What’s On at GMAS Georgiana Molloy Anglican School A school of The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc) P O Box 920 Busselton WA 6280 www.gmas.wa.edu.au FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 20th October Swimming Lessons PPG,1G,2G,2M,4G,5G,5M,5A P&F AGM 7pm Staff Room Friday 17th October 2014 PRINCIPAL Welcome back everyone to a busy Term 4 and a short one for our Year 12 cohort. The Year 12 students are preparing in earnest for their Valete and final last days of formal schooling. We wish them all the best as they prepare to complete their time here and form part of the 2014 GMAS Old Scholars Association. Tuesday 21st PP-Yr 6 Assembly 2.25-3.05pm Swimming Lessons 1M,3G,3M,4M,4A,6G,6M Talented Young Writers Y9/10 to BCGS Wednesday 22nd Yr 12 Colours Assembly Swimming Lessons 1M,3G,3M,4M,4A,6G,6M Drama Night— MAC commencing 6.30pm Thursday 23rd Swimming Lessons 1M,3G,3M,4M,4A,6G,6M Talented Young Writers Yr 7/8 to Bunbury Senior High School Friday 24th PP-Yr 2 Chapel 11.30-11.55am Yr 3-6 Chapel 11.55-12.25pm Swimming Lessons Conclude PPG,1G,2G,2M,4G,5G,5M,5A Yr 12 Graduation Assembly, Eucharist & Valete Dinner Term 4 Concludes Kindy-Year 6 Monday 8th December Year 7-11 Tuesday 9th December Student Absentees studentservices@gmas.wa.edu.au Administration Student Services Registrar Accounts Dept Uniform Shop Café 97525 252 97525 270 97525 237 97525 273 97525 204 97525 203 NEW UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday 8.30 - 10.30am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2.00 - 4.00pm https://www.facebook.com/georgiana molloyanglicanschool?ref=hl Summer uniform is now a requirement for all students. A reminder with the warmer weather to make sure students have appropriate attire, water bottles for hydration and hats for play time. Staff attended a PD day in-house on Monday 13th October. The day started with a Eucharist at St Mary’s followed by a presentation to staff by the Rev P Laurence, CEO of the Anglican Schools Commission. The day also gave staff an opportunity to plan for the term ahead in their respective year and curriculum areas. The P&F AGM on Monday 20th will take place in the staff room, located adjacent to the café at 7.00pm. This is a great way to become involved in the school and to contribute in some way to this successful group of volunteers who do so much for the school community. If you think you can contribute to the P&F, then it would be great to have you come along. Over the holiday period I accepted an invitation to attend the Sino–Australian Principal’s forum held in Hangzhou, China. The forum was initiated and supported by the Association of Independent Schools (WA) and the Confucius Institute at the University of WA. The forum delegates, which included Principals, AISWA members and UWA representatives, had the opportunity to view primary, secondary and select merit schools in action. A visit to the Zjinggang University which has over 40,000 students was a sight to behold. GMAS will be in contact with Hangzhou Dacheng Experimental School (a new school on the outskirts of the city) over the coming months to enhance our students international awareness and to foster a bilateral partnership. Mr Ted Kosicki Principal Page 2 What’s On at GMAS DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Welcome back! It is wonderful to see everyone back ready for an action packed term. Moved offices With the Administration move, I have also moved to the new buildings next to the Science block. Father Earle, Mr Deroost and I share an office space there. ADVANCED NOTICE – TIES NEEDED FOR YEAR 12 ASSEMBLY Friday 24th October This is a formal assembly, so students will be expected to wear the appropriate uniform. Year 7 – 11 Boys – Summer uniform with a tie. Year 7 – 11 Girls – Summer dress. All students should have clean, polished shoes, too. Ties are available in the Uniform Shop for $27.50. The Uniform Shop is open 8.30am – 10.30am Mondays and 2pm – 4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. HATS for outside activities The heat has returned with a vengeance already. Students are reminded that they must wear a hat for outside activities. This is especially necessary for PE lessons. Ms Jo Burns Deputy Principal CAFÉ ROSTER MONDAY 20TH Deanne Smith TUESDAY 21ST Sandy Sly WEDNESDAY 22ND Volunteer required THURSDAY 23RD Prue Harvey FRIDAY 24TH Karen Jackman, Pauline Christian SENIOR SCHOOL Year 12 students finished their ATAR exams this week and will all be completing their final assessments and formal Secondary Schooling next week. This leads up to Graduation Day on Friday, culminating in a Graduation Assembly and Presentation followed by a Eucharist and Valete Dinner. Our prayerful thoughts and well wishes go out to them at this time and leading up to their post Secondary aspirations, be they study, gap year or further training and apprenticeships in their chosen career paths next year and beyond. Year 11 dates – Year 11 ATAR exams begin in Week 4 (Thursday 6th November), Spring Fling (at St Mary's Family Centre) will take place on Friday 14th November and Year 12 Ball at Palmer Winery will be on Saturday 21st February. Planning and preparation for all these events will commence shortly so lock these dates into your calendars. Year 10 exams commence in Week 5 (10th – 14th November). Study Skills Tip – How To Stay Positive As Exams Approach. It can be difficult to stay positive or “be up” as exams approach. The more important the exam the more stress we can feel. Worse, if we don’t do anything to make us feel good, stress can lead to anxiety and depression. There are many reasons why students feel this stress and depressed mood as examination dates approach. Students receive distorted messages and perceptions about the importance of the exams, such as, “this can/will determine your future” etc. With the pressure and stress of exams students avoid doing the work necessary to be prepared and as a result feel more overwhelmed, hopeless, anxious etc. Students can feel they have no control of their situation. When we allow the pressure, stress and upset to build we can get into bad habits and let go of good habits. As a result students can feel more drained and exhausted and find it difficult or impossible to “climb out of the dark hole” they are in. A holistic approach to boost wellbeing as exams approach. The key to being positive and managing negative emotions such as anxiety and feeling down and depressed in any pressure situation including exams is to “fuel up”. It goes without saying that if we are exhausted, tired, stressed, depressed etc. it is very difficult if not impossible to deal with the pressure of exams. “Fueling Up” is about boosting wellbeing factors in your life. You need to boost the wellbeing factors in your BODY, MIND and EMOTIONS. Trying to “feel good” or be “positive” when your body is exhausted and depleted is impossible! This is something we all know yet many of us find it difficult to change. Here are some things you can do to boost the energy in your BODY: 1. Get better sleep. Feeling good all starts with getting the right amount and type of sleep. Start with a good night time routine. Stop anything that stimulates you such as caffeine or TV or computer, iPad or phone screens etc. Try a warm drink such as Chamomile Tea and use Essential Oils such as Lavender Oil. Having a soothing bath or shower can also help, along with gentle stretching of tight or tense muscles. If you still feel you are not getting a “good” sleep be sure to see your doctor. continued Photo – Year 12 final exam STUDENTS ARRIVING EARLY AT SCHOOL Students should not be on campus before 8.00am because there are no staff to supervise. Please make alternate arrangements. Thank you Page 3 What’s On at GMAS SENIOR SCHOOL continued 2. Eat in Moderation Never skip a meal, especially breakfast. Breakfast replenishes your body and helps you start your day full of energy. Eat three main meals, and two to three snack meals a day. Eating five to six times in a day keeps your blood sugar levels balanced, giving you an overall sense of well-being needed for focusing on your tasks and responsibilities. 3. Exercise Regularly Regular exercise, at least three times per week for a minimum of 30 minute sessions, can virtually “soak up” stress chemicals in your body and help you to relax and even sleep better. Brisk walking, aerobic classes, swimming, bike riding, or jogging are great exercises to release stress build up and relax your body and mind to either start or end your day right. Here are some things you can do to THINK more positively: 1. Change your thinking and perceptions Write down your top 5 fears and worries. What’s the worst thing that can happen? Then ask yourself, “IS THAT TRUE”? Usually fears and worries are not based on reality but on imagined scenarios that have little to no evidence. If it’s something that can’t be changed bring acceptance to it. It is what it is for now! 2. Change your focus Have you noticed that what we worry about we make bigger and keep closer to us by the way we think and focus. Try this…make your fears and worries SMALL in size (5 cm in height) DARK in brightness and as far away as possible in DISTANCE. When we change the size, brightness and distance of the things that upset us in our minds it reduces the intensity of the emotion. Here are some things you can do to FEEL more positive: 1. Acts of kindness Make a list of 5 acts of kindness you can do every day. Make them simple acts of kindness that are easy to do such as saying thank you etc. Do these 5 acts of kindness every day for 6 weeks. The research shows that people that do this and think of 3 good things in their life (as above) have a dramatic positive boost in their mood. 2. "3 good things" exercise Every day at the start and end of your day think of 3 good things that happened. Write them down. Then think about either WHY those good things happened or how it MADE YOU FEEL when those good things happened. School Leavers in BALI 2014 Year 12s heading over to Bali this year are at a much greater risk than ever before. We have a large group of experienced personnel heading over there to Bali to team with our local security guards to provide a non-judgemental, responsible adult should a child find themselves hurt, in danger, exploited or in trouble. The SLIB group will stay with them and ensure appropriate treatment if hospitalised, get them to a medical facility if hurt and liaise with local authorities on their behalf if in trouble or exploited. They will also contact parents and liaise constantly, if necessary, to keep them informed and should it be crucial that a parent attend in Bali they will meet them at the airport and escort them directly to their child to minimise lost time and prevent additional stress. View their website or face book page for further information or to register your child at just $20 / day. Mr Steve Treloar Head of Senior School MIDDLE SCHOOL Welcome back to school for Term 4, particularly students - Nicholas Button, Lochlan Curtis, Matthew Weston, Kale Dempster, Quinn Outram, Zoe Smith, Alexandra Shaw and Casey Triplett, who all travelled to Japan as part of the Busselton Sugito exchange program. I trust everyone had an enjoyable holiday and are all ready for what is going to be a very busy term. It was wonderful to see our students present well in the summer uniform. A reminder to girls to check the length of their dress (should be at the knee!) and to the boys to keep shirts tucked in with only the top button undone. Congratulations It was my pleasure to present the following students with their ICAS certificates at assembly this week. Year 7 student Hannah Bowden is to be congratulated on receiving a Certificate of High Distinction and ranking in the top 1% of students in English, this is an absolutely outstanding achievement. Well done Hannah!! Certificates of Distinction (within the top 10%) were presented to Year 7s - Cleo Wiese, Mai Lin Demou, Year 8s - Nathaniel Jackson, Megan Weed, Year 10s - Miriam Sargent, Peter Scott, Year 11 - Charles Fedor. Well done to these students and everyone who participated. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skillsbased assessments with a competition element. Commonly referred to as the UNSW tests, ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments and school tests for Primary and Secondary School students. The assessments comprise eight Computer Skills tests, eleven English tests, eleven Maths tests, eleven Science tests, five Spelling tests and ten Writing tests. Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year. continue ICAS certificate recipients at assembly this week - Hannah Bowden, Cleo Wiese, Mai Lin Demou, Nathaniel Jackson, Megan Weed, Miriam Sargent, Peter Scott and Charles Fedor Page 4 What’s On at GMAS MIDDLE SCHOOL continued Test / exam week Year 7 & 8 students will have a test during class time and Year 9 students will sit formal exams during Week 5 commencing on Monday 10th November through to Friday 14th November. I encourage students to start preparing by spending some time at home revising and studying for the exams from now rather than leaving it all until the week before. No longer the excuse of having no homework!! The Year 9 exam schedule will be issued to students next week. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss Mrs Lisa Ness Head of Middle School YEAR 7 COORDINATOR Welcome back to all Year 7 students. I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday and is feeling refreshed for the last and usually busiest term, leading into the Christmas holidays. Operation Christmas Child was a great success with the Year 7 cohort managing to collect and pack almost 30 boxes to send away. A big thank you must go out to all of those families who made donations to this project. As well as this, two children were chosen from each Home Room to help organise the boxes and double check they were packed appropriately. Well done to this group of students who worked efficiently and responsibly to help me in their last week of Term 3. “Every shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart with the love of Jesus Christ.” Franklin Graham, International President of Samaritan’s Purse Miss Stephanie Cresswell Year 7 Coordinator Operation Christmas Child box JUNIOR SCHOOL Welcome back to Term 4, my favourite term! The shortest, the busiest and the most exciting. Hopefully all the students have enjoyed their holidays and are full of energy for the wonderful activities and challenges that lie ahead. Swimming lessons are already underway and the times are highlighted below: WEEK 1 & 2 Tuesday 14th October – Friday 24th October Lesson one: 11.00 – 11.40 Years 5G and 2G Lesson two: 11.45– 12.25 Years 5M and 2M Lesson three: 1.00 – 1.40 Years 4G and 1G Lesson four: 1.45 – 2.25 PPG and 5A WEEK 3 & 4 Monday 27th October – Friday 7th November Lesson one: 10.15am – 10.55am Year 4A Lesson two: 11.00 – 11.40 Years 6G and 4M Lesson three: 11.45 – 12.25 Years 6M and 3G Lesson four: 1.00 – 1.40 Years 3M and 1M Lesson five: 1.45 – 2.25 PPM and 6A END OF TERM On Monday 8th December, there will be a Nativity Play and Primary School Awards Evening starting at 5.00pm in the MAC. This will require all Kindy to Year 6 classes to be present and is the final event of the year for these students. There will be no school for Early Childhood and Junior School classes on Tuesday 9th December. GMAS HAS TALENT During Week 3 of this term, the Year 6 Leaders will be overseeing auditions for our 2014 talent competition. Further details will be announced at school during the course of Week 2. Pre-Primary to Year 6 students are invited to perform. 2015 LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Year 5 students are invited to apply for leadership positions for 2015. Letters have been sent home in relation to this. NEW CLASSROOMS It is wonderful to see the Year 3 students working within their new classes. These are beautiful air-conditioned spaces, I am not sure how easy it will be to get the Year 3 teachers out at the end of the year! IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday 4th November – Opening of the Arts Spectacular in the MAC (evening) Sunday 30th November – Christmas Fair 10am-3pm Thursday 4th December – Year 6 ‘Moving On’ celebrations at 6.30pm Monday 8th December – Nativity and Primary School Awards Evening at 5.00pm Tuesday 9th December – No school for Kindy to Year 6 students. Mr Rob Whirledge Head of Junior School Page 5 What’s On at GMAS EARLY CHILDHOOD Welcome back to what is going to be a very busy, very exciting, but short Term 4. We have so many things to squeeze into only eight weeks. Some important dates for your calendar: Week 1-4 – Swimming lessons at GLC Week 1-3 – Pre-primary PIPS testing (Final assessment) Week 4 – Arts Spectacular in the MAC Tuesday 3rd-Friday 7th Nov Week 5 – Remembrance Day Service 11th Nov @ 11am Week 8 – Moving Up Ceremony for Year 2 students (Thurs 4th Dec) Week 9 - EC Nativity and K-6 Presentations Evening (Mon 8th Dec @ 5pm in the MAC.) Week 9 – Mon 8th December – Last day of term for K-6 students Swimming lessons commenced this week for PPG, 1G, 2G and 2M. A big thank you to parents remembering labelled towels, bathers and uniforms on the very first day back. Students love their lessons (especially with the wonderful weather we have been having) and are getting used to their daily routine of learning, buses and swimming. I’m sure children are sleeping very well! Our Nativity Play script “Born in A Barn” has been selected. Students will begin learning their class songs and the Year 2 students will be trying out for main speaking parts. More information will come home as the term goes on. A reminder that summer uniforms are to be worn this term, which includes hats. Please ensure your child has a clearly named hat at school. We have a ‘No Hat, No Play’ policy at GMAS and children will not be allowed out in the sun without a hat. Pre-primary students are currently completing the second phase of PIPS testing. The data collected will provide teachers with information about their student’s literacy and numeracy development throughout the year. This will then be passed on to their Year 1 teachers for future planning in 2015. Enjoy the lovely Spring weather and have a wonderful week! Mrs Kathryn Campbell Head of Early Childhood ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Term 4 School Fee Statements Payment date for the Term 4 School Fee account is Monday 27th October, 2014. Accounts not paid by the above date will incur the balance penalty charge of 4%. If you have not received your Statement please contact the Accounts Department on 9752 5273 or by email wba@gmas.wa.edu.au urgently. BPAY The Accounts Department wishes to advise that BPAY is now available for the payment of School Fee Accounts. The Term 4 School Fee Statement will reflect the Bpay Logo and unique reference number for each family. ONLINE CANTEEN The School Café will be online with effect from Tuesday 14 October, 2014. How to Register for this service? The Parent Information Sheet was included with the Term 4 School Fee Statement, and further details are listed in the What’s On Page 9. Payment Arrangements Payment Arrangements for School Fee Accounts are still available by Direct Debit monthly and fortnightly. These payment arrangements are designed to assist families with spreading the cost of their School Fees over the course of the year. For enquiries please contact the Accounts Department for further information. Notice of Withdrawal It is School policy that we require a full term’s notice (in Term time) of a student’s intention to leave Georgiana Molloy Anglican School. If this notice is not given a term’s fees will be charged in lieu. The School is currently planning the 2015 timetable, if there is a possibility that your child/children will not be returning for the 2015 school year please could you contact our registrar Victoria Kearns at vke@gmas.wa.edu.au or 97525237. Mrs Wahnita Banwell Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper UNIFORM SHOP NEW UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday 8.30 - 10.30am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2.00 - 4.00pm Mrs Michelle Knipe Uniform Shop Manager Page 6 What’s On at GMAS VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT Arts Spectacular Opening Night Tuesday November 4th 2014 5.00-8.00pm This year we will be showcasing our talented students’ work from all the art learning areas in a combined opening night presentation of musical performances, dances and dramatic works as well as the usual Art Exhibition of art works from Kindergarten to Year 12. The Art Exhibition will remain open to the public until lunch time Friday 7th November. The last round of elective classes in the Middle School began late last term. Mrs Thompson's current Drama students are pictured here doing their meditative relaxation sessions, which they do at the beginning of each lesson, and then striking a pose from their choreographed mirror mimes. The students enjoy working together and come up with some very clever performances with surprise endings. Some of the Year 7 and 8 Drama classes will be performing at the Term 4 Drama Night next week on Wednesday in the MAC beginning at 6.30 pm. Admission is free and we would love to have a crowd of people there as an audience so come along and enjoy some very entertaining acts. Mrs Susan Thompson Performing Arts Teacher Page 7 What’s On at GMAS CAREERS AND VET October Wednesday 22 Curtin Twilight Tour from 5.30 - 7.00 pm at Angazi Court Precinct (opposite Building 408) Curtin University Kent Street, Bentley, WA. Twilight tours are free of charge and are for interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin campus and facilities after hours. students should be encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Please note all transport and accommodation costs need to be met by the participants / parents / guardians. https://defencecareers.nga.net.au/ Australian National University Engineering and Computing Special Admission Scheme A new special admissions scheme has been introduced by the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science for domestic students who achieve a minimum ATAR of 80, but do not achieve the required ATAR for direct admission to Engineering, Software Engineering, or Advanced Computing. The new scheme provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate aptitude, motivation, and interest in these disciplines if they believe they won’t meet the direct admission requirements. Note that applications close on 3rd November! For more information, eligibility and applications please visit the website. Tuesday 28 ProjectABLE workshop for Years 10, 11 and 12 students will be delivered at the Busselton Community Resource Centre on Cammilleri Street (next to the library). The workshop will run from 10.00am – 1.30pm, and lunch will be provided. Register online at www.projectable.com.au. The purpose of the projectable workshops is to raise awareness of disability and also promote careers working in the disability sector it is intended to inspire students to apply their passions, skills and attributes to enrich the lives of others by pursuing a rewarding career. For students interested in working in the Curtin University Scholarships Community or Health Services please inform Ms Taylor so Students who meet the eligibility criteria and receive an ATAR an excursion can be organised. of 96 or above are guaranteed a Curtin Excellence Scholarship or if they receive the top ATAR score in their Faculty they could November receive a Top ATAR Scholarship in 2015. These scholarships Monday 3 are valued at approximately $20,000 (4 year degree) for the The Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics at Curtin Excellence and $24,000 for the top ATAR scholarships. UWA are holding a Showcase of Modern Mathematics, This Other merit scholarships include our John Curtin Undergraduate event is designed to showcase the practical applications of Scholarship, and our industry scholarships sponsored by a maths in today’s modern world and demonstrate the many range of industry partners including: exciting careers that students with strong mathematical skills AIMS, can pursue. We encourage students from Years 9 & 10 to Alcoa, participate There will be no charge for students to take part. ARL Analytical Reference Laboratory, This event has filled up very quickly in the past, so please speak to Ms Taylor in the Careers/VET Office as soon as BHP Billiton, possible. Chevron and Property Education Foundation. Wednesday 12 Curtin Twilight Tour from 5.30 - 7.00pm at Angazi Court The ANU Bachelor of Laws (Honours): New in 2015! Precinct (opposite Building 408) Curtin University Kent Street, The ANU College of Law is proud to announce an exciting Bentley, WA. Twilight tours are free of charge and are for change to its undergraduate law programs, with the introduction interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin of the Bachelor of Laws (Honours). From 2015, the Bachelor of campus and facilities after hours. Laws will be offered as an embedded Honours program. This means all students commencing from 2015 onwards will December graduate with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) – LLBHons – Wednesday 10 degree. Students will be able to undertake the degree as a Curtin Twilight Tour from 5.30 - 7.00 pm at Angazi Court single degree, or as part of a Flexible Double Degree. In Precinct (opposite Building 408) Curtin University Kent Street, addition to an enhanced focus on research, the ANU LLBHons Bentley, WA. Twilight tours are free of charge and are for equips students with a broader range of skills, a stronger interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin foundation for postgraduate study and reflects the researchcampus and facilities after hours. intensive status of the ANU. Please contact Michelle Mabille at michelle.mabille@anu.edu.au for further information. University/College Notices Western Australian Aviation College Summer Term Foundation Program (Intensive) If you’re looking to study at university but haven’t achieved an For information packages, posters and brochures please see adequate ATAR or have not studied for a few years, our the following website: http://www.waaviationcollege.com.au/ Summer Term Foundation Program (intensive) will equip you content/page/Career-Advisors.html with all you need to succeed in your university studies. Part 1 Engineering course credited for ‘hands-on’ approach will commence 5th January – 6th February 2015. Part 2 will be ECU is the first university in WA, and one of just six in Australia, held on the 23rd February 2015. to offer a fully accredited Master of Engineering course. ECU’s School of Engineering has been recognised for the student focused culture in the School, and in particular, the approachability of the academic staff, highly valued by the students. ECU’s recently opened multi-million dollar Engineering and Technology building on the Joondalup Campus includes purpose-built laboratories, a motorsport Royal Military College facility and the Schneider Electric Automation and Control Students can apply to attend a placement at Royal Military Laboratory with industry-standard equipment to produce jobCollege - Duntroon. This is a fantastic opportunity for students ready graduates. who are hoping to attend the college post school. Interested Curtin expands Portfolio Entry pathway Through portfolio entry, future students can now apply for selected courses in Humanities, Science, Business and Health Sciences. Page 8 What’s On at GMAS CAREERS AND VET Job Opportunities Dick Smiths Christmas Casual opportunities for Students BHP Billiton Iron Ore Apprenticeship Program 2015 Please see the link for more information www.seek.com.au/Job/27262609/?cid=emailafriend HIGHLIGHTS - Over the Holidays Thomas Hunt (705) attended an Advanced Circuit Building Workshop at Curtin University Electronics lab with the Curtin Engineering Outreach Mentors over the school holidays. He http:// was able to solder and build circuits and is hoping to follow up with their Robotics Workshop. Well done Thomas! Nicholas Stokes undertook work experience with an KMART If you’re interested in working at Kmart over the Christmas architecture company BOLLIG DESIGN GROUP PTY LTD in period, then fill out the 'Kmart Team Member application form . Perth. Well done to Nicholas for organising the work experience during the holiday period. His supervisor, Mr Ray Crocker, was extremely impressed with his maturity and skill level. BONDS Congratulations Nicholas. www.pacificbrands.com.au or www.bondsjobs.com.au Equinox KITCHEN HAND SHORT ORDER COOK FOR TAKEWAY BUSINESS Please contact (08 97215033). JSW training and community services BAKERS DELIGHT BUSSELTON RETAIL POSITION – Electrical Apprenticeship Opportunity Email: ben@gtsw.com.au Ms Michelle Taylor Careers/VET Coordinator Miss Chantel Hayden Business Administration Trainee SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE The Year 5 Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP) has begun with a wonderful donation of seedlings from Bunnings and some fantastic support from our school community. Year 5 parents and our gardeners, Mr Kelvin May and Miss Kelly Clifton, gave up their time on Friday afternoons and in the last week of Term 3 to prepare the garden beds and plant the seedlings. Students were able to gain skills in weed identification, creating non-dig beds and starting a compost heap. A group of students also achieved their wheelbarrow and fork licence and transported sawdust from the wood workshop to cover the garden paths. Our first Kitchen lesson as we wait for the vegies to grow was combined with our Year 5 Goldrush Theme Day. The students were able to experience what the Gold diggers were eating during the 1850s. Year 5A made Damper with just flour and water, Miss Royer made Pea Soup and Mr Owens boiled up some Salted Beef. This was all consumed by the students and washed down with Billy Tea. I would like to convey our special thanks to all the Year 5 parents and Bunnings, along with Foris Garden Centre, Landsave Organics and the garden staff of GMAS for supporting the SAKGP. Mrs Marian Rowe Coordinator Page 9 What’s On at GMAS ONLINE CANTEEN The School Café will be online with effect from Tuesday 14th October, 2014. Details on how to Register for this service are listed on the Information Flyer on this page. Please note that the Cut-Off time for ALL orders placed through Online Canteen is 9am. If you are experiencing any issue with Signing Up, Logging On, Ordering or other IT issues please contact the Online Canteen Helpline 1300 116 637. Information Flyer will also be sent out with the Term 4 School Fee Account. Mrs Meretta Curnuck Café Manager This night offers a great opportunity for students to perform their work publicly on the big stage. It also offers valuable stage time for the WACE Drama students in the lead up to their end of year exams. A feature of the night will be their assessed excerpts from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The acts will kick off at 6.30pm in the MAC and if the Term 2 Drama Night was anything to go by this will be a cracker of a show! Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the evening’s drama displays. CO CO--CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Co-Curricular Sports Paris Sparkes, Year 6 won the fairest and best for the Cavaliers White Yr 7/8 Girls hockey team. Jordan Hayden and Cody McCurry in Year 9 played for East Perth in the WAFL 14s carnival over the school holidays. Limited vacancies are available in some basketball teams: Under 14 girls, Under 16 girls and boys. Mrs Val Best Co-Curricular Sport Coordinator Page 10 What’s On at GMAS PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWSLETTER We would like to invite you to come along to our AGM on Monday 20th October, 7.00pm in the Staff Room. Don’t feel that you will be committed to taking on a role if you come along. We need a quorum of 20 attendees, so we would like to see lots of new faces come and celebrate the changeover of committee and another successful year for the P&F. Refreshments provided. We do have a few positions without nominations so if you would like to get involved with the P&F consider taking on a role. Thanks for supporting the P&F. Mrs Karen Beynon President P&F 0417 541 638 dkbeynon@bigpond.com The P&F are seeking donations of goods or services for raffles and a Silent Auction for the Christmas Fair on Sunday 30th November. Items can be dropped into the front office at school or contact Karen Beynon. REJOICE IN SERVICE We have just returned from Vietnam and wanted to let you know our trip this year was another fantastic success, thanks to the support and generosity of you all. It is always a little daunting travelling with so much gear and this year was no exception. With more than 140kg of clothes and four laptops we are never quite sure if there will be issues when we enter Vietnam. This year one of the 7 Hong Kong suitcases initially failed to arrive at HCM Airport (we suspected it may have initially been taken by an official) but finally after making quite a fuss, it miraculously showed up. We are now proud to advise GMAS now has an operating campus in the highlands of Kontum. The joy and pride the children exhibited when receiving the donated clothes was more than any of us could expect and this was certainly represented by the looks on their faces. As a small token of their appreciation, the minority children wanted to give something in return and have provided two of their minority uniforms to the school. The recipients of the laptops were also overwhelmed with the generosity of the gifts from GMAS and could not thank us (and you) enough. Thank you so much for your support over the past year. Michael, Charlotte, Henry, Thomas and Oscar Brown COMMUNITY NOTICES Page 11 COMMUNITY NOTICES Page 12
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