16th April 2015 Newsletter no: 9 School Vision Inspiring a passion for learning and personal excellence, whilst preparing students to become globally responsible citizens. DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR PO Box 689 Vale Street Mornington Phone: 5976 5500 Fax: 5975 8219 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Term Break APRIL Production Meeting 3.45 in Staff Room Welcome back everyone. I trust you all had an enjoyable Easter Break. Friday 17th School disco (Parent Helpers Needed) Juniors: 4.30-5.30pm Seniors 5.45—7.00pm 20th—24th Mod 3 Camp Golden Valley Lodge Once again the term promises to be an engaging and exciting one with ‘events; such as camps, NAPLAN, School Production, Sports events, reports and Education Week, including the Michael Ymer Maths Forum for Parents. There is much to look forward to! Thursday 16th Tuesday 28th Parents & Friends Meeting 7pm Wednesday 29th House Athletics Ballam Park Friday 8th MAY Mother’s Day Stall Monday 11th School Council Meeting 5.30pm Thursday 28th May 6.30-8pm MICHAEL YMER is back by popular demand. Maths Forum Night for Parents not to be missed! Booking slips will be sent out to families next week. SAVE THE DATE School Production Monday 22nd June and Tuesday 23rd June 2015 Creating & Monitoring a Positive Playground Culture Each year, all students participate in a range of class activities to develop a positive classroom and playground culture. This assists students in understanding the ways they contribute to the ‘social climate’ of their classrooms and their playground, as well as expectations relating to their behaviour, both in the classroom and beyond. Monitoring and managing behavior in the playground is an important aspect of this expectation. So how do we work towards creating a positive playground culture and manage issues as they arise in the playground? Firstly, we emphasise the importance of our ‘school values’. This is done regularly through many processes including Citizen of the Term; playground awards at assembly; Positive Classroom Culture and through the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes. Of course positive attitudes and behaviours are constantly being reinforced through acknowledging appropriate behaviours and ensuring there are appropriate consequences for those behaviours that don’t reflect our school values. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au Further to this, with have developed and implemented social skills programs that teach children appropriate behaviours, both generally and in the playground context. Cath Sheridan, Student Wellbeing, also works with children on a regular basis to assist them in developing appropriate behaviours. In the playground, three teachers, as well as numerous teacher aides, monitor the playground at recess and lunchtimes. These teachers wear a ‘fluro vest’, to make them easy for children to spot. They carry a basic first aid pack and a folder that includes a ‘behaviour record’ sheet. As well as distributing ‘raffle tickets’ to students who demonstrate positive behaviours, the teachers on playground duty record the names of any students who misbehave in the playground. This includes details of the incident and the appropriate consequence. Most behaviours are dealt with by the teacher on duty. Some are referred to the student’s class teacher for further follow-up, whilst a few may end up being investigated by myself or Assistant Principals, Tina Vallance and Susan Mattingley. All incidents from the playground folder are then recorded in an Excel spreadsheet. On a weekly basis, this information is emailed to our Mod Leaders for discussion at the weekly Mod Planning Meetings, attended by our teachers. The purpose of this is to monitor the behavior of students generally, as well as focusing on any students who may be regularly causing difficulties in the playground and examine possible courses of action to assist the student in choosing more appropriate behaviors. This may include intervention from either the Mod Leaders, Assistant Principals or myself as needed. Our purpose here is not one of punishment, but of supporting students in making the right choices when interacting with others. Consequences may involve a recess or lunchtime detention or missing an activity. Students will often write letters of apology; behavior reflections and/or be involved in restorative circles— designed to assist students in reflecting on how their behaviour impacts on others. Consequences are applied based on a ‘staged response’ approach that takes into account the nature of the indiscretion and past behaviours of the student. The ‘comprehensive’ processes we are implementing to develop a positive social/learning environment, and monitor playground behaviours, are complex and difficult to fully articulate within the limited scope of a newsletter article. The systems we have in place work very well—most of the time. This means that inappropriate behaviours are dealt with in a systematic manner that is likely to reduce difficulties in the playground. Silvio Vitale Principal Mornington Primary School is A great place to educate! AFTER CARE Disco tomorrow night! If you are in After Care and would like to go to the Junior Disco (4.30-5.30pm) bring in some cloths and your money and let Janet and Sue know. We can take you over then your parents can pick you up from the Hall. MOTHER’S DAY STALL FRIDAY 8TH MAY Each year Parents and Friends provide a Mother’s Day stall for our students to buy a carefully chosen item for that special person on Mother’s Day. We are currently seeking donations for this stall. If you are able to help out please leave your donation at the school office. M.P.S. EASTER RAFFLE AND PARADE Easter Bunny here, thank you for inviting me to M.P.S. parade. My friends Elsa, Emmett, Minecraft and Ironman had a great time. Elsa loved that you all sang her song to farewell her. I look forward to coming back next year and bringing along some more special friends. Thank you for having us. The Easter raffle was an outstanding success raising over $3,700. Thank you to everyone for all your support. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au Could we please have all unsold raffle ticket books returned so that we can check them off, and reuse them. a relaxing, albeit noisy, time. We look forward to seeing you all there. The Parents and Friends Team M.P.S. DISCO $5 ENTRY FEE It’s Nearly Time – Get those dancing shoes on! Friday 17th April Junior Disco– 4.30 to 5.30pm (Stars, Preps, Grade 1 and 2s) Senior Disco 5.45 to 7.00pm (Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6) 4pm until sold out: BBQ (sausages & onions, hamburgers, coleslaw & onions), soft drinks, water, choc tops, tea, coffee, juice, milk, nibbles and glow products. Make sure you arrive nice and early as no food or drink (other than water) can be consumed in the hall. The bbq will not be open after the senior disco but hot and cold drinks, ice creams, nibbles and glow products will still be available.. Entry to M.P.S school disco is $5 per student. Younger siblings and mums and dads will be admitted free during the Junior Disco. This is a school event and as such is only open to M.P.S. students. Whilst in the hall students will be under the supervision of their teachers and must be collected from the hall at the end of each disco by an adult. The roster for the disco night is now available on the window at the school office or you can text Anne Garlick on 0409181770 with your availability. We still need help to run a successful evening with at least 14 people for the two shifts: 4pm to 5.30pm and 5.30 to 7pm or if you have a spare hour to begin the set up or collection of food 2.30 to 3.30pm. Many hands make light work! 2015 VICTORIAN PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE M.P.S. is once again participating in the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge. This week every student will have received a letter from the Premier of Victoria inviting them to take up the reading challenge. Students from Prep, Grades 1 & 2, will need to participate in 30 books, i.e. teacher, or mum and dad, brother or sister can read a book to you. Students in grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 need to read 15 books, made up of 10 challenge and 5 choice. Any books read since the beginning of the school year can also be included. Teachers have the passwords to enable students to enter their books read on line. For all reading challenge enquiries please see Anne Garlick. This is a terrific social night not just for the students but for their families to come along have a bite to eat and catch up with friends, meet new families and have ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS After a very successful promotion last year Parents and Friends will once again be promoting the Entertainment Book for 2015. You can purchase a book by either buying one directly from the school office or ordering on line and then collecting from the school office OR by downloading the app direct to your phone. Books will be available shortly. Please make sure you choose M.P.S. as your nominated charity when registering your card please. Piano, keyboard, guitar, drums, ukulele, vocals, banjo, flute, saxophone, clarinet, bass guitar Contact the school office for more information! Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au WRITER'S WORKSHOP The students in Mod 3 and Mod 4 have been working on developing their ability to write persuasive texts. At the end of last term we read a great picture book about a pack of crayons who go on strike and each one writes a letter to their owner outlining their individual and collective complaints. The students then composed similar letters of protestation from the point of view of a disgruntled coloured pencil. Below is a sample written by Nell Russell in STF. Dear Hazel, It’s Amber here, Amber Derwent; or at least I USED to be Amber until you muddied me with Coal pencil! To begin with I was very happy with the way you have used me this past year. Those glittering, orange jewels you used me to colour in one Friday turned out beautifully don’t you think? So why would you completely RUIN my gorgeous colour by smushing my delicate, soft tip with that shady coal pencil? Now I am a hideous, pooey BROWN, who you only use to colour in…well, you know what. What’s more, now that I have been put out of action, VERMILLION pencil thinks that her tedious red colour could replace my beautiful amber and now that you have started using her instead of me, everything that’s supposed to be orange is severely lacking style, and don’t even get me started on your fruit bowl picture last Tuesday, I mean seriously, RED oranges - what were you thinking? My third and final complaint is that this whole predicament could be solved if you had just bothered to sharpen me and scrape this icky muck off my tip! Did you spare me a second thought? NO YOU DID NOT! Instead I am isolated from the other pencils in the DOG’S BOWL of all places! The dog’s bowl! I understand that you may not have a sharpener but you could just buy one for 50 cents! Or is that just too much of a sacrifice? So, let’s conclude: First you selfishly ruin my colour, then you replace me with a dunce and finally you punish ME for your own crimes! ALL the other pencils agree that no colour, especially one as exclusive as mine, should have to suffer the horrors I’ve been put through. I suggest you rectify the situation IMMEDIATELY or else you’re just going to have to find yourself another Amber! Signed, Amber Derwent PRODUCTION Thank you for your donations. We are still in need of old white sheets or large pieces of white fabric for costumes. Any donations can be left at the Office. 1. Search for tiqbiz and download the free app on your device(s): phone, tablet, computer. 2. Open tiqbiz and register 3. Find our school by clicking on the ‘Find’ icon and typing our school name. You will see our school boxes. 4. Click on the grey ‘tick’ icon beside our school box and any other boxes that apply to you: Mod 1 or Mod 2 etc. 5. Click on the inbox icon. This is where you will receive messages, newsletters, notices etc. You are now ready to receive! WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK All school volunteers in 2015 will require a Working With Children Check, which can be filled out online. Upon receipt of your Card please present this to the office so they can copy it for their records. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au IN-SCHOOL PROVISIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST Kate Gibson will be at the school Mondays and Tuesdays while completing her practical requirements for admission as a clinical psychologist. Kate has significant experience in counselling, has completed 6 years of study in psychology, and is a mother of two. Kate is available to work with parents and children in the assessment and treatment of a range of difficulties including: • Emotional problems such as anxiety/worries, fears, depression, tantrums, anger, and stress reactions. • Behavioural problems such as home or school discipline problems or oppositional behaviours • Relationship problems such as poor peer relationships, parent-child conflict, or anger issues. • Habit or self-care problems such as sleeping difficulties and toileting problems. • Adjustment difficulties such as coping with major life events (for example, divorce or grief) Kate is also available for Intellectual and Educational Assessments: • To provide information about a young person’s strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations to assist with development, learning, or classroom behavior. • To assess and assist with high intellectual potential, developmental issues, or learning difficulties. If you would like to talk to Kate about your child please contact the school office for an appointment. Mt Martha Basketball Club Grade 2 Boys Basketball Team Needs You Mt Martha Basketball Club is looking for 4 extra players to join this team. Games are played on Wednesday nights between 4.15 and 5.45pm Contact Samantha Browne 0422 007 016 or sambrowne2000@yahoo.com.au SHOOTING STAR AWARDS PTK : Emiko Mathwin for being a thinker and for being knowledgeable by applying herself fully to everything she does in class. PTC : Faith Tilney for being principled by following our class vision of being caring and helpful and always trying her best. PTF : Will Warner for being balanced and caring by helping others whenever he can and working hard on his learning tasks. PTM : Olivia Brand for being principled and caring by showing great resilience and a positive attitude toward school and also showing humour and kindness to others. JTF : Ysabella Mendoza for being principled by being an excellent role model to her peers. Keep it up Ysabella. JTH : Hanna Santoreneos for being a communicator by contributing positively to class discussions. JTM : Connor Hinge for being principled and a thinker by concentrating on his Maths and creating a graph about houses in Mornington. JTP : Josh Pearce for being a risk taker by standing up and sharing his thoughts with Mod 2 during Writer’s Workshop. MTM : Erin Bryant-Herbertson for being principled and balanced by showing great enthusiasm and persistence with her learning. MTR : Angus Baker for being reflective by thinking about his learning and having a great attitude. MTS : Annabelle Bowyer-Smyth for being balanced and principled by always working so hard and being so committed to her learning. Well done. STB : Matthew Robinson for being a risk taker by extending his leadership qualities, assisting his peers and showing a positive attitude. STB : Brody Collins for being caring and balanced by being an exemplary member of our community and setting an excellent example to others. STF : Helena Haase for being principled by always working meticulously with all tasks each day. STS : Thomas Bradley for being open minded and caring by going out of his way to include other during a buddy session. Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au Email address: mornington.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Website: www.morningtonps.vic.edu.au
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