Document 351177

Where Our Dreams Begin!
Rāmere 17th Whiringa-a-nuku
Term 4: Week 1
Ko te puawaitanga o nga moemoea, me whakamahi
Dreams become a reality, when we take action.
Monday 20th October
Monday 20th October
Monday 20th October
Tuesday 21st October
Tuesday 21st October
Wednesday 22nd October
Thursday 23rd October
Friday 24th October
Headlice Check
Board of Trustees Meeting – 7-15pm
LMV Pet Day Meeting – 7.00pm
Home and School Association meeting 7-30pm
Board of Trustees Training
LMV BOT Cluster Meeting – 7.30pm TBLC
Technology Challenge 9-00am – 1-00pm (Senior
Pet Day entries MUST have been returned.
Monday 27th October
Tuesday 28th October
Labour Day – School closed
Pre-school Preparation Meeting 2-00pm
Monday 3rd November
Monday 3rd November
Tuesday 4th November
Tuesday 4th November
Headlice Check
Scholastic Book Club – Issue 7 closes
LMV Pet Day – Wyndham A & P Showgrounds
Edendale School Board of Trustees and Parent
Consultation 7-30 to 8-30pm in TBLC
Monday 10th November –
Friday 21st November
Friday 14th November
Swimming Programme
LMV Swimming Sports
Monday 17th November
Monday 17th November Wednesday 19th November
Headlice Check
Goal Review Conversations (Y4 – Y6)
Thursday 27th November
Parent Help Thankyou Morning Tea
Monday 1st December
Headlice Check
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Monday 1st December
Monday 1st December
Tuesday 2nd December
Wednesday 3rd December
Thursday 4th December
Friday 5th December
Friday 5th December
Where Our Dreams Begin!
Triathlon 1-00pm
Board of Trustees Meeting 7-15pm
Concert practice – 1-00pm
Concert practice – 1-00pm
Concert practice – 1-00pm
Achievement Reporting Books due back
Last newsletter for the year
Monday 8th December
Tuesday 9th December
Tuesday 9th December
Wednesday 10th December
Thursday 11th December
Friday 12th December
Concert Dress Rehearsal
Concert Matinee - 1-00pm
Concert and Prize-giving – 7-00pm
Triathlon (Postponement Day)
Last day for Year 1 to Year 5 students
Year 6 farewell lunch and last day for Year 6 students
Principal’s Conference – Very Beneficial
In the final week of last term I attended the New Zealand Principal’s Conference that was
hosted in Invercargill. It was a great time to get together with over 300 other principals
and hear from New Zealand and international speakers.
What I heard confirmed the direction that we are heading and also gave some further
ideas to progress forward. It was very beneficial.
Term Four – Started Strongly
Term Four has started strongly with three new enrolments (welcome Leo, Coby and
Jake), preparation put in place for Monday’s BOT meeting, class and individual photos
going out (they look great), guitar and drum lessons underway again, After School Care
getting up and running for Term Four, an All In (teachers and support staff) staff
meeting, the go-kart back after repairs (the children love it), Mrs Robertson led and
hosted Mrs Campbell-O’Brien for the LMV New Entrant Cluster meeting and all the
classrooms getting into this term’s inquiry focusing upon what it means to be a New
It is going to be a very full term with this week setting a productive foundation.
Maori Language – Fridays
This term we have Bex Brown from Menzies College coming to us and taking classes for
Maori language. This starts Week Two. She will take two classes at a time throughout
Friday morning and early afternoon.
Class Lists – Getting These Finalised
I am busy working on a range of planning documents for next year and one of the
important ones is our class lists. We need to get this finalised very shortly. If you have
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
any considerations you would like us to be aware of, please let us know before the end
of October.
Please also put consideration into the levelling of your child. Due to the National
Standards we encourage as much time as possible in the younger years of school to
ensure success in the senior years of school. In that respect we are conservative in our
classifications especially around children who have January, February and March
birthdays. Contact your child’s teacher if you would like to discuss this.
Visitors to My Office – Great Learners this Week
Arash from Team Kea came by on the first day of Term Four with his
writing book. He wrote about his holidays, how he went on a boat and
how his dad was the captain of the boat. It sounds like a fun holiday.
Arash, when he grows up, would like to be an All Black and a monster
truck driver. Sounds very exciting.
Josiah dropped by on Thursday afternoon with some
artwork. To be specific it was his efforts towards the
Home and School calendar fundraiser this term. It was very colourful
with crops, trees and the rising sun. He has done an excellent job with
this. When Josiah grows up he would like to work at Fonterra
organising the systems that make the processing of milk work well.
He loves skiing and has started working on tricks such as small jumps.
BOT Meeting – Monday 7.15pm
The Board of Trustees has a meeting this coming Monday at 7.15am, at school.
Board of Trustees Members
Vicky Lumsden (Chairperson)
Andrew Reid
Joy Johnston
Richard Hart
Andrew Roy
Jane Ferguson
Wendy Weir (Staff representative)
David McKenzie (Principal)
Home and School Executive Office Bearers
Katie McEwan
Executive Chair
Raelene Gay
Edith Shepherd
Tania Milne
Money Makers Co-Convenor
Katie McEwan
Money Makers Co-Convenor
Tania Milne
Parent Support Convenor
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
Warren Ross
Hands On Convenor (Helping with property projects)
Maria Davers
Parent Contact Person
Tracey Shepherd
Co-opted Member
Abby Dempster
Co-opted Member
Calendars, Cards and Notepads – Term Four Fundraiser
The children are busy designing their calendar pages. Next we will get the orders out to
They are excellent Christmas presents.
Times & Cost:
Monday to Friday
3.00pm – 5.30pm $12 per child
3.00pm – 6.00pm $17 per child
Must be a student of Edendale Primary School.
Open to Year Seven and Eight ex-Edendale Primary School pupils.
Must sign an After School Care Enrolment form.
Must pay in advance.
In the event of a cancellation of attendance please contact
1. The After School Care co-ordinator Mrs Debbie Harvey
206 6888 or 027 611 3225.
2. Then please contact the school 03 206 6959 to let us know
about any bus arrangements.
Booking forms:
These are available from the school office.
Tractor Tyres – Playground Fun
The children really enjoy playing with tyres. They make all sorts of things with them. If
you have a safe tractor tyre around, that is spare, we would love a few more. The
children turn them into tanks, tunnels, castles…whatever takes their imagination for that
Old Tractor – In our Adventure Playground
One thing that we would love to do is put into our playground an old tractor, with a seat,
movable gear stick, brakes, clutch etc. It does not need to have a cab, but if it did that
would be fun. If you have one that could be suitable for us please let us know.
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
With Edendale being home of Crank Up Day, it makes sense for the school to have a
tractor in its playground.
School Vege Garden Team – Worm Tea Fertiliser ON SPECIAL
Are you planning and preparing your summer vegetable garden? Our school’s vege
garden team highly recommends the natural nitrogen fertiliser that we harvest here on the
school grounds – our very own “worm tea” liquid fertiliser. It is great for establishing
seedlings and feeding your growing plants (vegetable or ornamental).
Made from the natural food scraps leftover from the pupils’ fruit snacks, this organic
liquid fertiliser is highly concentrated with nitrogen and nutrients thanks to the worms
hard at work in our school worm farm. It should be used at one part to ten parts water.
This month we have our 2-litre containers of worm tea on special for $3.00. All proceeds
go towards tools and plants for our vegetable garden.
Come to the school office to pick up your bottle – your plants will love you for it!
Lunch Orders – Getting it Right
To help make the Thursday Menzies Lunch day orders run smoothly we would ask that
you enclose the correct money in an envelope with your child’s name, team and order
written on the outside. It is preferable to have each child’s order separate as this helps
with both filling the order at Menzies College and also for sorting the orders on arrival
back at school.
Our newsletter has all the items available and the price per item on the inside back cover.
Please check to ensure you have the correct money for the item you are ordering.
On the children’s arrival at school, first thing in the morning, this order is put into the
classroom notice box by your child. They are collected at 9am. Thanks for your help
with this. An example of how we would like it to look is…
John Smith
Team Tui
Congratulations – Mathematics Achievers
Chicken Burger
Congratulations to our students who sat the 2014 International
Competitions and Assessments for Schools in Mathematics
We would like to acknowledge the wonderful achievements of the following students:
Keegan Knapp
Jonas Lindsay
Lisa Musalov
Logan Andrews
Hunter Richards
Year 6
Year 6
Year 6
Year 5
Year 3
Well done to each one of you. A fine effort.
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
After School – Hunger BUS-ter
We know that our bus children have a long day. They may catch the bus early and get
home later than other children. Mrs Coyle has set up in her room a toaster and some
spreads to help these children so that they head home fuelled up. If your child is an after
school bus children and feeling hungry, encourage them to make the most of our after
school Hunger BUS-ter.
Scholastic Book Club – Issue 7
This has been sent home today. Should you wish to make an order, please have this back
to school along with payment (Cheques made payable to Edendale School Board of
Trustees) by Monday 3rd November 2014.
Here is a problem that is targeted for Year Six children. It comes from the Year Six
International Competition and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) 2010, Test C.
Can you solve this mathematical problem?
(Last week’s answer: Heaviest to lightest goes Peter, Mary, John, Sandra)
It is great to see all the children arrive back at school this week excited and hungry for
lots of new learning! In the last week of Term 3 we welcomed Jessica to school and on
Monday we welcomed Ellie. It is wonderful to have you at Edendale Primary School and
in Team Kea as you both begin your exciting school journey.
Sincere thanks to parents for supporting reading over the holidays as this certainly makes
a difference, ensuring students don’t go back any reading levels. Great experiences and
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
the conversations children have, underpin good oral language, which builds the skills to
support reading and in turn creates the foundations for learning to write.
Team Kea now have their very own workshop with real tools! It is very popular and has
tools builders, plumbers, mechanics and painters use.
This term our Inquiry is ‘Kiwiana’ and has a Social Sciences focus. The key question is
‘How is my life in New Zealand / Aotearoa different to those living in other countries?’
Already we have an interesting collection of items we like and relate to such as: buzzy
bee, Weet-Bix, The All Blacks, paua shells, hokey pokey ice-cream and a kiwi.
Later in the term we will be swimming over a two week period. Our fitness focus this
term is skipping. Each class will rotate around lots of different skipping activities each
day. We will also continue to have Jump Jam.
We are all looking forward to The Lower Mataura Pet Day on Tuesday, 4th of November
at the Wyndham Show Grounds. We will also be putting our artistic skills to good use
by designing a calendar cover.
A great numeracy App for your iPad or phone: 10 Frame Fill
Mrs Robertson, Teacher, Team Kea
Room 1
I am happy to meet with parents of children in my room for a one-on-one interview about your child’s learning and
progress. Please call to make an appointment and when doing so give an indication of areas you wish to discuss so that I
can be prepared for you. Many thanks.
Hudson is a student who displays the learning value of persistence.
Hudson knows it is very important to stick with a job to the very end
to ensure he is successful. Hudson is very keen to be successful and
realises this takes a persistent attitude as well as hard work. Hudson
is always tuned in to his learning, actively listening and participating.
Hudson, with great support, is very active with his home partnership
work which helps him to be successful.
Hudson has formed awesome routines and habits with his learning. Hudson knows he
may need to seek support, have another go or just keep putting in the hard work to ensure
he is successful. It is great to witness a positive, persistent attitude in a 5 year old who is
hungry to learn to ensure he is successful.
You are a valued class member Hudson and awesome learner. It is a pleasure to have
you in Team Kea.
Mrs Robertson, Teacher, Team Kea Room 1
MVPs are awarded by the classroom teacher based upon our community-defined school values.
We have a focus of three values each term.
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
Maia is Team Tui’s fantastic MVP this week!
She is a hardworking, kind, responsible and well organised member
of the classroom. Maia is always trying her best. When she is unsure
of something she will ask for help. She sets a high standard for
herself, always putting 110% in all school work.
Maia will take on feedback given for her work and will make
changes when needed. Her attitude towards school makes her a great
role model to others.
When facing a challenging task she uses the appropriate skills to problem solve and
shows determination and patience to finish work to the best of her ability.
It always impresses me to see Maia coming to school with a smile on her face ready for
the day ahead. Her sense of humour keeps us all entertained. She displays the school
values daily.
Keep up the amazing work Maia. It is a delight having you in Team Tui!
Ms Williams, Teacher, Team Tui
Room 4
MVPs are awarded by the classroom teacher based upon our community-defined school values.
We have a focus of three values each term.
“I’m going to die! I’m going to die!” were the thoughts racing through my sweat-soaked
skull as I lurched, crashed, tumbled and twisted on Dream World’s scariest ride – The
My ears were on fire as my sister, Gabby, screamed loud enough to wake the dead. The
fear made me sweat, the handles on either side of me felt like they’d been hit by a
tsunami. If I could retain my hold on the sweat-soaked handles, I would be safe.
Suddenly, the ride stopped. A wave of relief washed over me and then disappeared twice
as quickly as we started rolling backwards. My heart was in my mouth as we started a
slow back-flip…I felt sick.
Over the sound of Gabby’s anguished screaming I could hear laughter. Obviously Dad
and my brother, Arden, were having fun watching this catastrophic attempt at bravery
unfurl itself.
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
When the ludicrous ride finally stopped, I stumbled, lurched, and crawled away from it as
fast as my jelly-like legs could take me.
There’s no way I’m going back on THAT ride anytime soon!
Giving our children a life-long learning advantage.
This term we are looking into the subtle negative behaviours that children use, that over
time can contribute to learning delays. We will also look at the long-term remedies that
need to surround a child every moment of their day that will help re-establish a pathway
towards achievement.
Negative Learning Behaviour Number 1: Impulsivity
The Problem: Impulsivity is when a child finds it hard to tune out distractions. They
hear the truck go past and so they go to the window. They hear a child make a comment
and so add their own. There is a noise coming from the next room so they call out
‘What’s that?’ In essence they immaturely attend to everything that is going on around
them, treating everything as equally important, when it clearly isn’t.
Impulsivity restricts learning and stunts maturity. Teaching is so often planned and
delivered through a sequence of steps. Impulsivity means a child will miss key messages
and concepts as they are attending to other non-priority messages. Over time their
learning becomes full of holes.
The Solutions - Here are three useful remedies to impulsivity:
1. Self-control – This is one of the most undervalued of all values but it is one of the
most important. Being able to regulate our own behaviour without external
influences / influencers is very powerful. Children with self-control can manage
what they attend to. They don’t get distracted by everything around them. They
deliberately stay self-focused. Children need to be taught the value of self-control
(and have it modelled by adults around them).
2. Meta-cognition – This is the ability to give conscious attention to the ‘voice in our
head’ (that’s the voice in your head that you are reading this with) and think about
what that voice is saying. It is believed that we have between 50,000-70,000
thoughts per day, this means between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute per person (Google
Search Result)
. Immature people do not attend to their own thoughts. They have no metacognition - no ability to think about what they are thinking about. By being more
aware of what we are thinking we can quite literally ‘take captive every thought’ and
decide whether we will attend to it or dismiss it. Children need to be taught to hear
their ‘thinking-voice’ and make wise and value-based decisions around it.
3. Hardship: Children with impulsivity actually believe that everything comes easy, on
a plate, handed to them, without effort or input. This can develop because everything
is arranged at a micro-level for them by parents. This micro-management gives
children the false impression that they are doing well. Remove the supports and the
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
child flounders. We need to give allow our children safe, supported, age and stage
appropriate hardship that leads to success. Children then learn the important
understanding that effort and practise bring rewards.
Edendale Community Pool Society (ECPS) - 2014 Swimming Season
A dedicated group of local volunteers, in conjunction with the Edendale School BOT, are
pleased to make available the Edendale School swimming pool for swimmers to use
outside of school hours. The pool will be open for members of the ECPS to use from
Friday the 24th October 2014 (Labour Weekend).
Users must be members of the ECPS. Full season and holiday memberships are now
available from Lee's Dairy in Wyndham, Edendale Primary School, or by emailing: Last season’s members who are still holding door-tags should
have by now received an email or letter with information on how to renew.
Subscriptions: Full season (new member) $90; full season (renewing member) $80;
holiday season (13 Dec-2 Feb) $50.
Follow us for updates at: .
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - This Friday
At Activity Centre, George St. 7-9pm.
If you need picked up or any questions phone Johno Ferguson 2066878 or Liz Pask
Girls is cupcake night and boys is games night. Anyone 9 yrs up are welcome.
Youth Group – Saturday Night
Youth Group is this Saturday night. It’s a reversal night.
7.30-10.15 at Activity Centre, George St.
Everyone 13 years old or Year 9 welcome.
Any questions or want a ride contact Johno and Becs 2066878 or 0274124941
Vetco Pet Day - Annual General Meeting
This will be held on Monday 20th October at 7pm at Edendale School.
Attendance from the school community is essential for the continued success of Pet Day.
Apologies to Marc Robertson, telephone 2064 796 or AJ McKelvie,
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
Wyndale T-Ball - AGM
Thursday 23rd Oct at the Edendale Pub at 7.30 pm.
Good attendance is requested so that this club continues.
Any questions or apologies Karena 021 0645 486/ 206 6298.
The Catlins Coastal - Challenge
Come and join us for an exciting new sporting event that is happening in the Catlins area
next month!
When: Sunday 16th November, first event starts at 10am
Where: All events start and finish at the Waikawa Hall
Who: Anyone! Participants have the option between four fantastic sporting events;
* Rainforest Recreational Ride – An 85km mountain bike through the Catlins Rainforest.
* Road Race – A 75km cycling race along the Southern Scenic Route
* Fun Ride – A 12km family or individual ride through the Petrified Forest
* Curio Bay Run or Walk – a 12km run or walk along Porpoise Bay and Curio Bay
Prize giving at 3pm.
Team option available for the Recreational ride and Road Race.
Entry fee starts at $30pp.
For further details please see our website , or phone Kirsty on 021
2558371, or email
Twice Smitten - Popup Shop
Preloved, reloved clothing & accessories.
Top brands - kids & adults.
Edendale Plunket Rooms 18 October 10-2pm.
Number10 Southland Youth - One Stop Shop
Free Health Services with Nurse and Doctor for 10-24yr olds.
10 Deveron St, Invercargill
Phone 214 1013 ext 206
Quiz and Art - Auction 2014 - Friday 17th October, 7.30 pm: Heartland Hotel, Croyden
A fundraiser for Stage 3 of the East Gore Art Centre. Featuring a fabulous display of NZ
Art, wine and books.
To view art work go to
Tickets $20 per person from the Eastern Southland Gallery. Ticket includes some
complimentary refreshments. Maximum 4-5 people per table/team. Cash Bar Available
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Where Our Dreams Begin!
Southland A&P Assn - Spring into Action Have a Go Show
Have you got a calf or pony and want to have a go at an A&P show without all the cost
and stress of a large show? Sunday 9th November. Go to, or email to get a copy of the
schedule and entry form.
Thought for the Week
Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi
At Edendale Primary School we are...confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.