ParentMemoFebruary9th—13th,2015 “Guiding students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment. 2014-15 MRA Essent ia l Question : “H ow do I imp a ct my community a nd how do es my c o mmuni ty i mp a ct me ?” C o n g ra t u la ti o ns Iva Q ui n l an a n d ou r MRA C om mu n it y ! W e hav e b ee n a w a rd e d a g r an t f r om G R OW H ealt h y K ids an d C omm un i t ies t o i ns ta l l a g r o w l i g ht s y s t em i n to o u r g a r d e n . Monday, February 9th Scrip Orders Due 1:30 8th Grade Fieldtrip to MHS 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand. Tuesday, February 10th 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please note that the Bee Keepers Office (main office) will be closed at this time every Tuesday. Subway lunch orders due no later than 3:00 p.m. (later orders will not be accepted) 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand. 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8 Wednesday, February 11th Pizza lunch orders due no later than 1:00 p.m. (late orders will not be accepted) Subway Lunch 1:00 p.m. Early Release 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. DaVinci Workshop 6:00 p.m. 8th Grade Forecasting at Molalla High School Thursday, February 12th 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand. 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 4/5 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. 5K Cardiac Fun Run Friday, February 13th 11:30 to 12:00 p.m. MRA Science Club in Ms. Carrie’s Room 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Cedars Brain Event Ms. Carrie’s Room 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. MRA Family Fun Dance Important MRA News: Out this Week: Please note that I will be out this week, returning to school on Wednesday, February 18th. Beth Breiten will be handling any immediate issues and will be in contact with me daily while I’m away. I have full confidence in our MRA Staff in their ability to keep things running smoothly and unhindered. I will have access to email and will do my best to reply in a timely manner while I’m gone. If you have a Cedars student who will require a conference this week, we will conduct those when I return. Cedars Homework Club Homework Club will no longer be assigned to our Cedars. Mrs. D and Ms. Carrie are both now available to support students with homework and/or struggles in class Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and at lunch. They would like students to sign up the day before for the afternoon times. If your student needs help, or would like to stay after school to complete homework, please have them sign up with either teacher. Our Vision Is: Successful graduates with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their dreams and enrich the community. Intent to Return Forms Intent to return forms are attached to this memo and are available on our website. These must be filled out in order to keep your children’s spaces at MRA for next year. The public lottery is April 7th and any unclaimed spots will go into the lottery. Please return your completed form to Jaylene in the office no later than April 1st. Thanks. Student Immunizations It is quickly approaching the time of year when we have to report incomplete immunizations to the state. As a reminder, all 7th graders should have updated TDAP shots this year. Reminder letters have been sent home. Please feel free to call the MRA office if you have any questions. MRA Dance MRA Family Fun Night is on February 13th. If you would like to help, please email Jaylene Slinger at You can run an activity, bring supplies, help with set up/take down etc. Thank you all and I hope to see you there! Jaylene Slinger MRA Cardiac Caper 5K Fun Run Our second 5K Fun run of the year is taking place this Thursday, February 12th, from 3:15 to 4:15. Everyone is welcome. $5.00 gets you into the run and allows you to get a heart charm and a certificate of completion! Bring your friends and family and join us. Sign up forms are attached to this memo. Auction 2015—Roaring Twenties—Location Changed to Clackamas County Fair Grounds The next auction meeting will be at Legends (formerly known as Arrowhead) on Monday, February 22nd at 6:30 p.m. If you have questions feel free to email Ann Breiten at and Susie McAbee at If you have procurement questions please email us at Auction Procurement: Hard copies of procurement letters and donation receipts have home with each student. The letters can be given to any business, potential donor, or attendee. The receipt is in duplicate and includes our tax ID number. If you get a donation, or have a service or item you want to donate, please fill out the receipt and bring one copy back to Jaylene in the office. Every family is expected to procure at least one donation. If you are able to help procure more than one item and have some time to make phone calls or send out a few emails, please stop by the auction procurement table and pick up a list of donors to contact. Much of procuring truly is as simple as emailing or making a phone call. We will have a scrip for you to follow. All auction information is also currently available as a download off the front page of our website, and is attached to this memo. Thank you all for your support in this very important fundraiser. Our goal this year is $25,000.00 in profit. Scrip Orders We will be taking scrip orders every Monday this month. Please see the attached flyer and order form! We do appreciate your purchasing scrip. We can raise a considerable amount of money through this program without costing you anything. Check it out if you haven’t yet. Report Cards—this information is also posted on my blog at: Hopefully all of you have successfully gone into Jupiter and found your student’s report cards. As a reminder, the grading system we use at MRA is not the same as the A, B, C system of more traditional schools. We assess students on skills in various areas, and score them based on whether or not the student has mastered the skill. Some skills are taught all year long, such as most of the writing and reading, and some are by unit, such as several of the thematic (science and humanities) skills. The rating is as follows: 1—Beginning, the student is just at the starting stage of getting the skill 2– Emerging, the student is making progress 3—Proficient, the student has mastered the skill 4—Exemplary, the student has it mastered and is able to apply the skill in a variety of ways and on a deeper thinking level We do not expect students to get 3’s and 4’s on skills that are taught all year long for this first report card . A 2 means that they are on track, and if the teacher doesn’t see that the student is continuing to make progress and is headed toward a 3 or a 4 by June, you will be notified. We do, however, want students to have mostly 3’s and 4’s on skills that are taught only in a single unit. If you aren’t clear and have questions about how to read your child’s report card, please make sure to talk to their teacher. Homework—Cedars Parents First, many thanks to all of the Cedars parents for your support this week as we implemented the new homework policy. It has already made a difference. I do want to be clear that although a phone call home is not a pleasant experience, the ultimate goal is not to punish our students. The goal is to get parents, students and teachers on top of any homework issues early, and to schedule conferences after 3 missing assignments in a five day period in order to determine why the student is struggling with getting it done. The issue may be their planner, it may be a communication problem, it may be a lack of understanding, etc. Our bottom line goal in these consequences is to make sure we have a clear line of communication to help your student be successful in all aspects of their education. Calendar of Events: February 9th February 11th February 12th February 13th February 13th February 16th February 17th February 19th February 23rd February 24th February 25th March 4th March 7th March 19th—20th March 23rd—27th Attached: Intent to Return Form for 2015-16 DaVinci Workshop Dance Flyer Cardiac Caper Sign Up Form T-Shirt Order form Scrip Order Form and Flyer Subway Order Form Pizza Order Form Auction Procurement Packet 1:30 p.m. MRA Cedars to Molalla High School 6:00 p.m. 8th Grade Forecasting at the high school 3:15 p.m. Cardiac Caper 5k Fun Run 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Cedars Brain Culminating Event Time TBA 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. All School Dance No School, President’s Day T-Shirt order forms due 6:00 p.m. Open House for Fall Enrollment 6:30 p.m. Auction Meeting at Legends (formerly Arrowhead) 6:30 p.m. Parent Education Night—Mindset/Dyslexia Film/and more 6:30 p.m. MRA Board Meeting 12:15 All School Assembly 10:00 a.m. MRA Open House No School, Teacher Planning Days Spring Break Molalla River Academy Charter School 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, Oregon 97038 503-829-6672 Fax 503-759-6672 Letter of Intent to Return to Molalla River Academy 2015-2016 School Year January 23rd, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: Each year at this time we begin to assess enrollment figures and prepare for the upcoming school year. It is very important that you respond to this form so that your student has a secure spot at MRA, and so that we can accurately determine our enrollment for the fall and develop a proper budget. Please complete this form to let us know if your student(s) will be joining us for the 2015-2016 school year. By initialing section #1 below you are confirming your intent to return. If you do not plan for your student(s) to return please complete section #2 below. This document needs to be returned to the MRA office by Friday, March 6th. Thank you, Jaylene Slinger MRA Office Manager Section #1 Yes we will be returning to MRA in 2015-2016 (Initial) Students Name(s):____________________________________________________________________________ Student Name(s) /Current Teacher(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Section #2 _________________________will not be returning to MRA and will be going to ____________________________ Student Name New School _________________________will not be returning to MRA and will be going to____________________________ Student Name New School _________________________will not be returning to MRA and will be going to____________________________ Student Name New School _________________________will not be returning to MRA and will be going to____________________________ Student Name New School I understand that if my student’s name is filled in on Section #2 my child’s place will be filled by someone from the lottery or the waiting list. If I change my mind I will need to reapply and will not be guaranteed a spot. ___________________________________________________________ Parent Signature ____________________ Date “Guiding students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies I the arts and sciences with in a safe and nurturing environment.” All Things Me February 4 Self Portrait Illusion February 11 My Travels February 18 My Parts DA VINCI WORKSHOP FEBRUARY February 25 ME CONNECTINGSTUDENTSTOTHEIRINNER ARTISTTHROUGHVISUALARTS Who:Students‐‐‐appropriateforallabilitieslevels/2nd–8thgrades When:1:10pm‐‐‐3:00pm,Wednesdays‐‐‐2/14,2/11,2/18,2/25 Where:MRACafeteria Cost:$10persession Pre‐ or see Jaylene in the office MOLALLA RIVER ACADEMY 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, Oregon, 97038 503-829-6672 Family Dance Date: 02/21/2014 (Tentative) Time: 6:00 PM Please join us for the MRA All School Family Dance! Enjoy music from DJ Chris Peters, dance in bubbles from the bubble fog machine, and enter the 50/50 drawing. Tons of fun for the WHOLE family. Bring the younger siblings, Grandparents, everyone! There will be a $10 per family or $2.50 per person cover at the door. Some snacks and water will be available for purchase during the event. You will also have the opportunity to capture the memory with a photo booth. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Non MRA students may attend with the proper permission slip if attending without their parents/guardian, available in the MRA office. If you have any questions or would like to help please contact: Jaylene Slinger 503-829-6672 Stude ent Relea ase Form m & Guid delines fo or Schoo ol Sponsore ed Dance es *In order for f a Molalla River R Academ my student to be admitted to t an MRA sp ponsored dan nce with an ad dult chaperone e who is not their t Parent/G Guardian, thiss form MUST be completed d and turned into i the Main Office no later than 3:0 00 p.m. on the e Wednesdayy prior to the dance. d ent may attend d without bein ng accompan nied by an adu ult chaperone e. *No stude EPTIONS WIL LL BE MADE E NO EXCE I will comp ply with Molalla River Acad demy rules an nd its staff’s expectations e f behavior while for w attendin ng the Molalla River Academy y sponsored dance d on: ________ ___________ _ Date of Evvent ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ __ Molalla River Academy y Student Nam me ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _________ ___________ _ ___________ ____________ _ Adult Cha aperone Name e P Phone Numbe er ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ _______ Parent/Gu uardian’s Eme ergency Phon ne Number(s)) for the nightt of the event. ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ______ Guest Parent/Guardian n Signature ___ ___________ _______ D Date ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ______ Parent Sig gnature of MR RA Student ___ ___________ ________ D Date mation is req quired for gue ests that are e current mid ddle school students s enrolled This addiitional inform outside of o MRA. This stude ent listed abo ove is a student in good sta anding at our school. He/sh he has had no o significant behavior or o discipline is ssues while attending a our school. ________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _ MRA Adm ministrator Sig gnature ________ ____________ _ Date Molalla River Academy y reserves the e right to exclude or removve anyone prior to or during g the dance at a the discretion of school authorities. Molalla Riveer Academy 16897 S. Callahan Rd., M Molalla, OR 9703 38 503‐829‐6672 (office) 503‐759‐6672 (fax) CARDIAC CAPER 5K Fun Run/Walk Date: Thursday, February 12th Time: 3:15 Place: MRA Fee: $5 per person or $12 for a family of three or more *Turn into Mrs. Reeber’s mailbox -----------------------------------------------------Name(s):____________________________ Amount:_______________(attach fee to registration form) Student Name: ____________________________________________________ Molalla River Academy Teacher: ____________________________________________________ T-Shirt and Sweatshirt Order Form The logo items will have a full color screen‐printed or full color embroidered MRA logo on the left chest. The mascot will be in full color as well. Students will be allowed to wear all items (mascot included) as part of their uniform. Orders are Due by Tuesday, February 17th (late orders cannot be excepted). Item Garment Printed LOGO T‐Shirt NAVY Price Youth S Youth M Youth L (6/8) (10/12) (14/16) Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult 2XL Total Adult XL (Add $2) Quantity All Sizes $9 Garment Printed LOGO T‐Shirt RED All Sizes $9 Garment Printed LOGO T‐Shirt GRAY All Sizes $9 Garment Printed LOGO Ladies Cut T‐Shirt NAVY Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed LOGO Ladies Cut T‐Shirt RED Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed LOGO Ladies Cut T‐Shirt GRAY Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed MASCOT T‐Shirt NAVY All Sizes $9 Garment Printed MASCOT T‐Shirt RED All Sizes $9 Garment Printed MASCOT T‐Shirt GRAY All Sizes $9 Garment Printed MASCOT Ladies Cut T‐Shirt NAVY Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed MASCOT Ladies Cut T‐Shirt RED Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed MASCOT Ladies Cut T‐Shirt GRAY Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. T‐Shirt NAVY All Sizes $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. T‐Shirt RED All Sizes $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. T‐Shirt GRAY All Sizes $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. Ladies Cut NAVY Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. Ladies Cut RED Adlt sizes only $9 Garment Printed ROOTS OF RESP. Ladies Cut GRAY Adlt sizes only $9 Embroidered LOGO Hooded Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered LOGO Hooded Sweatshirt RED Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered MASCOT Hooded Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered MASCOT Hooded Sweatshirt RED Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered ROOTS Hooded Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered ROOTS Hooded Sweatshirt RED Yth $22/Adlt $25 Embroidered LOGO Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $27/Adlt $30 Embroidered LOGO Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt RED Yth $27/Adlt $30 Embroidered MASCOT Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $27/Adlt $30 Embroidered MASCOT Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt RED Yth $27/Adlt $30 Embroidered ROOTS Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt NAVY Yth $27/Adlt $30 Embroidered ROOTS Full Zip Hood Sweatshirt RED Yth $27/Adlt $30 TOTAL ITEMS TOTAL PRICE PLEASE MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: MRA Total Price `ÉÄtÄÄt e|äxÜ TvtwxÅç fvÜ|Ñ bÜwxÜ Scrip ordered through MRA is the equivalent of purchasing gift cards. But, when you buy scrip through MRA the school gets a percentage of the purchase price. For February we are offering four chances to purchase Scrip. Scrip can be used as gifts or to purchase gifts for birthdays or for that special someone or to purchase food for any celebration. Orders received on Mondays in February will be ready for you in the school office on the following Friday. Please return completed order forms to the Bee Keepers Office. Make checks payable to MRA. Wednesday Subway Lunch $4.00 If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your student will NOT get a sandwich. Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Lunch Date:_________________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Bread: ____ White ____ Wheat Condiments: ____ Mayo ____ Mustard Cheese: ____ Cheddar ____White American Meat: _____Ham ____ Turkey Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato ____ Pickles ____ Olives Wednesday Subway Lunch for $4.00 If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your student will NOT get a sandwich. Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Lunch Date:_________________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Bread: ____ White ____ Wheat Condiments: ____ Mayo ____ Mustard Cheese: ____ Cheddar ____White American Meat: _____Ham ____ Turkey Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato ____ Pickles ____ Olives MULTIPLE WEEK ORDER FORM Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00 Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering multiple weeks. Multiple week orders are standard orders only. You cannot order something different each week. Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward. Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Date Of Order:__________________ Amount Paid: __________________ For _____________ weeks of pizza lunch. Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Cheese Pepperoni Hawaiian SINGLE WEEK ORDER FORM Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00 Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering one week at a time. Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________Teacher:______________________________ Date Of Order:__________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Cheese Pepperoni Hawaiian Arts & Science Charter serving Kindergarten through 8th Grade Support Our 6th Annual Fundraising Auction Molalla River Academy is an Arts and Science themed charter school in its 6th year of existence. The school strives to provide students with an exceptional and unique educational experience. MRA offers specialized teaching with an emphasis on the Arts and Sciences, and high standards for academic achievement. The school reached its first charter renewal milestone in the spring of 2012. The school has an enrollment of nearly 200 students from Kindergarten through 8th grade. On April 18th of 2015, we will hold our 6th annual auction, The Roaring Twenties, at Clackamas County Fair Grounds in Canby, Oregon. We would like to count on your support this year in order for the event to be a success. The mission of Molalla River Academy is to guide students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment. Ways You Can Help Sponsorship: Participate in our Corporate Program Gift Certificate: Donations for services or products Product Donations: We appreciate any product donation Time Donations: Time donations are always received with enthusiasm and are a wonderful way to give to our children and parents (yard work, fishing trip, handyman, holiday helper, tutoring, etc.) Advertising: Advertise in our auction catalog Attend the auction Just as we challenge our students to grow through the academic stages, we need to continue to challenge each other to support this excellent educational opportunity. Charter schools are public schools, but they receive roughly 20% less funding than their public counterparts. The school makes up the other 20% through corporate donations, grants, and various fundraising activities. Without the funds gained through our auction, MRA would be highly challenged to offer the quality experiences that the children deserve. We hope that you will visit our website at to learn more about the school and how it offers a unique learning environment. With your support, we can continue to offer this excellent educational opportunity. Thank You! ‐Molalla River Academy Auction Committee 16897 S. Callahan Road Molalla, OR 97038 ph: (503) 829‐6672 fax: (503) 759‐6672 Federal ID #26‐2018413 Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities The Cotton Club $1000 Reserved dinner table for 8, 2 bottles of wine, advertising on MRA’s website and Facebook page, a full‐page ad in the event program, and your logo on our event flyers. Casablanca: $500 Reserved Seating for 4, 1 bottle of wine, advertising on MRA’s website and Facebook page, and a half‐ page ad in the event program. Chumley’s: $250 Advertising on MRA’s Website and Facebook pages, and a half page ad in the event program. OpportunitiestoAdvertiseintheAuctionCatalog Full page $75 Half‐page $50 2”x 3 ½” $25 All advertisers will be included in a listing on our web site. Full and half‐page advertisers will be given a link to their website Ad copy should be submitted in electronic or printed format. If no copy is available, we can put a simple ad together for you. 16897 S. Callahan Road Molalla, OR 97038 ph: (503) 829‐6672 fax: (503) 759‐6672 Federal ID #26‐2018413 You are invited to MRA’s 6th annual auction, The Roaring Twenties, which will be held on April 18th, 2014 at Clackamas County Fair Grounds in Canby, please fill out the information and check the appropriate boxes below. Yes, I would like to help support Molalla River Academy Name ___________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________ Phone __________________________ email: _________________________________ The Cotton Club $1,000 I will be sending attendees to the auction # ___________ Casablanca $500 I will NOT be sending attendees to the auction Chumley’s $250 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ I Will Purchase Dinner Tickets Instead of Sponsorship Reserved Table for 8 $200.00 Includes 2 bottles of wine and a special table prize Individual Dinner Tickets $25 x # of tickets = $ Check Enclosed (Please make checks out to MRA) Credit Card (Also on MRA’s Website) Visa/MC/Disc #_____________________________ ______________________________ exp. ___________ All donations are 100% tax deductible, Federal ID #26‐2018413 16897 S. Callahan Road Molalla, OR 97038 ph: (503) 829‐6672 fax: (503) 759‐6672 Federal ID #26‐2018413
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