OCTOBER 2014 M ETAMORA GRADE S C H OO L MGS Messenger In This Issue Cold Weather Dress Code With the cooler weather upon us, our students will need to dress fittingly for this type of weather. Starting on Monday, October 20, 2014, the fir st day of the 2nd grading period, shorts can no longer be worn. As stated in our handbook, we have designated times of the school year for shorts. Handbook Policy states, if for some reason the new quarter begins and it is extremely hot an administrator can change the directive concerning shorts. Superintendent’s Segment 2 Principal’s Perspectives 3-4 Dean’s Dispatch 4 School Information 5 PTO 6 School News 7-11 Activity Calendar 11 Menu 12-13 Community News 14-15 M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 2 Late September brings the official start of fall, and the month of October brings the end of the 1 st NineWeeks grading period. Once again, the school year is moving quickly. This is also the time of year that I begin to prepare for the problems that winter weather can bring. As we head into winter and the potential for closing school due to bad weather, the all-call system will again be used as the first notification. For our new families to Metamora Grade School, the all-call system allows me to make one phone call that will reach all of our families. I will continue to contact TV and radio stations to make the announcement as well. I do ask that on days when the weather is questionable, and school may be cancelled, that you Marty Payne check with the local news before calling the school. Asking if school will be closed due to bad weather is Superintendent an excellent question, but there are a number of calls that need to be made when school is cancelled. In addition to the use of the all-call system, TV and several radio stations need to be called as well. We need to have our phone lines available on bad winter mornings. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget The nature of a school district budget is complex. As with any budget, we operate with revenue and expenditures. As we break it down a little further, there are nine fund accounts within the budget that allow us to operate on different aspects of the school district. The following is an example: Fund 10 – Education Fund Fund 20 – Operations and Maintenance Fund 40 – Transportation Fund 10, Education, is the largest fund and is used primarily for personnel compensation and benefits, as well as the materials used in the classroom for instructional purposes Fund 20, Operations and Maintenance, is used for the needs of our custodial and maintenance department, including cleaning supplies, repairs to equipment (desks to boilers), and paper products (paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, etc.) Fund 40, Transportation, is used for all aspects of our buses. School districts with a school website are required to post the current fiscal year, approved budget on the website. Ours is posted as well. As can be seen, our Education fund is in deficit spending. Over the past four years, the State has cut our General State Aid by more than $400,000. Unfortunately, the cost to do business has not decreased, but has continued to grow. While we’re more fortunate than other school districts in that they are experiencing even stronger deficits, we also recognize that our responsibility is to both provide the greatest education that we can for kids, but also to be fiscally responsible to our taxpayers. School Board Elections The next School Board election will be part of the April 7, 2015 election. Metamora Grade School has three seats that will come due and be placed on the ballot for election. State laws have changed since the last election, in that the County Clerk, our Election Official, now has the complete responsibility for all aspects of the election. In prior years, school board election materials were handled through the school district. With the change in law, school districts no longer facilitate election materials. I have added elections information to the district website. If you have questions regarding the election process, phone calls need to be directed to the Woodford County Clerk’s Office. Their phone number is 309467-3312. School District Rankings I’m sure that many have read that the Germantown-Hills School District has been ranked among the top 50 school districts in Illinois. I have offered my most sincere congratulations to them, and I’m sure that we all share in the celebration with our friends and neighbors in Germantown-Hills. Knowing that Metamora Grade School is a strong district as well, I quickly researched how we ranked among other districts in the state. The state rankings come from “School Digger” and include a total of 774 school districts. Metamora Grade School is ranked at number 74, placing us in the top 10% in the state! This too is an amazing accomplishment, and I thank all of those who make up our district. I closed my September, “Superintendent’s Segment” with a note to be sure to thank a teacher. I’m closing this month’s article with the same request. While there are so many that make up the MGS family (certified and non-certified staff, members of the Board of Education and administration, parents and community members, and clearly the most important people in the school district – kids!), the strength of education happens every day in the classroom. So again, please take time to thank a teacher! M GS Messen ger Mrs. Costello K-8 Principal Principal’s Perspective P age 3 Jr. High Conferences: Please be watching for information to come home through emails regarding Parent/Teacher conferences which will be held on October 30th (12pm to 7:30pm) and October 31st (8:00am to 1:00pm). Sign-ups will be starting for the conferences very soon. Our goal is always to make conferences as helpful as possible. There will be 3 ways to sign up for Junior High conferences to help meet everyone’s needs: 1. The majority of time slots will be available for parents to meet with a team of teachers. 2. We will also have a few time slots for parents to meet with a teacher one on one. 3. We will provide time for parents to stop by without a scheduled appointment (on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition, we encourage parents to try to use this time to visit with their child's teacher, but if the teacher is unavailable to meet, we encourage you to contact that particular teacher through email or phone to set up an individual conference. K-5 Parent Teacher Conference: Parent Teacher Conferences at the kindergarten through fifth grade level sign-up began at Back-to School Night/Orientation Night in August. Email the homeroom teacher if you need to set up a parent teacher conference for your child on October 30th (12pm to 7:30pm) and October 31st (8:00am to 1:00pm). Grades 5th – 8th Grade Parents: Please remember that we will not send home a paper copy of your child’s mid-term grades during each quarter. We have designated a time frame for you to look at mid-terms by checking your child's Skyward Gradebook. If you do not have access to Skyward, please ask the office for a paper midterm and they will be happy to assist you. Tree Reminder: MGS staff just planted a beautiful sugar maple in fr ont of our school and it will gr ow to a wonderful shade tree; however, at this time it is a young tree and students should not be climbing on it or hanging on its branches. Thanks for your cooperation. Please note: On the web site you can find Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards- English Language Arts and Math. This information provides guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning in grades K-8. These parent roadmaps for each grade level also provide three -year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year so that students will be college and career ready upon their graduation from high school. Strategies for Success: Common Core Math Standards (Helpful Hints) 1. Students: Spend more time on fewer, but important concepts Parents: Ask your child’s teacher which concepts are high priority, and spend time on them 2. Students: Build on your skills year after year Parents: Know what your child is struggling with and advocate for support on those gap skills 3. Students: Develop speed and accuracy Parents: Know what facts your child should have memorized, and work on memorization with them 4. Students: Apply your math skills in everyday situations Parents: Brush up on the math your child needs to learn so you can help 5. Students: Use math in the real world Parents: Engage your child in solving everyday math problems 6. Students: Think fast and solve problems Parents: Practice the skills in which your child is weakest Dean’s Dispatch M GS Messen ger P age 4 October is National Bullying Prevention Month. MGS is going to “Join the Movement! The End of Bullying Begins with Me.” Mr. Damery Dean of Back in 2006, PACER’s National Center for Bullying Prevention started a campaign against bullying to help unite communities nationwide to raise awareness of bullying prevention. To find out more about this program you can go to http://www.pacer.org/ bullying/nbpm/ The MGS student council is working to put together some activities and contests throughout the month of October to show our support. Quote Contest – Winner gets their quote put on the announcements. Drawing Contest Take a compliment poster. 3 Day Spirit Week: October 27, 28, and 29th. Look for a note home about what the theme for each day will be. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN: UNITY DAY – WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND! “Make it ORANGE and make it end! Unite against bullying!” Wear ORANGE to show your support! Redbird coupon store Many Thanks: Thanks to the following individuals for donating to the Redbird Store or for school supplies: Mrs. and Mrs. Barry Logan and Family, Mr. and Mrs. William Osborn and Family, Mrs. Heather King, Mrs. Becky Rhodes, Mrs. Diane Grebner, Mrs. Kathy Steele, Ms. Wendy Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Bachman and Family, Irina Sherwood, Mrs. Debbie Rauh, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lehm and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lehn and Family, Mrs. and Mrs. Steven Tyler and Family and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Zobrist and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Short and Family, Mrs. Marlene Boeker and Family, Kathy Karson and Family. A special thanks to Carly Tucker and Tessa Schwarzentraub for babysitting at the September PTO meeting. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 5 REMEMBER….. If your child is absent or going to be late to school PLEASE call the office. Junior High student call 367-2377. Kindergarten - 5th grade call 367-2361 Reminder Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th graders are required to have a dental examination. Make sure that you have scheduled your appointment. Just a reminder to all parents that by law, a courthouse copy of each child's birth certificate must be on file at the school. Letters have been sent to all parents who need to provide birth certificates. If you received a letter, please provide the school with a copy of the birth certificate as soon as possible. 5th-8th Grade MGS Website Information—http://mgs.metamora.k12.il.us/ For all 5th-8th grade parents using Skyward...if you have lost your access information, please email PWeber@schools.mtco.com to let him know. He will send you further information regarding access. There is a new Junior High homework page. You can access that using our school website under JH Home- work. Hopefully, this page is a little more streamlined and you know what work will be coming home to complete. Our Daily Announcements can also be found on our school website. 8th Grade Activities for graduation, class trip, and MTHS registration information has a new website as well. All the information you need can be found at that website. It will be updated as new information becomes available. Check us out on the web! ATTN: ALL PARENTS OF STUDENTS IN GRADES 6th - 8th Immunization: Beginning with school year 2011-12 the Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that any child entering sixth grade shall show proof (see Section 665.250(b) of receiving one dose of Tdap (defined as tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. The HPV immunization is highly recommended at this time, also, but is not required. Students entering grades 6th through 12th who have not already received Tdap are required to receive 1 Tdap dose regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. School Physicals and Immunizations The Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that all students entering sixth grade must have proof of a physical done after August 18, 2013, on file in the school office. Students moving from another state must also provide a physical and eye exam after August 18, 2013. Please remember to fill out and sign the health history portion of the physical or it will be returned to you. All fifth grade students must have proof of the Hepatitis B immunization series on file in the school office. Due to the fact that this is a 3 series immunization, it is imperative that you start these immediately. Immunizations may be obtained at the health department in Eureka on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 and 1:00-3:30 p.m. If your child had the Hepatitis series as a baby, it is not necessary to have it repeated. All 2014-2015 incoming kindergarten students must have a physical and vision exam that was done after August 19, 2013. It is imperative that we have these on file in the school office by October 15, 2014, or your M GS Messen ger PTO NOTES P age 6 M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 7 NETS FOR VETS A HUGE SUCCESS Students from Metamora Grade School have set the bar high for other schools when it comes to fundraising for local veterans. During the week leading up to September 11th, students at MGS took part in finding sponsors to support them in raising money for an upcoming Greater Peoria Area Honor Flight. Students then took part in shooting baskets with active and veteran members of our armed forces. We had over 200 students participate in the fundraising efforts, bringing in over $8,400! Congratulations to Mrs. Southerland's class for bringing in the most donations and winning a class pizza party. Seventh grader Adam Glaub raised the most individually bringing in $560. Thank you to all of the students and families that joined together for a wonderful cause. 2014-2015 School Directories Cost: $3.00 each Please purchase one in the office. Profits go directly for School Equipment SCHOOL NEWS M GS Messen ger P age 8 Booster Club-All parents of Band and Chorus students are invited to become involved with the Music Boosters through their volunteer efforts. The major fundraiser of the year is the Fruit and Cheesecake Sale. All music students will be canvassing the Metamora area selling fruit. We have had excellent results with our sales through the years and hope that our customers will continue to support our sale. All proceeds from fundraising go to support the outstanding Band and Chorus Ms. Dawn Trotter Programs here at Metamora Grade School. We will need a lot of help getting ready Band Director for this year’s fruit sale. I know we are all busy, but try to make room in your schedule. If you are interested in helping out please email me at dtrotter@schools.mtco.com. Thank you for your support! Fruit and Cheesecake Sale-Our annual fruit sale has kicked off. This fruit sale seems to be our biggest moneymaker. This is a fundraiser which will be a huge benefit for the music program. Every student will benefit in some way. The money raised will go for new equipment. It is this reason that we will need all the support we can get. I can not thank those who are helping out enough. Lisa Sherwood is heading up all of this. If you have any questions you can call Lisa at 383-2177. Fundraiser Money-All money and orders can be turned in the morning of October 24 to Ms. Trotter or Mrs. Markle. Homecoming--Homecoming was a huge success!! I could not have been more proud of the kids! I have heard nothing but compliments! Please commend your students. They deserve it! IMEA Auditions-We have several students auditioning for IMEA this year. Kayla Ernenputsch, Alex Blackburn, Steven Blunier, Morgan Tipton and Noah Berkshier will be auditioning Monday, October 13th in Bloomington. Please wish them luck! Metamora Grade School Music Boosters Fruit Sale!! Order Some Fruit For A Good Cause. And Cheesecakes Too!!!! NOW UNTIL OCTOBER 24th!! TWO WAYS TO ORDER: Online: http://freshfruitorder.org/mgsmusicboosters Or Call: Metamora Jr. High Office 309-367-2377 FRUIT WILL BE DELIVERED BEFORE THANKSGIVING October 11 MTHS Invitational December 11 Jr. High Christmas Concert October 13 IMEA Auditions December 18 Pep Band at Boys Basketball Game October 23 Pep Band at Girls Basketball Game January 8 Pep Band at Boys Basketball Game October 24 Fruit & Cheesecake Order Turn In January 15 Pep Band at Boys Basketball Game October 28 Pep Band at Girls Basketball Game January 22 Pep Band at Boys Basketball Game November 17 Pep Band at Girls Basketball Game February 19 4th/5th Grade Winter Concert November 20 Fruit & Cheesecake Order Pick Up April 30 Jr. High Band Spring Concert November 22 IMEA Festival May 7 4th/5th Spring Concert SCHOOL NEWS M GS Messen ger Families In Need We are asking families in need approaching this holiday season to contact the school. Situations change from year to year, so if you would be open to giving your name, address, telephone number, children's names (all in household), ages and sizes, we would pass that information on to the many different agencies that ask. Please send your reply to our superintendent, Mr. Marty Payne, on the attached form as soon as possible or by November 9th at the latest. This information will be handled discreetly. Thank you. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number:________________________________________________________________________ Children's Names Sizes Ages ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ P age 9 M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 0 My name is Justine Phillips and I am the student teacher for first grade in Mrs. Call’s class this fall. I am a student at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL. I grew up in Germantown Hills and went to Metamora High School. I played softball for Metamora and was on the State Championship team in 2010. I now am the assistant softball coach here at Metamora Grade School. I am getting married this October and hope to continue a career in teaching. Hello! My name is Marnin Humphrey and I am the RTI teacher for K-1 this year in Lindsey Larson’s absence. I grew up in Metamora, and after 18 years of living in Missouri and New York, I am happy to be back near family and friends. I started my education at Illinois Central College, and then moved to St. Louis to attend Lindenwood University where I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Before moving back to Metamora, I taught 4th grade for nine years in the St. Louis area. I am currently working on my Master’s degree in Literacy with the goal of becoming a Reading Specialist. In 2006 I decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of learning how to fly and earned my private pilot’s license. Along with flying, I also enjoy going to the movies, shopping for bargains, and reading exciting books. I’m happy to be joining the wonderful staff at MGS this year, and am looking forward to what the 2014-2015 school year may bring! Hello, my name is Mr. Sams and I am a student teacher this semester in the sixth grade. I will be working with Mrs. McKenzie in her science classes. So far I have been learning a lot and been having a great time teaching your children. I am currently enrolled at Eureka College and will be earning my Bachelors of Science degree in Chemistry/Secondary Education at the end of the Fall semester. While attending Eureka College I played three years of varsity football and started as an offensive guard all three years. For the past two summers I worked at Easter Seals Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin working with people with disabilities. I now reside in East Peoria, Illinois and hope to begin my teaching career in this same area. I look forward to a great year with your students and I ensure you that your students will learn as much from me as I will from them. Hello! My name is Deanne Trentman. I am a teachers’ aide this year in Mrs. Karch’s K-2 grade classroom in the morning and I also help with Mrs. Wilson’s 5th Grade class in the afternoon. Some of you may already know me from last year when I was a substitute teacher. I live in Metamora with my husband and my two daughters. During my free time I love to spend time with my family and friends, watch movies, and read books. I also enjoy watching the St. Louis Cardinals win! I am very excited to be working with the teachers and students at MGS! M GS Messen ger OCTOBER 2014 MGS ACTIVITIES P age 1 1 Junior High Journal The Junior High Journal is being published on or around the 15th of the month. The Journal is investigated, written, edited and published by 5th -8th Grade students at Metamora Grade School. The paper is published electronically through all Junior High Students’ Gaggle accounts and is also available on the school website. Look for it on the MGS main page and also under the Academic tab. Give it a read! Art News Attention Parents—Our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember. Right now, the children are busy creating colorful artwork and soon you will receive a personalized order form showcasing you child’s artwork. Over 30 different keepsakes are available. Please keep an eye out for you child’s order packet. Thank you! M GS Messen ger Monday OCTOBER 2014 MGS BREAKFAST MENU Tuesday Wednesday P age 1 2 Thursday Friday 1 Cinn. Toast Crunch Berry Kix WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 2 Breakfast Burrito/salsa Or WG Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 3 Rice Chex Fruity Cheerios WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 6 Frosted Flakes Rice Chex WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 7 Sausage Egg Muffin Or Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 8 Cheerios Lucky Charms WG Bread 100% Juice Milk 9 Donut Or Cereal 100% Juice Milk 10 Trix Coco Roos WG Bread 100% Juice Milk 13 Columbus Day 14 Cream of Wheat Or Cereal WG Toast Blueberries 100% Juice Milk 15 Rice Chex Fruity Cheerios WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 16 French Toast/ Powdered sugar Or cereal WG Toast 100% Fruit Juice Milk 17 Cinn. Toast Crunch Berry Kix WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 20 Cinn. Toast Crunch Berry Kix WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 21 Cinnamon Roll Or WG Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 22 Cheerios Lucky Charms WG Bread 100% Juice Milk 23 Eggs Sausage WG Toast Or Cereal 100% Juice Milk 24 Trix Coco Roos WG Bread 100% Juice Milk 27 Lucky Charms Cheerios WG Bread 100% Juice Milk 28 Blueberry Muffin Or Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 29 Frosted Flakes Rice Chex WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 30 No School 31 No School All Cereal and Breads are at least 51% WG and Fruit Juice is 100% Milk is 1% Menu is subject to change without notice News in the cafeteria Breakfast Breakfast is $2.00 per day or $10.00 for 5 days or $40.00 for the month. Extra milk is 50¢ Extra juice is 30¢. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50, they will be served toast & water for breakfast. M GS Messen ger OCTOBER 2014 MGS LUNCH MENU P age 1 3 Please note that “B” lunch is available only to 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades & adults Condiments include (2 pkt ketchup,2 pkt mustard,1 pkt mayo, BBQ sauce cup, dressing 2 Tbls) Ants on log celery & SF Butter MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 A. Chicken Tender s B. Cheesy Taco Bake Romaine Salad Peaches Cookie Milk Chicken & noodles Breadstick Cooked Carrots Fresh Fruit Salad Milk A. Cheesebur ger B. Cheese Quesadilla Green Beans Sweet Apple Salad Chips Milk 6 7 8 9 10 13 Columbus Day 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL A. Mini Tacos B. Cr eam Cheese Tur key Wrap Baked Beans Applesauce Milk A. Tender loin B. Ham &Cheese Wrap/Ranch Carrot Sticks/ranch Banana/Milk A.Gr illed Cheese B. Quesadilla Veggie soup Goldfish Peach Cups Cookie/Milk Chicken Nuggets Breadstick Cooked Carrots Peaches Cookie/Milk A. Tender loin/bun B. Philly Steak Sub Green Bean Casserole Grapes Brownie Cookie/Milk Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Goldfish Pineapple/ Cookie Milk A.BBQ chicken B. Chicken wr ap Lettuce/Ch. Carrots/Ranch Cinnamon Apples Milk Walking Tacos Lettuce/Cheese Pineapple Corn Milk A. Hambur ger /bun B. Tender loin/bun Peaches Baked Beans Gram Cracker/milk Macaroni & Cheese Garlic Bread Romaine Salad/Ranch Grapes Milk Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Wheat roll Pineapple/milk Potato Soup Cheesy Breadstick Romaine Salad Strawberries Milk Spaghetti Garlic Bread Romaine Salad/ranch Pears/milk Milk Chicken & noodles Breadstick Green Beans Mandarin Oranges/milk Menu is subject to change without notice Lunch News in the cafeteria Lunch is $2.75 per day or $13.75 for 5 days or $55.00 for the month. Children will have a choice of 3 items this year must include a fruit or vegetable. A/B entrée will be choice for grades 5th-8th. Your child may purchase a hungry man for $1.00. This is extra entrée only and will come out of your account. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50 they will be served peanut butter & jelly sandwich and water. A. Bosco Pizza Sticks B. Hambur ger /bun Ants on a log Cinnamon Apples Milk A. Cheese Pizza B. Fr ied Chicken French Fries Watermelon Milk A. Sausage Pizza B. Mona’s Lasagna Romaine Salad/Italian Apple slices/milk M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 4 1st Annual Dog Walk In The Park! Oc- tober 25th, 2014 Black Partridge Park- Metamora, IL 10:00am – 12:00pm Bring the whole family, and don’t forget the Dog (optional)! A family event where dogs are welcome but not required. Raffles will be announced after the walk. Lunch will be available; along with snacks, and drinks for the day. (No Alcohol will be permitted.) Register online at: www.peytonspage.org, or By Mail: 321 W. Michigan St. Metamora, IL 61548 (please make checks payable to: Peyton’s Promise Nonprofit Organization) Registration Deadline is Monday Oct 20th, 2014 You will still be able to register the day of the walk! Registration forms can also be picked up at the following locations: Metamora IGA, Foxxy Dog Spa & Daycare (located on the square), and Commerce Bank in Metamora, IL. M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS P age 1 5 Metamora Grade School Faculty K-5 Faculty Mrs. Jane Boulton (Kindergarten) Mrs. Tara Ott (Kindergarten) Mrs. Debbie Springer (Kindergarten) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Kindergarten) Mrs. Jennifer Duncan(Kindergarten) Mrs. Kathy Nolte (First) Mrs. Jamie Rutherford (First) Mrs Jenera Call (First) Ms. Becky Rhodes (First) Ms. Megan Bernitt (First) Mrs. Jean Stine Ratliffe (Second) Mrs. Heather King (Second) Mrs. Amber Johns (Second) Mrs. Jane Fehr (Second) Mrs. Krissy Peterson (Third) Mrs. Diane Grebner (Third) Mrs. Megan Domenighini (Third) Mrs. Jeanine Hess (Third) Mrs. Kim Phillips (Fourth) Mrs. Kathy Steele (Fourth) Mrs. Marsha Brown (Fourth) Mrs. Teri Biernat (Fourth) Mrs. Beth Anglin (Fifth) Mrs. Jana Southerland (Fifth) Mrs. Amanda Peck (Fifth) Mrs. Tara Wilson (Fifth) Special Education Mrs. Jessica Karch (Sp. Ed) Mrs. Lacey Hanrahan (Sp. Ed) Mrs. Cheryl Oplt (Sp. Ed.) Mrs. Sandra Freitag (Junior High Sp. Ed.) Administration Mr. Martin Payne (Superintendent) Mrs. Cathy Costello (K-8 Principal) Mr. Tim Damery (Dean of Students) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Athletic Director The MGS Messenger Metamora CCSD #1 815 E. Chatham Street Metamora, IL 61548 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence! KA KB KC KD KE 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 3A 3B 3C 3D 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D K-2 3&4 5&6 7&8 Junior High Faculty Mrs. Laura Anglin Mr. Thomas Koonce Mrs. Molly Gualandri Mrs. Cathy Hawley Mrs. Galyn Cansino Ms. Liz Charlton Mrs. Melanie Koppenhoefer Mrs. Paulette Stalter Mrs. Megan Huss Mrs. Julie LeMasters Mrs. Danielle Buerkett Mr. Mark Dotterer Mrs. Amy Ernenputsch Mrs. Elizabeth Vancil Ms. Brittany Uhlman (Physical Education) Mr. Chris Dalberg (Physical Education) Mr. Tom Benjamin (Health) Mrs. Megan Huss (Computers) Mrs. Heather Brown (Speech) Mrs. Marcy Short (Speech) Mrs. Ann Marie Markle (Vocal Music/Chorus) Ms. Dawn Trotter (Instrumental Music) Mrs. Erin Foster (Art) Mrs. Geni Jacobs (Librarian) Mr. Paul Weber (Technology Coordinator) Ms. Lindsey Larson (Reading Specialist) Mrs Connie Barber (RTI) Mrs. Melanie Wallace (RTI) Mrs. Paulette Stalter (Jr.High Reading Specialist) Office Staff Mrs. Jan Holman (Bookkeeper) Mrs. Hollie Richards (Secretary) Mrs. Val Huser (Secretary) Mrs. Elisha Bachman (Secretary) Web Address: mgs.metamora.k12.il.us
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