Phone: 701-772-1869 Fax: 701-772-1940 E-mail: Check out the Newsle'er online at: Worship Schedule See Calendar and front page for worship mes Office hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pastor:................................................ Reverend Howie Baird Coordinator of Lay Ministries: .......................... Judy Christy Choir Director/Organist:............................. Marjorie Myrold Choir Accompanist: ................................... Carol Lamberson Youth Leader: ............................................... Mark Schlasner Bookkeeper/ Office Assistant: ...................... Tanya Murphy The Wesley Witness A publicaon of Wesley United Methodist Church. Published 12 mes each year to keep members and friends informed of programs of the church and to report news about the Wesley family. Do you know you can view our monthly newsletter and our weekly bulletins along with the happenings during the current week on our Wesley website? It is We extend Christian sympathy to family and friends of NDSU student, Thomas Bearson, and to those who have lost loved ones, even people we may not know about. Please also keep the following people in your prayers who are facing health concerns: Julie Sturges’ cousin Tommy who was in and accident; Karen Griffin, Audrey Williams, Pam Whaley’s stepmother; Joe Juntunen; Joyce Kramer; Tracy Wicken; Jane Carpenter’s sister and her significant other; Anne Bryson’s friend from Minto; JoAnn Ness’ friends facing cancer; Greg Bryson’s niece; Duane Sandwick’s cousin; Susan Maddock’s family friends the Stenson family; Pat Klokstad; Judy Christy’s dad; Colleen Nygaard; Billie Dixon’s mother; Kyle Whitcomb’s mother; Joan Bristol; and others who have been hospitalized, or are in nursing homes and those who are caring for them. We offer prayers of joy for Duane Sandwick’s cousin who is doing well after heart attacks; this years’ Sunday school staff; Jim Juntunen’s report of being cancer-free; a new great-granddaughter for Berniece Holm; for birthdays and anniversaries; the lovely fall weather we’ve had. 2014 On October 19, 2014 we will be celebrating consecration Sunday at Wesley UMC. This is the Sunday when our members and friends will have an opportunity to celebrate the ministry that we have done and look ahead to the ministry that is coming. There will also be a place during our worship service where you will be given the opportunity to make your pledge to these ministries. In this newsletter envelope, you will find Wesley Worship a pledge card that you may use. We ask Schedule that you would prayerfully consider how 8:30 Worship it is that you might be able to support our 9:00 Children’s Music church here at Wesley UMC. Please 9:30 Sunday School bring this card with you to worship on 10:45 Worship October 19. If that is not possible, you may drop it off at the office, or mail it in. Church Office We will have cards there that Sunday as Hours well for those that wish to make a pledge M—F 9:00 a.m.but for one reason or another do not have 1:00 p.m. a card. Our purpose is to provide a nurturing Christian home in which all may grow in faith and service. Birthdays 3 Jenny Robinson Kayla Kaiser 6 Erik Myrold RachealAnn Johnson 7 Matt Jossart April Kaiser-Grinde 9 Mary Faircloth Jack Holm 10 Tiffany Reis 11 Penny Millspaugh Willow Reed Rob Shivelhood 14 Maggie Hager 15 Jim Van Looy, Sr. 16 Emily Asche 19 Stacey Searle 20 Linda Croy Aiden Taylor 22 Judy Christianson Lionel Hoff 23 Audrey Williams 24 Patty Willey 25 Tyler Wicken 26 Rich Lehn Timothy O’Connell 28 Beulah Hodges 30 Mark Bjornseth Christina Dittus Jaedon Ferguson 31 George Whaley 1 6 17 18 Anniversaries Tyler & Jamie Harlow Jerry & Karen Griffin Erik & Marjorie Myrold Brian & Stacey Clow Bazaar is upcoming and will be held on Saturday, October 18. The annual bazaar is our main money maker to pay our pledges for mission and other activities. We need articles (some of your treasures you no longer need or want) for the "Attic Treasures" section. These may be placed by the back door on the sanctuary level. On October 5 and 12, there will be sign up opportunities for those who are willing to help with bazaar activities on October 17 and 18. You may also buy Adult lunch tickets at the reduced price of $7 (children’s tickets are $4) on October 5 and 12 at the church. The menu will include baked potatoes with your choice of toppings (or hotdogs for the kids), Jell-O salad and dessert. Donations of money, crafts, or food for the bake sale are also welcomed. will be meeting on New this year will be games and activities for the kids! Hope to see you and your family at the Bazaar! October 21 @ 7:00 p.m. At Wesley UMC Book Sarah’s Key By Tatiana de Rasnay New members are always welcome! For questions, call Natalie Meier at 701-775-9177 Now is the time for everyone to begin their 2015 UMW Reading Program. Remember that you can read any selections from the years 2011-2015 that you haven’t previously claimed. Reading Program book for 2015 is now available. Reading resources will be available at the UMW Fall District & Conference celebrations. there were several conflicts with community and Zion events. We will try to avoid these conflicts next year. We gave out 20 - 25 backpacks at the recent SWSS reunion. We need III. Old Business a. Archives- care of In preparing for the 140th Anniversary it became evident that we need to work on preserving our archives. UND archivist, Curt Hanson would like to archive the materials for us since we were the first church in Grand Forks. The collection would be housed at the Chester Fritz Library and access would be limited. More information about the level of access and ownership rights we would retain will be gathered. The cost of access may be a small price to pay for the preservation of the materials. Curt will be invited to a future Council Meeting. IV. New Business V. Upcoming events Potato Bowl Parade - We will have a float in the parade on September 6th. Decorating will take place at Ron Elliot’s house on Wednesday the 4th. The UND Expo is Wednesday, August 26th, 10 am – 3pm. There will be a sign-up to win a free pizza. The form this year will include a place for students to indicate whether or not they would like to be contacted. Homecoming Sunday – September 7th Council members will be asked to help with set-up & clean-up UMW Bazaar - Saturday, October 18th, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm. The menu is baked potatoes with toppings. The UMW would like ideas for making this a more family friendly event. Education opportunities – The Leadership Institute in KC will be held the end of September. Megan & Howie Baird are planning to attend. Others are welcome but must register by the end of this week. Leadership training in Fargo, Septembe 26 - 27. We need to let them know of our intentions by September 1st. VI. Other None Next Meeting— on the 4th Monday, September 22nd, then October 27th. Berniece offered food for thought—The last couple of years every other council meeting has been reserved for discussion of specific issues and concerns. Do we want to try and continue with that idea? We will talk more about this next month. Adjourn Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. in the quilting room on 3rd floor. Everyone is Welcome! For questions, call Helen DeMaster at 701-772-3584 Would you be willing to make 2-3 dozen cookies for a Sunday this month to support our Fellowship time? Pick a Sunday and put your name on the sign-up sheet on a table in the Fellowship Area. Have you felt a call to ministry or perhaps a nudging to grow deeper in your faith? Have you seen opportunity to lead in a way that serves your community and your God, but don’t know where to start? Are you trying to figure out just what God desires with your life? If your answer to any of the above questions is “YES!”, then the people of the Dakotas and Minnesota UMC’s want to invite you to the Basic Lay Servant Ministries/Certified Lay Ministry Entry Point The Ministry Discernment Retreat Saturday, October 25, at Fargo 1st UMC, 9:00am – 4:30 pm (other dates and locations also available) Registration deadline is October 15; Cost is $30 (includes a book and lunch) For more details and registration information, see Pastor Howie, Steve Schlasner, or Judy Christy. 43 Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. 44 All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. ~Acts 2:43-47 I have always loved the description of the very first church in Acts. These were folks who, after hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ preached so passionately by Peter and the other apostles, came together to form a faith community. We are told that they ate together, prayed together, studied together, worshiped together, and of course gave together. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. It’s the idea of community that draws me to this text. The first church wasn’t just a place you went one or two hours on Sunday morning, rather it existed at the very center of everything those first Christians did. They were so moved by the working of the spirit and the possibility of building God’s Kingdom that nothing could keep them away. It was the same for the first Methodists. Under the vision and direction of John Wesley—who committed himself to practices that would deepen his faith—they met together for prayer, study, support, and accountability. The first Methodists believed in the importance of supporting each other as well as supporting the work of the church in the community around them. To this end, they visited the imprisoned, worked for issues of justice, and gave to causes that supported the poor amongst them. Like the first Christians in Acts, the early Methodists believed and lived out Jesus great command: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Today, the United Methodist Church continues to operate with the understanding that we do ministry better when we do it together—when we do it in community. That’s why every United Methodist Church, whether it’s in Grand Forks, ND, Leawood, KS, or the Ivory Coast is a part of what we call the connectional system. Within this connectional system we are called to pray together, study together, worship together, and of course give together. We give together through Trustees will look into this issue. The AC is working well! Parsonage issues include trouble with the fence and water leaking in basement. Pastor Howie Recommend to church council that we mount the projector and install a new screen in front of the organ pipes. We have $3,500 available to spend on this project. Discussion about where to mount the screen was held. To mount in front of the organ pipes would be the least expensive and least invasive option but it would not work well for people sitting on the north side of the sanctuary. We will still need a TV on that side of the altar. It would be preferable to mount the screen where we currently project but out a bit from the wall but this will be significantly more expensive. The screen will not retract electronically in either location. The screen can be retracted for special events. Pastor Howie will gather more information on the exact cost of the various options. b. Staff Parish – Ryan Ryan reported that a process for staff evaluations is being developed. The process will be outlined by September 15th and implemented so they are ready to make recommendations for the 2015 budget. c. Lay Leaders: Faith Development - Jessica Sunday School starts September 14th. Sunday School planning is well underway. We still need classroom assistants for some classes and substitute teachers. The resource room has undergone major reorganization. The college young adult class was announced and sign-up for the Covenant Bible Study is going well. The Conference has developed comprehensive guidelines for creating “Safe and Sacred Spaces” within churches for those at risk of being taken advantage of (i.e. children, elderly, handicapped, etc.). A task force will likely be needed to examine and implement the program fully. Elise and Jessica have started studying these guidelines. One aspect of these guidelines addresses the use of physical space to reduce risk. As a starting point children's music will be moving down to the basement. We need to move a piano or keyboard to their new location. Worship - Steve No report. Elise asked about filming the service to post on-line. Pastor Howie said we could audio services but that video files would be too large to post. Care and Outreach - Penny The Covenant Bible Study is a transformational program. It is important to have this in place to support people involved in Care and Outreach. They need a more intimate space than the library. She hopes to train Ushers and Greeters before September 14th. Mission - Sharon Sharon reported that there were 25 – 30 children at Sidewalk Sunday each evening. It was a fairly consistent group of children. The week we held SWSS Continued on next page Wesley United Methodist Church Council and Finance Committee Approved Minutes August 25,2014 @ 7pm—Library Present: Pastor Howie Baird, Elise Christy, Judy Christy, John Galegher, Berniece Holm, Michele Iiams, Penny Millspaugh, Sharon Stewart, Doug Williams, George Wogaman, Jessica Zerr, Ryan Zerr Absent: Bob Boyd, Jerry Griffin, Pat Henry, Mark Hoffmann, Steve Schlasner, Jeff Van Looy, Richard Wills Recite Purpose—Our Purpose is to provide a nurturing Christian Home in which all may grow in faith and service. Devotions – Berniece led us in devotions. Finance Committee— what we call apportionments. Apportionments are monies that every local church pays to their conference to support everything from the Ministerial Education Fund and Episcopal Fund, to global missions like the African University and the United Methodist Commission on Relief. Most of our United Methodist Churches participate faithfully in this giving, but occasionally, due to many varied reasons, a church might find itself in a place where paying their apportionments becomes difficult. Here at Wesley UMC we are one of those churches. Through the giving of our members and friends, we have been able to cover all of our “in-house” expenses, including making thousands of dollars of improvements to our facility this last year, but I am concerned that we are falling short at supporting the apportioned ministries that are happening beyond our walls. Doug called the meeting to order. We are approximately $14,000 behind in Apportionments. Non-pledged contributions are down from previous years. Jerry Nolte will review our finances again this year. Money contributed this spring and summer indicate that people are more likely to contribute when they know specifically what their contributions do. A monthly newsletter article titled "What did my giving do this month?" could be used to highlight our ministries. 2014 - 2015 Budget: Tanya has forms available for making budget requests for this year. It includes a spending report for each Lay Leader. She can send those out electronically if preferred. Budget requests are due by the end of September. It was suggested we examine our budget areas to determine whether or not there are areas that are consistently not spending their full budget. Pastor Howie is planning a three-week Stewardship drive with Consecration Sunday on October 19th. We need to have a long-term plan (i.e. a three year goal) that we work toward. Our Charge Conference will likely occur in early December. The finance committee adjourned at 7:30 pm. In the next month, we are going to have an opportunity to talk about what it means to be a church that gives fully of its heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are going to explore together the possibilities of a church that is not just surviving, but thriving. We are going to talk about how we can all live into our membership vows to support our church, and our denomination, through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. And my hope and prayer is that the conversation will not just end when we come together for consecration Sunday on October 19, but that it will continue every day as we attempt to dream beyond ourselves into the world around us. Who knows? This could be the beginning of a new community, molded out of the foundation laid all those years ago when the first Methodists arrived in Grand Forks. It was in that first Grand Forks Methodist community that they ate together, prayed together, studied together, worshiped together, and of course gave together. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Council Meeting – Berniece called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Peace be with you all, I. Approval of June minutes - minutes were approved as presented. Pastor Howie Baird II. Reports a. Trustee’s— Judy Judy reported that we are waiting for dirt on south side of building to help with drainage. Blinds will be in reinstalled in the Library. Plumbing issues are being evaluated (in particular hot water and water pressure). There needs to be protection for the heat exchanger. A fence around new air conditioning unit maybe needed (Dakota Fence will be contacted). It was suggested that Vilandre should have installed a cover to protect this. Vilandre said we needed to install a fence around it. World Communion Sunday—October 5, 2014 Give generously to support World Communion Sunday scholarships for graduate national and international students, Ethnic Scholarships for national and international undergraduates studying within the United States and ethnic in-service training (non-degree). These are the designated age groups for Shoe Box gifts: Infant – 2 yrs: Baby powder, bibs, bottles, small blanket, infant toys, socks. Offering Received 2013 Prepaid Pledges January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 5,975.39 19,533.91 18,739.89 25,283.40 21,143.72 19,208.15 17,243.50 19,781.92 15,379.82 23,930.27 20,109.64 21,700.78 50,236.04 278,266.43 2014 13,020.00 11,885.56 18,656.71 21,337.30 21,000.22 19,163.40 19,993.93 16,360.50 16,668.05 20,315.85 160,401.52 SUNDAY WORSHIP ATTENDANCE September 7 September 14 September 21 September 28 141 130 119 145 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE September 14 September 21 September 28 38 31 32 How can I help? Prayer Focus for October: Those serving in our military and their families By sharing your presence (talents & time): Bring cookies or bars for Sunday morning Fellowship Be part of the worship Tech Team Be part of the Welcome Team for worship services Decorate and maintain bulletin boards by the entry doors Help with maintenance projects around the church Ages 3-5; ages 6-8: age-appropriate educational items, books, dolls, stuffed animals, cars, trucks, coloring books, paint books, crayons, watercolor paints, and brushes, markers, games, puzzles, hair accessories, hats, caps, mittens, scarves and gloves, toothbrushes. Ages 9-11; Ages 12 – 14 girls: purses, billfolds, makeup, nail polish, hair items, perfume, bath products, games, puzzles, reading books, brushes and combs, hats, caps, mittens, scarves, and gloves, toothbrushes. Ages 9-11; Ages 12 – 14 boys: electronic handheld games, watches, games, puzzles, flashlights, readingbooks, hats, caps, mittens, scarves, and gloves, toothbrushes. Age 15 and up: Christian music cd’s, handheld games, ear phones, reading books, hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, toothbrushes. This is a project of the Dakotas Conference and is organized by Mike & Libby Flowers, missionaries at the Spirit Lake Ministry Center. If you have any questions, please contact the Wesley UMC church office at 772-1869 or Utilizing the Mind/Body/Spirit Interactions to our Advantage Help with a children’s Sunday school class Contact Judy Christy, Coordinator of Lay Ministries, at 772-1869 or to volunteer for any of these projects. Or watch for sign-up sheets in the church lobby. Training will be provided as needed. Are there are other projects or activities you would like to see happen? Email Judy about that too. If we pray/give thanks to God prior to eating our meals, this can help to put our bodies into a more calm state which is conducive towards good digestion. This mind/body/Spirit interaction can also be helpful to us when participating in The Christmas Shoe Box project. When shopping for and wrapping the gifts, if we pray for/visualize the happy face of the gift recipient, this can also help to put our bodies into a physiological state that is conducive towards good overall health. Joyce Ann Wicklund, Shoe box Coordinator THE SPIRITUALITY OF SHOE BOX CHRISTMAS Wesley UMC will be participating in the Shoe Box Christmas Gift project for Native American youth on reservations in North and South Dakota again this year. Anyone who so chooses can make this into an event more spiritual than merely purchasing items and placing them into a box. Individuals and families might decide to shop, for example, for a boy, five to seven years of age. When shopping and later wrapping the gift, and any time following this, the givers could visualize the pleased look on the face of the receiver, and say a prayer for him. The Bible teaches us that, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.". In the past several years, medical research has found this to be true. Larry Dossey, in his book, Healing Words, emphasizes that "Love is intimately related to Health." "Both human love and God's love help people with recovery." Dossey's validated experiments show that even just the process of imagining ones' self helping another person brings about a more healthful physiological state. We are in a position to do more than just imagine ourselves helping another. We can actually give, then visualize and ponder this in order to bring about a more calm, healthful physiological state in ourselves. WHAT’S IN A CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX? Love. Shoebox Christmas gifts are built from love for children that might not otherwise get a Christmas gift. On the reservations of North and South Dakota, up to 70 percent of the children would not get a Christmas gift if not for the Shoebox Christmas Gift program and the generosity of the people that donate to this wonderful program. To start, wrap the bottom and top of the box separately (this will allow volunteers to insert the story of the birth of Jesus). Then fill with ageappropriate items such as the suggestions below. Place a rubber band around the box and the top, then put a small note with the age group and gender of the child on top of the box. You have just built a box of love. If you are unable to wrap a box, some pre-wrapped boxes are available in the Fellowship Room. The finished boxes need to be returned and ready for pick up in mid-November for distribution in December. Because of the difficulty in matching sizes, please do not include clothing except for hats, mittens and scarves. By sharing your gifts * Men’s jeans, new or slightly used, for the Free Mobile Thrift store in Watford City * Shoe Box Christmas gifts for children at Spirit Lake Reservation * Clothing, household items and non-perishable food for Spirit Lake Ministry Center * Funds for church building updating/repair projects * UMCOR kit supplies - see list on the back of this month’s calendar * Coffee mugs with lids, backpacks or small suitcases, sheets & towels for the Northlands Rescue Mission * $160 for a day’s sponsorship of church expenses * Regular offering to the general fund of Wesley UMC We say Thank You to the following people who have shared their gifts and service To all who have shared their time and talents for Sunday morning worship by serving as Welcome Teams, Lay Readers, Communion Preparers and Servers, Sound Board Monitors, Nursery Helpers, and by providing special music for our Sunday worship services. - To Duane & Aileen Sandwick for repairing the pew for the chapel and hanging blinds in the restrooms. - To Aileen Sandwick for making table decorations for the Fellowship room, and making the decorations for the dining room pillars - To all who helped with Homecoming Sunday preparations, serving and cleaning up. - To all who helped with the Potato bowl float and parade. - To all those who are serving as teachers, helpers, or other staff for our Sunday school programs. - To Nancy Schaper for organizing and serving coffee fellowship time each Sunday and to Eli & Caleb Zerr, Barb Spicer, Janette Yaeger and Jane Carpenter for helping with the setting up and with clean up. - To Helen DeMaster, Lily & Andrea Snortland, Janette Yaeger, Daryell Ferguson, Barb Spicer, Doug Munski, for providing cookies or treats for Sunday morning coffee fellowship. - To Aileen Sandwick for caring for the plants in the sanctuary and narthex as well as the circular part of the Memorial garden. - To Janette Yaeger and Pam Whaley for polishing brass offering plates, candle holders, etc, and for filling the oil candles - To Richard Wills, Cleo Rowe, Jerry Griffin, and Doug Williams for taking time to faithfully count offering donations. - To the many others who share their time with our church or community and do so without being noted here God calls us to be good stewards of all that we are and all that we have. We are always looking for people to share their musical talents for special music. If you have an interest in being a part of special music or will have someone visiting that would like to share their talents, please let Marge Myrold know. She is more than willing to help anyone out! Bakken Oil Rush Ministry Free Mobil Thrift Store in Watford City is in need of donations of men’s jeans, new or slightly used. The most popular size needed is 38x32. Also always needed are fire-resistant jeans and shirts. They are also gearing up for winter and could use new or slightly used winter coats and jackets. Items will be picked up from Wesley around October 3. Sunday School Children’s Music is off to a great start! We are learning to sing Jesus Loves Me in several foreign languages. Below are the dates the children will be singing the rest of 2014 year: Sunday, October 26 The children will sing at the 10:45 a.m. service Sunday, November 16 The children will sing at BOTH SERVICES Saturday, December 13 Practice for the Christmas program will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sunday, December 14 Christmas program at the 10:45 a.m. service Thank you for bringing your children to class. I do enjoy working with them. Sunday School music will start at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 14. I look forward to seeing your children!! Kellie Burgess Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving As Wesley UMC prepares for a new year, it is important to know what support we can depend on from our congregation members. By knowing what you are willing to commit financially, we are able to better plan for the future. Please consider setting up a recurring giving plan. Automating your financial commitments means your contributions will be received on a steady, uninterrupted basis. A greener approach to giving Churches, because of their heavy weekly check volumes, were among the earliest organizations to embrace electronic giving as a way to automate contributions. Today, electronic giving in all its forms provides convenience for frequent check writers and donation consistency for churches. A less frequently discussed benefit of electronic giving is its positive impact on the environment. An enormous amount of natural resources are consumed in the production, transportation, processing and disposal of paper checks. That’s why paying bills electronically always ranks high on any list of actions an individual can take to improve the environment. The trend toward electronic payments has already produced more than a 50% decline in check use since the year 2000. As you consider the payment method you use to make your regular offering, we hope that you will think about the unique connection between financial stewardship and environmental stewardship. On Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm beginning, October 7, there will be a group studying the book, Making Sense of the Bible by Rev. Adam Hamilton, lead pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS. This is a 6-week video and discussion series. Anyone interested is invited to join the group. The book is available to order through the church office or there is an e-reader version available that you can purchase on your own. In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible. The book begins with foundational questions such as, How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? And, Is the Bible ever wrong? From there, Hamilton considers the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike, including: • Were Adam and Eve real people? • Why is God so violent in the Old Testament? • Why would Paul command women to "keep silent in the church"? • Is Jesus the only way to salvation? • How does God view homosexual people? • Is the Book of Revelation a guide to the End Times? In an approachable and inviting language, Hamilton addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving. Youth Group Upcoming Events: October 5, 12, 19, 26 – Spook Insurance October 24-25 – Fall Lock-in Starting October 5th, the youth are back again with Spook Insurance! We will be selling Spook Insurance on Sunday mornings in October after both worship services. Spook Insurance “policies” are $5 each and cover any mischief that befalls your house on Halloween. Cleanup will occur on Saturday, November 1st. See the youth table in the Narthex for more information and to purchase your policy. The funds raised will go towards the youth group mission trip next summer. The Youth Group Fall Lock-in will take place on October 24th – 25th. Doors will open at 6:30pm on Friday (the 24th) and lock at 7:00pm. The lock-in will be done at 10:00am on Saturday (the 25th). Permission forms and medical releases are due October 22nd. Forms will be available during youth group or by emailing the youth leader at the address below. Friends are more than welcome! In September, we discussed the story of Joseph at the end of Genesis going into the Moses in the beginning of Exodus. We also helped decorate and marched in the church’s float for the Potato Bowl Parade. Youth Group meets on Wednesdays at church in the youth room from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Youth group is for all students in grades 6 – 12. Youth are always encouraged to bring friends to Youth Group! If you have any questions or concerns, or would just like to know more about Youth Group, I can be reached at or leave a message through the church office (701-772-1869). Mark Schlasner Youth Leader Altru’s Professional Nurses Committee asks you to be a part of Undies Challenge 2,000 pairs of underwear October 6th – 20th We often take everyday things for granted. Like underwear! Imagine taking a shower at the end of a hard day and not having a decent pair to wear. Unfortunately, this is true for many individuals in our community. Please help by donating new underwear, personal care items or diapers. Look for the collection box at the church! If you had your picture taken at Wesley last spring or if you submitted a picture for the 2014 picture directory, a copy is reserved for you. If you have not picked up your directory, please ask for it on Sunday morning or at the church office. There are a few extra copies available as well. The adult “Library” Bible study class is continuing their study of the book of Colossians, based on a study guide written by Max Lucado. There is no outside reading required, so feel free to join the class at any time. They meet each Sunday at 9:30-10:30 am in the church library. The fall schedule of Sunday school classes has begun. All children age 2 through 5th grade as well as youth in grades 6- 12 and adults are invited to be part of a Sunday school class. Students who have not yet registered are welcome do that on their first day of coming to a class. Friends are always welcome too! We are still seeking a couple of Sunday School teachers and helpers! Especially needed are a helper for the preschool class and a co-teacher for the senior high class. We need to have two teachers or a teacher and a helper for each class. You could also be listed as a substitute teacher or helper. If you are willing to share your time and faith with our children or youth please contact Michele Iiams at 218-791-5658, Jessica Zerr at, or Judy Christy at 7721869 or
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