EPSI Conference – 13 June in Voiron, France

EPSI Conference – 13th June in Voiron, France
Mix & Match meetings : “Electronics and Big Datas in Sport”
The miniaturization of electronics makes it possible to integrate electronics into textile structures and
sport products. Different kind of wireless technologies enabling the technology to be wearable and at
the same time communicating with other devices such as computers or mobile phones. All these
smart and intelligent products will generate a tremendous quantity of datas which need to be
analyzed. This big data area comes to be a major challenge in the field of sports like NBA ou Baseball
league in the US. The MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, for example, has grown from about 175
attendees in its first year in 2007 to more than 2,000 in 2014. The conference has catalyzed
academics, professional and college teams, and the press to focus much more heavily on analytics to
understand various aspects of sports performance and business. In this workshop we are going to
present some projects and topics which have been funded by Europe with the aim to find new
perspectives and collaborations among participants.”
Round 2 (15h50) :
LaurentNOCA, TOPTEX 3, lnoca@toptexcube.com
Start-up dedicated to sensors and electronics integration / body mapping with different materials
with different technology
=> Interest in project of integration of sensors into fabrics and looking for new technology on new
sensors and new electronique to intregrate
Paola FONTANA, Città Studi S.p.a., paola.fontana@cittastudi.org
Born in 2009, Po.in.tex – Polo di Innovazione Tessile (Textile Innovation Cluster), is an association of
businesses (micro, small, medium and large), consortia and research organizations whose purpose is
to promote industrial competitiveness through the cooperative innovation.
=> searching interaction producing machines for smart textiles and cluster collaboration projects
Caroline ROCRIGUEZ, CTC, crodriguez@ctcgroupe.com
CTC : rodriguez / she and leather / adhesion and materials / new materials for leathe companies /
looking new textiles coming from the research / present material lors de conference /
citizen science / Cetemmsa
Francis GAILLARD, Pôle ressources national sports de nature, francis.gaillard@jeunessesports.gouv.fr
French ministry and sports association for the promotion of outdoor activities and best practices
=> looking for datas to catch motivations of people doing sports
Rene WIJLENS, Sports & Technology, wijlens@sportsandtechnology.com
Sport cluster in Netherlands / People sport and fatality / research “mine your own body”/ videos
=> interest in big data to predict behavior in sport
Timothée SILVESTRE, SPORALTEC, timothee.silvestre@sporaltec.fr
Sporaltec is a cluster for innovation and R&D in sport. Members are for example Salomon, Babolat,
=> Help to set-up partnerships between its members and Laboratories for European Projects.
Results of the 2nd round:
1/ “Develop a new tools and machines to create smart fabrics”:
It is right now difficult to integrate electronics into fabrics in an industrial way and there is no specific
machine to do this. Depending on the technology to integrate, a project for developing specific
machinery and process to integrate sensors into fabrics is a future challenge
2/ “Develop cluster collaboration program” :
Po.in.tex is interested to set up exchange visits and study tours for companies from different sport
clusters (Sporaltec, Indescat, InosposrtNL, Sport&Technology). They are organizing “innovation Day”
that could be interesting for companies. The Innovation Days are meetings intended to deepen the
researches conducted by players and centers of excellence working in the textile industry, in Italy and
abroad, or working in the technologies synergistic with the textile sector.
The Textile Innovation Days are an opportunity to personally meet the protagonists of researches of
potential interest to the textile sector, with the aim of stimulating new ideas and make new contacts
that could give rise to innovation projects or collaborations between companies.
The format has a duration of 2,5-3 hours, including debate, preceded or followed by a networking
To go further :
- “Smart Textiles andWearable Technology– A study of smart textiles in fashion and clothing”:
- Presentations of the “Smart Fabrics 2014”, 23-25 Avril 2014 and “Journee integration électronique”,
Scientific Congress, Sporaltec: