UCLp Nutrition Course Programme Day 1: MONDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 2014 8.00 - 8.45 Registration and Coffee/Tea 8.45 - 9.00 Introduction and course overview Dr Andrew Rochford (Barts Health) Dr Farooq Rahman (UCLH) Session 1: Metabolism for the clinician - a scenario based approach to understanding metabolic pathways Chairs: Dr George Grimble/Dr Stephanie Grunewald 9.00 - 9.30 Carbohydrate Metabolism Dr Emma Footitt (Great Ormond Street Hospital) 9.30 - 10.00 Lipid metabolism Dr Stephanie Grunewald (Great Ormond Street Hospital) 10.00 - 10.30 Amino acids and protein metabolism Dr Yusof Rahman (Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital) 10.30 - 11.00 Coffee/Tea 11.00 - 11.30 Vitamin deficiencies and antioxidant metabolism Dr Nathan Davies (UCL) 11.30 - 12.00 Minerals and trace elements Dr George Grimble (UCL) 12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Session 2: Nutrition in practice 13.30 – 14.30 Afternoon session split into specialist facilitated workshops and an interactive sessions running simultaneously. Specialist facilitated workshops – Discussion rooms (20 minutes each) ROOM 1: A hands on guide to nutritional anthropometrical evaluation Dr George Grimble (UCL) Dr Lisa Sharkey (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) Ms Cheryl McKenzie (Barts Health) assessment and ROOM 2: Calculating energy requirements – Who needs what and how to make the numbers add up? Dr Charlotte Rutter (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) 1 Dr Claire Donnellan (Leeds General Infirmary) Nichola Cooper (Coventry University) ROOM 3: A practical guide to stomas, fistulas and appliances – A way out of this hole Mr Alastair Windsor (UCLH) Mr Richard Cohen (UCLH) Mr James Crosbie (UCLH) Ms Gabriella Boland (UCLH) Interactive session - Multi-professional expert panel (1 hour) LECTURE THEATRE: How to approach the patient requiring nutritional support Dr Andrew Rochford,(Barts Health), Dr Simona Di Caro (UCLH), plus other expert panel members 14.30 - 15.00 Coffee/Tea Session 3: Nutrition in practice 15.00 – 16.00 Afternoon session split into specialist facilitated workshops and an interactive sessions running simultaneously. Specialist facilitated workshops – Discussion rooms (20 minutes each) ROOM 1: A hands on guide to nutritional anthropometrical evaluation Dr George Grimble (UCL) Dr Lisa Sharkey (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) Ms Cheryl McKenzie (Barts Health) assessment and ROOM 2: Calculating energy requirements – Who needs what and how to make the numbers add up? Dr Charlotte Rutter (Addenbrookes’ Hospital) Dr Claire Donnellan (Leeds General Infirmary) Nichola Cooper (Coventry University) ROOM 3: A practical guide to stomas, fistulas and appliances – A way out of this hole Mr Alastair Windsor (UCLH) Mr Richard Cohen (UCLH) Mr James Crosbie (UCLH) Ms Gabriella Boland (UCLH) Interactive session - Multi-professional expert panel (1 hour) 2 LECTURE THEATRE: How to approach the patient requiring nutritional support Dr Andrew Rochford,(Barts Health), Dr Simona Di Caro (UCLH), plus other expert panel members 16.00 - 16.20 End of the day summary 16.20 - 17.00 After-course drinks and social event with invited speaker ‘Nutrition in the media: Celebrity diets and other hot potatoes’ Dr Chris Van Tulleken (UCL, Media doctor) 3 Day 2: TUESDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 2014 8.45 - 8.55 Coffee/Tea 9.00 Introduction Session 4: Malnutrition and starvation Chairs: Dr Elizabeth Weekes/Prof Alastair Forbes 9.00 - 9.30 Epidemiology and mechanisms of malnutrition in hospital and community populations Dr Elizabeth Weekes (Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital) 9.30 - 10.00 Undernutrition and starvation: Pathophysiology, recognition and management principles Professor Alastair Forbes (University of East Anglia) 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee/Tea Session 5: Obesity; mechanisms, approach and complications Chairs: Professor Nick Finer/Professor Alastair Forbes 10.30 - 11.00 Obesity: the medical approach Professor Nick Finer (UCLH) 11.00 - 11.30 Obesity: the surgical approach Mr Richard Welbourn (Musgrove Park Hospital) 11.30 - 12.00 Appetitie regulation and the principles of bariatric surgery Dr Rachel Batterham (UCLH) 12.00 - 12.30 Nutrition after bariatric surgery Professor Alastair Forbes (University of East Anglia) 12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Session 6: Prescribing enteral and parenteral nutrition 13.30 - 14.30 Afternoon session split into specialist facilitated workshops and an interactive sessions running simultaneously Specialist facilitated workshops – Discussion rooms (20 minutes each) ROOM 1: Prescribing PN - where to begin a practical session Mr Tony Murphy (UCLH) 4 Ms Andrea Cartwright (Basildon University Hospital) Ms Jackie Eastwood (St Mark’s Hospital) ROOM 2: PN in practice – lnsights into the challenges encountered using a clinical scenario based approach Professor Alastair Forbes (University of East Anglia) Dr Farooq Rahman (UCLH) Mr James Crosbie (UCLH) ROOM 3: Nutrition and endoscopy – Do’s and don’ts of feeding tubes Ms Liz Evans (Buckinghamshire NHS Trust) Ms Cheryl McKenzie (Barts Health) Dr Andrew Rochford (Barts Health) Interactive session – Clinical experts in practice (1 hour) LECTURE THEATRE: Essential guide to EN and PN 13.30-14.00 Essential guide to EN: Indications, contraindications, complications, monitoring, formulations and techniques Dr Penny Neild (St George’s Hospital) 14.00-14.30 Essential guide to PN: Indications, contraindications, complications, monitoring, formulations and techniques Dr Jon Shaffer (Salford Hope Hospital) 14.30-15.00 Coffee/Tea Session 7: Prescribing enteral and parenteral nutrition 15.00 - 16.00 Afternoon session split into specialist facilitated workshops and an interactive sessions running simultaneously Specialist facilitated workshops – Discussion rooms (20 minutes each) ROOM 1: Prescribing PN - where to begin a practical session Mr Tony Murphy (UCLH) Ms Andrea Cartwright (Basildon University Hospital) Ms Jackie Eastwood (St Mark’s Hospital) ROOM 2: PN in practice – lnsights into the challenges encountered using a clinical scenario based approach Professor Alastair Forbes (University of East Anglia) Dr Farooq Rahman (UCLH) Mr James Crosbie (UCLH) 5 ROOM 3: Nutrition and endoscopy – Do’s and don’ts of feeding tubes Ms Liz Evans (Buckinghamshire NHS Trust) Ms Cheryl McKenzie (Barts Health) Dr Andrew Rochford (Barts Health) Interactive session – Clinical experts in practice (1 hour) LECTURE THEATRE: Essential guide to EN and PN 15.00-15.30 Essential guide to EN: Indications, contraindications, complications, monitoring, formulations and techniques Dr Penny Neild (St George’s Hospital) 15.30-16.00 Essential guide to PN: Indications, contraindications, complications, monitoring, formulations and techniques Dr Jon Shaffer (Salford Hope Hospital) Session 8: An introduction to intestinal failure Chairs: Dr Jon Shaffer/Mr Al Windsor 16.00-16.25 Mechanisms and epidemiology of intestinal failure Dr Jon Shaffer (Salford Hope Hospital) 16.25-16.50 Surgical aspects of acute intestinal failure Mr Al Windsor (UCLH) Session 9: Refeeding Syndrome Chairs: Dr Jon Shaffer/Dr Jeremy Nightingale 16.50 - 17.20 Refeeding syndrome Dr Jeremy Nightingale (St Mark’s Hospital) 17.20-17.30 End of the day summary 6 Day 3: WEDNESDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 2014 8.45-9.00 Coffee/Tea 9.00 Introduction Session 10: Short bowel syndrome Chairs: Dr Simon Gabe/Dr Simon Lal 9.00 - 9.45 Short bowel syndrome - ‘The more in, the more out’. Pathophysiology, causes and complications Dr Simon Gabe (St Mark’s Hospital) 9.45 - 10.30 The SNAP approach to type II intestinal failure Dr Simon Lal (Salford Hope Hospital) 10.30 - 10.50 Morning break Coffee/Tea Session 11: Nutritional support in special circumstances interactive case discussion Chairs: Professor Alastair Forbes/Dr Gavin Johnson 10.50 - 11.20 Nutrition in IBD Professor Alastair Forbes (University of East Anglia) 11.20 - 11.50 Nutrition in Liver disease Professor Marsha Morgan (UCL) 11.50 - 12.20 Nutrition in exocrine insufficiency Dr Gavin Johnson (UCLH) 12.20 - 13.20 Lunch Session 12: Home PN and Small Bowel Transplantation Chairs: Mr Andrew Butler/Dr Simon Lal 13.20 - 14.00 Managing Home PN Dr Simon Lal (Salford Hope Hospital) 14.00 - 14.40 The last resort: Small Bowel Transplantation Mr Andrew Butler (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) 14.40 - 15.00 Coffee/Tea Session 13: Special scenarios in Clinical Nutrition Chairs: Dr Paul Robinson/Dr Yoram Inspector 15.30 - 15.50 Anorexia nervosa / Eating disorders Dr Paul Robinson (UCL) 7 16.40 - 17.00 The functional patient with nutritional problems Dr Yoram Inspector (St Mark’s Hospital) 17.00 - 17.20 Course summary and feedback 8
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