14th May 2015 Newsletter no: 13 School Vision Inspiring a passion for learning and personal excellence, whilst preparing students to become globally responsible citizens. DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR PO Box 689 Vale Street Mornington Phone: 5976 5500 Fax: 5975 8219 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) MAY Sunday 17th RACV Energy Breakthrough Barbecue at Bunnings Monday 18th Prep 2016 Parent Information Evening 6pm—7pm Education Expo 7pm-8pm Canteen will be open for food and drinks. 20th-22nd Thursday 21st Band Camp Choral Festival - Junior and Senior Choirs Friday 22nd Big Brekkie (canteen will be open) Winter sport Mod 4 Thursday 28th May 6.30-8pm MICHAEL YMER is back by popular demand. Maths Forum Night for Parents not to be missed! JUNE Monday 8th Whole school Production rehearsal in the Hall Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Thursday 11th Baluk Arts Incursion Mod 2 Thursday 18th 3 Way Conferences Pupil Free Day Friday 5th This term, Prep children have commenced the PMP program at MPS. A Perceptual Motor Program aims to give children experiences in seeing, h ea ri ng , to uc h i n g, processing, making perceptual judgements and reacting through carefully sequenced activities. These include running, hopping, skipping, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching, bowling and sliding using a variety of common and specially designed equipment. To function effectively, children need the motor skills of balance, locomotion and eye / hand / foot co-ordination, as well as being fit. The perceptions children need can be grouped as: SAVE THE DATE School Production Monday 22nd June and Tuesday 23rd June 2015 ♦ Perception of self (body image, body control, laterality). ♦ Perception of space, (appropriate movement patterns and awareness of object around them). Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au ♦ Perception of time (body rhythm) to assist with Dance & Musical Performance memory and efficient rhythmic movement. An effective Perceptual Motor Program has children work through a sequence of experiences to develop perception and motor outcomes along with memory training. Language skills and the fundamental sports skills are developed enabling children to move competently into the major games and activities. It also develops good social skills and self-esteem. 8.00pm In the school hall ~ Tuesday 19th May School Tours (Please contact the School Office) ~ Wednesday 20th May Instrumental Program The MPS Instrumental Program continues to expand and we now offer cello and violin as instruments of choice. For further information about the instrumental program at MPS, please contact the school office. Writers’ Workshop – ‘Nursery Rhymes & Fairytales’ Old and New in the school hall (Pre-schoolers attending 10—11am) ~ Education Week 2015: Education Week is a time to celebrate one of the most valuable opportunities any individual could have and one of the substantial factors that has made Australia the modern, progressive nation that it is. Our students are well aware of the importance of education and the opportunities it brings. This year we will once again celebrate education at MPS. Monday 18th May 2016 Prep Parent Information Forum 6.00pm – 7.00pm Including information about the International Baccalaureate - Primary Years Program To be held in the Junior Learning Centre Education Expo 7.00pm – 8.00pm All classrooms and learning areas open. Visit classrooms and enjoy Mathematics, English and Units of Inquiry Physical Education activities in the school hall Visual Arts Room open Performing Arts Room open Visit our Science Centre & French Language & Culture display in the school senior library Thursday 21st May School Tours (Please contact the School Office) Friday 22nd May ~ MPS Brekkie 8.15am – 8.45am Beyond Education Week Thursday 28th May Maths for Parents! An information session for parents, with guest presenter Michael Ymer - Mathematics Consultant 6.30pm – 8.00pm Child-minding (school age children) provided. Notice & RSVP attached to this week’s newsletter Silvio Vitale Principal Mornington Primary School is A great place to educate! RACV BUNNINGS BARBECUE—17th May 2015 Come along and support our Mornington Primary School RACV teams by buying a sausage or two at Bunnings on Saturday 17th May. We’d love to see you there. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au STAR INQUIRY This week the STAR children began a new inquiry with the central idea that ‘Our activity is usually connected to Earth’s natural cycles’. I thought their explanations for how day turns into night were beautiful and decided to share them with you. Suzie Keil “The sun and the moon go around the Earth. The moon goes to the other side then it changes back so we can take turns to play. The sun takes turns too.” (Caiden) “The sun goes down and the moon comes up.” (Jack, Hal, Khaleigh, Maisy). PARENTS AND FRIENDS MEETING Tuesday 2nd June Parents and Friends will be holding their next meeting at the Grand Hotel, Main Street, Mornington on Tuesday the 2nd June. Drinks from 6.30pm followed by dinner meeting at 7pm. If you are interested in contributing your thoughts/ ideas or feedback this will be a terrific evening for you to come along. P and F is not about attending every meeting, just lending a hand when you can and it’s always great to get input from new sources. For bookings please leave your details at the school office or ring/text Anne Garlick 0409181770. We would love to see you all there. “The sun brings up the night.” (Ben). “The sun goes into the moon.” (Amelia). “Daytime goes into the sea, floats away and then a new day comes up.” (Ollie). “We get night time because we go to sleep.” (Carter). “The sun goes behind the clouds.” (Aaron and Emiko). “The sun goes behind the moon.” (Tommy). “When you’re tired and you sleep the day comes quicker” (Isabella). “The sun goes down, then I see the moon and sometimes the moon comes out in the morning!” (Jake). GLOW $2 EACH We still have some glow items for sale at the bargain price of $2 each, they can be purchased before and after school daily from the main library. PIZZA LUNCH – FRIDAY JUNE 5TH Pizza lunch order forms will be coming home next week. Margherita or Hawaiian pizza can be ordered for $2 a slice. All orders must be returned by Wednesday 3rd June as no late orders can be accepted. BAM BAM AND FEISTY FIREY Our two bearded dragons are just like you! They eat fruit and vegetables, they love to play, climb, run and walk. AND they love their bath time. “The sun comes up and the moon goes down and keeps on going all again.” (Georgia). ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS Entertainment Books Available NOW $65 Entertainment books are now available from the school office, or you can purchase a digital copy for your phone from www.entertainmentbook.com.au. When activating your card please nominate Mornington Primary School. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au 2015 VICTORIAN PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE Thank you to the following students for taking on this years reading challenge: Junior Team H (Mallia): Ethan Dark Junior Team Mantella: Emma Buck Junior Team Pollett: Bethany Hebblethwaite, Baxter Owens, Polly Solis Middle Team K (Salmon): Jared Bate, Leo Bryant-Herbertson, Heath Brown, Olivia Corcoran, Lucy Cowley, Shelby Downs, Daniel Eason, Sebastian Leo, Trae Lonie, Ella Moir, Evan Parker and Erin Walsh Middle Team Speirs: Spencer Slocombe Senior Team Foster: Georgia Owens Reading challenge forms are available from your classroom teacher, outside the school office and the main library. For all 2015 Victorian Premier Reading Challenge enquiries please see Anne Garlick MOTHER’S DAY STALL The Parents and Friends Mother’s Day stall was a big hit with the students with every gift sold. Thank you to the families who were able to help out on the day. It is so nice to have help especially for the younger students when choosing that very special present for their mums. Along with gifts ordered by P & F committee we were fortunate to receive a large amount of donations from the school community. Thank you for supporting another Parents and Friends initiative. PRODUCTION POSTER COMPETITION WINNERS The winners of our competition to design a poster for the ‘Tadpole’ are as follows: Junior School winner is Regan Bolger (PTB); from the Middle School the winner is Aria Bellotti (MTK); and from the Senior School the winner is Tara Singh (STJ). Congratulations and thankyou to all the students who entered the competition. The winners will all receive a voucher from Farrell’s Bookshop in Main Street. The school will use a combination of Tara and Aria’s work for the official publicity. SHOOTING STAR AWARDS PTB : Aidan Christie for being caring by looking after Sticky and Chloe (our stick insects) so well. PTF : Charlie Baines for being open minded and a thinker by always trying his best and thinking about how to be a great learner. PTC : Artie Mepstead for being principled and caring by being an enthusiastic and cooperative learner during our Maths lessons, and always trying his best. PTM : Oscar Holder for being a thinker by showing excellent thinking when working in Maths. JTH : Layla Fleming for being principled by applying herself and working hard during reading sessions. JTM : Will Gardner for being a thinker and principled by trying really hard to focus on his learning and complete tasks. JTP : Roan Shibu for being a risk taker and thinker by working hard on his number facts to ten and sharing his thoughts with the class. JTF : Barnaby Slocombe for being an excellent thinker by always contributing interesting information and ideas to our class discussions. MTS : Alanna Casey for being knowledgeable by completing an excellent narrative piece of writing. MTM : Lucas van Leeuwen for being a thinker and principled by doing a fantastic job in our inquiry Final Assessment Task. MTK : Max Stainsby for being caring and reflective by including others and always listening. STS : Stephanie Rees for being a reflective thinker by not letting pie charts get the better of her. Well done Steph. STS : James Buckle for being both balanced and reflective by improving his ability to focus on class work across the curriculum. STJ : Tate Watkins for inquiring and being reflective by showing great respect to his classmates by asking amazing questions about their work. STF : Charlotte Hoetzel for being balanced by having a unique, adorable, fun personality which can be seen throughout the day. Charlotte knows when to work hard on tasks set as well. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say we will be open for the Prep Information and Open Night on Monday at the beginning of Education Week from 5:30pm! Come and get a hot latte, tea or chai and a snack to get you through! Hot chocolates will also be available with a variety of milk options to suit everybody's tummys! All canteen snack items will be available also. If you have any questions, queries or concerns please feel free to come and speak to me; that's what I am here for! See you all then! Alyssa :) MESSAGE FROM MADAME CALDER Bonjour tout le monde! Hello Everyone! Il fait très froid! It is very cold! Smiles, Madame Calder French Phonetic English Avoir la tête dans les nuages Ar-voo-are lar tairt don lay noo-ar-jir To have your head in the clouds Le mime est une histoire Lir meem ay oon ees-too-are Miming is a story. On finit notre travail sur le, la, l’ et les. On fee-nee nor-trir trar-var-yir soor lir, lar, el ar-pos-trof ay lay We are finishing our work on the, the, the and the. Frère jacques, frère Jacques, dansez- Vous ? Frair jar-ck, frair jar-ck, don-say voo ? Brother John, Brother John, do you dance? Mod 3 students have enjoyed learning about and having a go at miming: Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au MORNINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Maths For Parents! Thursday28thMay2015 6.30–8.00pm Presenter:MichaelYmer MichaelYmerisahighlyregardedspecialistMathematicsconsultantwhohaspreviously presentedatMorningtonPrimarySchool. Heisanenthusiasticandentertainingpresenterwhohasaclearandpracticalapproachto thechallengesthatconfrontschoolsandparentsinteachingMathematicstochildren. OnthiseveningMichaelwilladdressthefollowingissues: WhatismychildlearninginMathematics? HowcanIhelpmychildbecomeanefficientproblemsolver? HowdochildrenbestlearnMathematics? Howcanparentspromotequalitythinkingandlearning? HowcanIhelpmychildinMathematics? Icommendthiseveningtoallparentsasaveryworthwhilesessionthatwillhelpyou understandthefocusofMathematicsatMorningtonPrimarySchoolaswellasoffering strategiesandideastohelpyousupportyouryoungmathematicians. Toassistparents,wearearrangingachild-mindingservice.Thiswillbeforchildren betweentheagesoftwoandtwelve.Childrenbelowtwoyearsofagecancomealongtothe ‘MathsforParents’nightandstaywiththeirparents.Whetherthisissuitable,isajudgment thatwillneedtobemadebyparents.Hopefully,thiswillencouragemorepeopletocome alongandtakepart. Boththeparentforumandchild-mindingwilloccurintheJuniorLearningCentre. Yourssincerely, SilvioVitale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toreserveyourplaceandbookchild-mindingifrequired,RVSPbyMonday25thMayisessential eitherviareturnsliporcontactschooloffice(59765500) Iwishtoattendthe‘MathsforParents’forumonThursday28thMayat6.30pm. Name(s)ofParent(s)attending:____________________ ________________________ Child’sName&Grade:_____________ NumberofChildrenrequiringchildminding:______ Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au
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