Go to our Homepage: www.leavenworthchristian.com October 16, 2014 Vol. 66 No 42 Everyone is invited! Please join us as we fellowship together, get better acquainted and have loads of FUN!!! Just bring your family… No food required… (unless you have already volunteered) Sponsored by the Disciples Women’s Fellowship In This Issue Pg 2: Lines from Lynn Pg 3: Petitions Pg 4: Announcements Pg 5: More Announcements Pg 6: FCC Info/Birthdays Pg 7: FCC Calendar Lines from Lynn I am taking some items to Tawakoni on Monday and going on to Great Bend to help lead one of the new Bethany groups. As you know I enjoy the collegiality of these groups as well as the opportunity for silence and spiritual reflection. Some people have a hard time imagining 24 hours of silence- especially pastors being involved. And I will admit that some people have a harder time with it than others. There certainly is something about “forcing oneself" to be reflective rather than always “speaking one’s mind”. I personally enjoy these times as I find that they strengthen my connection to God. I think there is a reason God gave people one mouth and two ears- perhaps because we should listen twice as much as we talk. We can count many instances from Scripture which encourage (or command) people to listen to God. Sometimes silence is required. Other times we are instructed to “tell the good news”, shout, sing, make known abroad, declare the works of God. My problem is- when to be quiet and when to speak up? I suspect you might have the same problem. We all can recount a time when we should have spoken up, declared the love of God or defended the truth or a fellow believer- yet we remained silent. Or, just as unfortunately, we let something come forth from our mouths that we immediately recognized as wrong or hurtful and couldn’t retract. James has it right- our mouths are dangerous things which can build up or tear down. If we can control them we are doing well. Intentional times of silence help us learn control of our tongues. I highly recommend it. See you in worship Sunday- when I am sure I will have something to say! Pastor Lynn 2 Praise for all the CROP Walkers and NO RAIN! Sue Hubert Praise for KDW Retreat. Ruth Kenton Pray for Danielle Shea- back pain and physical therapy. Danielle Shea Pray for Betty Wimer- thyroid surgery Thursday. Pearl Stonebraker Prayers for Fran’s cousin LaVonna Jerauld- breast cancer. Fran Gast Continued prayer for Renee Beard- Healing from knee surgery. Prayer for Caitlin Moore’s older brother. Caitlin Moore Pray for those who are grieving Pray for our out-of-town Active Duty Personnel th Pete Dvorak - August 30 Marguerite Cass - September 2nd Seth Kincaid, Dustin Phillips, Jim & Rachael Sullivan Steven Gregg, Keith DeBose, Rose Uy & Ismael Rodriguez, Scott Dickson, Michael Reed, Karen & Segen Himmelheber Christin Collins Ongoing Cares & Concerns Ida Klinger, Kathy Ramirez, Evelyn Lowe, Doris Frost, Phyllis Lane, Phyllis Gable Marilyn Vance, Kenna Spain, Tanna Chaney, Bill Cass, Barbara Brunk, Noah Kincaid, Rose Marie Theel (please help us update our Active Duty list with members or those in direct relationship with our members) 3 October 18th Noon ~ 1:00pm Please call Dea if you would like to help! 913-683-8838 Thank you all CROP Walkers and Sponsors. We had 59 walkers and raised over $7,000 so far. That number is sure to increase. Kitterman Deadline: applications must be complete and in the church office by February 15, 2015. For information, call the church office or get in touch with Erin Sack (913) 682-1121 or erinsack@gmail.com 4 Purpose Nominate Diaconate Emeritus Please attend or call the church office with your nominations. This time of year the Leavenworth Assistance Center gets more families in need of help. They are in need of diapers sizes 3, 4 & 5. This week and next Oct. 19th & 26th, we are asking for donations of packages of diapers. If you can help the young children in our communities please bring your diapers to church and we will make sure they get delivered to the Assistance Center. God Bless, Kathy Powell World Outreach 5 4 October 16th Jeremy Marchbanks October 18th Pat Barnhardt Corey Connery Sheri Schmidling October 20th Ginger Young October 21st Pastor Lynn October 22nd Bill McKeel Attendance October12th Your Giving for October 12 th Will be included in next week’s newsletter 6 8:30am Service 11:00am Service Sunday School Visitors 51 35 43 0 Total 86 First Christian Calendar October 15-23, 2014 Wednesday, October 15th Prayer Group Kitterman Girl Scouts Fellowship CMF Meeting Kitterman 8:15am 5:30pm 6:30pm Thursday, October 16th Pre-School Meeting Kitterman Carillons Chancel Choir 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm Sunday’s Servers October 19th 8:30am Service Lay Leader: Fran Gast Elders: Don & Joyce Bachtel Greeters Main: Bobbi Ross Narthex: Lois Steineker Servers Marji Dickson*, Diane Euler Linda Bohnsack & Nancy House Communion Prep and Clean Up Marji Dickson Saturday, October 18th Saturday Sisters Kitterman Noon-1:00pm Sunday, October 19th Worship 8:30am & 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Diaconate Mtg Sanctuary 9:45am DWF Chili Dinner & Cakewalk 12:15pm Fellowship Hall Monday, October 20th Prayer Breakfast Kitterman PEO (Erin Sack) Kitterman 6:30am 4:30pm Wednesday, October 22nd Prayer Group Kitterman 8:15am *Captain 11:00am Service Elder: Sue Hubert Greeters Main: Fred Kesinger Narthex: Ann Crum Servers: Fred Kesinger* Joan Brown & Ann Crum Communion Prep: Marji Dickson Communion Clean-up: Fred Kesinger rd Thursday, October 23 th th Carillons 6:30pm Hospital Visitation October 19 -25 Cushing Chancel Choir 7:30pm Don & Joyce Bachtel Coming Soon! th th St John Regional Assembly October 24 & 25 th Sue Hubert 4Youth Sunday, October 26 Sunday, October 19th Ken Harmon (913)-775-1243 The driver listed for Sunday will pick up for both worship services. Call if you need a ride to church. Let the driver know which service you plan to attend. 7 Contact US Telephone Number: (913) 682-3222 Church Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8:30 – 4:00 Church Email: church@leavenworthchristian.com Website: www.leavenworthchristian.com Pastor: pastorlynn@leavenworthchristian.com Pastor Lynn Dickson: 683-3171
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