Certificate of Incorporation Reg. No: A005346IB ABN: 74 869 342 108 PO Box 321 Mornington, VIC 3931 Patron: Cr. Anne Shaw Newsletter No. 59 October-November 2014 MEMBERS MEETING AGM Tuesday October 7th 2014 at 7.30pm. Mornington Community Information Centre, 320 Main Street, Mornington. Members & Visitors are welcome Planned Members’ Meeting Dates: The first Tuesday of each even month at the Information Centre, December 2nd 2014, February 3rd, April 7th, June 2nd 2015 at 7.30pm. Please wear your name badge when attending functions or meetings. Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each odd month at 7pm at Mornington Library. Your Committee President Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec Activities Coordinator Newsletter Editor LACVI Delegate Committee SUPPORT GROUP Ann Martyn Club Carer Bridget Fitzgerald Ken Burrows Johanna Roberts Guest speaker Coordinator Don Morris Helen Brown Visitor Coordinators Sandra Williams Lorraine Dodd Functions Coordinator Barb Swift Julie Sharpe Don Morris Club Night Coordinators Sue Chaffey John Roberts Denise Riley There are still some positions that we require filling by the 2014 Annual General Meeting. This will assist in continuing the smooth running of your club. Secretary: Correspondence and administration Minute Secretary: Minutes for meetings Newsletter Editor: with support for mail-out. Committee Members: Several new committee members required. Publicity Officer: A member to write a short excerpt occasionally for Life News and Fifty Plus Newspaper, details taken from our own newsletter and activities. Supper Coordinators: Two members please. Telephone Enquiries: This member would be first point of contact for prospective members and work with the Membership Secretary. Please contact me should you require further information Ann Martyn. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the office of David Morris MP, and The Bendigo Bank, Mornington in the production of this newsletter. 1 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Greetings to all members Due to administrative errors at the AGM held on August 5th. I wish to advise that it is necessary to conduct another Annual General Meeting. This will take place on Tuesday 7th October 2014 at 7.30 pm at Mornington Community Information Centre, 320 Main Street Mornington. The ordinary business of the meeting will include: Reports on the Club’s operations during 2013/2014 Election of the officers of the Club for 2014/2015 Receive and consider 2013/2014 financial statements To appoint a Reviewer for the ensuing year. I thank you for your understanding and patience in this instance. I also need to remind you that the position of Secretary is required to be filled by this meeting Please consider joining the committee we are always looking for fresh ideas from new members in particular. Thank you once again to all the convenors who have kept us busy with great activities. I could not let this opportunity pass to once again say thankyou to all the members who attended our 10th Birthday Celebration at Brooklands on 30th August, what a wonderful evening we all had, fabulous food, a great band and wonderful company I was very proud to be part of it all. Congratulations to the members who won raffle prizes and it goes without saying a big thank you again to Denise Riley for coordinating the evening, Yvonne Martin for the photography. MEMBERSHIP REPORT A very warm welcome to all of our New Members. Please make them very welcome, even though they do not yet have a badge. Please introduce yourselves to others and enjoy the activities on offer for you. Johanna Roberts, Membership secretary. ***To all members *** At each Members’ Meeting there will be an Activities Attendance Sheet where you can add your name if you are interested in participating in future events, however, you will be required to book and pay for all tours/events at that time or by the date nominated. Whilst you may have put your name down as being interested in an event your place is not secure until payment has been received. Please try to bring the correct money when paying as Convenors may not have any change. As events are usually pre-paid by the Club there can be no refunds for those who cannot be replaced by other Members on the waiting list. Your co-operation would be appreciated. Members are very welcome to bring a friend or partner to a maximum of three different functions to try us out (with a view to their joining our Club). Then it is necessary for them to become financial to continue enjoying further LAC activities. For those of you sending payments for outings and events to the PO Box please indicate on the back of the envelope which event it is for and the name of the appropriate Convenor. This will speed up delivery and stop double handling of the mail. Thankyou. 2 COFFEE MORNING October Coffee Morning cancelled due to Seniors Lunch next day. Thursday November 6th at 10.30am at Biscottini, 157 Main St. Mornington. Please come and join us for a morning of fun and great conversation. To book please call Ann Martyn. LUNCH Friday October 3rd at 12.30pm. Mornington Golf Club, Tallis Drive, Mornington. Seniors menu available also A la carte. This venue is an old favourite and we commence our Senior’s week celebrations here so please come and join me for what will be a fun day. Bookings Ann Martyn. Tuesday November 4th at 1.00pm. Melbourne Cup Day Lunch, Tanti Hotel, Nepean Highway, Mornington. Come and join in the spirit of the Melbourne Cup. Enjoy lunch and watch the races on the big screens, this venue has TAB facilities for those that would like to have a flutter on this magnificent race day event. Ladies and Gentlemen dress in all of your finery along with your favourite hat and be a part of what promises to be loads of fun. Seniors and a la carte meals available. Join me for a super day. Bookings Denise Riley. HIGH TEA Sunday November 16th at 2.30pm-4.30pm. Frankston Bowls Club Yuille Street Frankston. High Tea and Baroque at the Bowl. The well known string quartet, The Sapphire Quartet will play excerpts from the Baroque Masters whilst patrons enjoy a high tea menu provided by the ladies from the local Red Cross after tasting a complimentary glass of bubbly. All this for only $30. Bookings are essential!! This event is limited to sixty people so please book ASAP. Booking call Alan or Lorraine. HAPPY HOUR Tuesday October 14th & Tuesday November 11th at 5.30pm. The Bay Hotel 62 Main St. Mornington. Come for casual drinks. Stay for dinner if you wish, but you will need to make a booking at least 4 days ahead. To book call Derek or Yvonne. DINNER Thursday October 2nd & Thursday November 6th at 6.00pm. Frankston RSL, 183 Cranbourne Road, Frankston. Varied menu at very reasonable prices. To book call Derek Coyle. Saturday October 4th at 7.00pm. Kim & Li Chinese Restaurant 12 Ranelagh Drive, Mt Eliza. Banquet menu for $27.80pp. BYO Wine only or Fully Licenced, No corkage costs. Meal consists of Soup, Entrée, Variety of Mains, Rice, Desert and Tea and Coffee. This is a very popular restaurant with great food. Excellent Value. Book with Denise. Sunday October 18th at 5.00pm. BBQ at The Briars, Nepean Highway, Mt. Martha close to the Information Centre. B.Y.O everything. Once again try your hand at Bocce or introduce us to another game that you are good at!! There is no need to book just come along on the day and join in. See you there. For more info ring Sandra. 3 Saturday October 25th at 6.30pm. Mornington Golf Club, Tallis Drive, Mornington. This is always a popular venue for a relaxed evening get together over an excellent meal. For bookings call Margaret Boyes or Margaret Hudson. Saturday October 25th 6.30 pm. Dinner & Legends Tribute Show at Rye RSL Point Nepean Road, Rye. Following such a successful night recently at Rye R S L with music by LEGEND we have decided to organize another evening with them. Rye R S L offers an extensive A La Carte menu with drinks available at bar prices. For bookings during SEPTEMBER please contact Guelda or Rosemary and in OCTOBER the contact will be Lorraine. Bookings need to be confirmed by 17th. October . LOOKING FORWARD TO A GOOD NIGHT OUT ! Saturday November 15th at 5.00pm BBQ at The Briars, Nepean Highway. Mt. Martha. close to the Information Centre. B.Y.O everything. Once again try your hand at Bocce or introduce us to another game that you are good at!! There is no need to book just come along on the day and join in. See you there. For more info ring Sandra. Saturday November 22nd at 6.30pm. Tanti Hotel, Nepean Highway, Mornington. Always a favourite venue with an extensive seniors menu offering two courses for $16.50. To book call Margaret Boyes or Margaret Hudson. JAZZ AT THE BOWL Frankston Bowls Club, Yuille Street Frankston. Sunday October 26th & November 30th at 5.30pm. $12 admission, please pay at the door. Join Sheila and have a great night. A two course meal can be purchased for $14, excellent value for a main course and dessert. Drinks available at bar prices. ‘Pleasurable listening to fabulous Mainstream Jazz’. Phone Sheila. Sunday October 12th & November 9th at 6.00pm. Peninsula Blues. Every second Sunday of month at Frankston Bowling Club, $8.00 entry (pizzas available extra charge) No need to book. Table reserved for Life Activities – Lorraine. DAY OUTING Saturday October 4th 12noon. A Festo Walking Tour of St Kilda with the outrageous unofficial Mayor of St Kilda "Fred Negro". Check out the web site www.skmwt.au This walk can be tailored to our requirements. There is a lot of history, stories, old haunts & venues to visit, the Espy, Palais, Sea Baths, Prince of Wales, Acland Street, etc. Maybe run into a few Muso's of the past. Meet at Waterloo Place car park (rear of Woolworths) to depart at 12noon. Bus, Tour, Parking $55.00pp, THIS TRIP IS FULLY BOOKED - NO FURTHER PLACES AVAILABLE Sunday October 5th Geelong’s Waterfront Market and quirky Pakinston Street Geelong. Leaving Parkdale Station promptly at 8.30am to catch the 10.00 am V/Line train to Geelong from Southern Cross Station. Please note Myki cards are needed on this line now. Cost will be about $8.00 for seniors return. We will visit the Geelong Waterfront Market and then on to the Chapel Street of Geelong – Pakington Street. You need to be able to walk a reasonable distance to enjoy this day. We will head home from Geelong about 4.00pm. For Bookings please phone Lorraine. 4 Thursday October 9th Mornington Racing Club Seniors Week Race Meeting. Two Course luncheon with tea and coffee in the Gunnamatta Members Dining Room. Included is Entry to the grounds and Members Reserve. Great views of the track, easy access to the Tote and the Bar. Dress is neat for men and fancy for ladies....feathers and fascinators welcome. A special day in very pleasant surroundings, begin the Spring racing carnival in style. Enter via Racecourse Rd. Opposite Watts Rd. From 11.30am till 5.30pm. Cost $37pp. Please pay before 1st. October. Book with Bobbi. Sunday October 26th Queenscliff Market Ferry Trip. Meet at the Ferry Ticket Office at Sorrento Pier 9.45am to catch the 10.00am Ferry. Costs $20pp or $18 concession return. Walk to the produce market and browse the stalls, move on to a pub or cafe for lunch. Stroll around the town, look in the shops, visit the museum or Maritime museum, then wander back down to the wharf-side area for a coffee or take in the view from the lookout tower. Your choice! Meet back at the Ferry at 4.45pm to catch the 5.00pm boat back to Sorrento arriving at 6.00pm. Pay your way on the day. Please call Sandra for more details. THEATRE CHRISTMAS BONBON OPERA AT BELEURA HOUSE Saturday, 29TH November, 2014 Due to some cancellations we have a just few tickets available for this event. The light opera will consist of music from Iolanthe, The Gondoliers, Ruddigore and a host of other Gilbert & Sullivan favourites with just a touch of Wagner thrown in. I am sure it will be a wonderful evening and something completely different so get your party gear on and come along. A courtesy bus will pick us up from the Peninsula Lifestyle Centre, Bungower Road, Mornington (Melway Ref. 104 J11) from between Harvey Norman and Dollar Curtains depending upon where they can park. The bus departs promptly at 5.00 pm. Champagne and nibbles will be served in the Palm Garden on arrival. The light opera concert named The Gallant Gondoliers or (Carry on up the Kananook )will take place in the Pavillion at 6.30 pm and afterwards refreshments of finger food, sweet treats and tea and coffee will be provided. The evening is planned to finish around 8.45 pm when the bus will take us back to the pickup point. For those of you still on the list but not paid please confirm your booking by paying in full no later than the next Members’ Meeting in October. The price is $80 adults or $75 if you are a concession holder.For any further enquiries please contact Gaye Langdon. CINEMA Wednesday, October 15th & November 19th 2014. Like to go to the movies but not alone? Come and join us, 3rd Wednesday of each month at Mornington Cinema. Wear your badge to receive a group discount then join in as we enjoy coffee after. Call Judy to find out what is showing and to book. BOOK CLUB Tuesday, October 21st & Tuesday November 18th 10.00am @ Currawong 10.00am - 11.30am. Please contact Ann Martyn for further enquiries. 5 MIND GAMES ANYONE? Saturday October 4th &18th & November 1st & 15th at Mornington Library Saturday October 11th & 25th & November 8th ,22nd & 29th at Bentons Square Community Centre, Bentons Road, Mornington. 1.00pm – 4.00pm each day. Keen to exercise your mind but not sure if you want to play Mahjong? Or would you like to play Cards, Scrabble, or BYO Board Game? There is plenty of room so why not round up some LAC friends and let the games begin. Meet over BYO afternoon tea and share in the fun. To book call Lindsay. ACTIVITIES SUNDAY CYCLING A casual ride to Rye stopping for a cuppa and chat then riding home along the foreshore track. Meeting point is at The Rosebud Jetty Car Park @ 9.30 am. This is an easy ride, but we would suggest padded bike pants and maybe a bright vest! Please contact Derek. TEN PIN BOWLING Thursday October 2nd & November 6th at 2.30pm. AMF Bowling, 228 Cranbourne Road, Frankston. (if coming from Frankston take first left into service road after Lindrum Rd. If coming from Karingal take first right into service road after Ballam Park.) No play during school holidays in January. This has already proven to be a popular activity. Cost is $17.00 for shoe hire and two games, after which there is time for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. For Bookings call Derek Coyle. MID WEEK GOLF A group plays 9 holes every Wednesday. Tee off at 10.00am at Mt Martha except on the first Wednesday of the month when play is at alternative courses in the area. We are very lucky to have so many superb courses on the peninsula and this makes for great variety. Please refer to the calendar for location and phone numbers as Wendy will be away for part of October Wendy Shaw. WALKING GROUP Monday October 13th & Monday November 10th BUSH OR BEACH WALK. Spring is here. Time to brush off the cobwebs. Approx. two hours medium pace walk. Nothing too strenuous. Either along the beach, a clifftop walk, or a popular bush walk. Venue depending on our unpredictable Peninsula weather. Bring drinking water a hat and a smile. Meet at 9.30am Waterloo Place carpark. Mornington. Back at approx.12.30 pm. Coffee or lunch at a local cafe after to those in need. To book, call or text Derek. BAREFOOT BOWLING Friday October 31st at 6.00pm Friday November 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 6.00pm Cost is $10.00 which includes Coaching, Bowling, 2 Sausages in Bread AND Sauce or Mustard, plus 1 free Raffle Ticket at Frankston Bowls Club, Yuille Street Frankston. Please phone Lorraine 6 GARDENERS GATHERINGS We've had a touch of some fabulous weather, indicative of what's in store - and doesn't it alter our personalities. Great hey! Have you ever wondered why a plant isn't doing too well? Is it the position - the light the water supply - the bugs - the soil - or more particularly, the neglect!!!! Well join our group and give your heart a special fix whilst you support the disadvantaged youth of our beautiful Peninsula. It's WIN WIN WIN! You win, the kids win, and the community also wins. We gather monthly at the MPYE Nursery and mainly propagate whilst we discuss our own gardening issues and seek help from those in charge. Come along and see what we are about. Generally 2nd Thursday each month. Upcoming dates Oct.9, Nov.13, Dec.11, 9.30am - 1pm., midway break for tea/coffee. Special mention to thank those who offered participation in our dearly departed Jill Johnson's garden day. A very successful day and huge goals achieved. Also we've got another gernsey for Lyn Meissner/a regular participant in our group. Speedy recovery Lyn following surgery. Special healing vibes to all our sickies. DIDYABRINGYADOGALONG Sunday October 5th & November 2nd at 10.00am Our September walk was brilliant! Not only was the weather stunning for this Fathers' Day, but the group welcomed new members Sonia Mitchell and Linda & David Roberts, plus prospective member Eve Kinnear. We're heading further afield for our October 5 Walk, meeting at Edithvale Life Saving Club - just past Edithvale/Springvale Road but on the sea side - for a beach walk. We had 4 non-dog owners at our last walk yet the dogs almost outnumbered the members. Remember - you don't need a K9 to participate! It's fun, it's healthy, it's social, it's just great to get outdoors and enjoy our loyal doggy friends. November 2nd Walk to be decided, Please ring Marg. TABLE TENNIS L.A.C. SOCIAL TABLE TENNIS - EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Mornington Table Tennis Centre at the corner of Tyabb and Dunns Road. Enjoy light exercise in good company. Cost is $4.50 which includes morning tea or coffee and biscuits. Bats and balls provided. Please wear non-marking footwear. Convenor is Lindsay Cunningham. COMING EVENTS MORNINGTON LIFE ACTIVITIES CLUB CHRISTMAS FUNCTION Saturday December 6th at 6.30pm. Brooklands Function Centre Tanti Avenue, Mornington. Celebrate Christmas in Style, starting with Canapés in the foyer of this lovely venue followed by a full 3 course sit down meal. Tea and Coffee will be available to you throughout the evening. Drinks will be available at bar prices and plenty of parking is available. Music will be available for those who wish to dance. The cost is $40 for Members and $45 for Non-Members. Bookings and payments required by 26th November by contacting Denise Riley. Club Carer: To all our members who have been unwell, I hope you are feeling better soon. Please let me know if you know someone on the sick list. Thank you. Bridget Fitzgerald. 7 NEW YEARS EVE at ROSEBUD COUNTRY CLUB Wednesday 31st December, 2014. Want to celebrate the New Year in style, an evening at The Rosebud Country Club is being organised, with Guelda and Rosemary as your convenors for this event. Live music and loads of fun. Full details will be available in the next Newsletter, early enquiries can be made with Guelda or Rosemary. TRAVEL REGISTER Many members have expressed an interest in travelling with other members of the Club. There are many reasons why they need to travel alone – they may be widowed, divorced, single, or their partners just don’t share their enthusiasm for travel. There will be a Travel Register placed on the table at each Members Meeting for you to simply add your name and contact details, together with your preferred destinations. If you are not at the meeting and wish to register contact Gaye Langdon. REMINDER As we are all busy people please keep in mind that when calling Committee or Convenors for dine-outs, outings etc., or in reference to any other matter, unless urgent, we would prefer that you call Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. LACVI SENIORS FESTIVAL EVENTS Poker Bike ride Sunday 5 October at Fed Square, 10.30 am to 11.30 am. Travel on bike paths upstream along the Yarra River stopping at various checkpoints to pick up playing cards. At the end, the best poker hands win a Cateye Bike Computer. Something new this year, the Amy Gillet Foundation and Connect Hearing fresh from a roadshow of events around Australia are joining us to offer free five minute health checks and hearing screening at the Bike Marquee. ‘Life’s better together’ walk Sunday 5 October at Fed Square, 11 am to 12 noon, warm up at 10.50 am Tell your walking groups and other members that the walk is on again this year. Starting at the LACVI information marquee Fed Square near Princes Bridge, walk through Birrarung Marr, returning via either Swan Street Bridge or Morell Bridge. NB: People don’t have to register for either walk or ride, but encourage them to pre-register online only (www.life.org.au) for a chance to win a $50 gift card. Swing Spectacular @ the Melbourne Town Hall Tuesday 7 October, 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm (doors open 4 pm) – clubs and/or club members can email Heather Wheat events@life.org.au with their booking (10 people per table). Swing, line dancing and Bollywood. Get your bookings in to Heather early to get the best spots as always it’s first in best dressed. If you need more flyers let me know. Festival Trivia challenge Wednesday 8 October 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm – members can book a table (6 people per table) or join another table. As well as table prizes a travel hamper is on offer as a door prize this year and an inter-club table trophy – don’t be out trivia-ed! Email Heather Wheat with bookings events@life.org. 8
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