Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Molokai Observer H2O Aerobics 11:00 Pokeno 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Poker 6:30 October 2014 5 Texas Bingo 2:00 6 12 Texas Bingo 2:00 13 19 20 26 Texas Bingo 2:00 27 Frieda Duryee Joyce Barton Sharon Weber Cindy Antill Vernon Pero 5 Carol Sue Stockweather 6 Lorna Medler Cheryl Tarr 9 George McGinness Murray Leaver 9 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 15 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Pokeno 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Poker 6:30 16 Clubhouse cleaning Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Pot Luck 6:00 22 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Pokeno 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Poker 6:30 28 H2O Aerobics 11:00 ROC 9:30 Hawthorne Pool-Billiards 3:00 Bingo 6:30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Birthdays 8 21 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Bingo 6:30 Observer deadline Clubhouse cleaning Hand & Foot 1:00 M’kai Orientation 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Pokeno 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Poker 6:30 14 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Bingo 6:30 Texas Bingo 2:00 1 2 3 4 7 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Bingo 6:30 2 23 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 29 MRA Board 9:00 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Pokeno 1:30 Pool-Billiards 3:00 Poker 6:30 10 Dorothy Mills Mary Woodall 11 Paulette Sanford 12 Margie Belous 15 Don Gray 30 Hand & Foot 1:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 16 Pat Myers 18 Jim White 21 Ted Poole 22 Essie Sefton 23 Al Goodell Saturday 3 Quilting 9:30 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Bingo 2:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 4 Pinochle 6:30 10 Quilting 9:30 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Bingo 2:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 11 Pinochle 6:30 17 Quilting 9:30 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Bingo 2:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 18 Pinochle 6:30 24 Quilting 9:30 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Bingo 2:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 25 Pinochle 6:30 31 Quilting 9:30 H2O Aerobics 11:00 Bingo 2:00 Pool-Billiards 3:00 25 Karen Herchen 26 Alice Dupuis 27 Eddie Coers 29 Eleanor Glanz Dan Dulaney MRA DUES Individual $10 Men’s Club $5 Couple $20 Women’s Club $5 Please, newcomers and old timers Support our MRA and join for fun & fellowship. Membership starts Jan. 1 Make checks payable to “MRA”. List MRA and Men’s and/or Women’s Clubs Put checks in the MRA box. All residents and renters (even short term) must pay MRA dues to participate in activities. Women’s and Men’s Clubs are optional. Attention Lady Golfers We are now playing on Mondays at Bay Tree. Contact Pat Smith (552-4048) for details. Regular league will start shortly. Watch for information. Notices will be posted at the Club House. Golf Leagues The Monday and Wednesday Men's Golf Leagues will start up again in early November. Check next month's Observer for details. What’s Happening?? As activities pick up again, please remember to let the Observer know about start dates. The Observer can publicize events and help you get more residents involved in them. Molokai Orientation There will be an orientation meeting on Thursday, October 2 at 1:30 in the clubhouse for all residents and renters who have moved in since January 2014. If you haven't attended this meeting yet, PLEASE COME. We will review very important rules and regs. RSVP to Louise Horgan 742-0733. Bingo Winners 7-25 7-28 8-1 8-4 8-8 Jeff Nickerson Shirley DeLong Pat Raia Anne Wellman Pat Raia Janet Jarrells Pat Raia Laura Rice Kay Ramer 8-11 8-15 8-18 8-25 9-1 9-5 9-8 9-12 Janet Jarrells Dori Groth Paulette Sanford Pat Raia Janet Jarrells Paulette Sanford Pat Raia Connie Hayden Anne Wellman October Pot Luck Sponsors are Hawaiian Way, Palai, Mauna Loa, Street of Aloha Mid FL ROC Mid Florida ROC Meeting: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Where: Hawthorne, US 27, south of Leesburg.. Program: Scott Gordon, Mr. Gordon is an attorney who is extremely knowledgeable about resident owned parks. His previous appearances have been very interesting. Meeting will start at 10:00AM. Come early for coffee at 9:30. MRA Card Party Last year was such a success that we’re doing it again – a Molokai Card Party in February. We will be inviting all the other parks to participate. We are promoting Molokai as a beautiful park and we would appreciate your donations of a new small item for the table gifts or a larger item that we could include for the raffle. We will be placing a bin in the club house to hold your donations. There will be more information about the event in future Observers. Red Hats Keep your eyes on the bulletin board in the clubhouse for information on Red Hat events. Flea Market November 8. A sign-up sheet is posted on the MRA bulletin board in the clubhouse for both the tables in the clubhouse and carport sales. There is a charge of $5 for each table and each participating carport; this is the same as in the past and will be used for advertising and other expenses. The "map" of the table setups will be posted so each person can put their name(s) on whatever tables they prefer. We expect to mark each participating carport so shoppers can readily identify your sale. Only those who paid their $5 will be allowed to have carport sales. The MRA will, as usual, have a table at the clubhouse for those who would prefer to just donate your unwanted items to them to sell. We need a volunteer to head up the kitchen crew. Lunch will be served in the clubhouse from 10 to 11:30. (Coffee and donuts earlier? – not sure, will advise later). The hours are 8 – 1. Whether you are in a carport or at a table, do not "close your doors" until closing time - unless you sell out (and good for you if you do!!) If anyone has any comments, suggestions, changes, etc., please contact Oscar Noel (352-253-0796) or any other committee members. ALL suggestions will be considered. Committee Members: Freida Duryea, Don Thoms, Sandy Noel, Pete and Judy Basdeka Welcome Home Please remember to let the office know when you return from your time away. Please be careful We see that people are starting to come back “home”. It is so nice to see the place filling up again. Please remember that we are on a septic system and everything has to get pumped to the station. With the exception of regular toilet paper, nothing should get flushed that doesn’t come out of you. Even “flushable” wipes can clog a pump. Repairing and replacing pumps costs you money. An Hawaiian hula dancer? A surfer fanatic? A fashion model? The wife of a billionaire? A Royal Hawaiian Chief? A scuba diving instructor? A Professional Golfer? Or was it one of the others in the cast? Come to the "Hawaiian Murder Mystery Dinner" in February and see if you can figure out "who did it?" More details in the November Observer. Drive Defensively As a 55+ community, we have many residents whose reaction time is not what it used to be. Please stick to the 15 mph speed limit, keep an eye out for movement in the driveways ahead of you, and check twice when backing out. Pedestrians, remember to walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic so you can see what is coming at you. Rule Reminder 1. A...Homesite, carport, and yard should be attractively maintained free of clutter, trash, and storage. Yards must be neatly maintained. 1. E.... No parking on grass. No overnight parking on the street. 1. F....Trash pickup is on Tuesday and Friday starting at 8:30AM. Do not put trash out before 7AM. All yard waste pick up is on Thursday only. (bagged or tied and in 4 ft. lengths) and shouldn't be put out before Thursday. IX. .......Guests who are staying (overnight) in the park must be registered at the office. Get your pool passes then too. Message from the Editor I need input. Please get into the habit of making sure the Observer gets a copy of anything you post in the clubhouse or put on Channel 998. Put a copy in the Observer file in the office. The best way is email – copy and paste what you wrote into the body of the email if you don’t know how to do attachments. If you want to learn how to do attachments, contact me. If you want something included in the Observer: Email Leave in the Observer folder at the office. Leave in the mailbox at 216 Paradise South Please include your name and phone or email. Deadline is the 21st of the month. Editor: Alice Dupuis Proof Reader: Louise Horgan Distribution: Mark Shaw Thanks, Alice Dupuis
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