FIDELIS CARE MEDICATION REQUEST FORM FOR HEPATITIS C (HCV) AGENTS (10/15/2014) Copies of this form and additional information available at Complete form and fax to 1-877-533-2405. Fidelis Care will notify you within 3 business days as to what determination has been made. If you have any questions, please dial 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547) and follow the appropriate prompts. To avoid unnecessary delays, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU COMPLETE THE FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY AND PRINT NEATLY TO HELP EXPEDITE THE DRUG COVERAGE REVIEW PROCESS. Member Name__________________________________________ID#_____________________________DOB______________________ Age____________________ Height_______________________Weight_____________________ Sex______________________________ Prescriber name_____________________________________________________ Contact Person _______________________________ Phone number_________________________ Ext______________ Fax_______________________ County_________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City________________________ State__________ Zip ____________ Specialty Hepatologist Gastroenterology Transplant physician Infectious Disease HCV Clinical Experience Other ______________ Management of ≥ 20 patients with HCV infection within last 12 months; and Treatment for HCV in ≥ 10 patients within last 12 months; and Obtained ≥ 10 HCV-related CME credits in the last 12 months; OR Management & treatment of HCV infection in partnership (i.e. consultation, preceptorship, or via telemedicine) with an experienced HCV provider who meets the above criteria (include name below) Collaborating Provider Name ________________________________ Phone # __________________ 1. Hepatitis C Genotype: (hard copy required; please attach) 1a 2. What is the patient’s hepatic fibrosis stage? (hard copy required; please attach) 0 1 2 3 4 This may include: (1) liver biopsy confirming a METAVIR score, (2) Transient elastography, Fibroscan, score, (3) FibroSure score, (4) APRI score, and/or (5) radiological imaging. 3. Does the patient have any of the following? (please attach chart notes to document if patient has any of the following conditions) Cirrhosis/decompensated liver disease (documentation/labs required ) HBV (confirmatory results required) 1b 2 3 4 5 6 Severe renal impairment (renal function labs required) HIV (viral load within past 6 months required) Cryoglobulinemia with end-organ manifestation (CBC, ESR, and renal function labs required) 4. Prior treatment status: Treatment-Naive Relapser with use of the following: _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is the patient currently using P-gp inducers (such as rifampin and St. John’s wort), anticonvulsants, or other drugs (prescribed or over-the-counter) that may affect Hep C treatment? Yes No 6. If patient is a female of child-bearing potential, does the patient have a negative pregnancy test collected within 30 days prior to treatment initiation? Yes; (hard copy required or noted in charts for Hep C drugs, with exception of Harvoni) No N/A 7. Has the patient demonstrated treatment readiness and the ability to adhere to the requested drug regimen? Note that a lapse in therapy of ≥ 14 days is grounds for Fidelis Care to discontinue treatment. 8. Has the patient verbally or in writing committed to planned course of treatment, including anticipated blood tests and visits during and after treatment? Yes; (chart notes must be submitted to document patient acknowledgement) No Page 1 of 2 Yes No Continued on second page 9. Has the patient acknowledged that lost, stolen, destroyed, or inappropriately used supplies are not subject to replacement by Fidelis Care? Yes No 10. Requested Medications † Sovaldi 400 mg tablet Olysio 150 mg tablet Harvoni 90-400 mg tablet Ribavirin tablets* Ribavirin capsules* Pegintron 50 mcg kit Pegintron 80 mcg kit Pegintron 120 mcg kit Pegintron 150 mcg kit Pegintron 50 mcg Redipen Pegintron 80 mcg Redipen Pegintron 120 mcg Redipen Pegintron 150 mcg Redipen Other _____________________ Other _____________________ Directions for use: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Please note generic ribavirin is the preferred product (Ribapak and branded formulations of ribavirin are non-formulary) † Clinical rationale for an interferon-free regimen for genotypes 1 & 4 with Sovaldi required with documentation of contraindications 11. Expected total duration of therapy: 8 weeks 12 weeks 24 weeks Other (please attach rationale separately) _________________ 12. Baseline Laboratory Results within past 3 months (required for approval) - HARD COPIES MUST BE ATTACHED Lab Date: ___________ Viral Load (VL):___________________IU/mL Lab Date: ___________ AST:__________ ALT:__________ 13. IMPORTANT – FOLLOW-UP LABS: Hep C regimens are approved based on therapy appropriateness on initial review for a 1-2 month duration. Continued coverage for the remainder of the treatment requires a follow-up viral load (within the first 2-4 weeks of treatment) to be sent to Fidelis by certain due dates following the initial prescription fill. Please carefully read the chart below to find the due date required for your patient. Treatment Duration 1st Approval Period F/U VL F/U VL Sent to FCNY 2nd Approval Period ≥12 weeks 8 weeks Week 2 - Week 4 Before Week 6 Remaining duration 8 weeks (Harvoni only) 4 weeks Week 2 Before Day 21 (3 weeks) Remaining 4 weeks If approved, I agree to require my patient to come in between Week 2 to Week 4 of treatment (as appropriate; see above table) to draw labs for evaluation of adherence and therapy effectiveness in order to continue therapy. I will also have the results forwarded to Fidelis Care for continued coverage of the remaining regimen supply. If approved, I am aware that Fidelis Care will not replace medications that are lost, stolen, destroyed, or inappropriately used by the patient and that the patient is responsible for the safekeeping of his/her medication supply. If approved, I am aware that non-adherence to the medication compromises the effectiveness of the treatment and that a lapse in use of 14 days or more is grounds for discontinuation of the treatment regimen by the plan. By signing below, I attest that all statements on this form are true to the best of my knowledge. Prescriber's Signature _________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Reminder Before Submitting (*see questions for details) – Prior Authorization Checklist Completed form (provider information and questions #1-#12) Chart notes Laboratory results: Genotype, HCV RNA within 3 months Fibrosis stage (question #2) Documentation for other comorbidities (see question #3 for details) If female, (-) pregnancy test results (question #6) Patient adherence, readiness, and commitment acknowledgement Plans for follow-ups, including lab results Page 2 of 2
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