ST. JOHN’S R.C. CHURCH 619 Chestnut Street Lakehurst, NJ 08733 Rev. Bernard Keigher, Pastor Msgr. Elso Introini, Weekend Assistant Rev. John Basil, Weekend Assistant Rev. Donald McLaughlin, Weekend Assistant Deacon Ronald J. Kerr, Deacon Richard Glogoza Deacon Edward Holowienka, Business Administrator Ms. MaryAnn Dempkowski, Director Religious Education Parish Office: 732-657-6347 Religious Ed Office: 732-657-2348 Fax: 732-657-8690 Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM—3:00PM, Friday - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Parish Website: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses .......... 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sunday Masses ............ 9:15 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday - Friday .......... 8:00 A.M. First Friday .................. 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Adoration from 12:00 noon until 3:00P.M. in the Parish Center Chapel ... Concluding with Benediction Miraculous Medal Mondays .................. Following the 8:00 A.M. Mass Confessions - Saturdays - 11 A.M. to 12 Noon BAPTISMS Preparation for first-time parents is required. Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 12:15 P.M. Please contact the Parish Office for arrangements. MARRIAGES Arrangements are to be made in the Parish Office at least one year in advance. PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Council .................. Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 R.C.I.A…………………...Joe Pittarelli ........... 732-323-8469 Rosary Altar Society…….Joan Toth ................. 732-657-4938 Prayer Group. ................... Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 Hospital Ministry.............. Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 St. Vincent’s Social Concern...Mike Brennan. . .732-657-6359 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers..Joe Pittarelli...732-323-8469 Legion of Mary................. Carol Glogoza......... 732-657-6874 Folk/Youth Choir. ............ Joyce Sorenson ...... 732-240-4750 Emmaus Group ................. Deacon Ron Kerr ... 732-657-6347 Religious Article Store ..... Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 PARISH REGISTRATION - Families moving into or out of the parish are asked to call the Parish Office as soon as possible. EMMAUS, our Bereavement Group, meets the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10:30A.M. in the Church coffee room. GRADE SCHOOL OF RELIGION Grades K, 1 & 2 - Sat. mornings 9 - 10:15 A.M. Grades 3A & B, 4A & B, 5A, 6A & B, 7-A and Grades 3C, 4C, 5B & C, 6C & D, 7B & C, 8A, B & C - Wed. 7:15PM-8:30 P.M. C.C.F.C. I & II -Wed. 5:30P.M. - 6:45 P.M. Oct. 19th, 2014 ST. JOHN’S PARISH CENTER Page Two October 19th, 2014 EVERYTHINGBELONGSTOGOD The irst reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the L and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. READINGS FOR OCTOBER 26th, 2014 First Reading — Exodus 22: 20-26; Psalm — 18; Second Reading —1 Thessalonians 1: 5cb; Gospel — Ma hew 22: 15-21. KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS, Councils 9134, 10022 and 12940 will be hos ng a Membership Drive seeking New Members a er all Masses this weekend, Saturday, October 18th, 2014 and Sunday, October 19th, 2014. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS and FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT ATTEND THE WORKSHOP… There will be a follow-up meeting at St. John’s Church on Wednesday, October 29th at 11:00A.M. to review the guidelines of our Ministry. Please make every effort to attend. Thank You, Joe Pittarelli Today is World Mission Sunday. Our second collec on will be for the Missions. Please be as generous as your means allow. -Fr. Bernie- ∗ ∗ ALTAR FLOWERS FOR THE WEEK Birthday Remembrance of mother, Anna Frankel and sister, Pat Riley req. Louise Frankel; Living and Deceased Members of the Rosary Altar Society. Flowers may be purchased for any occasion by calling Barbara Seele of the Rosary Altar Society at 732-657-5512. A two week no ce is requested. THE PUMPKIN A lady had recently been bap zed. One of her coworkers asked what it was like to be a Chris an. She was caught off guard and didn’t know how to answer, but when she looked up, she saw a jack-olantern on the desk and answered, “It’s like being a pumpkin.” The co-worker asked her to explain what she meant. She said. “Well, God picks you from the patch and brings you in and washes off all the dirt on the outside that you got from being around all the other pumpkins. Then he cuts off the top and takes all the yucky stuff out from inside. He removes all those seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside of you to shine for all to see. It is our choice to either stay outside and rot on the vine or come inside and be something new and bright.” How do you look at a pumpkin? Page Three TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NEW JERSEY RIGHT TO LIFE MULTIPLE INTENTION MASS Members will be at the doors of our Monday, Oct. 20th, 2014—11:00 A.M. Church next weekend, October 25th and 26th to sell raffle chances to help their The People of our Parish cause. Tickets are $10. each and the Tom Zanovich (Ann. Rem.) req. wife and family prizes are: Marie Radack req. friend, Mary Johnson 1. 2015 Volvo SUV Joseph Qua rocchi req. family 2. $1,000.00 Shop Rite Gift Card Mary Germaine req. Nancy Sekelsky 3. $ 750.00 Shop Rite Gift Card Joseph Martella req. Nancy Sekelsky 4. $ 500.00 Shop Rite Gift Card Guy Jacobellis req. Fran Hausmann Helen Hutmaker req. granddaughters KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Srs. Jerome and Elizabeth Kelliher req. Tim Brown Council 12940 will be selling Patricia Smalling and Dorothy Herlihy req. Ray Pointsettias for the Christmas season. Dennis and Ricky Smalling req. dad, Ray. Order forms will be in next week’s Rev. John Nickas (Ann. Rem.) req. sister bulletin. Be sure to get your orders in early. Charles J. Mendum (Birthday Rem.)req. wife, children and grandchildren KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Council 12940 Helen McDowell req. Ma hew Bernardi COATS FOR KIDS PROGRAM Elizabeth Munley req. Tarrah Browne Getting ready for the cold!!!! Please help us meet Tom Karlok req. wife our goal of 174 “New Kids Coats”. Please contact James Kinane req. Joseph Metro Peter Reuter, PGK at 732-3341-2245 for further info. Thomas Scully req. Linda McPartlin and Karen McPartlin SEND A HERO HOME … Please HELP the K of C Lynda Honour req. Aunt Lore a Council 12940 in sending a SOLDIER home for the Jeffrey Rossi req. Millie and Jim White Holidays. Send dona ons to the Parish Center or in Dan Oroho (Birthday Rem.) req. mom the collec on baskets. A n: “Send a Hero Home”. Josephine Ventola req. John and Ida Morales Gladys Prosperi req. Barbara Cummings How would you like to learn Dorothy McIntyre BEGINNING SIGN LANGUAGE? req. St. John’s Rosary Altar Society We offer free classes to learn to sign. They are held Mary Dunn req. Thomas and Dora Lynch every Tuesday from 10:30A.M. to 12:00 Noon in the Elizabeth Parsons req. John and Rosemary Boyle Parish Center. For further informa on, please call Mary Dunn req. Renaissance Irish Club Rosalie Imbraile 732-228-7303. WINGS AND A PRAYER, our Religious Ar cle Store, will be open a er all Masses October 25th/26th. Please stop by and see all the items we have for sale. Oplatek will be available. PLEASE PRAY for all our parishioners and friends who are serving in the Military. SUPPORT ST. JOHNS … Scholarship Fund-Raiser Join Us On A HAWAIIAN ISLAND Cruise Call Doug Steinke 732-800-0628 or 732-2672439cell; E-Mail Sail to blissful Hawaiian Islands on March 21, 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITIES asks for your support by dona ng clothing, shoes, toys and small household items in our dona on bin located in the parking lot. Your con nued generosity is appreciated. If you have any ques ons, need a tax receipt or would like to schedule for a larger pick up (sorry…. No furniture or large appliances) please call 877-343-3651. If you have larger items to be picked up, you may try calling Habitat for Humanity, 732818-9500 ext.102. Page Four MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, October 20th 8:00A.M. MADELINE CLEARY (9th Ann.) req. husband, Jack ELENA and FRANCO RUOCCO req. The Magasic Family 11:00A.M. MULTIPLE INTENTION MASS TUESDAY, October 21st 8:00A.M. KITTY SMALLER req. family NICHOLAS DeGENNARO req. family WEDNESDAY, October 22nd 8:00A.M. SR. JEROME KELLIHER, S.A. req. Tim Brown BETTY FINNERTY (Birthday Rem.) req. husband THURSDAY, October 23rd 8:00A.M. RAY STOFFERS (Birthday Rem.) req. wife, Dot MARVELYN McENERMEY req. Susan and Michael Brennan FRIDAY, October 24th 8:00A.M. MARIE RADACK req. Marie Vuocolo JAMES FRANCIS MURRAY (Birthday Rem.) req. wife SATURDAY, October 25th 4:00P.M. NICHOLAS DeGENNARO req. wife and family NICHOLAS SGAMMATO req. wife and children 7:00P.M. SUNDAY, October 26th 9:15A.M. LEE McGUIRE and DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE McGUIRE and ROSS FAMILIES req. George HELEN ZEGAN (1st Ann.) req. St. John’s Religious Ed Staff and Teachers 11:00A.M. CHARLES SCHREIBER req. Eleanor Cronin JOHN H. EBEL req. wife and family Candles October 19th—25th, 2014 SANCTUARY CANDLE In Loving Memory of Chuck Bodo (5th Ann.) req. wife, Lore a. SACRED HEART CANDLE In Loving Memory of Ray Coyne (Wedding Ann. Rem.) req. wife, Marie. SHRINE CANDLE In Loving Memory of Helen Hutmaker req. granddaughters. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially: Week 1: Lucy DiGianni, Sal Mannino, Gloria Manger, Frances Malaluso, Eileen Carney, Theresa Pinczes, Chris ne Kosanovich, Kaitlin Clu er, Mary Alice Kane, Denise Thiel, Jackie Ri ereiser, Susan Teague, Dorothy Brennan, Tom Graf, Grace Ver no, Nancy King, Tommy Spiwak, Jenna Esposito, Tom Palidino, Shirley Voellinger, Fred and Barbara Boker, Peggy Daum, Mary Lou Yaccavica, Marla Wilson, Alex Schissler, Ernie Gallo, Josephine Benedic s, Robert Groschel, Josephine Cordaro, Lillian Gambale Week 2: Obeida Perez, Sal Mannino, Ingeborg Reuss, Thomas Ryan, Evie Sanchez, Gloria Tamborino, Briana Nordstrom, Muriel Ochs, Jo Murphy, Laura Ricke , Jo O’Connell, Norma Vasquez, Patricia Nemeckay Week 3: Patricia Villano, Gerry Gabriel, Gertrude Maie a, Mickey Bauwens, Joan Pribelszki, Kevin Cunningham, Mike Brennan, Sally McDade, Ma Merrigan, Dan Cuite, Theresa Legge, Marie Hill, Robert Kneamoller, Jerre Schalkoff, Bill Weber, Chris na Thorn, Piroska Toth, Mark Moriarty, Leone Ververs, , Raymond Blanch THE DILLON and BACKUS FAMILIES MICHAEL CALARCO req. Don and Paula Pellington PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED, especially: Rev. James A. Thompson, Mary Dunn, George Hart, Ronald Zarko
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