New Mentor Training 2013 Sem 2

New Mentor Training 2013 Sem 2
Ebonee Lynch, Senior Mentor Program Coordinator
START (Student Transition & Retention Team)
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
• Introduce yourself to one person next to you and find out:
Their name
Where they are from
2 interesting things about them
Why they would like to mentor others?
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Acknowledgement of Country
Ebonee Lynch
Animal Lover
Islamia Girls School
Secondary Science
and Maths teaching
Aupair in France
Outreach officer at START
Mentor Program
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Materials that you should have:
Mentor Program Handy Guide & Other brochures
Curtin Student Code of Conduct
Mentor Agreement – later today
Bookmarks for your mentees
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Training Outline
9:00 Welcome, Intro and Mentor Program Background
11:30 Expectations & Support Services (Jade Habib START)
9:15 The Mentor Program and Your Role
How does the program work?
Support Services
What is expected of you and when?
Student Guild
Mentoring relationship
Student Central & FSSO
Role and role boundaries
What will your semester look like?
Student Equity Advisors
Roles of Mentor Program staff
11:55 OASIS and Blackboard (Lee Sinclair - Student eServices)
12:05 The Practical Side of Mentoring
10:30 Morning Tea Break
Your introduction
10:55 Maintaining the Relationship – Communication
tools and information
Tour itinerary & tips
Communication and meetings
Email management & etiquette
Mentee responses
Diversity in mentee groups
Real Life Scenarios
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
First information to tell mentees
12:30 Resources and Queries
12:35 Finish
Think, Pair, Share Activity
What is a mentor?
What characteristics
do successful mentors have?
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Mentor Program Background
• Began operating in 2007
• Successful intervention in the retention of our beginning students
• Identified as a high priority retention program and adopted in 2008
• Covers ALL new UG first year students (approx. 7000) over 400 mentors in sem 1
• Goals
To engage senior students to assist new students to successfully transition into the
To increase retention rates
To improve the student experience for both mentors and mentees
• Evaluations of both mentors and mentees show the success of the program
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Mentor Program Background
I thought the program was useful and allowed
me to ask lots of questions which I wouldn't
have had answered if I didn't have a mentor.
My mentor was very approachable and
regularly offered assistance, and was easy to
communicate with. My mentor was well
informed and gave me useful info
What a great resource!
Nothing beats advice from
people who are going
through (or recently have)
the same thing.
The program was good because I felt like there was always
someone there to help me, making me feel more
comfortable about starting uni. I like the way that they
showed us around during start up week and made more
familiar with the building and uni practices
Really helpful in providing study
tips - brought their first year subject
study books to a meeting which
allowed us to see useful ways to
study. Approachable.
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The mentor program is a good idea as it helps students
feel more comfortable starting uni. My mentor seemed
friendly and approachable and was willing to answer any
questions. Although I didn't require the help of my mentor it
was good knowing I had their help available if needed.
My mentor was a strong
emotional support for me
when I was unsure of my
capabilities at the start of
the course.
the student mentor program helped
me feel like there was always
someone that I could go to if I had
questions or was having a problem
with one of my units. This took a lot
of the pressure off my shoulders
How does this program work?
Mentors & mentees are all adults
Large group of mentees (10 – 20)
Not much face to face contact
‘Opt out’ model
You are only there IF THEY NEED YOU,
they haven’t specifically asked for you
Why would we choose ‘opt out’ instead of ‘opt in’?
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
How does this program work?
• Kate and I facilitate the program across the University, each School has a School
Mentor Coordinator
• You will be randomly assigned between 10 – 20 new students (your mentees)
• Assigned before or by Orientation
• Some late enrolments will be assigned to you up to week 3
• If any new students ‘fall through the gaps’ they will be assigned during semester
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Group Activity
1. What do you wish you’d know when you first started
your course?
2. What questions will you get from your mentees?
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Mentoring Relationship
Types of Queries
• Course materials
• Changing course
• Swapping units
• Learning centre
• Textbooks
• Unit registration
• Re-enrolment
• Proof-read essays
• Second-hand books
• Timetable registration
• Events
• Turnitin
• Public transport
• Unit withdrawal
• Fitting in with the
• Parking
• Work-study-life balance • Overloading
Australian culture
• Finding way around
• ID cards
• Deferring
• What the course is like
• Oasis
• Census date
after 1st year
• Locating classrooms
• Blackboard
• Fee payment
• Student exchange
• Work experience
• Library Borrowing
• Class attendance
• Referencing
• Jobs
• Study tips
• Electives
• Group work
• UniEnglish
• Improving marks
• Major selection
• Extensions
• Clubs & societies
• Organisation
• Appealing a mark
• Submitting assignments • Course specific
• Time management
• Homesickness
• Health/counselling
• Motivation
• In the ‘wrong’ course!
• Printing
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
• iLectures
Mentoring Relationship
Previous issues:
I emailed her once about how to hand in
assignments. She took a long time to get back
to me, so I handed it in wrong :(
Lost contact after second week. Saw them in
uni environment and there was no
acknowledgement of my presence
Did not reply to my email and then I gave up
making contact
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The Role of a Mentor
 To assist your group of new students transition as successfully as possible – this
• Anticipating the questions that they may have
• Answering all the questions that they have (or sending them to someone who can!)
• Offering continuous, regular student advice and support
• Saying ‘Hi’ around campus
• Allow/assist your mentees to make friends and feel comfortable
• Understanding that the effectiveness of your role is
NOT measured by the response rate of mentees
• Completing the “paperwork” – Training, Agreement, Meetings, Evaluation
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Mentoring Relationship
What is a Curtin Mentor?
• Tour guide
• Role model
• non-discriminatory
• Someone to ask the ‘dumb’ questions of
• inclusive, helpful, friendly
(“There are no dumb questions!”)
• consistent, supportive, motivational
• model good study skills and time
• Networking facilitator (mentees, staff,
management where possible
mentors, services)
• honesty and integrity
• Information conduit (social, academic,
• Just-in-case support
• Faceless email messenger/Facebook
poster of information
• Signpost to support services and
appropriate academic staff)
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Role Boundaries
The role for both mentor and mentee should be non-exploitative:
• You do not have to be a close friend
• Any private knowledge mentors gain about an individual should remain
do you think your role boundaries/rules as mentor
might be?
• You are not your mentees’ “representative”
Think about:
• You must not act beyond your expertise - simply point them in the right
• Academic
and personal issues
direction - the mentor is not an expert on everything – your job is to
• Friendships
connect them to the most appropriate student services at Curtin
• Reporting to staff
It is not a dating service
• • Privacy
• If you have issues, you can ask for a Mentee to be reassigned
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Role Boundaries
Compromise your own study / work / life balance
Be available 24/7
Put yourself in a situation where you are not
comfortable – seek help from your School Mentor
Program Coordinator and the various support avenues
Proof read assignments
Meet alone off campus
Form a relationship with a mentee – swap first!
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Role Boundaries
You are NOT a teacher, a counsellor, a private tutor or a representative for
academic matters and disputes These services are provided by staff on
You can help your mentees with self-directed learning, but don’t do their
assignments for them!
You should report concerning issues to the PSCU (Professional Standards and
Conducts Unit) and/or START Student Wellbeing Staff
You can switch a mentee to another mentor
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Role Boundaries
Actual feedback from a mentor:
(My mentee)
didn’t say yes
when I asked
them on a date!
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Things to think
about…Diversity in Mentee
New to Curtin 2nd /3rd year students
International students will receive more varied, possibly accurate
information if they have more Aussie friends (otherwise they rely on info
and advice from home!)
Ask mentees – what would help you? Don’t assume – everyone is
REMEMBER: Online/external students, international students (new to
Perth?), rural, mature age – very diverse mentee groups
Try to let your mentees to feel supported regardless of who they are,
where they are from, their socioeconomic background, family status etc.
Vegetarian or halal options at bbqs
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
The Importance of Orientation
The goal of Orientation is to help students make the best start at Curtin!
Your role in Orientation will depend on your area/course
Research on the influence of attendance on transition and retention
Higher contact and interaction with Mentees after meeting in person
Tell your mentees: you MUST come to the Orientation program and some
orientation sessions or you will struggle when starting classes! – See
Latecomers & those who miss Orientation
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
What will your semester look like?
Semester 1
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Role of the School Mentor Coordinator &
The role of School Mentor Coordinator:
• Plan your role in Orientation and communicate expectations for this and for other
• Support and guide you throughout the semester – as needed or appropriate
• Meet with you to encourage the opportunity for you to share your experiences
The role of the Mentor Program Coordinators in START – Ebonee Lynch
and Kate Gresham
• Support and assist all School Mentor Coordinators
• Support all Mentors
• Prepare & deliver training program
• Ensure Mentor Agreements are completed
• Emails throughout the semester with information and templates for mentees
• Evaluation of the program
• Recognition of your contribution
• Arrange Outstanding Mentor Nominations and event
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
1. Mentor Agreement
Compulsory part of your participation in the Mentor Program
• Complete and hand in your agreement now – others can do
it online:
(due by end week 1)
• Ask any questions if need be
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
2. Recognition of Your Role
• There is recognition (voucher, certificate, official record) for your role, BUT this
is ONLY provided if you:
Participate in training (face to face or online)
Sign off your Mentor Agreement
Attend ALL requested meetings with your School Mentor
Program Coordinator
Email your mentees regularly during semester
Complete your Mentor Evaluation
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
2. Recognition of Your Role – What’s in it for you?
Leadership experience - This will not be the last time you are in a
mentor/mentee relationship
Improving/acquiring skills - active listening, communication, time
management, information gathering and distribution, networking, email
management, responding to deadlines, reflection and constructive
Learn about yourself
Making a difference to other students
Meeting people – experience dealing with a diverse group
Recognition of your contribution
Contribution to your career
Motivation and persistence
Prioritisation of information
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
BUT It is not just about the
relationship between You
and the mentee/s it is also
about the mentees
interacting with each
3. Mentor Evaluation
• It is important to obtain evaluation data:
– To validate your role (and therefore secure funding)
– To improve the program
– For research purposes
Questions about the Mentor Program:
Eg. Support from my coordinating staff member in my school was useful: Strongly
Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Questions about you and your Mentees:
Eg. As a Mentor, I believe that I gave my mentees confidence in beginning at Curtin:
Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Unable to judge
Eg. Were any of your mentees considering withdrawing from Curtin at any point in
the semester? Yes
Don’t know
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
4. Mentee Evaluation
• We collect your mentees’ feedback to:
Report on this program to the University
Provide information to future mentors and mentees
Improve the program
Research purposes for Curtin Academic staff
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Mentee Evaluation Forms
This is what the Mentees rate their experience on – how can you help to
get the program great scores (and be nominated as Outstanding)?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My Mentor:
1. Provided me with useful information about Curtin
2. Helped me with study tips
3. Gave me confidence in beginning at Curtin
4. Gave me reassurance in beginning at Curtin
5. Helped me feel I belong at Curtin
6. Was always available if I needed help or advice
7. Was approachable
8. Directed me to appropriate resources and services at Curtin
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
5. Outstanding Mentor Nominations
We may request your mentee email addresses from you
“Do you believe your mentor has gone out of his/her way to provide
support to you as a new student? If so, please submit the brief
nomination form below.”
Course: Commerce Business
Message: She provided helpful hints of her own in regards to study and
settling in. She also responded promptly to all of my emails and answered all
of my questions at the beginning of the year. I felt her help was more than
what was expected of a mentor.
Course: Marketing and PR
Message: Samantha has just done such a great job ensuring that
myself and her fellow mentee's are going alright, providing us with
work experience and constantly keeping in contact and letting us know
that we are always able to come to her and that she is always there for
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us. Provider Code 00301J
Course: Engineering
Message: He was
just a great bloke!
Contact & Orientation
6. Contact with Mentees
• At least every 2 weeks, for the WHOLE semester. They may not
respond, but they like to know you are there if they need you
• Every 2 weeks at least, relevant, professional, and be careful of
“Reply All” if emailing
• Bcc (Blind Copy) to all mentees (if emailing)
• Continue contact for the WHOLE semester, even if no response
7. Attendance at Orientation
• Compulsory, proven to improve response rates from mentees, not to
mention retention and success rates for new students
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Morning Tea Break
Please be
back in your
seats by
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Maintaining the Relationship –
Communication Tools and Info
 Communication and Meetings
 Email Management & Etiquette
 Student Diversity
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Communication and Meetings
• Be Creative! (Email, text, Facebook, face-to-face)
• Meet with your mentees on campus – if they do not attend Orientation,
organise an alternative time to meet with them
• Timetable a ‘drop in session/coffee catch up’ early in semester – team
up with another mentor to avoid ‘loneliness’
• Utilising email – it is a good idea to get the students preferred email
and show them how to divert their Oasis email
• Utilising Facebook - Mentors have found setting up a Facebook page
with their mentees at Orientation is a very effective method
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Email Management
• Email mentees EVERY 2 WEEKS at least - BLIND COPY (Bcc) the
Mentees so you don’t give them all each others email addresses
• START Mentor Program Coordinator will send you emails every week
or two
• Your School Coordinator may guide you with points to include and
remember to include your own things
• Keep it friendly but professional – be aware of diversity
• Don’t use colloquial language, abbreviations or Aussie slang too
Redirecting emails (eg. OASIS to home account or vice versa)
Timely replies (check daily – Facebook too)
Folders & filing
Flag to follow up (especially if sent to staff)
Forward to staff and cc the mentee
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Email Etiquette
What is wrong with this email to mentees?
Subject: Wassup my HOMEYS????
Yo Homey,
What’s cracking? I’m busy as a mofo and have no time for my stupid
assignments. What’s going down with your uni work? Need a hand with
I’m busting for the weekend so I can get smashed and hit the town.
Might have a barbie with mates on Sat – you up for it?
Mr Mentor Man (ps like my cartoon … ha ha ha)
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Mentee Responses
Many mentors complain about the fact that they get very little
response from their mentees. There may be contact from
mentees at the start of semester, then contact drops off to no
response to emails later in semester.
In your group, discuss the following:
1. Why do you think mentees do not respond very much to
emails from mentors?
2. What could you do to encourage them to respond?
3. How will you deal with a lack of response from your mentees?
4. If a mentee hasn’t responded by week 4, why is it important
to continue to email him/her for the rest of semester?
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Expectations & Support Services
 Expectations
 Support Services
 Student Wellbeing
 All the Rest!
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What students should expect of Curtin
What Curtin expects of you
How does Curtin support you and your mentees?
You can find the Student Charter at
The Charter says:
Curtin University values its students and recognises the importance of the overall
student experience.
With this in mind, the University is committed to providing a welcoming,
supportive and safe environment, conducive to learning and research and the
development of individuals who display the Curtin values of Integrity, Respect,
Fairness and Care.
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What you should expect of Curtin:
• Access to relevant polices, procedures, laws, principles and your rights
• Support services for a diverse student population
• Provide a safe study environment without discrimination, bullying or harassment.
• Embrace and recognise diversity
• Reasonable access to staff to discuss program matters, address concerns and
complaints; and ensure timely fair and constructive assessment of work
• Appropriate facilities and equipment to support student learning
• Student representation on University committees
• Opportunities to provide feedback on unit quality, teaching performance, support
services and facilities
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What Curtin expects of students:
• Be informed about and comply with relevant polices, procedures, laws,
principles and your rights
• Participate constructively in the learning experience – be aware of course
and unit requirements and your academic progress
• Behave in an appropriate manner within the learning environment, showing
respect for both staff and fellow students at all times
• Embrace and recognise diversity
• Use University facilities and services in an honest and responsible manner
• Recognise that cheating, plagiarism and fabrication or falsifications of data
are not acceptable.
• Adhere to the proper use of copyright material
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
You are positively encouraged to bring forward any concerns you may have.
• If you become aware of major issues (such as corruption) you need to let
START/Student Wellbeing know OR the PSCU.
• You would do this preferably with the student/s permission however there may
be situations when you or staff need to contact the PSCU without the student/s
• START would support the student through any subsequent processes.
 If you becoming aware of staff/student code of conduct issues:
Contact the Student Wellbeing Service on 1800 244 043
Or contact the PSCU (Professional Standards & Conduct Unit) on 1800
907 998 OR +61 8 9266 9140 or
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Support Services
START (Student Transition & Retention Team)
Building 103
Ph 9266 2662
Student Advisors, Student Wellbeing Advisors, Mentor Program
Coordinator, UniPASS, Orientation & Transition
Services are free and confidential.
Available for one-to-one chats, advice, telephone or email support
• Personal issues
• sure
struggling with units,
courses etc.
• Advice on how to handle complaints and grievances
• Liaison between student and faculty or School (Course Coordinator, Unit
Coordinator etc.) if you have problems explaining yourself
• Any other situation that a student is unhappy with or unsure of
Very friendly, great advisors, practical, useful support - they know Curtin
procedures and paperwork well – can refer to all other services incl. Guild
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Reporting Serious Issues
 In the unlikely event of a mentee threatening self-harm or harm to others:
Do not try to manage this yourself
Contact the Counselling Service immediately – ph 9266 7850
If counselling not open, contact Security – 9266 4444 OR 000 if life threatening
Or Contact Lifeline all hours 13 11 14, web address
For further guidance:
 If you become aware of staff/student code of conduct issues:
Contact the Student Wellbeing Service on 1800 244 043
Or contact the PSCU (Professional Standards & Conduct Unit) on 1800 907 998
OR +61 8 9266 9140 or
Maintain proper boundaries – you do not need to put yourself in harm’s
way nor allow destructive or illegal behaviours to go unmentioned.
REMEMBER: Help is available at:
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Support Services
UniPASS (University Peer Assisted Study Support)
•Run by trained facilitators who are current students
• Friendly learning environment
• Not a tutorial - Facilitated study group
• 10 week program
• Improve your marks- whatever level you are at (by about 10%)
•In selected Schools:
• Health Science
• Humanities
• Sciences
• Engineering
• Education
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Contact UniPASS Team:
For more info, workshops and registration
visit Unilife website – Learning
Support/UniPass or watch your OASIS
Support Services
2013 UniPASS Units
Acc Fin 250
Cell Bio 100
Chem 100
Chem 180
Fun Anat 100
Geo 101
Maths 135
Maths 136
OOPD 110
Pharm 123
Pharm 201
SAD 231
Spat Com 181
Contact UniPASS Team:
For more info, workshops
and registration visit
Unilife website – Learning
Support/UniPass or
watch your OASIS
Accounting (Financial) 250
Cell Biology 101
Principles & Processes in Chemistry 100 (314448)
Introduction to Chemistry 180 (314451)
Functional Anatomy 100
Geology 101
Human Structure & Function 100
Integrated Systems Anatomy & Physiology 100
Mathematics 135
Mathematics 136
Object Oriented Program Design 110
Pharmaceutics 123
Pharmaceutics 201
Systems Analysis & Design 251
Spatial Computations 181
Mining Geomechanics 331 (WASM)
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Support Services
The University Life Portal
Counselling Services
Health Services
Housing Services
The Learning Centre
Curtin Careers Centre
Curtin Volunteers
Student Wellbeing
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• Early Childhood Centre
• Sport and Recreation (Curtin
• Student Equity
• Multi Faith Services
• Disability Services
• Social Worker
Student Guild
Student Assist
Building 106A
Phone: 9266 2900
Financial Support
Legal support
Bookshop Grants
Advice and support
Career and academic help and workshops
Tenancy advice
Departments, clubs & societies – diversity support, friendship, networking
and fun
Discounts on food, drink and events with a Guild membership
Guild Rec classes –dance, martial arts, coffee-making etc – get fit or get a
Grok magazine
International student committee
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Student Central &
Faculty Student Services Offices (FSSO)
There may be an administrative solution to some problems
See website for a vast array of services:
• Enrolment
• Fees
• Examinations
• Appeals
• OASIS / eStudent
• Course switching
• Lots of other essential things…
Go to your FSSO first -
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The Library
Building 105
Phone: 9266 7166
• Tours in Orientation Week - Survival at your Library
• DON’T take your mentees on a library tour yourself – just show them
where the library is and tell them to take an official library tour
• Library tour podcasts
• Workshops
• Online tutorials
• Enquiries desk
• Reference desk
• Rovers (helpful staff members)
• Room bookings
• Computers
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Support Services
If you need to know more:
• You have access to all of University’s key information through OASIS
• You can find all this information via the Current Students’ web page at
• You can seek one-to-one advice from START
• 9266 2662
• or drop in at Building 103
• You can phone Student Wellbeing Advisors on 1800 244 043 or email
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OASIS and Blackboard
Lee Sinclair
Student eServices
Building 101
Online Access to Student Information Services
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What is OASIS?
 OASIS is a secure web portal to electronic
services provided to Curtin students
 In 2012 Curtin students logged into OASIS
more than 250,000 times each week
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Do I have to use OASIS?
 Yes!
 It is a condition of enrolment that you access OASIS at
least weekly, and preferably more. In 2012, students
logged in at least 5 times a week (on average).
 Curtin delivers official communications electronically via
OASIS, such as:
Important Fee, Exam and Graduation information
Deadline reminders
Administration communications
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
How do I get access to OASIS?
 Once you are offered a place in a course that leads to, or
is capable of leading to, an award at Curtin you will
automatically have access to OASIS
 You retain access as an enrolled student unless you are
terminated, withdraw or defer – in which case you lose
access after 45 days
 After you complete your course, you retain access for life!
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How do I log in?
Go to or
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
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Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
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help on every
Links to contextual help
provided on the page itself
(these links to detailed help
allowed for much less
instructional text on screen)
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new window
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Need help?
 OASIS Central counters are located at Abacus Labs in the following
locations on Bentley Campus:
Building 303 - ground floor
Building 408 - ground floor
Building 501 - ground floor
 Call OASIS Central - 9266 1222
 Opening hours:
9am - 9pm weekdays (9am – 5pm during Semester breaks)
1pm - 5pm weekends
 Closed New Years Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday,
ANZAC Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Eve
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The Practical Side of Mentoring
 Real Life Scenarios
 Your Introduction
 Tour Itinerary & Tips
 First Information for Mentees
 Mentee Responses
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Activity Real Life
1. Each group gets all scenarios
2. Think and discuss:
What are the problems the new student is facing?
How would you help?
Which support service/s would you direct them to (if
3. Feedback to the whole group
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Activity: Mentor Introduction
and tour
1. Practice your introduction with fellow mentors – you
may want to think about an icebreaker to use with
2. Plan out your mentor tour
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Your Introduction
• Name
• Explain my role as a Mentor and WHY I am a Mentor – role boundaries
• Ask them to respond to your emails/Facebook – check they have understood how
to access their emails and how often they must do it (5 days)
• Explain some interesting things about myself and my life
• Explain my passions and interests – in particular my course of study
• Explain what I can do and assist with etc.
• The people that you see now will be your colleagues/networks throughout your
time at Curtin and beyond – make connections, respond to emails
• Quick Tips – like best places to eat on a budget, Lost on Campus Phone App, hardest
units to watch out for
• Computing help & OASIS Login – show them how to get their emails
• Hand out bookmarks!
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Tour Itinerary
NOTE: Free
iPhone App
“Safe Zone”
Tour Ideas
Tour Ideas
Computer lab login to OASIS
& get emails
START & Housing (Building
Student Central and FSSO
Curtin Stadium – where
EXAMS are held!!
Library (meeting rooms,
facilities, computers etc)
Closest computer labs,
common rooms & microwave
NOTE: Free
iPhone App
“Lost on
Where would be best to take your new students
on a tour during Orientation or in week 1?
Counselling & Health Services
Building 303 Curtin Careers,
Curtin Volunteers & AIESEC
ATMs, Bankwest, Uni Credit
Elizabeth Jolley and other
Lecture theatres your School
Building 101 – Student Central
Various faculty areas (CBS
Comm Skill Cr)
Chemistry Precinct
Finish Tour at
Chill out Zone
to meet SWBA
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Tour Ideas
Guild Precinct
The Tav
Second-hand bookshop Chemist,
hairdresser, etc.
Stationery (The Spot)
Eating outlets on Campus and
Main Cafe
Bookmark Cafe
Vege Patch
Karrawarra across the road
Catch the
daily from
How to Run a Good Tour
• Clear instructions to begin, overview of tour
• WAIT for your group to assemble with you BEFORE you speak
• Speak loudly and clearly (new internationals might be struggling with Aussie
• Give time for questions at each stop
• Make sure they get water if it’s hot!
• Don’t leave anyone behind
• Be confident and assertive – you only have a short time
• Try to remember names
• Be clear about what happens next – where do they go after the tour? (Don’t
leave them hanging!)
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
First Information to Tell Mentees
Your introduction, role boundaries etc.
Get their best email address/mobile number & give them your bookmark
Check they have ID cards – make sure they know how if not
Building Numbers- ie. 405.201 Means Building 405, Room 201 means second
Take them on your tour – include computer lab login, OASIS (esp Start Up),
check email, Blackboard, brief overview of UniLife website, Guild, START etc.,
Remind them that university involves self-directed learning
Student Wellbeing Hotline 1800 244 043
Parking, Buses, Courtesy Bus, Public Transport - SMARTRIDER
Sanctions (if you owe money - no results, no graduation), appeals & Guild help
Remind them to TALK to staff if they need to! Academics are there to help!
Non smoking campus
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Website Resources
Mentee contact details sheet
Tips, hints
and information
Mentor Handy Guide
Where can you find them?
Professional Development Seminar
Recruitment information
Expression of Interest Forms
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Would you like to be mentored?
Curtin Careers Centre and Alumni
NEXT STEP Mentor Program
• Career mentoring for senior students
• Matched to a Curtin alumni (or friend) with same or similar degree & at least
3 years’ industry experience
• 6 month program (about 8 contact hours)
• One:one matching
• Perth based and international mentors
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Final Reminder – to do
• Training
• Sign mentor agreement
• Take part in your School’s orientation where required
• Communicate at least fortnightly with mentees
• Offer to meet up with them occasionally
• Attend a couple of meetings with School Mentor Coordinator
• Complete evaluation of your mentoring experience
• Collect your certificate and voucher!
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Final Reminder - remember
• Send students to support services if you can’t help
• Communicate regularly, for entire semester, regardless of response
• Remember role boundaries
• This is about your mentees making friends and feeling comfortable too!
• Your effectiveness is NOT measured by the amount of response from
mentees – it’s measured by you being there just in case
• Read emails from me and your School Coordinator
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
A HUGE Thank You!
We wish you all the best for
your semester!
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Orientation Information/Meetings
Contact Person
on Info
Meeting or Info re. Orientation
Sam Cobb
Today after training stay here 104.101
Liz Conroy
Jackie Raphael
Sarah Norman-Brown
Tuesday 30 July at 10am in
Ioannis Michaloudis
Meet in 202:131 straight after
Deborah Fukuyama
See Ebonee
Registered Nursing
Julie Robertson
Expect an email from Julie
Actuarial Science
Kevin Bowman
See Ebonee
Jake Schapper
Tuesday 30th July 10am 201.507
See Kate
Public Health
Ann Firth and Jun Chih
See Ebonee
GEM Nursing
Liz Conroy
Meet Liz on Monday 29th July at
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Any Queries
• If a mentor or mentee has any concerns and you are
not sure how to help, make contact with…
Your School Mentor Program Coordinator
Ebonee Lynch /Kate Gresham
START Mentor Program Coordinators
Building 103
9266 9843 / 92669822
Student Wellbeing Services/START
1800 244 043 or – go there, find a service
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
CBS Mentors
Orientation Preparation
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
July 2013
CBS Orientation
Key Details
 Monday 29 July
 Elizabeth Jolley – Building 210
 New to CBS Undergraduate students
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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CBS Orientation – Running Order
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
CBS Orientation
Your Role at Orientation
 Meet Jacqui outside Elizabeth Jolley at 10.30am
 Mentors required from 10.30am – 12.30pm
 Please wear all black (or dark) clothing if possible
 Provided with lanyards on the day which identify you as a CBS Mentor
 A friendly face to new CBS students
 Discussion facilitator
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
CBS Orientation
Mentee Allocation
 Mentees will be allocated at random on Orientation due to the sheer
number of new CBS students
 Seating in Elizabeth Jolley will determine the groups for Orientation
 There will be allocated seating for mentors, student and staff
 At the end of presentations, mentors will be asked to stand, and row by row
will lead a group of students out of the theatre
 Once outside, please sit down with your mentees and commence
introducing yourself
 Pizza will be brought over to your group
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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Footer text - slideshow title
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
CBS Orientation
Student Questions
 If you’re unsure how to answer a student question, be honest and let them
know you’ll find out for them or direct them to who they can speak to.
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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CBS Orientation
After Orientation
 Mentees allocated to each mentor via email from Jacqui at the end of
Orientation week.
 Besides mentee list from Jacqui & CBS get together information throughout
semester, all other official communication coming from Kate Gresham and
Ebonee Lynch, Mentor Program Coordinators.
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Thank you!
 Your role at the CBS Orientation session is one of the most important.
 For most, you will be the first current CBS student they will meet.
 The faces of CBS!
CBS Mentors – Orientation Preparation
Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J