Sharon Elementary School Sharon SC P 7300 Sharon Road Newburgh, IN 47630 812-853-3349 October 16, 2014 RED RIBBON WEEK Sharon School will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week Monday, October 20 through Friday, October 24. There will be daily “themed” activities to remind us to stay away from drugs! Monday, October 20— 20 “Walk Away From Drugs.” Weather permitting, students and staff will take a walk through the Sharon neighborhood. Wear Red Day! Tuesday, October 21—”Friends Don’t Let Friends Bully Or Do Drugs.” 21 Friends dress as twins. Twin Day! If you do not want your child’s picture published (website, Scoop, etc.), please let the office know. CHARACTER COUNTS Our Character Counts trait for October iis Respect. Report Cards are Going Home Today! A Special Invitation, Just for You! Wednesday, October 22— 22 “Smarties Don’t Do Drugs.” Nerd Day! Day An Evening Coffee at Sharon Elementary Thursday, October 23—”Lasso A Drug Free Life.” Cowboy Day! 23 The Sharon Elementary School PTO is hosting a “Coffee with the Principal” during their PTO meeting this evening, Thursday, October 16, at 6:00 PM in the school library. Topics to be presented: School Improvement Plan, Bullying, and the 4th and 5th Grade POD. Everyone is invited to attend! Friday, October 24—”Follow Your Dreams. Don’t Do Drugs.” Pajama Day! 24 Join the fun and make sure you dress to follow the daily themes! New Staff Spotlight My name is Melanie Bozsa. I am so excited to be a part of the Crusader family this year! I am 26 years old and am a graduate of the University of Evansville. This is my fourth year teaching. Before joining Sharon Elementary School, I taught 3rd grade at Daniel Wertz Elementary School. In addition to teaching, music is a huge passion of mine. I enjoy playing guitar and songwriting. Thank you for your warm welcome into the Sharon family. I am so excited to be here. Just a reminder that The Scoop can be viewed in living color on the Sharon School website. Go to and click on Administration and then click on Sharon Scoop in the dropdown box to view The Scoop on line. Caught Being Good Noura Mahmoud in 3Wo was nominated by Mrs. Wolfe for being caring. Kennedy Trentham in 1T was nominated by Mrs. Thornton for being caring. News from the Office WEEKLY CALENDAR October 16—Report Cards Sent Home Kindergarten Field Trip to Cates Farm 3rd Grade Language Club 3:15-4:00PM 6:00PM PTO Meeting/Coffee with the Principal—Lib. Last Day to turn in Box Tops for Education Generation Y Please allow plenty of time when picking up your child for an early dismissal. The office is not allowed to call your child out of class until you arrive to pick him/her up. Remember that it can take a few minutes to get a student to the office, especially during lunch and recess, or if the student is in another classroom such as art, music, computer, or gym. October 20-24—Red Ribbon Week and School Safety Week Monster Change PTO Fall Fundraiser October 21—Generation Y October 22—5th Grade Physics Experiments Field Trip to CHS Light Company October 23—3:30PM Boy’s Basketball Game at J.H. Castle Generation Y October 24—PTO Movie Night Fall Fundraiser Kids Cents Savings Hey kids, savings can be fun when you save with Newburgh National Bank’s Kids Cents Savings! Earn prizes with every deposit you make and watch your money grow. Newburgh National Bank’s helper will be in the lobby of our school every Thursday from 8:00-8:15 AM. Parents, get your kids started saving now! Contact Michelle Rose at 858-1605 if you have any questions. Veterans Day Program Sharon Elementary is having a Veterans Day Program on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 9:00 AM in the gymnasium. This program will honor veterans of every military branch. If you have a family member or friend who has served in the armed forces, we invite them to join us for this special time. A light breakfast will be provided for veterans and their Sharon Elementary School student(s) from 8:30-9:00 AM before the program. Again this year, we will present a slide show at the end of the program to recognize all veterans who are family members to our students and staff. Parents, guardians, and staff members should send DIGITAL photographs in JPG format of their veteran to Mr. Beau Fulk at by Friday, November 7, 2014. Along with the picture, please include three things: • the veteran’s name • their branch of the military • their relation to the student/staff member Students and staff are welcome to recognize more than one family member if they choose. Mrs. Reising will be creating the Wall of Fame again this year to honor all past and present veterans. Red and blue sheets will be sent home with students soon. Please put only ONE veteran on each sheet. Additional sheets will be in the office if you need more. Snickerdoodle Art Party News from the PTO The Monster Change Fall Fundraiser is next week, October 2020-24. They will be collecting change each day in the mornings. The class that collects the most change gets front row seats and free popcorn at their movie night on Friday, October 24. Monster Movie Night is Friday, October 24 at 6:00PM. Wear your costume, bring a blanket, and watch a movie in the gym with your friends! They will be showing ?Disney’s Monster University. Cost is free but they will be accepting donations to help raise money for a mural to be painted on the gym wall. They will be selling popcorn, candy, and sodas. PTO is extending the deadline through Monday, October 20 to reserve your spot for the PTO “Mom’s” painting party on Thursday, November 6. Get your reservation turned in today for an evening of girlfriend fun! Third graders enjoyed their field trip last Thursday to Trunnel’s Farm.
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