Newsletter No 11 30th April

30th April 2015
Newsletter no: 11
School Vision
Inspiring a passion for learning and personal
excellence, whilst preparing students to
become globally responsible citizens.
PO Box 689
Vale Street
Phone: 5976 5500
Fax: 5975 8219
School Production— Tadpole
Thursday 30th
For parents and staff at 3.45pm in the
Monday 4th
Finance Meeting 5pm
Tuesday 5th
Facilities Sub Committee 5pm
Friday 8th
Mother’s Day Stall
(Parent helpers needed please)
Monday 11th
School Council Meeting 5.30pm
Naplan Testing Grades 3 and 5
Monday 18th
Prep 2016 Parent Information
Evening 6pm—7pm
Thursday 28th May
MICHAEL YMER is back by popular
Maths Forum Night for Parents not to
be missed!
School Production
Monday 22nd June and
Tuesday 23rd June 2015
Our biennial school production will once again take
place this year. The school production is an integral
part of the performing arts program at MPS. It gives all
students the opportunity to broaden their performing
arts skills and perform in a ‘professional’ production in
a venue such as the Frankston Arts Centre.
This year, our school production is ‘Tadpole’ and will
once again be held over two nights: Monday 22nd and
Tuesday 23rd June.
The MPS production is an enormous undertaking that
requires solid input and support from everyone in our
school community. The ‘production team’ has already
been working hard to ensure all aspects of the
production are covered: rehearsals; costumes and
makeup; transport; hire of venue and ticketing; DVD
recording to name a few.
On Monday 22nd June, the day of the first
performance, all students will be involved in a
rehearsal at the Frankston Arts Centre. Other important
milestones such as ‘full dress rehearsal’ etc. will be
announced in our regular ‘School Production’ update in
newsletter. It is an expectation that all children
are involved in the production, in some manner,
including rehearsals and participation on both nights.
Please contact me should this be a difficulty.
A DVD will be on sale following the production—a must
have to capture enduring footage of your children.
I am really looking forward to this year’s production.
Stay tuned for further updates.
Pupil-Free Days for 2015
The Department of Education provides four Pupil-free
Email address:
days per year for schools. These days are utilised by
schools for professional development and planning
The first day of the school year is a mandated pupilfree day for all Victorian Government schools. The
other three days are allocated at the local level and
endorsed by the School Council. They are allocated
according to the particular needs and circumstances
of each school.
This year the remaining three pupil-free days are to be
allocated as follows:
Thursday 18th June: three-way conferences for
students, parents and teachers.
Monday 3rd August: a professional learning focus
for teachers on Spelling, Mathematics, and ICT.
Monday 2nd November: the development of a new
‘school strategic plan’ for the next 4 years,
following our school review this year.
Student should not attend school on designated
pupil-free days.
Silvio Vitale
Mornington Primary School is
A great place to educate!
In class we are starting our summative assessment
task for, 'How human use of the environment can bring
about conflict' and Mrs Bibby told us about a friend of
hers who has worked in the mining industry for some
years now. We contacted Claire McLeod who was an
Environmental Advisor for an open cut expansion
project in Mt Isa. Her role was to develop plans,
coordinate with engineers, assess impacts of the
mines on the environment, manage landfill, monitor
surface water and investigate innovative ways of
recycling waste products, such as tyres.
I thought that asking someone who works in the
industry would be a good way to go that 'extra mile' in
my work. A primary source of information is when you
can go directly to someone who was there when it
happened, they've seen the issue and lived in the
community where the event occurred. In my school
work, a primary source is better than a secondary
source (second hand information) because it is
proven, it is personal, it's a first hand recount and you
get more detail. Going to an expert directly meant that
I could ask whatever I wanted instead of having to do
a google search.
Willow STB
Calling all budding artists from Mornington Primary
Entries are now open for creating a picture for our
production of ‘TheTadpole’. You can use any medium
you like e.g. paints, textas, inks, collage work, etc.
The paper must be no bigger than A3 size. Prizes will
be awarded for the best entry from Junior School,
Middle School and Senior School. The overall
winner’s artwork will be used for publicity purposes.
To give you some inspiration the story outline, or
synopsis, is as follows… A school girl builds a time
travelling machine called ‘The Tadpole’ and it takes
her and her friends on an adventure into different
lands & times. The places which are visited are
Prehistoric/Cavemen times, The French Revolution,
Robin Hood & Merry Olde England, Ancient Egypt,
The Roaring 20’s and the Rock’n’Rollin’ 50’s.
Competition closes on Thursday the 7th of May.
Please leave any entries in Mrs. Keil’s room in the
box provided.
Winners will be announced on the 14th of May and
names will be published in the school’s newsletter.
Good luck!
A big welcome to the following students who are
taking on this year’s reading challenge from:
Prep Team Briones: Tara Casey
Prep Team Corcoran/Thom: Ni Putu Natasha
Adelia, Rose Atkinson, Beau Betts, Liam Brierley, Lily
Kelly, Oliver La Nauze, Tabitha MacNaughtan,
Isabella Masina, Liam McLachlan, Aoibhe Obaoill,
Oscar O’Brien, Aiden Taylor, Faith Tilney and Xu
Prep Team Foon: Coco Armstrong, Peri
Bonnick, Ruby Brierley, Zenon Coombs, Ranginui
Email address:
Davis, Myley Keleher, Jessica Kellett, Henry Lynas,
Arabella Macrow, Hunter Masson, Harry Moir, Archer
Schultz and Will Warner
Prep Team Keil: Amelia Baxter
Prep Team Milne: Mollie Dentry, Jessica Gyorosi,
Cara McEvoy, Deacon Mungean, Zachary Reynolds
and Katie Rick Congratulations to PTM who are the
first grade to have every student taking up the
reading challenge. Well done.
Junior Team Collings: Jayden Harris, Kyrah Harris,
Jayde Leitch-McCormack and Ethan Linskill
Junior Team (H) Mallia: Brodee Collins, Jessica
Conroy, Layla Fleming, Zac Hellier, Oscar Hutchison,
Thomas Scanlan, Gianni Sterpin, Kai Taylor, Tom
Varley and Samuel Walsh
Junior Team Mantella: Riley Hall, Jesse Hopkins,
Kowhai Hau, Xander Ouzounis, Tejas Raj, Cooper
Ridgway and Misa Titcher
Middle Team K(Salmon): Samuel Macnaughtan
Middle Team Melder: Shreya Raj
Middle Team (R) Klimeck: Amelia Barrette, Oliver
Cuthbertson, Kyden Elliott-Bone, Brodie Evans, Abbey
Everett, Dominic Gordon, Boston Gyorosi, Ruby
Hedley, Joseph Holder, Emma Macpherson, Alice
McKellar, Reece Moore, Nasios Ouzounis, Ruben
Patman, Lorenzo Rodrigues, Jake Sollner and Jake
Middle Team Speirs: Annabelle Bowyer-Smyth,
Alannah Casey and Mayr Garbang
Lots of great presents will be on sale for the M.P.S.
Mother’s Day stall on Friday May 8th, with prices
ranging from $2 to $10. A full display of all goods for
sale are on display now at the school office. Thank
you for the many generous donations we have
received so far. If you would like to donate to the
Mother’s Day stall gifts can be left either with your
classroom teacher or the school office. If you are able
to assist serving on the day please notify the office or
text Anne Garlick 0409181770. It is a really nice
morning helping students choose that very special
something for their Mums.
Thank you Parents and Friends
Tuesday 2nd June
Parents and Friends will be holding their next meeting
at the Grand Hotel, Main Street, Mornington on
Tuesday the 2nd June. Drinks from 6.30 and meeting
and dinner at 7pm. If you are interested in
contributing your thoughts/ideas/feedback then this
will be a terrific evening for you to come along. P and
F is not about attending every meeting but just
lending a hand when you can and it’s always great to
get input from new sources. For bookings please
leave your details at the school office or ring/text
Anne Garlick 0409181770.
Senior Team Bibbie: Archy Lewis Leevey
Senior Team Foster: Joel Quick
We would love to see you all there.
Senior Team James: Cleo Dark
Entertainment books will shortly be available though
you can pre purchase your book or digital
membership now by either logging on to or filling in the order
form available at the school office, please make sure
when ordering to nominate Mornington Primary
School as your charity.
For a limited time each student who takes up the
challenge is in a weekly draw at assembly so make
sure you get your reading challenge form back now.
Replacement forms are available from your classroom
teacher, outside the school office and the main library.
For all 2015 Victorian Premier Reading Challenge
enquiries please see Anne Garlick.
Glow products will be on sale on Friday the 1st May
before and after school in the main library. All glow
products are going out at $2 each.
All school volunteers in 2015 will require a Working
With Children Check, which can be filled out online.
Upon receipt of your Card please present this to
the office so they can copy it for their records.
Email address:
Following the special ANZAC assembly last Thursday,
all the school ambassadors went to attend the ANZAC
day ceremony, on April 25th at the Mornington
Memorial Park. As we sat down, in the memorial park,
the President of the Mornington Peninsula RSL said a
few words in remembrance. After this came the
tragically short biographies of fallen soldiers. Next, we
all stood to sing the National Anthem, which was
followed by “God Save the Queen”. Various
communities, clubs and schools across the Peninsula
came to pay tribute to the soldiers for the 100th
anniversary. Eventually it was time to lay the wreaths.
Nell Russell and Matthew Robinson represented MPS
by laying our wreath on the memorial statue. Shortly
after, the rouse was played and the service came to
an end. This was an amazing experience for all.
The photo, below, was taken during our special
ANZAC assembly on April 23rd when Mr John Wilson,
the secretary of Mornington Peninsula RSL, attended
as a special guest to read us a speech he had kindly
Written by: Nell Russell and Leon Esmaty STF
MPS School Ambassadors: Nell Russell, Leon
Esmaty, Matthew Robinson, Braydon Wilders, Tara
Fly, Freya Michie and Julia Varley.
Mt Martha Basketball Club
Grade 2 Boys Basketball Team Needs You
Mt Martha Basketball Club is looking for 4 extra players to
join this team.
Games are played on Wednesday nights
between 4.15 and 5.45pm
Contact Samantha Browne 0422 007 016 or
PTK : Aaron Todd for being knowledgeable and a thinker
by completing fabulous work on 2-digit numbers in Maths.
PTF : Mia Hall for being principled and balanced by
making excellent choices, contributing to class discussions
and being super helpful!
PTB : Tara Casey for being caring by checking that others
are okay and offering help.
PTM : Deacon Mungean and a communicator and thinker
by showing enthusiasm towards his work and when
sharing his ideas.
PTC : Tia Muratore for being caring and principled by
being a very kind member of our class who values what
others have to say and for always trying her best!
Wonderful effort Tia.
JTH : Ethan Dark for being principled by consistently
working hard resulting in great academic improvement.
JTF : Rachael Walk for being an inquirer and
communicator by seeking new knowledge independently
and sharing this with the class.
JTC : Ethan van Wyngaardt for being principled and being
a thinker by thinking deeply to answer inquiry questions
and trying much harder.
JTM : Savannah Goward for being a thinker by doing a
great job of thinking about the main idea of our Reading
Challenge books.
JTP : Amber Ward for being open minded by striving to
improve in all areas, especially her handwriting.
MTB : Juma Johns for outstanding participation at
athletics by making all of MTB proud of his great effort.
MTK for being balanced on camp by making great choices
and for outstanding behaviour.
MTR : Poppy Howarth for being principled and a
communicator by her confident presentation as a news
reporter at Mornington S.C.
MTS : Toby Randall for being a risk taker by trying so
many activities at camp with enthusiasm.
STF : Rohan Chand Chandran for being principled by
always being a polite, respectful and caring individual to
everyone in our class.
STJ : Xavier Rodrigues for communicating and being
knowledgeable by sharing his expertise with the whole
Mod about the class blog and setting up emails.
PE : JTF for being thinkers by applying the knowledge
they have for throwing and catching to ensure a
successful game.
Email address:
Please be aware that at this time of the year we often
have outbreaks of head lice, colds, influenza, chicken
pox, measles and hand, foot and mouth disease.
What is hand, foot and mouth disease?
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a mild virus which
lasts seven to ten days. It is spread by direct contact
with fluid from skin blisters, droplets from coughing
and sneezing, nose and throat discharges. Good
personal hygiene is important to prevent the spread of
this disease.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms develop between three to seven days after
being infected. They include fever, sore throat, small,
blisters on inside of the mouth, sides of the tongue,
palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feed and
‘nappy’ area.
How long is it infectious?
Children should be excluded from school until all the
blisters have dried.
1. Search for tiqbiz and download the
free app on your device(s): phone,
tablet, computer.
2. Open tiqbiz and register
3. Find our school by clicking on the
‘Find’ icon and typing our school
name. You will see our school boxes.
4. Click on the grey ‘tick’ icon beside our
school box and any other boxes that
apply to you: Mod 1 or Mod 2 etc.
5. Click on the inbox icon. This is where
you will receive messages,
newsletters, notices etc.
You are now ready to receive!
Bonjour tout le monde! Hello Everyone!
Oh la-la, le travail, c’est pas toujours facile!
Gosh, work is not always easy!!
Madame Calder
Les mots clef et les sentiments des
Le mime fantastique est dans les
Lay moh clay ay lay son-tee-mon
day ex-pray-see-on
Lir meem fon-tas-teek ay don lay
The expressions’ key words and
Fantastic mime is in the details.
Le roi, la souris et les lions sont
masculin, féminin et pluriel.
Lir roo-war, lar soo-ree ay lay leeon son mas-coo-lan, fay-mee-nan
ay ploo-ree-el.
The king, the mouse and the lions
are masculine, feminine and plural.
Le chat et le chien sont des animaux.
Lir shar ay lir shee-an son day zarnee-moh.
The cat and the dog are animals.
Email address:
Email address: