Welcome to this Public Meeting of the Hood River County School District Board of Directors October 22, 2014 – 6:30 p.m. District Administration Office 1011 Eugene Street Hood River, OR 6:00PM EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER ORS 192.660 (2) (I) SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION 6:30PM Jan Veldhuisen Virk 6:31PM 6:32PM I. II. REGULAR SESSION WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER……………………………………………… Board Chair Jan Veldhuisen Virk, Vice Chair David Russo Board members: Liz Whitmore, Mark Johnson, Kateri Osborne Lohr, Bob Danko, Julia Garcia Ramirez, and Ex-Officio member Rob Brostoff REVIEW/REVISION OF AGENDA………………………………………….. SUPERINTENDENT & BOARD COMMUNICATION…………………….. 6:50PM III. RECOGNITION AND GOOD NEWS…………………………………………. Kevin Noreen Jan Veldhuisen Virk PUBLIC COMMENT/HEARING OF DELEGATIONS OR VISITORS Jan Veldhuisen Virk Dan Goldman The Hood River County School District Board of Directors requests comments be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Speakers will state their name and home address for the record. The Board appreciates community members sharing information during public comments. While the Board does not respond to public comment, following the meeting, the Chair, Vice Chair, and Superintendent will together determine if the Superintendent shall respond in a public way, a private way or if the issue will be added to future Board meeting or work session agendas. Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations or programs but the Board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. 7:00PM IV. CONSENT AGENDA a. October 8, 2014 Meeting minutes……………………………………… Jan Veldhuisen Virk 7:05PM V. REPORTS & DISCUSSIONS a. Standards of Student Conduct………………………………………….. b. Dual Language Program Report………………………………………... c. Class Grant Update……………………………………………………... d. Financial Update………………………………………………………... Anne Carloss McCauley/Yasui Noreen/Howell Saundra Buchanan 8:00PM VI. ACTION ITEMS a. Human Resources Report/Personnel Action…………………………… b. Budget Appropriations Transfer Resolution #14-15/03………………... Kevin Noreen Saundra Buchanan 8:30PM VII. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS…………………………………………….. Jan Veldhuisen Virk DATES TO REMEMBER: Schedule of Hood River County School District Board of Director Meetings 2014-2015 DATE LOCATION TIME July 22, 2014 -Tuesday Parkdale Elementary School 6:30 August 13, 2014 HRCSD District Office 6:30 August 27, 2014 HRCSD District Office 6:30 September 10, 2014 Wy’east Middle School 6:30 September 24, 2014 HRCSD District Office 6:30 October 8, 2014 Pine Grove School 6:30 October 22, 2014 HRCSD District Office 6:30 November 12, 2014 Mid Valley Elementary School 6:30 December 10, 2014 Hood River Middle School 6:30 January 14, 2015 Hood River Valley High School 6:30 January 28, 2015 HRCSD District Office 6:30 February 11, 2015 Westside Elementary School 6:30 February 25, 2015 HRCSD District Office 6:30 March 11, 2015 May Street Elementary School 6:30 April 8, 2015 HRCSD District Office 6:30 April 22, 2015 Parkdale Elementary School 6:30 May 13, 2015 HRCSD District Office 6:30 May 27, 2015 Cascade Locks Elementary School 6:30 June 9, 2015 Tuesday HRCSD District Office 6:30 June 24, 2015 HRCSD District Office 6:30 HOOD RIVER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014/2015 NORMS 1. Come prepared having read the information provided. 2. Stay engaged. 3. Seek consensus. 4. Respect confidentiality. 5. Everyone has an opportunity to be heard. 6. The Board and Superintendent will strive to have no surprises at Board meetings. 7. Discussions between Board members will serve as a model for positive and constructive public dialogue. 8. Honor the right of individual members to express opposing viewpoints and vote their convictions. 9. Regardless of one’s vote, support the decision of the majority. MISSION: Excellence, Every Student, Every Day VISION: Every student graduates with the knowledge and courage to learn, serve, and pursue their dreams. 2014/2015 GOALS FOR THE HRCSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS GOAL 1: Increase Academic Growth and Success Measurements: Increase the reading and math proficiency of all HRCSD students, Decrease the achievement gap in reading and math between Hispanic and White students, Increase the reading proficiency of 3rd graders, Increase the 4-year graduation rate. GOAL 2: Improve and Maintain the Public Trust Measurements: Adopt a sustainable budget for the 2015/2016 school year that supports the priorities and goals in the HRCSD 20/20 Vision, Adopt a budget for the 2015/16 school year that has a minimum of 5 percent of general fund expenditures in contingency and ending fund balance to address bond ratings, emergencies and potential decreases in federal, state, or local revenues. GOAL 3: Support Excellent Staff Focused on Student Success Measurements: Every licensed staff member will be supported to work collaboratively in Professional Learning Communities (PLC), All licensed staff will set and monitor student growth goals. GOAL 4: Ensure Positive, Safe, and Inclusive Learning Environment Measurements: Decrease the percent of chronically absent student, Emergency procedures are practiced and monitored. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN BOARD MEETINGS A visitor may complete a ‘Public Comment Card’ and give it to the Board secretary at the Board table prior to the beginning of the meeting. After being recognized by the Board chair, the speaker will sit at the presenter’s table and identify himself/herself with his/her full name and address and stating his/her purpose in addressing the Board. A group of visitors with a common purpose should designate a spokesman for the group. Comments or statements by members of the public are limited to 3 minutes and should be brief and concise unless otherwise authorized by the Chair. Speakers may comment on a topic not on the published agenda, however, the Board, at its discretion, may require that the proposal, inquiry, or request be submitted in writing. The Board reserves the right to refer the matter to the administration for action or study and to report at a subsequent meeting. When meetings are large or controversial, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, on any agenda or non-agenda item, may do so at the discretion of the Board chair. The Chair will determine the amount of time that will be allotted for each individual. Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations or programs but the Board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. These procedures will be published on the back of every Board meeting agenda.
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