October 19, 2014 SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 8:30 AM 10:30 AM SATURDAY AT NOON SUNDAY: MONDAY: TUES - THURS: FRIDAY: 9 AM - 12 PM 9 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 5 PM 9 AM - 1 PM World Mission Sunday Parishioners Dave and Ben Myers, recently visited Malayaka House (an orphanage for children in Uganda) and will be sharing their experiences this week at a special presentation. In attendance will be a very special guest, Robert Fleming, the founder and director of Malayaka House. Please come and meet Robert and hear the amazing story of Malayaka House - a ministry that rescues orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda. Their mission is to provide the most vulnerable orphaned and abandoned Ugandan children with a safe and loving home, education, and vocational training so they may grow into self-reliant citizens whose lives are full of opportunity and promise. All are welcome to learn more about Malayaka House on Thursday, October 23 at 7:00PM in Marble Hall. Directory for Mount Saint Peter Parish Staff Sacramental and Pastoral Life The Rev. Monsignor Michael J. Begolly, D.Min. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact Jo Ann at 724-335-2336 ext. 22 for more Information about the Catholic faith. Sacrament of Infant Baptism Contact Father Daniel at 724-335-2336 ext. 14 4 months before the child’s birth to begin the baptismal preparation process. Sacrament of Marriage Contact Monsignor Begolly at least one year in advance of the anticipated date to begin the marriage preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at Noon Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Contact Monsignor Begolly to request the sacrament. Pastor + 724-335-9877 ext. 205 mbegolly@dioceseofgreensburg.org The Reverend Daniel J. Ulishney Parochial Vicar + 724-335-2336 ext. 14 dulishney@dioceseofgreensburg.org Mrs. Pat Policastro Pastoral Associate + 724-335-9877 ext. 210 Ministry to the Sick, Homebound, and Care Facilities ppolicastro@dioceseofgreensburg.org Jo Ann McLaughlin - Klemencic Regional Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation 724-335-2336 ext. 22 jmklemencic@dioceseofgreensburg.org Mr. Thomas Octave Coordinator of Music Ministry + 724-335-9877 ext. 213 toctave@dioceseofgreensburg.org Addolorata Society Sandy Laney Altar Servers Fr. Daniel Ulishney Bereavement Ministry Kevin Bode Choir Karen Frederick 724-339-0710 724-335-2336 x 14 Mr. William Staniszewski Business Manager + 724-335-9877 ext. 203 wstaniszewski@dioceseofgreensburg.org 724-335-9877 x 251 724-335-9877 x 230 Disciples of Vincent DePaul Tom Ferrazzoli Parish Office CALL PARISH OFFICE 100 Freeport Road New Kensington, PA 15068 724-335-9877 (fax) 724-335-9138 www.mountsaintpeter.org Sherri Baker, Parish Secretary ext. 201 sbaker@dioceseofgreensburg.org Kathy Waltonbaugh, Financial Secretary ext. 202 Lynette Focareta, Office Assistant ext. 222 Jerry Garvey, Maintenance ext. 219 Pastoral Council JohnPaul Bertucci Jennifer Lombardo Maryellen Schroeder Michael Brock Jim Matta Linda Henkel Ted Opalka JT Tuskan Finance Council Mary Calvanese Thomas Roberts Daniel Casper Ronald Valasek Environment & Art Virginia Mrvan Faith First Coordinator Margie Staniszewski Festa Committee Frank Robertson Foodbank Maria Guzzo Gardeners of Eden Ann Grogno Greeters Gretchen Marra Holy Name Society John Mandak Homebound Ministry Pat Policastro 724-335-3181 724-337-0352 724-895-3888 CALL PARISH OFFICE 724-335-0789 724-351-4400 724-339-2261 724-335-9877 x 210 Liturgical Ministry Schedules Amy Gablick 724-337-0437 Men’s Bowling League Robert Susini Mercy Meals Sandy Laney Soup for the Soul Phyllis Bordell St. Anthony Guild Nancy Brock Trash & Treasure Cindy Donaldson Ushers Dom Flocker 724-337-8464 CALL PARISH OFFICE Mary Queen of Apostles School Catherine M. Collett, Principal Pre-K - 8th Grade www.mqaschool.org 724-339-4411 724-335-0345 724-339-0806 724-337-9472 724-335-4153 TWENTY-NINTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME + OCTOBER 19 - 25, 2014 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday, October 18 - St. Luke 4:30 PM James & Adeline Frederick (Family) Sunday, October 19 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Rosary 8:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners 10:30 AM Anthony Kosheba (Rachel Kerr) 12:00 NN Liturgy of the Word with Children Sacrament of Baptism Monday, October 20 - St. Paul of the Cross 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Dr. Ray Croyle (Sunnie Suzio) Tuesday, October 21 No Morning Mass Thursday, October 23 - St. John of Capistrano 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Joseph Ficca (Family) Friday, October 24 - St. Anthony Mary Claret 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Domenico Suzio (Sunnie Suzio) Saturday, October 25 12:00 NN Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:30 PM Anthony Ginocchi (Jack & Linda Henkel) Sunday, October 26 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Carmine DeLuca (Family) 10:30 AM All Living & Deceased Parishioners Liturgy of the Word with Children Wednesday, October 22 - Blessed John Paul II No Morning Mass 3:00 PM Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration Regional Confession Schedule Wednesday Saturday 5:45 PM 12:00 NN 1:00 PM St. Joseph Mount Saint Peter St. Margaret Mary Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00 PM Mount Saint Peter Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Believe it or not, in a month or so the secular holiday season will already be in full swing. No doubt, you will be receiving Christmas cards in the mail by this time next month. Whose cards do you look forward to receiving the most? Often, the best cards are the ones that come with updated information on old friends or family. Paul and his peers knew that they needed to keep in touch with the small Christian communities that they couldn’t visit frequently. The success of the early church depended on the strength of the bonds that early Christian leaders maintained with one another even though they were divided by distance and culture. Even though communication has greatly improved since Paul’s time, forming and maintaining strong bonds still takes work that comes from faith in the relationship, the love of others, and hope that they will respond to our efforts. In the Old Testament, the bond the people form with the Lord is the foundation for our faith. Isaiah uses very strong language to tell us about our deep and powerful bond with the Lord, who calls each of us by name. Like any earthly bond, we must nurture our relationship with God, too. Jesus shows this to the Pharisees in this week’s story from Matthew. When the Pharisees test Jesus’ allegiance between Caesar and God, Jesus reminds them that true bonding is not in earthly things but comes from God and leads us to an everlasting relationship with him. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish PARISH NOTES Celebration of Women Today we welcome the women of our parish to the ninth annual Celebration of Women, sponsored by the Saint Anthony Guild. It is wonderful that we are able to honor so many dedicated women, living and deceased, who have served our parish faithfully throughout its long history. Today’s celebration provides the opportunity to acknowledge the dedicated, faithful, and loving commitment that the women of Mount Saint Peter Parish have made to keep the Church alive and vibrant in our region for many, many years. As we gather once again in Celebration of Women who have lived the Gospel in our midst, may we draw strength from their example to proclaim the Kingdom of God in our every word and deed. World Mission Sunday Collection Today World Mission Sunday celebrates our unity as a human family and provides an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of missionaries and of the church among the suffering and the poor of the Missions. A special collection will be taken this weekend to help support missions throughout the world. In times of tragedy, natural disaster, war and persecution, our mission family looks to the church and her missionaries for help and hope. May we put our faith into action and show ourselves doers of the Word, not hearers only. In Sympathy We commend to your prayers Bob McGorty & Phillip Zaffuto who died recently. May God welcome them to the joys of Paradise and bring comfort and peace to their families. Baptism We recently welcomed Wyatt David Crankshaw & Willis Washington Lincoln III into the Church through the saving waters of Baptism. We rejoice with their parents and with all who celebrate their newborn lives in the family of God. Page Four Clergy Convocation This Week Monsignor Michael and Fr. Daniel will be attending the annual diocesan clergy convocation this week. There will be NO morning Mass on Tuesday or Wednesday. November E & A - Family Photos Requested As we celebrate All Saints and pray for all the faithful departed in November, we have displayed the relics of the saints in the church. This year, we would also like to include photographs of parishioners and family members who have died along with the relics of the saints. We are requesting framed photographs of your beloved dead to be dropped off in the Parish Office, between October 19 - 30. Photographs will be on display in the church throughout the month of November, and can be picked up after Thanksgiving in the Parish Office. St. Anthony Guild Meeting The St. Anthony Guild will hold its October meeting on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:00 PM in Marble Hall. Please bring your rosaries. Guests are welcome. The Tree of Angels Campaign The St. Anthony Guild is preparing for this year’s “Tree of Angels” campaign. If you know of a family from the parish or parish community who is in need this Christmas holiday, please call the Parish Office at 724-335-9877. The cut-off date is November 10. Computer Classes for the Technologically Timid (offered by MSP Boosting Discipleship Committee) • For those who’d like to learn how to download photos from their phone or digital camera to share with their grandchildren • For those who’d like to learn to use Facebook, email, or “surf the Internet” • For those who don’t even know how to turn a computer on… • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Leishman Avenue, Site of MQA School in the Cafeteria • Sundays November 2, 9 and 16 You may bring your own laptop, or use our desktop computers. Please call Maryellen Schroeder at 724-224-1186 if you are interested. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Five PASTORAL COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION FORM We are looking for new Council members to make decisions about the pastoral life and growth of Mount Saint Peter Parish. Please help identify persons in our faith community who could enable us to develop our sense of Evangelization, Worship, Word, Service, Community, Stewardship, and Leadership. Council members should have the following characteristics: • • • • • a desire for spiritual growth in themselves and in the parish enthusiasm about the future direction of our parish willingness to listen, to speak honestly, and to work toward consensus the ability to inspire and empower others and to delegate flexibility and openness with people and ideas In order to be considered for the ministry of parish leadership a parishioner must: • • • • be a baptized Catholic have been/be a registered member of Mount Saint Peter Parish for at least three years be a participant in the ongoing worship life of Mount Saint Peter Parish, especially Sunday Eucharist be at least twenty-one years old Please list the names of parishioners, including yourself, whom you identify as having the gifts for pastoral council leadership. These people will receive a call to inform them that they have been named and IDENTIFICATION FORM FOR LEADERSHIP MINISTRY I recommend the following individuals to be invited to consider leadership ministry through service on the Parish Pastoral Council. I promise to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the selection process. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your suggestions. Please return your recommendations in the collection basket or to the Parish Office by Sunday, October 26, 2014 Also remember to pray for the selection of pastoral council leadership in our parish. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mount Saint Peter Parish RCIA RCIA has been changed to Mondays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. All sessions will be at Mount Saint Peter Parish. The next class is October 20, and will be held every other week. Anyone still interested should contact Jo Ann at 724-335-9877, Ext. 206. Pray Powerfully; Pray Purposefully; Pray Personally Learn how to deepen your prayer life – even if you don’t pray often -- and grow closer to God. Mark the evening of Tuesday, November 4 on your calendars and come to listen and learn about prayer from Monsignor Michael Begolly. From 7:00 - 8:30 PM in Marble Hall, Monsignor Michael will present ideas on deepening our relationship with Christ through prayer. He will also use parts of his highly popular diocesan presentation entitled, How Anyone Can Pray, where he discussed various forms of prayer, praying through life’s distraction and how to develop an adult prayer life. All are welcome. Registrations are not necessary, but would be accepted. Please call Anita Tuskan at 412-798-0280 or email at jero449@verizon.net to register. Refreshments will be served. Page Six HalloweenFest Youth Ministry will be hosting the first HalloweenFest in Marble Hall on October 30, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. There will be a costume contest, games and candy. Children up to 5th grade may participate. We are also looking for Youth 6th through 12th grade to serve as volunteers to run the games and serve snacks. Please contact Jo Ann if you are interested in volunteering or donating candy and snacks at jmklemencic@dioceseofgreensburg.org or 724-335-9877, Ext. 206. TRAVEL COMMITTEE Upcoming Events: October 28 - All are welcome to attend an informational night about the September, 2015 tour of Italy, Presentation will begin at 7:00 PM in Marble Hall. November 6 - The Meadows Call 724-351-3575 to RSVP A Peek at the Week . . . Sunday Mission Sunday Collection Celebration of Women Acts of God Study Group Monday Faith First RCIA Ezekiel 37 Prayer Group Tuesday All Masses 10:30 AM Mass/Brunch 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Church/Marble Hall Marble Hall 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 7:00 PM MQA School Convent Marble Hall Faith Sharing Group 6:30 PM Saint Anthony Guild Meeting 7:00 PM Rectory Dining Room Marble Hall Wednesday Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration Bereavement Meeting 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Church Marble Hall Thursday MSP Choir Rehearsal Mission Speaker from Uganda 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Church Marble Hall Saturday Seton Hill Arts Program 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM Disciples of Vincent DePaul Meeting 9:00 AM Ezekiel Teaching 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Community Clothes Closet Meeting 12:00 NN K of C Baby Bottle Collection All Masses MQA School Volunteer Room Upper Room Marble Hall 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time M I N I S T E R S Mount Saint Peter Parish Page Seven October 25/26 Altar Servers Readers Eucharistic Ministers Greeters 4:30 PM Saturday L Waltonbaugh J Farrell A Zito G Hall G & M Farrell M, T & A Kuhns K Oddis, K Waltonbaugh 8:30 AM Sunday E Kennedy L & A Capone L Henkel R Bruni M Watson, E Solomon S & B Kennedy E & D Pavilonis 10:30 AM Sunday J Hughes K Spiering C Litterio B Aikins P Lang K Kolwaski J & S Simoni L Lynch, E Hannon M Andree V Stonis C Hutchinson READINGS FOR THE WEEK COLLECTION REPORT Mass Attendance 722 Sunday Envelopes Used 393 Sunday Collection $ 9,145.00 EFT (31) $ 873.00 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6;Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 Ex 22:20-26; 1Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Keep up to date with what’s happening at our parish website: www.mountsaintpeter.org
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