Document 352053

Just passing on holiday and winter information available to all Exeter residents and EWG school
families this year. Thank you!
Heating: The CAPs (Community Action Programs) are awaiting for word from the state to open the LIHEAP
heating program. Current recipients will receive their renewals first. If you work with families that receive
LIHEAP, please encourage them to make the corrections on their form and submit as soon as possible. It
will take 4-6 weeks once received by the CAPs for the first deliveries to go out. If an Exeter family receives
a denial letter, they can bring it to the Exeter Public Welfare Dept. located at the Exeter Town Hall to have
it submitted for the Salvation Army Good Neighbor Fund. West Greenwich families will need to contact
Joslyn Groves, Salvation Army Rep. at 732-4660 X 105.
Thanksgiving: Exeter Chapel and the Exeter Public Welfare Dept. will be hosting a Thanksgiving meal
opened to all families in the EWG school system as well as the residents of Exeter on Nov. 22 nd. It will
begin at noon and will be at 765 Ten Rod Rd. (Exeter Chapel – lower level). Families and residents must
RSVP by Nov. 16th to 294-3176 so that there is plenty of food. They do not need to bring any
documentation to enjoy the meal.
Living Hope Christian Church -730 Ten Rod Rd. North Kingstown 02852 will be hosting a meal on
Thanksgiving day from 12pm to 2pm. This is open to everyone in all communities. People can call 6670775 or email for more information and to RSVP.
Christmas: If your organization does an adopt-a-family/gingerbread express for your families, the Exeter
Public Welfare Dept. in conjunction with the Salvation Army and Toys-for Tots will help to provide
toys. Simply fill out the attached form and return it to my office by Oct. 31st so that it can be submitted. (
fax 267-0128 attn. Christine) The toys will be available in Dec.
Exeter Chapel will host a Christmas breakfast on December 20th for the community at
large. Families/residents must RSVP by December 10thto 294-3176. It will be held at Exeter Chapel again
on the lower level.
Living Hope Christian Church will host a Christmas Cabaret on Dec 14th from 6pm to 8ish. People can call
667-0775 or for more information and to RSVP.
Food Assistance: As always, if anyone is needing food assistance, Exeter residents can call 294-3176 to
schedule a pick-up. West Greenwich residents can contact Human Service Director, Marge Gartleman
at 397-4234. Our Kids Farm, 555 Gardiner Rd. Exeter, will continue their Suspended Produce program
into the winter months. This program is opened to all residents who have a need. If anyone would like
to donate food, they may drop it off at the Exeter Town Hall – Mon.-Fri. 9am to 4pm, during the elections
at all polling places in E. and WG, during the Scout For Food Drive at Exeter Chapel (for Exeter residents)
or by contacting Marge Gartleman for WG residents.
If families/residents have any other needs, they may also contact the United Way’s 211 for assistance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 294-3176.
Thank you!
Christine Heart-Skaggs, Exeter Public Welfare Director