INSIDE THIS ISSUE It may feel as though you just voted and the November 4th General Election is just around the corner and election preparations have already begun. Supervisor’s Message..................1 Sample Ballot..............................2 Voting Precincts...............................3 Important Dates.........................4 421 South Court Street Bronson, FL 32621 Tel: (352) 486-5163 Fax: (352) 486-5146 Email: Website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Voter Registration Statistics As of 9/23/2014 TOTALS UPDATED DAILY AT WWW.VOTELEVY.COM REPUBLICANS: 10,662 DEMOCRATS: 10,274 OTHERS: 4,862 TOTAL 25,798 When Election Day arrives, we are “Election Ready.” Are you ready as well? Have you moved and do you need to change your address? Has your name changed and does it need to be updated? Has your signature changed and does it need to be updated? As it gets closer to the election, do you know who and what will be on your ballot? I would encourage you to review your voter information to make sure it is current. You can verify your information by visiting our website at, click on “Check My Voter Status” tab or contact the Elections Office at 352-486-5163. As a reminder, there are three ways to vote: vote by mail (absentee), vote during the early voting period, or on the traditional election day. Details for each of these voting methods are included within this publication. A sample ballot is provided for your review. Use this ballot to help expedite voting at the polls. Mark your sample ballot at home, then take it with you to the polls so you can quickly copy your choices onto your official ballot. Remember, this is only a sample ballot, not an actual ballot. DO NOT return this sample ballot to the Supervisor of Elections office. To request an official mail ballot, contact the office at 352-486-5163. We are here to help, so please contact us so that we will all be “Election Ready.” @ Levy County Supervisor of Elections - Tammy Jones SAMPLE BALLOT OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 4, 2014 TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL NEXT TO YOUR CHOICE. Use a black or blue ball point pen. If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to ask for a new ballot. If you erase or make other marks, your vote may not count. To vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, fill in the oval, and write in the candidate's name on the blank line provided for a write-in candidate. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS DISTRICT 3 (Vote for One) DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Robert T. Benton of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (Vote for One) Ted Yoho REP Jeff Atwater REP Marihelen Wheeler DEM William "Will" Rankin DEM Howard Term Limits Lawson NPA GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (Vote for One) Rick Scott Carlos Lopez-Cantera Charlie Crist Annette Taddeo Adrian Wyllie Greg Roe COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE (Vote for One) Adam Putnam Thaddeus Thad Hamilton DEM REP Write In DEM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 2 (Vote for One) LPF Rock Meeks Farid Khavari Lateresa A. Jones Glenn Burkett Jose Augusto Matos Robert Studstill NPA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 4 (Vote for One) Lilly Rooks Jamie Griffin ATTORNEY GENERAL (Vote for One) NO DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Joseph Lewis, Jr. of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? YES NO DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Scott Makar of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? YES NO DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL REP Shall Judge Tim Osterhaus NPA of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? NPA Write In YES NO DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Clay Roberts REP of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? DEM YES Pam Bondi REP George Sheldon DEM NO LPF 1 - Bronson AG Building Style 1 - ID 300 300 Bill Wohlsifer REP YES VOTE BOTH SIDES OF BALLOT SAMPLE BALLOT 1/1 SAMPLE BALLOT NO.1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X, SECTION 28 NO.2 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X, SECTION 29 NO.3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 10,11 Water and Land Conservation - Dedicates Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical funds to acquire and restore Florida Conditions conservation and recreation lands Allows the medical use of marijuana for Funds the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to individuals with debilitating diseases as acquire, restore, improve, and manage determined by a licensed Florida physician. conservation lands including wetlands and Allows caregivers to assist patients’ medical forests; fish and wildlife habitat; lands use of marijuana. The Department of Health protecting water resources and drinking water shall register and regulate centers that sources, including the Everglades, and the produce and distribute marijuana for medical water quality of rivers, lakes, and streams; purposes and shall issue identification cards beaches and shores; outdoor recreational to patients and caregivers. Applies only to lands; working farms and ranches; and Florida law. Does not authorize violations of historic or geologic sites, by dedicating 33 federal law or any non-medical use, percent of net revenues from the existing possession or production of marijuana. excise tax on documents for 20 years. Increased costs from this amendment to state This amendment does not increase or and local governments cannot be decrease state revenues. The state revenue determined. There will be additional restricted to the purposes specified in the regulatory and enforcement activities amendment is estimated to be $648 million in associated with the production and sale of Fiscal Year 2015-16 and grows to $1.268 medical marijuana. Fees will offset at least a billion by the twentieth year. Whether this portion of the regulatory costs. While sales results in any additional state expenditures tax may apply to purchases, changes in depends upon future legislative actions and revenue cannot reasonably be determined cannot be determined. Similarly, the impact since the extent to which medical marijuana on local government revenues, if any, cannot will be exempt from taxation is unclear be determined. No additional local without legislative or state administrative government costs are expected. action. Prospective Appointment of Certain Judicial Vacancies Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution requiring the Governor to prospectively fill vacancies in a judicial office to which election for retention applies resulting from the justice’s or judge’s reaching the mandatory retirement age or failure to qualify for a retention election; and allowing prospective appointments if a justice or judge is not retained at an election. Currently, the Governor may not fill an expected vacancy until the current justice’s or judge’s term expires. YES NO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTION Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Levy County be authorized to grant, pursuant to Section 3, Article VII of the State Constitution, property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses that are expected to create new, full-time jobs in Levy County? YES YES YES-For authority to grant exemptions NO NO NO-Against authority to grant exemptions Precinct 1 (Bronson Ag Building) Precinct 6 Gulf Hammock Church of God Levy County Extension Office 3510 SE CR 326, Gulf Hammock 625 N Hathaway Ave, Bronson Precinct 2 Faith Baptist Tabernacle 17531 NE Hwy 27 Alt, Williston Precinct 7 Williston Community Center 46 NW Main St, Williston, Precinct 3 (Old Bronson Town Hall) Dogan Cobb Building 660 E Hathaway Ave, Bronson Precinct 8 Morriston Baptist Church 3141 SE Hwy 41, Morriston, VOTE BOTH Precinct 9 Inglis Community Center 137 HWY 40 W, Inglis Precinct 5 Willow Sink 6731 NW 100th St, Chiefland Precinct 10 Pine Grove Baptist Church 16655 NW CR 339, Trenton 300 Precinct 12 Fanning Springs City Hall 17651 NW 90th Ct, Fanning Springs Precinct 13 Tommy Usher Center 506 SW 4th Ave, Chiefland SIDES OF BALLOT Precinct 4 Cedar Key City Hall 490 2nd St, Cedar Key Precinct 11 (Raleigh) Miracle Vision Tabernacle 18680 NE 75th St, Williston NOTE: On Election Day, voters are required to vote at the precinct 1 / 1 in which they reside. You can verify your information by visiting our website at, click on “Check My Voter Status” tab or contact the Elections Office at 352-486-5163.
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