ParentMemoApril20thto24th,2015 “Guiding students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment. 2 0 1 4- 15 MRA Es s e nt ia l Qu e s t i on : “H ow do I imp a ct my community a nd how do es my c o mmuni ty i mp a ct me ?” AUCTION 2015 TOMORROW NIGHT, APRIL 18TH AT THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS! Monday, April 20th Scrip Orders Due 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand. 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 4/5 Tuesday, April 21st 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please note that the Bee Keepers Office (main office) will be closed at this time every Tuesday. Subway lunch orders due no later than 3:00 p.m. (later orders will not be accepted) 11:30 to 12:15 Track Club 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand Wednesday, April 22nd Plant Sale Orders Due Today! Last Chance. Subway Lunch 1:00 p.m. Early Release 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. DaVinci Workshop Thursday, April 23rd 11:30 to 12:15 Track Club 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 4/5 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand. 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. MRA Health Fair!! Friday, April 24th Pizza Lunch 11:30 to 12:00 p.m. MRA Science Club in Ms. Carrie’s Room 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. 8th Grade Book Club Important MRA News: Eighth Grade Graduation For some of you it’s time to start thinking Eighth Grade graduation! If you have an eighth grader and would like to help plan graduation activities for June please contact me at MRA Health Fair—April 23rd Our LeaderFit team and Mrs. Reeber are working hard to put together our first Health Fair. This event will take place right after school on April 23rd. Booths include organizations and individuals who have a vested interest in physical and emotional health awareness, including safety and survival. This event is open to all of the MRA community. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Our Vision Is: Successful graduates with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their dreams and enrich the community. MRA Plant Sale Extended We have extended the deadline for plant sale orders to April 22nd. Please check with friends, neighbors, coworkers, and relatives and get some additional orders! The money made goes directly to support our teachers and classrooms in this year’s budget. The order form and flyer are attached, and they are available on our website. Oaks/Smarter Balanced Testing This year students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking the Smarter Balanced standardized test for Language Arts and Math, and the 5th and 8th graders will be taking the Oaks test for Science. Students will be given one opportunity to pass the Smarter Balanced exams and two for the Science. Because the Smarter Balanced is a new test with a very different format, it is highly recommended that students go onto the practice site and do the practice tests. This will help them get used to the different tools and expectations, and allow them to make notes on areas where they are struggling and need help. The practice site is: http:// Please let your classroom teachers know if you have any questions. Student Led Portfolio Conferences This May we will be conducting our first student led conferences. All of our students will be presenting their portfolios to their parents in a conference format. This is an incredible opportunity for you to sit down with your student, review the work they have done this year, and set some goals for next year. Conferences will be held May 21st and 22nd. Every student will lead his or her own conference with a teacher in attendance to assist as needed. You will be asked to sign up for your times and come to MRA with your student. Please make sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend. Students will be working hard to prepare for these conferences and will be excited and proud to share their work with you. Please see the attached flyer to better understand student led conferences and their benefits to everyone involved. Alders and Cedars Homework Update: Many thanks to all of you for your support as we dove into our new homework policy. We have been pleased with the results so far, and will be making the following adjustments for the Cedars: Cedars homework will only consist of math (about 15 to 30 minutes), Novel reading with questions as needed (about 30 minutes), Independent Project, and possibly some health or character education on occasion. Missed homework – 3 missing assignments per week or less (teacher discretion) will result in a teacher email to you, the parents. Continued missing assignments requires a teacher email to the parents and Shelley and we will schedule a conference to set up a plan to support the student. This is per teacher and per class. Incomplete Classwork – If this occurs the teacher will email the parents that day and let them know extra homework is coming home because the student didn’t use class time wisely. Incomplete work will go home as the teacher sees fit. If this is a consistent issue with a student then we will set up a conference. Again, this is per teacher and per class. Please watch for emails from your teachers about upcoming assignments and check Jupiter on a regular basis. Alders and Cedars Grading Reminders: If you are looking at your students grades in Jupiter please remember to keep in mind that there are at least two reasons your student may be getting a 2, and one primary reason they may be getting a 1. A 2 can either be reflecting a skill that has been recently introduced and your student is working to grasp, or it can be an indication that your student is not performing up to expectation because he or she is not completing the required work. If you look at Jupiter and are unsure about a score, please check with your child’s teacher. A 1, on the other hand, is generally a reflection that your student is not doing the required work. On occasion it can indicate a real struggle area for your child. Again, if you aren’t clear, check with the teacher. MRA Track Club MRA’s Track Club started on Tuesday, April 7th. Track club is held ever Tuesday and Thursday during lunch, from 11:30 to 12:15, through the month of May. Students, teachers, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and more come out to MRA and run or walk the track. The focus of track club is healthy living and getting outside to exercise and be together as a community. Participants receive tickets for each lap completed and laps are tallied at the end of track club in May. We culminate this event with an all school assembly to celebrate our success. Alders, Cedars and Trillium run from 11:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Clarkia and Huckleberries run from 11:55 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Vote for MRA Molalla River Academy has entered the 2015 Seeds of Change® Grant Program and needs the community’s help to get out the vote! From April 9 to April 27, individuals can visit the Seeds of Change® Facebook page and website to vote once per day. Vote via Facebook at or at MRA 2015-2016 Calendar Our MRA Board approved the calendar for next school year at their board meeting in April. Please note that the start time for school has been changed to 8:00 a.m. Students will be allowed into classrooms at 7:55 a.m. Students dropped off between 7:00 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. must be checked in to before care for a fee. Children who arrive after 7:45 a.m. may wait outside of the classroom until 7:55, or they may go to before care without charge. The calendar is attached to this memo and will be posted to our website. MRA LeaderFit 5K Fun Run—Raindrop Romp Our third 5K of the year will be held on May 7th at 3:15 p.m. at MRA. Please use the attached registration form to register to run. Forms and money can be put into Mrs. Reebers box in the office. You can register at the event if you miss registration beforehand. Come out and run with us! This is a great way to spend some time outside together, moving and getting healthy! Amazon Smile If you haven’t yet, please sign up to use Amazon Smile. Once registered Amazon will prompt you to select Amazon Smile in order for MRA to receive a percentage of any purchase you make. This is an easy, no cost to you way to raise extra money for Molalla River Academy classrooms and teachers. Mark Your Calendars—Ladies Tea May 8th Our third annual Ladies Tea will be held at 8:15 a.m. on May 8th. Invitations from students will be going out in the next couple of weeks. This event is to celebrate the women who have had an impact on the lives of our students. If a male representative wants to attend, he is certainly more than welcome! Please bring a chair or blanket to sit on and a coffee/tea mug. Light refreshments will be served. Calendar of Events: April April 23rd April 29th May 7th May 8th May 14th May 15th May 19th May 20th May 21st—22nd May 25th May 27th Attached: Vote For MRA’s Garden Grant Health Fair Flyer Plant Sale Form 5K Raindrop Romp Registration Form DaVinci Workshop Flyer Scrip Order Form Subway Order Form Pizza Order Form Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Flyer Student Led Conferences Information Sheet 2015-16 School Calendar Poetry Month 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. MRA Health Fair Poem in Your Pocket Day 3:15 p.m. 5K Fun Run 8:15 a.m. Ladies Tea 7:00 p.m. MRA Cedars PlaySpace Presentation to the Molalla School Board MRA Art/Music/Literature Showcase 6:30 p.m. MRA Board Meeting No School, Teacher Workday Student Led Conferences Memorial Day, No School 8:15 a.m. Volunteer Appreciation Brunch GET OUT THE VOTE Vote for Molalla River Academy and help us win a grant for our garden! Molalla River Academy has entered the 2015 Seeds of Change® Grant Program and needs the community’s help to get out the vote! From April 9 to April 27, individuals can visit the Seeds of Change® Facebook page and website to vote once per day. WHERE Vote via Facebook Vote via Website XX Once voting has closed, the top 50 organizations with the most votes will move on to the final judging phase. Around May 12, Seeds of Change ® will announce the 34 winners, awarding four $20,000 grants, ten $10,000 grants and twenty $1,000 grants. Let’s rally together to get out the votes and create a healthier, stronger community! #SeedsofChangeGrant State Testing Informational Page State testing at MRA will begin on Tuesday, March 31st. All students in grades 3 through 8 will be testing through the Smarter Balanced in math and language arts, and all of our 5th and 8th graders will be testing through Oaks in science. If you have access to a computer please have your students log on to: to practice testing. The Smarter Balanced layout is very different from the Oaks format that the students have used in the past. They will all benefit from simply practicing how to get around on the test site. The math and language arts tests have an in class component that will generally take place the day before testing. Students must be present for the in class piece in order to take the on-line part of the test. Please make sure your students get a good night’s sleep before testing and eat a good breakfast and lunch. Students are allowed one chance to take the math and language arts components and two chances for the science. If you as a volunteer are on campus during testing, please make sure you heed the ‘Testing in Session’ signs. Students will be testing in the computer lab and only those who have been trained to administer the exam are allowed inside. Entry of untrained individuals can invalidate tests. Thank you for your attention to this. Currently the schedule is as follows: April 20th—24th 5th and 6th Grade ELA Finishing April 20th –24th 7th and 8th Grade ELA. April 27th—May 2nd 3rd Grade Math Testing May 5th—9th 4th Grade Math Testing May 12th – 16th: 5th to 8th Grade Math Testing Please watch for information on retests for 5th and 8th grade science Please make sure to check your teachers blogs for information, updates, and any changes in schedules. MRA Health Fair When: April 23rd from 3:00 to 4:00 Where: 16897 South Callahan rd. 97038 Everybody Is Welcome, bring friends and family Raindrop Romp Come on down to MRA’s Raindrop Romp! Date: May 7th, 2015 Time: 3:15 pm $5 per person 3 or more in a family is $12 (Proceeds going towards the physical education program) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name(s)_______________________ Grade(s)______ Paid$________ Parent Signature_______________________ Return this information you filled out in Mrs. Reeber’s box in the front office. All Things April Foolish April 1 WORDS- Life Circle and Wordle Stone D es ert April 8 Colors and Design DA VINCI WORKSHOP APRIL April 15 Fun Food Feast April 22 Sock and Glove Creatures CONNECTING STUDENTS TO THEIR INNER ARTIST THROUGH VISUAL ARTS Who: Students -‐ appropriate for all abilities levels / 2nd – 8th grades When: 1:10pm -‐ 3:00pm, Wednesdays -‐ 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22 Where: MRA Cafeteria Cost: $10 per session Pre-register: or see Jaylene in the office MOLALLA RIVER ACADEMY 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, Oregon, 97038 503-829-6672 Wednesday Subway Lunch $4.00 If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your student will NOT get a sandwich. Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Lunch Date:_________________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Bread: ____ White ____ Wheat Condiments: ____ Mayo ____ Mustard Cheese: ____ Cheddar ____White American Meat: _____Ham ____ Turkey Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato ____ Pickles ____ Olives Wednesday Subway Lunch for $4.00 If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your student will NOT get a sandwich. Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Lunch Date:_________________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Bread: ____ White ____ Wheat Condiments: ____ Mayo ____ Mustard Cheese: ____ Cheddar ____White American Meat: _____Ham ____ Turkey Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato ____ Pickles ____ Olives MULTIPLE WEEK ORDER FORM Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00 Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering multiple weeks. Multiple week orders are standard orders only. You cannot order something different each week. Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward. Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________ Date Of Order:__________________ Amount Paid: __________________ For _____________ weeks of pizza lunch. Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Cheese Pepperoni Hawaiian SINGLE WEEK ORDER FORM Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00 Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering one week at a time. Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order. This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal. Student Name: ______________________________________Teacher:______________________________ Date Of Order:__________________ Amount Paid: __________________ Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating. Cheese Pepperoni Hawaiian ! s u n i o J Molalla Community StoryWalk Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies Thursday, May 14 at 4pm ~ Molalla Public Library Ruby’s Special Pizza Learn how to grind whole wheat or sorghum (gluten-free) grain into flour with author Megan Cline and illustrator Brie Riley, and take home a recipe to make your own pizza dough! Friday, May 29 during the school day*** ~ Molalla Elementary School Jack and the Beans Plant bean seedlings in dixie cups along with author and illustrator Lee Shaw! Thursday, June 11 during the school day*** ~ Molalla River Academy Daisy the Protector Dog Cares for her Friends Meet author Heather Nelson and her famous dog Daisy! Wednesday, June 17 at 4pm ~ Long Park We Are What We Eat Colorful face-painting with Kristy Stephens, the author and illustrator of this native animal-themed book! Thursday, July 23 at 4pm ~ Ivor Davies Park Outdoor Fun - an I-SPY Adventure Meet author Karen Graves and her three bears for a fun photo op, and see what you can spy! Saturday, July 25 time tbd ~ C’est La Vie Toby and the Nine Grain Adventure Visit all the planets and experience the nine Grains of Discovery with author Audrey Andrews and illustrator Nikita Seledkov! ***Events in italics are for students and school community members, or by invitation. If you would like to attend, please contact the school for an invitation. Student Led Conferences at Molalla River Academy In May students at MRA will have the opportunity to participate in student led conferences. These are conferences where our students will be sharing their portfolio work with their parents, discussing successes and struggles this year, and setting goals for the next school year. These conferences are truly led by the students. Your classroom and specials teachers will be present only to help facilitate and encourage your student. Conferences will be set at 30 minute increments, with 20 minutes of that time for the actual conference. We do ask that you respect the time limit because other parents and students will be waiting. If you wish to have a short conference with one of your child’s teachers we will have some time set aside for that. Please watch for information on scheduling. In order to help you understand student led conferences, differences and benefits, I have compiled the following: Traditional Conferences: • Teacher Driven • Short time frame ‐ little time for conversations • Arena style or large group setting • Focus tends to be on social and emotional rather than academic • Fragmented Student Led Conferences: • Student Driven • Longer time ‐ conversation based • High Accountability • Opportunities for goal setting • Samples of work • Authentic Assessment Benefits: • Schools see an increase in parent involvement • There is a higher accountability for the students • It helps to create a stronger learning atmosphere • Parents get an opportunity to see work in progress • Students are more motivated • There is increased communication between students and parents • Students practice real life‐skills ‐ communication, organization, leadership, etc. • Students learn self‐evaluation and self‐reflection skills • There is more focus on learning – process rather than product • Parents and students participate in goal setting to help build student success • It accommodates parents who do not speak English • Students are the center of the conference What Others Say: • Teacher: “When (students) need to present to their parents the missing assignments sheet, there is no place for that student to brush off the blame on someone else. Kids…now get their work in.” • Parent: “My child is more reflective, more self‐confident, self‐ directed, owning her work.” • Parent: “I am so impressed with the enthusiasm my son shows in regard to learning more and understanding schoolwork.” • Student: “It helps bring out the best in me.” • Student: “I like (creating the portfolio); I’m more in charge.” “We must constantly remind ourselves that the ultimate purpose of evaluation is to enable students to evaluate themselves.” Art Costa, 1989, Co‐Founder of the Institute for Habits of Mind and Co‐founder of the Center for Cognitive Coaching. Molalla River Academy 2015‐2016 Calendar Aug. 31st to Sept. 4th: Staff Development S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 July 2015 T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 F 3 10 17 24 21 S 4 11 18 25 S August 2015 M T W T F 2 9 16 23 30 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 6 13 20 27 September 2015 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 Sept. 3rd: Back to School Night 6:00 p.m. S 5 12 19 26 S 4 11 18 25 M January 2016 T W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 Class Days 17 S M April 2016 T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Class Days 19 1 8 15 22 29 Sept. 15th: All School BBQ, 5:00 p.m. Oct. 2nd: Jog‐a‐thon Oct. TBA School Pictures Oct. ??: Parent Ed Night, Time TBA Oct. 29th and 30th: Teacher Conferences S 3 10 17 24 31 Class Days 19 S Sept. 8th: First day of school Oct. 8th: Roots of Responsibility Day/Dance Oct. 9th: State Inservice, No School Class Days 17 October 2015 M T W T F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Sept. 7th: Labor Day, No school S November 2015 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Class Days 17 S 6 13 20 27 December 2015 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 Nov. 11th: Veteran's Day, No School S 5 12 19 26 Nov. 20th: Grandparents Day Brunch Nov. TBA : Wreath/Poinsettia Sale Nov. 25th ‐ 27th: Thanksgiving, No School Dec. TBA: Candy Cane Shop Dec. 11th: MRA Winter Program, Tentative Dec. 17th to 18th: End of Term One Dec. 21st ‐ Jan. 1st: Winter Break Class Days 14 Jan. 4th: No School, Teacher Planning Jan. 5th: Start of term two S 2 9 16 23 30 S 7 14 21 28 February 2016 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 S 6 13 20 27 S 6 13 20 27 March 2016 T W T 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 M F 4 11 18 25 Jan. 18th: MLK Day, No School S 5 12 19 26 Feb. 19th: MRA All School Dance Feb. 25th: Open House 6:00 p.m. Mar. 2nd: Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day Mar. 8th: Open House, 6 p.m. Mar. 21st to 25th: Spring Break March 28th: Teacher Planning Day Class Days 17 Class Days 19 Feb. 15th: Presidents Day, No School April: Poetry Month April 1st: Deadline for Enrollment 2016 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 May 2016 M T W T 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 Class Days 20 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 S 5 12 19 26 June 2016 T W T 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 Class Days 8 M F 3 10 17 24 April 5th: Public Lottery S 4 11 18 25 April 7th and 8th: Student led conferences April 16th: MRA Auction Fundraiser, Tentative Date April TBA: Spring Plant Sale April 27th: Poem in Your Pocket Day May 2nd: Teacher Workday, No School May 6th: Ladies Tea, 8:00 a.m. May 13th: MRA Art/Music/Literature Showcase, After School Holidays Special Days ** Gold Wednesdays are also Early Release Days May 25th: Volunteer Appreciation Brunch May 30th: Memorial Day, No School 1:00 p.m. Early Release Wednesdays ‐ Includes All Wednesdays June 1st: Bump Day June 3rd: Doughnuts for the Guys, 8:00 a.m. Teacher Development/Planning/Conferences ‐ No School June 8th: 8th Grade Graduation June 9th: Field Day/Talent Show Conferences ‐ No School June 10th: Last Day of School, Half Day June 13th ‐ 16th: Teacher Planning/Reports School Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. K‐4th M, T, Th, F 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 5th ‐ 8th M, T, Th, F 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Wed. Molalla River Academy 2015‐2016 School Year 16897 S. Callahan Rd., Molalla, OR 97038 503‐829‐6672
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