Grade 1 and 2 PLANNER - TERM FOUR
It’s hard to believe we are in Term 4 already! Where does
the time go? We hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine
and had a relaxing Spring holiday with family and friends.
This term is shaping up to be a busy one with our 50th Year
Anniversary Celebrations across the school, Buddies Picnic,
Gelato Van visit and of course, Christmas.
Please ensure your child keeps a record of their reading each night in the
school diary. It is important that students bring their diary to school every
day to maintain regular communication between home and school. The diary
is also the only way teachers can check if students are reading regularly.
Thank you.
The students have settled back well into our school routines,
and as always, if you have any questions or concerns please
get in touch.
We look forward to an action packed term full of fun,
excitement and celebrations!
Our Integrated Studies topic in term 4 is ‘Celebrations’. The whole school
will be immersed in this topic as we celebrate our 50th Year Anniversary.
Students will learn about different cultures and celebrations around the world
culminating in a big celebration on December 1st.
Suellen, David, Carly, Diane, Jenn and Lesley
Suellen Hall (Grade 1/2 Coordinator)
David Dowson
Carly Curren
Diane Aldred
Jenn Bowring
Lesley Munro
Please send along a snack for your child to eat at 11:00am as well as a
lunch to be eaten at 1:30pm. We also encourage ‘BRAIN FOOD’ to be
eaten at 10:00am which is an ‘easy to eat’ piece of fruit or some vegetable
sticks. This food is to be eaten quickly so as not to disrupt their work but
to give the students an energy boost. If your child orders a lunch order on
a Monday, please continue to send along a snack and ‘Brainfood’ as it is a
long time to wait for lunch to be delivered at 1:30pm.
We have been very impressed with the standard and creativity of set homework tasks
this year. Homework this term will begin in Week 2 and conclude in Week 8. It
continues to consist of 15 minutes of reading each night and an independent task set
by the teacher.
Monday 6th October 9.00am
Term 4 commences
Tuesday 4th November
Homework will be handed out on Tuesday and returned the following Monday. We
understand that families often have commitments so if your child is unable to
complete his/her homework please leave us a note in the diary as some children feel
unsettled about not being able to participate in the homework review.
Monday 1st December
BLPS 50th Anniversary Celebration Day
Buddies Picnic 1.15pm
Gelato Van
The Mathletics program can be utilized to reinforce mathematical concepts and you
can also access, Toon Times Tables, Rainforest Maths and a variety of other activities
through Mathletics.
Friday 5th December
‘Back to 1964’ 50th Anniversary Ball – Box
Hill Town Hall 7.00pm – 10pm
We look forward to many more fantastic homework pieces this term!
Friday 19th December - Last day of Term 4
Last Assembly 1.00pm
Early Dismissal 1.30pm
Absence Notes
If your child is absent please write a note or use the pre-prepared ones in the back of
the diary. Thank you.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday Blackburn Lake
Primary School!
All students should be using their Green
Notice Bag to help protect important notices
and diaries travelling to and from school.
Students from Grade 1 and 2 are involved with the Buddies and Bounce Back program
throughout 2014.
Please ensure you and your child place any
correspondence in this satchel to prevent it
from spills in the school bag. Students may
also use this bag for library books if they
have forgotten their library bag. Many
In Bounce Back we focus on our school TRRAC values of: Thinking, Respect,
Responsibility, Attitude and Caring.
Both programs run every second week on Monday afternoons.
The students will celebrate with a special Buddies Picnic lunch on 1st December as part
of our Celebrations unit, as well as participating in a variety of team building, friendship
and resilience activities during these sessions.
Please see below for your child’s specialist class times. NOTE: our timetable may change occasionally to accommodate other school events/incursions etc.
Grade 1D
Music - Tuesday - 10.20
Library - Tuesday - 11.30
Italian - Wednesday - 9.00
Art - Friday - 11.30
PE - Monday - 12.50
Grade 1J
Music - Tuesday - 11.30
Library - Tuesday - 12.10
Italian - Wednesday - 12.50
Art - Friday - 10.00
PE - Monday – 12.10
Grade 1L
Music - Tuesday - 12.10
Library - Tuesday - 12.50
Italian - Wednesday - 2.30
Art - Friday - 12.30
PE - Monday - 11.30
Grade 2C
Music - Wednesday – 2.30
Library - Tuesday - 9.40
Italian - Wednesday - 9.40
Art - Friday – 9.00
PE - Tuesday - 11.30
Grade 2D
Music - Thursday – 9.00
Library - Friday - 9.40
Italian - Wednesday - 10.20
Art - Thursday - 2.30
PE - Tuesday – 12.50
Grade 2S
Music - Wednesday - 12.50
Library - Tuesday - 2.30
Italian - Wednesday - 9.40
Art - Thursday - 12.30
PE - Tuesday - 12.10
At Blackburn Lake Primary School, your child has the opportunity to participate in a variety of specialist classes.
Vincey Montesalvo -
This term the students in grade one and two will be studying Celebrations.
They will be studying Christmas, Easter, New Year day and Melbourne Show
Day. The students will compare these celebrations to the Italian, Chinese and
Indian celebrations.
They will be involved in writing, labelling, describing, repeating, ordering, and
classifying, and role playing.
Sam Collins -
In Art, we will be starting of the term by consolidating our knowledge of colour
theory. Students will then be creating an artwork based on primary and
secondary colours, and also tinting techniques.
Grade 1 will be creating Japanese Carp Kites using crepe paper which will make a
beautiful site in the wind.
Grade 2 students are working with paper mache to create a Viennese Mask that
will then be integrated with their music class to create some theatre and dance.
 Art Smock
 Runners
Phil Lumsden -
Sam Collins -
In PE, Grade 1 & 2 students will continue to work on their
fundamental motor skills, especially soccer kick and ball bounce. By the
end of the term students will have revised skills previously used and
been introduced to the more advanced of these skills.
Students will also be spending time on playground safety especially
using playground equipment safely.
We will also begin to look at athletics, particularly the throwing and
jumping events.
Now that the weather is starting to warm up please ensure your child is
appropriately dressed on the day they have PE.
In Music, the Grade 1 & 2 students will be part of a very special
event celebrating music in school. On the 30th of October, the whole
school will be participating in Music Count Us In, where we will be
singing our special “Paint You a Song” with 100,000s of other school
across the nation.
In conjunction with this we will be investigating different
celebrations around the world. Starting with birthdays, we will move
through China, Ireland. Concepts of movement, theatre and reading
notation will be incorporated.