023 9242 4980 £5 TTP 2 17.10.14 Sure Start Centre
9.30‐11.30 Call on 023 9242 4980 £5 TT 3 6.2.15 Sure Start Centre
9.30‐11.30 Call on 023 9242 4980 £5 TT 4 8.5.15 Sure Start Centre
9.30‐11.30 Call on 023 9242 4980 £5 5
Paediatric First Aid:
This accredited paediatric first aid course meets the needs of Early Years Practitioners,
Child Minders and anyone working with children from birth to 17 years. The topics
covered meet the requirements of Ofsted and the Early Years foundation stage
statutory framework. The course covers how to deal with accidents and emergencies
involving babies & young children as well as adults. It can also be used as evidence for
employees working towards an NVQ in Childcare and Education. Certification is for 3
years and on expiry the full course should be attended again.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: Paediatric First Aid PFA AU1 11.10.14 Sure Start Centre
Call on £85 18.10.14 8.45‐4.30pm 023 9242 4980 PFA AU2 02.12.14 03.12.14 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £85 PFA SP1 17.01.15 24.01.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £85 PFA SP2 17.03.15 18.03.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £85 PFA SU1 28.04.15 29.04.15 O6.06.15 13.06.15 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £85 Sure Start Centre
8.45‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £85 PFA SU2 First Aid Qualifications.
If you would like us to come and deliver a custom First Aid course for your
organization, please phone
023 9242 4980 and ask to speak to Heather Hart.
Health and Safety.
These courses are for those who wish to maintain health and safety practice in the work
environment. It includes Accident Reporting; Personal Protective Equipment; Health and
Safety Legislation; Risk Assessments; Hazards; Manual Handling; COSHH; Fire and
Safety Recording Methods and Procedures.
Health and Safety Law:
This 2.5 hour workshop looks at Health and Safety Law and putting it into practice.
Course content will allow practitioners to explore statutory and regulatory arrangements
covering health and safety for children and adults in their setting, as well as identifying
roles and responsibilities.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: HSL 20.11.14 Sure Start Centre
3.30‐6pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Risk Assessments and Hazards:
This 2.5 hour workshop looks at the difference between a risk and a hazard and
explores how we can allow children to take safe risks and risk-take for themselves.
Course content also allows practitioners to explore the difference between area risk
assessments and daily risk assessments and the appropriate paperwork to evidence
that these have been undertaken.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: RAH 15.01.15 Sure Start Centre
3.30‐6pm 7
Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH):
This 2.5 hour workshop looks at becoming aware of substances used within the
childcare setting and ensuring safe use. Course content allows practitioners to identify
the importance of working to COSHH regulations, and identify hazard symbols.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: COSHH 26.03.15 Sure Start Centre
3.30‐6pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Moving and Handling:
This 2.5 hour workshop explores the principles of moving and handling in childcare
settings and the prevention of back injuries. Course content allows practitioners to
identify terms used in manual handling, list correct procedures for moving and handling,
storing and moving heavy items safely and carrying out a moving and handling risk
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: MH 11.06.15 Sure Start Centre
3.30‐6pm 8
Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Continuing Professional
Initial Safeguarding Children.
This course is designed for people who work /volunteer in an environment which works
with children. Course contents looks at safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare,
recognizing types of abuse and ensuring practitioners are confident in knowing
appropriate actions to take when they are concerned about a child.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: BS1 07.11.14 BS2 16.1.15 BS3 12.6.15 Sure Start Centre Call on 023 9242 9.30‐ ‐12.30pm 4980 Sure Start Centre Call on 023 9242 9.30‐ ‐12.30pm 4980 Sure Start Centre Call on 023 9242 9.30‐ ‐12.30pm 4980 £30 £30 £30 Safeguarding Children Level 2
Suitable for all those working and volunteering with children and young people, this
course will explore the following points:
♦ What is child abuse and neglect?
♦ Signs and indicators that could cause concern
♦ Maintaining a child centered approach
♦ Principles of documentation and information sharing
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: SC 2 18/06/15 Sure Start Centre
9.30‐12pm 9
Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Safeguarding Level 3
Suitable for Early Years Practitioners, Family Support Workers, Parenting Practitioners
or other professionals, the course will explore:
♦ Signs and indicators that could cause concern
♦ Documentation and information sharing
♦ Working together; roles and responsibilities
♦ The impact of parenting issues such as domestic violence and substance misuse
and family history on parenting capacity.
♦ Working with children and family members including lack of cooperation and
superficial compliance within the context of the role.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: SC3 AU SC3 SP Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: 08/10/14 21/01/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐3pm Sure Start Centre
10‐3pm Call on 023 9242 4980 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 £30 Safeguarding For Early Years Professionals Level 4.
Child Protection Leads, Family Support Outreach Workers, Foundation Stage Teachers
and Early Year Advisors
♦ Section 47 enquiries, roles, responsibilities and collaborative practice.
♦ Using professional judgments to make a decision whether a child is suffering, or
likely to suffer significant harm.
♦ Contributing to child protection conferences and core groups
♦ Child disclosures and communicating with children
♦ Maintaining a child focus; learning from SCR’s
♦ Documentation and information sharing
A full day course June and Nov 2014, February 2015: dates to follow.
£80 per place, refreshments and lunch provided: Contact us on 02392 424980 for
further details.
Continuing Professional
Development. Good Practice for Birth to Three’s.
This workshop provides a supportive working guide to enable practitioners to deliver
best possible practice for babies and children under three years.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: B23 1 01/12/14 Sure Start Centre
10‐1.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 B23 2 02/03/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐1.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 B23 3 16/05/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐1.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Child Development Workshop.
This workshop outlines the sequences of development and the theories that underpin
current practice. It will also give practitioners the opportunity to explore how the EYFS
links to development.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: CD1 CD2 Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: 05/12/14 Sure Start Centre
10‐1.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 10/07/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐1.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 11
Supporting Positive Behaviour. This 3 hour workshop will provide Early Years Practitioners with an opportunity to open
up and share good practice, to really consider what impact they, and the environment
may have on children’s behaviour, and how they can focus on and encourage positive
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: SPB 1 15/11/14 Sure Start Centre
10‐1pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 SPB 2 11/02/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐1pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 SPB 3 08/07/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐1pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Role of the Key person
A workshop exploring the roles and responsibilities of being a key carer, within
an early years age range. Examining key theories of attachments that influence
an effective approach, the benefits of a key carer system, and ways to develop and
strengthen your role.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: RKP AU 13/10/14 Sure Start Centre
10‐11.30am Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 RKP SP 24/01/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐11.30am Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 RKP SU 06/06/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐11.30am Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 12
Equality and Diversity
In this two-hour session we explore our understanding of equality and diversity, the
meaning and impact of stereotyping, and good practice within settings, as well as
briefly reviewing the Equality Act 2010.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: ED AU 18/10/14 Sure Start Centre
1‐3.00pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 ED SP 15/01/15 Sure Start Centre
1‐3.00pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 ED SU 16/05/15 Sure Start Centre
10‐12.00 Call on 023 9242 4980 £30 Food Hygiene level 2
Everyone who works with food has a special responsibility for safeguarding the health of
consumers, and to ensure that the food they serve or sell is safe to eat. This one-day
level 2-course covers important safety issues for people who handle food. A multiple
choice question paper completes the day.
Academic Year 2014/2015 Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: FH2 AU 02/09/14 Sure Start Centre
9‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £35 FH2 SP 17/01/15 Sure Start Centre
9‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £35 FH2 SU 29/04/15 Sure Start Centre
9‐4.30pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £35 13
Communication, Language and
Literacy in the Early Years. Positive Interaction Programme (PIP):
This 7 month course looks at a different topic each training session. During each
workshop participants will watch video clips and complete both theory and practical
activities. The 7 topics are; Talking Together; Playing Together; Questions; Praise;
Feelings; Working Together and Bringing it all Together. This course promotes positive
behaviour, speech and language development and self esteem in the nursery setting.
Academic Year 2014/15. Course Code: Date: Venue: Booking Details: Cost: PIP 1 04.09.14 02.10.14 06.11.14 04.12.14 08.01.15 05.02.15 05.03.15 Sure Start Centre
6 – 8pm Call on 023 9242 4980 £100 Speech and language therapist services and bespoke training is available.
Signs and symbols: Using signs, using symbols: identifying and supporting
children who need signs and symbols and activities to encourage use of signs and
Speech Sounds: Normal speech sound development: identifying and supporting
children who are difficult to understand and activities to encourage speech
Communication matters: This 3 day course looks at normal language
development: identifying and supporting children with speech and language difficulties
and supporting speech and language development in an Early Years setting.
Booking Your Course. Booking a course:
Please phone the Sure Start Centre 023 9242 4980 and ask for a booking form.
This can either be sent to you in the post or by email.
Return your booking form to us by:
The Sure Start Centre
Sandleford Road
Warren Park
On receipt of your booking form, we will send you out an invoice (where applicable) and
a confirmation letter/email.
If you need to cancel your place:
Phone the Sure Start Centre on 023 9242 4980, quoting your course title and date.
Cancellations must be received 7 working days prior to course commencement for
a refund.
Cancellations after this time will not receive a refund, as we do not have sufficient
time to backfill the space.
Non-Attendance on the day
Course fees will not be reimbursed.
Those who are exempt from course fees, and book a place on a course but do not
attend will be liable for a non-attendance charge of £50, payable by the learner.
Park Families Training can also offer bespoke training for your team, either within
your own premises, or at one of our venues. If you are interested in training that
is not included in this directory, or have any enquiries regarding your training
needs, please do not hesitate to contact us on 023 9242 4980.
Park Families Course application Form. Course Title:
Date of Course: First Name: Surname: Address: Post Code: Mobile Number: Work Number: Telephone Number:
Email address:
Work Address: Post Code: I agree to attend the above course to the best of my ability, and to ring the Sure Start Centre should I be unable to attend. Should you need to cancel your place: • Phone the Sure Start Centre on 023 9242 4980, quoting your course title and date. • Cancellations must be received 7 working days prior to course commencement for a refund. • Cancellations after this time will not receive a refund, as we do not have sufficient time to backfill the space. • Please return completed application forms at least 7 days prior to course commencement. Date: Signed: Do you have any Individual Needs or requests you feel we need to know about? Yes / No
If yes, please describe: