Parent Memo, March 30th, 2015

Parent Memo March 23rd to April 3rd, 2015
“Guiding students in becoming responsible lifelong learners and compassionate community members
through interdisciplinary studies in the arts and sciences within a safe and nurturing environment.
201 4 -1 5 MR A E s se nt ial Que st io n :
“ Ho w d o I i mpac t my c om m u nit y a nd h o w d o es my c om m u nit y i mpac t me ?”
MRA Auction Website is up and running. Click HERE to bid on the VIP
Table, check out items, and purchase your tickets.
March 23rd—March 27th—Spring Break, No School
JJ Jump brought in $370.00 for our school garden!
Many thanks to Emily Miller for organizing this event.
Monday, March 30th
 Scrip Orders Due
 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand.
 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 4/5
 6:30 p.m. MRA Auction Meeting at Legends
Tuesday, March 31st
 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please note that the Bee Keepers Office (main office) will be closed at this time every Tuesday.
 Subway lunch orders due no later than 3:00 p.m. (later orders will not be accepted)
 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8
 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand
Wednesday, April 1st—Start of Poetry Month at MRA
 Last day for Fall applications for the Lottery
 Subway Lunch
 1:00 p.m. Early Release
 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. DaVinci Workshop
Thursday, April 2nd
 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 4/5
 3:00 to 4:00 Cedars Homework Help—must sign up beforehand.
 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Leadership Grades 2 through 8
Friday, April 3rd
 11:30 to 12:00 p.m. MRA Science Club in Ms. Carrie’s Room
 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. Math Club 6/7/8
Important MRA News:
Eighth Grade Graduation
For some of you it’s time to start thinking Eighth Grade graduation! If you have an eighth grader and would like to help plan
graduation activities for June please contact me at
Our Vision Is: Successful graduates with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their dreams and enrich the community.
Congratulations to our Battle Of the Books Teams!
Congratulations to our Battle of the Books teams and their wonderful teachers - Laurel Glasmire and MaryJeanne Sheveland. I know that they all worked very hard to prepare and both teams did a fantastic job. Ms.
G’s team came within just a few points of ranking 16th and Mrs. Sheveland’s team made it to bracket play, placing 16th out of 47 teams!! We are all super proud of you and your kids!
MRA Learning Specialist
If you have a student on an IEP at MRA you already know our learning specialist, David Hill. Mr. Hill is employed through the
school district, and has been a very positive addition to us here at MRA. We are fortunate to have him. He would like to invite you
to email him if you ever have any questions or concerns about your student. He can be contacted through his MRA email at
MRA Billing Collectibles
We are nearing the end of the school year and it is time to make sure that your MRA bill is paid in full. Delinquent letters will be
going out in March. Please remember that kindergarten fees, before and after care, outdoor school, and Da Vinci are collectible.
Spring Plant Fundraiser
Our spring plant fundraiser has begun. Please see the attached order form and go to GreenLeaf’s website at to view the available plants. GreenLeaf does a great job and the flowers and vegetables have always
been healthy and hearty. We are aiming to raise $1000.00 to help support our general fund. Orders are due in to the school office
by April 7th.
Oaks/Smarter Balanced Testing—Testing Starts March 31st
This year students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking the Smarter Balanced standardized test for Language Arts and Math, and
the 5th and 8th graders will be taking the Oaks test for Science. Students will be given one opportunity to pass the Smarter Balanced exams and two for the Science. Testing will begin on March 31st for our 8th graders in Science. Please see the attached flyer
for more information and the testing schedule. Because the Smarter Balanced is a new test with a very different format, t is highly
recommended that students go onto the practice site and do the practice tests. This will help them get used to the different tools
and expectations, and allow them to make notes on areas where they are struggling and need help. The practice site is: http:// Please let your classroom teachers know if you have any questions.
Student Led Portfolio Conferences
This May we will be conducting our first student led conferences. All of our students will be presenting their portfolios to their
parents in a conference format. This is an incredible opportunity for you to sit down with your student, review the work they have
done this year, and set some goals for next year. Conferences will be held May 21st and 22nd. Every student will lead his or her
own conference with a teacher in attendance to assist as needed. You will be asked to sign up for your times and come to MRA
with your student. Please make sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend. Students will be working hard to prepare for these
conferences and will be excited and proud to share their work with you.
Intent to Return Forms
Intent to return forms are available on our website and in the school office. These must be filled out in order to keep your
children’s spaces at MRA for next year. The public lottery is April 7th and any unclaimed spots will go into the lottery. Please
return your completed form to Jaylene in the office no later than April 1st. Thanks
Alders and Cedars Homework Update:
Many thanks to all of you for your support as we dove into our new homework policy. We have been pleased with the results so
far, and will be making the following adjustments for the Cedars:
 Cedars homework will only consist of math (about 15 to 30 minutes), Novel reading with questions as needed (about 30
minutes), Independent Project, and possibly some health or character ed on occasion.
 Missed homework – 3 missing assignments per week or less (teacher discretion) will result in a teacher email to you, the
parents. Continued missing assignments requires a teacher email to the parents and Shelley and we will schedule a conference to set up a plan to support the student. This is per teacher and per class.
 Incomplete Classwork – If this occurs the teacher will email the parents that day and let them know extra homework is
coming home because the student didn’t use class time wisely. Incomplete work will go home as the teacher sees fit. If
this is a consistent issue with a student then we will set up a conference. Again, this is per teacher and per class.
 Please watch for emails from your teachers about upcoming assignments and check Jupiter on a regular basis. .
Our recent power outage alerted me to the fact that only 74 of us are registered with FlashAlert, and that includes teachers and
some of us with duplicate emails. I do try to email parents and post to Facebook when we need to close school last minute, but I
also use FlashAlert which allows you to receive an additional email, a text message, a tweet, and more, depending on your preferences. Please got to to sign up.
MRA Track Club
MRA’s Track Club starts on Thursday, April 9th. Track club is held ever Tuesday and Thursday during lunch,
from 11:30 to 12:15, through the month of May. Students, teachers, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and
more come out to MRA and run or walk the track. The focus of track club is healthy living and getting outside
to exercise and be together as a community. Participants receive tickets for each lap completed and laps are tallied at the end of track club in May. We culminate this event with an all school assembly to celebrate our success.
MRA Health Fair—April 23rd
Our LeaderFit team and Mrs. Reeber are working hard to put together our first Health Fair. This event will take place right after
school on April 23rd. Booths include organizations and individuals who have a vested interest in physical and emotional health
awareness, including safety and survival. This event is open to all of the MRA community. Please mark your calendars and plan
to attend.
Auction Procurement Packet: Available for download off of the MRA website.
Calendar of Events:
March 23rd—27th
April 1st
April 7th
April 7th
April 9th
April 18th
April 23rd
April 29th
May 7th
May 8th
May 14th
May 15th
May 20th
May 21st—22nd
May 25th
May 27th
Spring Break
Deadline for Fall Enrollment
Poetry Month
6:30 p.m., Public Lottery for Fall Enrollment
Spring Plant Orders Due
Track Club Starts
MRA Annual Auction
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. MRA Health Fair
Poem in Your Pocket Day
5K Fun Run
8:15 a.m. Ladies Tea
MRA Cedars PlaySpace Presentation to the Molalla School Board
MRA Art/Music/Literature Showcase
No School, Teacher Workday
Student Led Conferences
Memorial Day, No School
Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
State Testing Information and Schedule
Auction Update—Includes VIP Table Bidding Information
Health Fair Flyer
Plant Sale Form
Scrip Order Form
Subway Order Form
Pizza Order Form
State Testing
Informational Page
State testing at MRA will begin on Tuesday, March 31st. All students in grades 3 through 8 will be testing
through the Smarter Balanced in math and language arts, and all of our 5th and 8th graders will be testing
through Oaks in science.
If you have access to a computer please have your students log on to: to practice testing. The Smarter Balanced layout is very different from the Oaks format that the students have used in the past. They will all benefit from simply practicing how to get around on the test site.
The math and language arts tests have an in class component that will generally take place the day before
testing. Students must be present for the in class piece in order to take the on-line part of the test. Please
make sure your students get a good night’s sleep before testing and eat a good breakfast and lunch.
Students are allowed one chance to take the math and language arts components and two chances for the
If you as a volunteer are on campus during testing, please make sure you heed the ‘Testing in Session’ signs.
Students will be testing in the computer lab and only those who have been trained to administer the exam are
allowed inside. Entry of untrained individuals can invalidate tests. Thank you for your attention to this.
Currently the schedule is as follows:
March 31st
8th Grade Oaks Science
April 2nd
5th Grade Oaks Science
April 6th—10th
3rd and 4th Grade ELA
April 13th—17th
5th and 6th Grade ELA
April 20th –24th
7th and 8th Grade ELA.
April 27th—May 2nd
3rd Grade Math Testing
May 5th—9th
4th Grade Math Testing
May 12th – 16th:
5th to 8th Grade Math Testing
Please watch for information on retests for 5th and 8th grade science
Please make sure to check your teachers blogs for information, updates, and any changes in schedules.
Auction 2015!
View items at:
This years VIP table is now up for auction, closing on April 1st. The table includes special decorations that the
buyer gets to keep, up-front seating for the oral auction, special appetizers, complementary gifts, two bottles
of wine, and the opportunity to be first in line for dinner. Start your bidding now!
Current Corporate Sponsors:
The Cotton Club
Reserved dinner table for 8, 2 bottles of wine, advertising on MRA’s website and Facebook page,
a full-page ad in the event program, and your logo on our event flyers.
Reserved Seating for 4, 1 bottle of wine, advertising on MRA’s website and Facebook page, and a half
page ad in the event program.
Advertising on MRA’s Website and Facebook pages, and a half page ad in the event program.
Opportunities to Advertise in the Auction Catalog
 Full page $75
 Half-page $50
 2”x 3 ½”
All advertisers will be included in a listing on our web site.
Full and half-page advertisers will be given a link to their website
Ad copy should be submitted in electronic or printed format.
If no copy is available, we can put a simple ad together for you.
Invitations will be available in the office. Please feel free to pick up invitations to deliver to friends and family or
leave your list of contacts in the office and we can send them out for you with the mailing address you provide.
Fernwood Catering will be catering again this year. Menu to come!
Dinner tickets are for sale now. Go directly to the auction website to register.
Tickets can be purchased with a credit card or you can sign-up online for tickets and deliver cash or check to the
school office.
Online registration allows you to save your credit card information on the auction website. This information is
encrypted with the credit card company and you can have the option for speedy check-out at the end of the night.
There are reserved tables available for $200. A reserved table includes dinner for 8 people, 2 bottles of wine and
a special table prize . Individual dinner tickets are $25 each.
Do you have a fabulous cheesecake recipe? What about Aunt Betty’s famous apple pie? Start reviewing
your prized dessert recipes and plan to bring a homemade sweet treasure. Our annual dessert auction
will occur before the live auction starts.
Families are encouraged to drop off procured items at MRA. Join forces to create packages or baskets too. Beaver and Duck baskets always auction well. Hand crafted works of art such as yard art, sewing projects, or canned
specialties are also great auction items. We are also looking for live auction items to appeal to our guests.
Wish List / Ideas
Vacation Homes
Fishing or hunting guide services
Spa services
Yard / home / garden services
Landscape supplies
Sporting events
Restaurant certificates
Hotel stays
Livestock or produce
Classes for arts, fitness, cooking
1/2 beef or other livestock
electronics (ipad, kindle, other tech stuff)
BBQ’ing supplies
Pet food, pet services, pet supplies
Hard copies of procurement letters and donation receipts have gone home with each student. The letters can be
given to any business, potential donor, or attendee. The receipt is in duplicate and includes our tax ID number. If
you get a donation, or have a service or item you want to donate, please fill out the receipt and bring one copy
back to Jaylene in the office. Every family is expected to procure at least one donation.
If you are able to help procure more than one item and have some time to make phone calls or send out a few
emails, please stop by the auction procurement table and pick up a list of donors to contact. Much of procuring
truly is as simple as emailing or making a phone call. We will have a scrip for you to follow.
All auction information is also currently available as a download off the front page of our website, and is
attached to this memo.
Remember—MRA is a 501c3 organization and all donations are 100% tax deductible
The auction is fast approaching and the plans for decorations are moving ahead at full speed. In an attempt to
keep our budget low I am in need of some décor and I’m hoping that are incredible community will be able to loan
us a few items. I will label each piece and insure that you’ll get it back as soon as the auction is done.
Things I need:
 Candelabras (preferably one that has 5 candle holders, but three will work), can be glass, crystal, silver or
 Votive holders, can be glass, crystal, silver or black (can have rhinestone accents, or pearl)
 Light strings (small Christmas lights, I need LOTS of these)
 Any Art Deco décor
 Whiskey bottles, old bottles, or decanters
If you have any of these items please bring them to school and leave them either in the basement or with Jaylene,
tag them with your name and number and my name.
We also need volunteers to help set up the decorations and take them all down. I am in need of at least 6 folks to
arrive at the Clackamas County Fair Grounds in the morning to install all décor, and then need at least 6 people to
arrive at 9 to assist with taking down all decorations and clean up. You do get volunteer hours for your help.
If you are available please email or call me. 503-888-2440
Thank you,
Aaryn Peterson
Auction Committee, Decorating Chair
The next auction meeting will be at Legends (formerly known as Arrowhead) on Monday, March 30th at 6:30 p.m.
If you have questions feel free to email Ann Breiten at and Susie McAbee at If you have procurement questions please email us at
Thank you all for your support in this very important fundraiser. Our goal this year is $25,000.00 in profit.
Molalla River
Health Fair
To MRA families:
The MRA Cedar Leaderfit team has been working this whole
year to increase the health in the community. We have held
two 5k’s here so far, that many have attended. Our next project
is going to be held here on April 23rd; the 1st annual Health
Fair. We are hoping to have at least 20 booths. Some of the
booths we already have coming are Organic Veggies, the
Grow Team, Molalla Fire Department and a dietician. We are
still waiting for some responses from some other booths we
are hoping to have. We have spent much time in making this
happen. We want to thank Mrs.Reeber for giving her time and
effort into this project. The health fair will be a new and exciting addition to Molalla River Academy.
Pleasure growing with you
Mattie and Bella
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the Scrip Trail
Picking up gift cards all along the way.
Bringing Julie Jamba Juice
Giving Bobby Burger King
Scrip to make their Easter Bright and gay
Don’t forget See’s for Mama too
Cabela’s for Dad is always good
A movie out for all is fun all day.
Oh, Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the Scrip Trail
Giving Scrip this Happy Easter Day
Target *
The Children’s Place*
For retail, online, outlets, automotive
Ross Dress for Less*
Sears- Kmart-Lands End*
Payless Shoe Source*
R.E.I. * All Stores and Online
Macy’s *
Marshall’s-TJ Maxx/HomeGoods*
Nike, Inc. * Nike Town, Online, Outlets,
Employee store for those with access
JC Penney *
Kohl’s * Payment on account in store.
Banana Republic
GAP KIDS ~ Outlet Stores One Card for All
GAP * Old Navy
Dicks Sporting Goods *
outlets, employee stores for those w/access.
Columbia Sportswear* Retail
Cabela's *
All stores, restaurants, theater, kiosks not Croc Store.Tips deducted, then rebated.
Bridgeport Village *
Bed, Bath, & Beyond *
Thriftway* Only for OR and SW WA.
Whole Foods Market*
Safeway *
New Seasons *
Haggen / Top Foods *
Lamb’s Markets*
Strohecker’s Market
Fred Meyer / QFC *
Albertson’s & Sav On *
Godfather’s Pizza Med Specailty/Lrg 2 top
No card return - order carefully
Call number on back or check store website for balance
Old Spaghetti Factory
* Indicates Gift Card
No change back 8%
For any Restaurant, Brew Pub,Spa,
Hotel,Theater, Gift Shop, Hair Salon
McGrath’s Fish House *
McMenamins / Ruby’s Spa *
ClaimJumper, Morton’s Steak, Heathman
Restaurant Jake’s Grill @ Gov. Hotel, M &
S Grill, Jake’sSeafood,Harborside,Chart
House, McCormick’s & Schnmick’s
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Landry’s Restaurants *One card for
HoneyBaked Ham *
Izzy’s Pizza *
John’s Incredible Pizza Co *
Applebee’s *
Baja Fresh *
Bellagio’s Pizza *
Big Town Hero
Blitz Sports Pub * 99W, Ladd & Pearl
Buffalo Wild Wings*
Burger King *
Burgerville *
Carl’s Jr. / Green Burrito *
Chevy’s *
Chipotle *
Davidson’s - Tigard - No change
Denny’s Restaurant *
Domino’s Pizza OR and WA only
Elmer’s Pancake House
Famous Daves BBQ *
Figaro’s Pizza
Eco Car Wash*
Jiffy Lube
Kaady Car Wash *
Oil Can Henry’s*
Washman Auto Spa
Adult prime time paper movie ticket is less than
door price
Family Theaters Tigard and Oak Grove
Regal Cinemas Gift Card *
Regal Cinemas Paper Ticket
Games,cars,golf,arcades, food/ Wilsonville Only 15%
Cinemark - Century Theaters
Family Fun Center & Bullwinkles *
Veggie Grill *
Sweet Tomatoes *
Taco Bell *
Taco Time * OR and SW Wash.
Tom’s Pancake House No Change back
Subway *
Henry’s Tavern, Portland City Grill,Palomino, 8%
Billy Heartbeats, Newport Seafood Grill,Kincaids
Pizza Schmizza OR & SW WA
Red Robin *
Roundtable Pizza - Pdx metro area only
Ruby Tuesday*
Shari’s Restaurant*
Sonic Drive-In*
Stanford’s / Newport Bay/ Manzana*
Not airport, Bend, or Hood River
No change back.
Olive Garden/Red Lobster/Yard House *
Oswego Grill *
Outback Steakhouse *
Panda Express*
Panera Bread & Cafe*
Papa John’s Pizza OR & SW WA
Papa Murphy’s Pizza*
Pastini Pastaria*
Pizza Caboose
Pizzicato Gourmet Pizza
Personal Gift Card Order Form
Scrip Service Center - Revised 12-1-14
For online
Revised 12/1/14
Thank You for your support
TOTAL all columns =
Please make check payable to:
Chinook App-Android or iPhone
Chinook Book
Tully’s Coffee *
Starbucks Coffee *
Petco *
Pier 1 Imports *
Pottery Barn-Willams Sonoma*
Powell’s Books *
See’s Candy -1lb. Certif. $18 value
Staples Office Supplies*
cards at all FM Peet's
Peet’s Coffee * Use Fred Meyer
Backyard Bird Shop *
Barnes & Noble B Dalton *
Bath & Body Works *
Best Buy *
Big 5 Sporting Goods *
Build A Bear Workshop*
Coastal Farm & Ranch *
Cold Stone Creamery *
Craft Warehouse *
Home Depot *
iTunes * Internet music & more
Jamba Juice *
Joann Fabrics *
Krispy Kreme 1 dozen glazed
Learning Palace *
Lowe’s *
Michaels Crafts *
purchases. *
ACE Hardware*
Wednesday Subway Lunch $4.00
If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are
turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your
student will NOT get a sandwich.
Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM
Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order.
This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward
Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal.
Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________
Lunch Date:_________________________
Amount Paid: __________________
Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating.
____ White
____ Wheat
____ Mayo
____ Mustard
____ Cheddar
____White American
____ Turkey
Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato
____ Pickles
____ Olives
Wednesday Subway Lunch for $4.00
If you are ordering for multiple weeks you MUST complete a form for each week. Forms are
turned in to Subway with all orders. If you don’t have a form completed for each week, your
student will NOT get a sandwich.
Please pre-order by Tuesday at 3:00 PM
Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order.
This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Wednesdays do not roll forward
Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are no longer taking lunch orders through Paypal.
Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________
Lunch Date:_________________________
Amount Paid: __________________
Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating.
____ White
____ Wheat
____ Mayo
____ Mustard
____ Cheddar
____White American
____ Turkey
Vegetables: ____ Lettuce ____ Tomato
____ Pickles
____ Olives
Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00
Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering multiple weeks. Multiple week
orders are standard orders only. You cannot order something different
each week.
Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order.
This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward.
Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal.
Student Name: ______________________________________________Teacher:___________________________
Date Of Order:__________________
Amount Paid: __________________ For _____________ weeks of pizza lunch.
Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating.
Friday Pizza Lunch with 2 sides for $3.00
Use this Form ONLY if you are ordering one week at a time.
Please pre-order by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
Parents are welcome to eat with students with a pre-order.
This is a fundraiser for the school-Missed & Paid Fridays do not roll forward
Make checks payable to MRA or pay cash please. We are longer taking lunch orders through Paypal.
Student Name: ______________________________________Teacher:______________________________
Date Of Order:__________________
Amount Paid: __________________
Please complete a form for each student and/or parent, if eating.