BIRKBY JUNIOR SCHOOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2014/2015 Head teacher Address: Telephone No Fax No E-mail Website Mrs S Davis Chair of Governors: Mrs A Huxtable Mead Street, Fartown Huddersfield HD1 6HE 01484 223975 01484 223977 Learning Together, Achieving together Dear Parents Thank you for considering our school for your child. We at Birkby Junior School seek to promote a real partnership between home and school. We feel that the children can make the highest possible achievements when both parents and teachers work together. We aim to provide a welcoming atmosphere and to be accessible to parents whenever possible. Pupils are encouraged to have consideration and respect for others and other members of the school community. Good and positive behaviour is constantly promoted to ensure that the school is a happy and safe place for all and our children often tell us that they are happy, secure and enjoy learning. When you have looked through the prospectus we hope that you will want to join us in partnership to ensure that your child‟s time at our school will be happy and successful. We hope that you will find everything you need to know in this prospectus but please feel free to ask for any further information. Yours sincerely Mrs S Davis (Head teacher) School Governors Appointment Name End of Term of Office CHAIR Mrs A Huxtable November 2014 PARENT Mr M Anwar Mr P Richards January 2018 May 2017 TEACHER Mrs M Anderson January 2018 STAFF Mr S Stoney June 2016 Mrs A Stopher Miss C Alexis Mrs P Campbell December 2014 October 2014 May 2017 LOCAL AUTHORITY COMMUNITY Mr K Gledhill November 2015 Mrs N Pinnock-Hamilton November 2015 Mr L Wilson October 2017 EX-OFFICIO Mrs S Davis Birkby Junior School Members of Staff HEADTEACHER Mrs S Davis ASSISTANT HEAD TEACHER Mrs E Mills Mr S Swift Mrs K Farrington TEACHING STAFF Mrs M Anderson Mrs K Benfold Miss G Cartmell Miss R Chappell Mr J McKay Miss E Priestley Mr D Sharpe Mrs A Thewlis Mr D Lockwood Mr B Briggs Miss N Johnson Mrs A Iqbal Mrs G Kassim Mrs H Mitchell Miss S Peacock Miss G Farooq Miss J Gallagher Mrs N Gregg Mrs P Hyland Mr M Henshaw Mr M Gooch ADMINISTRATION STAFF Mrs S Foot Mrs N Scargill Mrs K Margis Miss K Saleem Mrs J Smith SUPPORT STAFF Mrs N Abid Mrs F Ahmad Mrs S Akhtar Ms A Armitage Mrs J Folan Miss M Francis Miss E Greenham Mrs I Hardine Mrs M Hartley Mrs H Herbert Mrs R Azhar Ms E Zajac Miss A Pervez Mrs S Quddoos Mrs K Ali Mrs G Hallett Mrs S Huntington Ms M Imran Mrs F Khan Mrs K Lloyd Miss L Norcliffe Mrs R Mir Mrs J Prieditis Mrs L Walker Mrs A Winter Mrs M Batool Mrs S Taj Mrs S Khandia Miss A Elliott SITE MANAGER Mr S Stoney LUNCHTIME SUPERVISOR Mrs R Akhtar Mrs T Akhtar Mrs H Begum Ms M Imran Mrs S Huntington Mrs J Folan Mrs A Bilal Mr S Stoney KITCHEN STAFF Mrs N Bali Mrs F Gledhill Mr S Hadjbrahim Mrs A Simpson CLEANERS Mrs S Kaur Mr I Simpson Mrs S Spencer Mr D Law Mrs R Kaur Mrs F Schakoor Mrs C Regan (1:1) Mr S Stoney Mrs Y Shamem Mrs S Khandia Mrs S Taj Aims of our school Birkby Junior School is a community primary co-educational day school catering for children in the age range 7 to 11 years. Striving for Excellence, Caring for All At Birkby Junior School, we aim to provide a creative, enjoyable and rewarding learning experience for each child in an inclusive, secure and stimulating environment. To ensure that no pupil is disadvantaged because of background or educational needs. To enable pupils to have a sound grounding to help develop their full potential at school, college, university and in life. To ensure that every pupil can realise their aspirations. We want to make sure that all pupils will: Develop lively enquiring minds to question and argue rationally and apply themselves to all tasks. Develop self-awareness and self-reliance, self-esteem and confidence. Use language and numbers effectively. Recognise, celebrate and learn from different cultures and faiths within our community. Understand and respond to the needs of local, national and international communities. Develop a sense of belonging to the school community and form relationships based on co-operation, courtesy, care, respect and tolerance. We can achieve this by having high expectations, striving to create a secure, friendly and caring atmosphere where well-merited praise is used to enable each child to develop their talents to the full. We aim to provide learning is fun and a happy exciting. school where Partnership with Parents Transition Moving to a new school is a big experience for any child. We take great care to support the children as they join us, move between year groups and transfer to High School. New children and parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to collect a prospectus. You can also arrange a time to look around school. We hold an induction evening for all new parents. At this meeting parents have the opportunity to meet staff and governors informally over a coffee and ask questions or share information about their child prior to them starting our school. Children are invited to spend a half-day visit with their new class to meet their new teacher, familiarise themselves with the school environment and develop links with other children that they will begin school with at Birkby Juniors. The transition arrangements between the Birkby Schools and the High Schools are excellent. Reporting to Parents The school offers two opportunities each year for an appointment of 10 minutes to discuss children‟s progress. An additional meeting is arranged in the Summer term to discuss the contents of the annual written reports where necessary. Parents as helpers Help is always readily welcomed. We have parents who help out in a variety of ways and if you wish to become a Parent Helper please contact the Head Teacher or Assistant Head Teacher. All Parent Helpers will be required to complete a disclosure application from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Admission Policy It is expected that a maximum number of (120) pupils will be admitted to Year 3 during the year 2014/2015. For Admission to All Key Stages 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) children in public care (looked after children) children who live in the school‟s Priority Admission Area (PAA) who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission other children who live in the school‟s priority admission area children who live outside the school‟s PAA who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the time of admission other children who live outside the school‟s PAA. Community and controlled schools will admit children Statements of Special Educational Needs where the school is named in the Statement. Notes a) b) c) d) Children in priority 1 above may also admitted above the Published Admission Number (PAN). If we cannot agree to requests for admission in priorities 2 to 5 above without exceeding the PAN, we will give priority up to the PAN to children living nearest the school. Distance is measured in a straight line from a child‟s home address to the school. Measurements are calculated using seven-figure grid references for each address taken from Ordnance Survey ADDRESS-POINT data. This grid reference relates to a point that falls within the permanent building structure corresponding to the address. The boundary of the building structure form the address is derived from Ordnance Survey Land-Line data. For larger properties, like schools with, for example, multiple buildings and large grounds, the grid reference relates to a point inside the main addressable building structure. The distance calculated is accurate to within 0.1 metres. „Live‟ means the child‟s permanent home at 15th January 2015 when applications close or, if a significant house move is involved, the latest reasonable date before the final allocation of places. It is expected the allocation process will take place on 19th April 2015 e) For children transferring from First and Middle schools, preference within any of the priorities 2 to 5 above (up to the PAN) will be given to children attending either a first school in the middle school priority admission area, or a middle school in the high school priority admission area. The School Day Morning school begins at 8.55am. A bell will ring to indicate the start of school when the children line up and wait to be brought into school by their class teacher. If the weather is bad, children will be allowed into school before this time. However, it is important that your child does not arrive too early at school, as we do not officially accept responsibility for pupils until school starts at 8.55am. We ask children to arrive at school no earlier than 8.45am. We consider punctuality and attendance to be very important, and all incidents of lateness and absence are recorded in the attendance registers. Please notify us if for any reason your child will be late or absent from school. School starts 8.55 am Registration 8.55 am – 9.00 am Assembly 9.00 am – 9.20 am Split Morning break Years 4 & 6 Years 3 & 5 10.15 am – 10.35 am 10.40 am – 11.00am Lunch break 12.00 pm – 12.55pm School closes 3.05 pm Total teaching time – 23 hours 30 minutes per week (excluding breaks and daily act of worship and registration). We are in school for 195 days – five of which are to be pupil occasional holidays. Birkby Junior School School Term Dates 2014-2015 Autumn Term Tuesday 2nd September 2014 Friday 24th October 2014 School opens School closes – Half Term Monday 3rd November 2014 Friday 19th December 2014 School opens School closes Spring Term Tuesday 6th January 2015 Friday 13th February 2015 School opens School closes – Half Term Monday 23rd February 2015 Thursday 2nd April 2015 School opens School closes Summer Term Monday 20th April 2015 Monday 4th May 2015 Friday 22nd May 2015 School opens School closed – May Day School closes – Half Term Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Friday 17th July 2015 School opens School closes School Life Clothing and Jewellery We encourage the wearing of our school uniform as listed below. All items are available at Natasha‟s - 2 Buxton Way, New Street Huddersfield, Rawcliffes – 2 Byram Street, Huddersfield and Casual Wear – 25 Cross Church Street, Huddersfield, No jewellery is allowed for health and safety reasons, with the exception of wristwatches, which must be the responsibility of the wearer. Girls Red school sweatshirt or cardigan with logos Plain red sweatshirt or cardigan (no brand logos) White or grey polo shirt White or grey shirt Grey trousers or pinafore Grey or red Shalwar Kameez Sensible black shoes Boys Red school sweatshirt with logo Plain red sweatshirt (no brand logos) White or grey polo shirt White or grey shirt Grey Shalwar Kameez Grey or black trousers Sensible black shoes P.E. Elastic fronted pumps, a plain red or white T-shirt, black shorts/leggings with a pump bag for storage are needed for PE lessons. Black tracksuit bottoms, socks and trainers are needed for outdoor games Swimming Your child will need the following equipment:One piece swimsuit (girls) Swimming trunks (boys) boxer or Bermuda style shorts may not be worn Swimming cap which can be bought from school at a cost of £1.00 It is essential that all items of uniform are clearly named. Home/School Agreement In line with national policy, we have a Home/School Agreement, which we issue to the families of all our new pupils. The Agreement outlines what parents can expect from our school, what is expected of a child, and how you can support your child‟s education. There are sections for class teachers, pupils and parents/carers to sign. Homework Children are increasingly asked to work at home, either as follow up to work already done in the classroom or as preparation or reinforcement of their learning. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in this work. Homework usually consists of shared reading at home, learning spellings and times tables and maths/topic work. School meals and packed lunches Dinner money is £9.50 per week. Meals are prepared on the premises and dinner money is payable in advance on a Monday morning or each term. Money should be placed in a named envelope or purse and given to the class teacher. Please note that school procedure is not to give change so any excess dinner money will be carried forward to the following week as a credit. Parents receiving family credit and income support are entitled to free school meals and /or a clothing grant. If you wish to apply please contact the Education Social Service at Upperhead Row, Huddersfield. Children may bring a packed lunch. We ask that parents do not include sweets or chocolate in packed lunches. When providing drinks please only include still drinks in unbreakable containers. Fizzy drinks are not permitted, as this can cause difficulties in the dining hall. Playtimes Our school grounds provide zoned areas a ball court and play equipment for the children to play with during morning break and lunch time. Please discourage your child from bringing in any home equipment. Healthy snacks Children are encouraged to bring fresh or dried fruit for morning break. We have a fruit shop, which is run at every morning break. Fruit and water costs 20p. Drinking water We actively encourage children to bring their own water bottles in to school. Please can you put your child‟s name on their bottle. We sell bottled water at our fruit shop and children can access free chilled water in the dining room. Breakfast Club We offer a breakfast club each morning from 8.00 am to 8.55 am. Places are limited so if you would like to access this facility please see our Learning Mentor. Extra curricular activities We are committed to offering our children an increasingly wide range of extracurricular activities. At present our clubs include: football, rugby, dance, sewing, gardening, cooking, basketball, guitar, steel band and choir, cheerleading, table tennis, taekwando, art and orienteering. Costs and Charges Voluntary contributions may be required for special visits and events. If sufficient funds are raised all children concerned will take part. If insufficient funds are raised the visit may be cancelled for all children at the Governors‟ discretion. The cost per child will be clearly identified in any letter to parents. Medical The school doctor and nurse often carry out health checks on teeth, eyes and ears but you will always be informed and asked to attend the health interviews. Medicines Medicines bearing a chemist‟s label prescribed by the doctor can be accepted. They should be clearly marked with your child‟s name, dosage and the expiry date of the medicine. You will be asked to complete a form before it can be given to your child. Medicines should be handed in at the office in the morning and collected from the office at the end of the school day. For safety reasons, medicines cannot be handed to children. Inhalers Inhalers, which must be clearly named, may be left in your child‟s classroom in a designated place. It is essential that your child knows how to use and maintain the inhaler. We ask that parents regularly check that there are plenty of capsules available and that the inhalers are working properly and update school of any changes to medication. Accidents and emergencies in school Should your child have a serious accident or sudden illness in school, we will immediately contact the parent/carer. In the event of us being unable to contact anyone, we would then take the appropriate action and involve the medical profession. We have procedures in school for dealing with minor accidents. If a child has a bumped head, however minor, parents will be sent a note to inform them. Our school is a no – smoking building. We would appreciate that parents and visitors do not smoke in the playground. Discipline Discipline in our school is based on a family system, whereby rules are thought necessary for happy relationships when people have to live together in one building and share its facilities. Fair discipline does not cause resentment and is acceptable to children. Children are made aware what is expected of them through agreed school and class rules, and it is hoped to build upon the child‟s experiences of co-operation and common sense within the home. School Security The school main entrance is fitted with a security system as part of Kirklees school safety plans. Inner doors are fitted and electronically locked. There is a closed circuit TV camera at this entrance. This is to ensure the children are kept safe from intruders. Visitors are requested to use the main entrance in the car park. Press the entry button on the box on the right hand wall, this will alert the administration staff who will talk to you and open the door. Please go to the reception desk and you will be asked to sign in and given a visitor pass. Please display this pass at all times. Voluntary One Way Parking System As you can imagine parking and traffic congestion at the beginning and end of our school day is a problem. To try and limit congestion and parking issues we have liaised with the police and local residents and have come up with the following idea. To implement a voluntary one way system at the following times:8.45am to 9.00am 2.50pm to 3.15pm We are asking you to please enter from Lea Street and leave from Wasps Nest Road. Hopefully this will alleviate the problem and make sure that the children are able to arrive and leave school safely. Our one way system is supervised by members of our staff team, who will stand at the entrance to the playground and at the end of Wasp Nest Road. Curriculum Information Governors’ Curriculum Statement The curriculum is all the planned activities that are organised in order to promote learning and personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the New Primary Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of the children. It also includes the „hidden curriculum‟, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and are expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to be enthusiastic learners, to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they can achieve their true potential. At Birkby Junior School we expect that children will make progress and achieve well within an environment that is exciting, challenging and thought provoking. Curriculum Our school curriculum is underpinned by the values we hold dear at our school. The curriculum is the means by which the school achieves its objective of educating children in the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need in order to fulfil their lives. The school curriculum includes the requirements of the New Primary Curriculum and places an emphasis on reading, writing and maths. Activities may take place in small groups, individually or with a whole class, but the emphasis is always on individual development. In all areas of the curriculum, we endeavour to provide experiences, which will cater for the needs of every child (meeting statutory requirements) and curriculum enrichments are used throughout school to support learning. Areas of provision Core subjects Mathematics English Science Foundation subjects Art/Design Physical Education Music Information Technology Religious Education History Geography Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education. Sex and Relationship Education The Governing Body has agreed a policy on Sex Education which parents are welcome to see. The Governors believe that schools have the responsibility to meet the educational needs of all pupils. All pupils have the right to know how to develop healthy life styles and have the right to know what physical changes will take place within their bodies, and how these changes may affect their development and attitudes. The Governors have ensured that the policy for the teaching of sex education is age appropriate, giving due regard to moral considerations. Parents however, have the right to withdraw their child from sex education. Religious Education The school has no particular religious affiliation. The School follows the Kirklees agreed syllabus for Religious Education. We follow the guidelines of the syllabus and study three faiths at Key Stage 2. The chosen faiths are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Through R.E. we hope to build a knowledge and understanding of the specified faiths in order to develop in our pupils a deeper awareness and respect for their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. The Themes covered during collective worship are respect, being prepared, making decisions, keeping safe, being honest, trying, being brave, giving, thinking of others and staying healthy. The major festivals of the three chosen faiths will also be celebrated. Parents wishing to exercise their right to withdraw their child from collective worship and/or religious education should discuss the matter with the Head Teacher. A teacher or an Educational Teaching Assistant will look after pupils who are withdrawn. Sport Our sporting aim is to encourage children to participate in various sporting activities, to provide as wide an experience as possible. Every child has the opportunity to experience and develop skills in up to 12 games activities as well as a full programme of Gymnastics, Dance and Swimming. All children will have the opportunity to take part in extra curricular sport. This includes boys and girl‟s football, cricket, break dancing, multisport, street dance, basketball and athletics. Taping over ear studs is acceptable for newly pierced ears, although is at teachers‟ discretion. *Teachers will not remove or replace earrings*. Headscarves are to be removed for PE lessons for health and safety reasons. Pastoral Care Each child‟s pastoral care is the responsibility of the Head teacher and class teacher. All relationships within the school are based on care for one another. Parents are encouraged to discuss problems affecting their child with the Head, Assistant Heads or class teacher at any time. The school is committed to the equality of access to the curriculum for all children. Issues relating to racism, sexism, negative stereotyping, and learners with English as an additional language and children with disabilities are addressed in our Inclusion Policy and Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion Policy. Safeguarding Birkby Junior School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school. All Kirklees schools, including Birkby Junior School, follow the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Duty and Assessment and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Kirklees Safeguarding Children Procedures). The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. The school‟s child protection policy is available on request. Complaints Procedures (Section 23 of the Education Reform Act) Any concerns expressed by parents and others about the school curriculum and related matters will be in the first instance dealt with in an informal discussion with the class teacher and/or Head teacher or Assistant Head Teachers. When a matter cannot be resolved informally, the Head Teacher will make available documents to enable you to follow a statutory complaints procedure. Copies of all Statutory Regulations and all School Policies are available for inspection in school by appointment or on school‟s website. E Safety At Birkby Junior School we believe that the whole school community can benefit from the opportunities provided by the internet and other technologies used in everyday life. Our E Safety Policy supports this aim by identifying any risks and outlining the steps school takes to avoid them, helping us to keep everybody safe. We encourage the whole school community to use the internet and other technologies in a safe and responsible manner. Staff and pupils work towards a set of standards and parents and carers are asked to sign the following statement as part of our Home School Agreement. „We will support the school‟s approach to esafety and will not upload or post to the internet any pictures, video or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community or bring the school into disrepute‟. HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME Taking holidays in term time will affect a child‟s schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents to help us by not taking children away in term time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in school time to go on holiday. Parents/carers must be aware that school will not authorise any holidays/extended leave during term time. Parents/carers wishing to take their child out of school for a holiday during term time must still complete the Holiday Request Form and return to the Headteacher before booking the holiday. The form is available from the school office. Any absences due to holiday / extended leave will be recorded as unauthorised. Parents/carers must understand that by taking children out of school they are making a choice to miss out on part of their child‟s education. If parents/carers take their child out of school on a holiday which has not been authorised by the Headteacher they may be fined £60.00 if paid within 21 days, rising to £120.00 if paid after 28 days. This is per parent and per child. Alternatively, the Local Authority may take legal action against you for the nonattendance of your child where the maximum penalty for an offence is £2500. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS At Birkby Junior School we work hard to make sure that all children are included in school life, both in and out of the classroom. The school community works together to ensure that children with special educational needs are treated fairly and supported to be full and valued members of the school community. Parents and Carers have a vital role in supporting their child‟s education and are key partners in the SEN process. We seek views of Parents and Carers at every stage of the SEN process. We monitor children‟s development and progress very carefully. Many children may need additional support during their time in school and some children may face challenges over a longer period of time. If staff and parents have any concerns this is immediately discussed and sometimes an individual planning and review meeting may be held. Pupils with special educational needs are usually given an individual programme of support which is regularly reviewed with parents. There are times when the school may seek support and advice from a wide range of outside agencies. The school follows the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice to ensure that pupils with additional needs are swiftly identified and effectively supported. Pupils and parents are involved in all stages: School Concern The classteacher or parent identifies that the child may have additional needs and the child is referred to our Additional Needs Team. School Action Staff and parents agree how best to support the pupil and additional support is identified on our Provision Map. The pupil is given individual targets and progress is monitored carefully. School Action Plus The SENCO or SEN Officer will involve outside agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Behaviour Support Service and Specialist Teachers to decide the best teaching methods, strategies and resources for the child. Formal Assessment If a child has long term and complex needs or is still not making progress a formal assessment may be sought. The Local Authority will consider this request and may decide to conduct a formal assessment and produce a Statement of Special Educational Needs which clearly sets out the child‟s needs, the provision that should be made and will describe the level of support and resources that should be available. The provision for children with special educational needs is the responsibility of all staff in school and there are many people in school who can help if your child has additional needs, including a large Support Staff Team. Most support is provided in classrooms to enable pupils to participate fully in lesson time. Sometimes children work outside the classroom on specific programmes which are regularly reviewed and monitored by the class teacher. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and Special Educational Needs (SEN) Officer have responsibility for SEN within school and will offer support, advice and guidance to other members of staff. There is a named SEN Governor who is actively involved in out Additional Needs Team. Our SEN Policy is reviewed annually and is available in school upon request. The school has a 3 year Disability Equality Scheme and action plan which sets out how we meet the needs of all disabled pupils and members of the school community. Following an extensive building refurbishment the school is fully accessible and has a range of resources to support children and adults with disabilities. These include: All play areas are accessible by wheelchairs/pushchairs The main access point is ramped and accessible by wheelchairs/pushchairs Every classroom has fitted blinds All outside areas are gated and fenced Provision of 2 disabled toilets, a shower room and 2 lifts. Pipes covered in areas of low supervision – cloakrooms and toilets Visual audit taken place New handrails and edging strips Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities 1. The school aims to meet the needs of any pupil whom the parent wishes to register at the school as long as a place is available and the admission criteria are fulfilled. The currently agreed admissions policy of the Governors makes no distinction with regard to pupils who have disabilities. No pupil can be refused admission solely on the grounds that s/he has a disability except where the pupil is the subject of a “Statement” under section 324 (1) of the Education Act 1996 and the Local Authority has indicated (in section 3 of the Statement) that the provision is required is incompatible with that available at our school. 2. Children who have a Statement of Educational Need may be admitted to the school above the Published Admission Number (PAN). Additional transfer meetings and support would be put in place for children who have a disability. (This would be done by the schools SENCO and Additional Needs Team.) Admission arrangements for a child with disability may include: Transition meetings with the child and parents/carers Establishing good communication with the parents Exchanging information with parents/carers Transition meetings with professionals who know the child well School visits for the child to aid transition Each case would be considered individually and admission arrangements arranged to suit. 3. At Birkby Junior School we believe that, “All pupils are entitled to every opportunity to achieve their potential without being limited by assumed emotional, intellectual, physical or social qualities based on stereotypes of class, gender, learning style or race.” (Birkby Junior School Equal Opportunities Policy 2014). Authorised and unauthorised absences Detailed below are figures the Department For Education require school to collate under "The Education (Pupils' Attendance Record) Regulations, 1992" Authorised and Unauthorised Absences during period 02 September 2013 – 11th April 2014 Pupil Information in the Period 1. Number of pupils of compulsory school age on the roll for at least one session. 2 Number of pupil sessions Percentage of Authorised Absence in the Period Percentage of Unauthorised Absence in the Period Year 3 to 6 433 112707 3.45% 1.58% School Results This table shows the most recent statutory assessment results of Year 6 children at each level in the 2012/13 school year. Figures may not total 100% because of rounding. KS2 test results and progress Birkby Junior School Results Year 6 2012-13 SATS Total Cohort L4+ No R,W,M E&M SPAG Reading 64 56% 70% 62% 62% Writing TA 70% Maths Science 80% TEACHER ASSESSMENT Total Cohort L4+ 64 63% 69% 72% 70% 80% 84% TEACHER ASSESSMENT APS 64 26.6 26.7 24.4 27.3 SATS L4+ THE BIRKBY 46 E&M Reading Writing TA 74% 70% 74% No R,W,M Maths 46 60% 46 TEACHER ASSESSMENT L4+ THE BIRKBY 46 60% 74% 80% 74% 80% Science 85% 85% TEACHER ASSESSMENT APS BIRKBY 46 46 26.6 27.2 25.1 27.6 This information is published in compliance with Education Law. The details given were correct at September 2013. Changes may take place before the beginning of the school year. Any changes may be published in a supplement. Published by: Governors of Birkby Junior School, Mead Street, Fartown, Huddersfield
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