Polytechnische Kring vzw Information Job Fair 2015

Polytechnische Kring vzw
PK vzw p/a Secretariaat IR–Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussel
rekrutering.pk@gmail.com - www.pk.be
Information Job Fair 2015
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Campus Etterbeek
Triomflaan entrance 8
Building K, second floor (morning session)
Building L, gym (afternoon session)
U-Residence, ground floor (walking dinner & reception)
Wednesday 11th March 2015
Polytechnische Kring vzw
V.Ir.Br. vzw
Job Fair (afternoon)
4 credits1 for a normal stand area (length 3,5m x width 2,5m)
3 credits for SME (Small or Medium Enterprise)
+1 credit when company wants extra stand area
Presentation (morning)
+1 credit
Subscription form
8.30: reception for the companies and the students in building K on
the second floor.
Before starting the presentations, breakfast will be offered to the
students arriving at 08h30. The representatives of the companies
are expected at the hour of their planned presentation (a
planning will be provided). They can also attend at the breakfast,
where they can already meet the students.
09.00-09.15: Welcoming by the dean of the faculty IR.
9.15-12.30: Presentations in building K
The companies will be offered the opportunity to give their
presentations to a small group of students. By this way, they can
More information about the credit system can be found on this site
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Polytechnische Kring vzw
PK vzw p/a Secretariaat IR–Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussel
rekrutering.pk@gmail.com - www.pk.be
inform the students about their activities, their profiles and the
challenges in their company. Meanwhile, the students will have
the opportunity to get answers to their specific questions.
12.30-14.00: Walking diner
The walking dinner offers the opportunity to meet the students in
an informal way. Only participation for companies who attend a
whole day.
14.00-17.00: “Job Fair” in the gym, Building L.
On the “Job Fair”, the companies will be represented by an
information stand. Visitors can visit the stands of their choice.
Here, they will have the possibility to talk about their interests,
their plans for the future and their CV.
From 17.00:
At the end of the day, we offer a reception, to give the opportunity
to the participants, to talk without any obligation to the students.
The number of representatives is fixed on three persons.
Students who will attend this job fair
Students in the engineering sciences with specializations:
Applied Computer Sciences Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Materials Engineering
o Materials Science
o Process Technology
Civil Engineering
o Structural Analysis
o Construction and Geomaterials
o Water Resources
Computer Sciences
Software engineering
Artificial Intelligence
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Polytechnische Kring vzw
PK vzw p/a Secretariaat IR–Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussel
rekrutering.pk@gmail.com - www.pk.be
Electromechanical Engineering
o Aeronautics
o Energy
o Mechatronics-Construction
o Vehicle Technology and Transport
Electronics and Information Technology Engineering
Students in the industrial engineering sciences with specializations:
o Aviation Technology
o Mechatronics
o Renewable Energy
o Vehicle Technology
Electronics and ICT
o Embedded Systems
o Networks
These students are looking for an internship or a job. Some of them are looking for a subject
or topic for their thesis in a company. There will also be PhD-students.
The students receive a guidebook in which the profile of your company is outlined. You
have two pages at your disposal. The standard formula for this two pages is on page one
an advertisement (with pictures for example) of your company and on page two general
information. Here you say who you are (company name + logo), what you do, where you
work (Belgium, Europe, …) and what kind of people you’re looking for.
The CVs of the final year students are bundled in a resume book that will be delivered
electronically in advance.
Additional Information
For additional information, you can contact us.
Polytechnische Kring vzw
V.Ir.Br. vzw
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