MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 Come What May Headlines CREG agreed that modifications would be required to the MRA following the update to the Standard Licence Condition 23 (SLC 23) The BPM Team are using Casewise to update MRASCo End-to-End diagrams Inside this issue - Change Proposals 1 - MRA Code 2 Governance Review The Code Review Expert Group (CREG) discussed the Stage 2 Implementation Review, the introduction of MRA Objectives and finalised its discussions on the MRA Development Board (MDB) Constitution Review. The Security Expert Group (SEG) carried out an in depth review of the Information Security Risk Assessment report of MRASCo systems where 23 risks were detailed alongside mitigating actions required. The Prepayment Allocation Process Expert Group (PAPEG) reviewed a draft consultation to ascertain the implications of routing prepayment transactions using ECOES. A GDCC Training Day will be held on the 1st July 2015. The training will include an introduction to the GDCC and MRA, as well as an interactive session on interpreting data flows. The Issue Resolution Expert Group (IREG) agreed that an allencompassing ECOES release paper shall be discussed at the May MDB looking at a number of enhancements for November. Change Proposals - Issue Resolution Ex- 3 pert Group (IREG) This month’s MDB meeting on 28th May 2015 will look at the following Change Proposals: - Green Deal Update 4 - Security Expert Group (SEG) 4 - Prepayment Allocation Process Expert Group 5 - Business Process Model 5 - Smart Meter Imple- 6 mentation Programme (SMIP) MRA CP 0230 - Cross referencing MAPs in the MRA document WPPS CP 0123 - Creation of D0168 Working Practice MRA CP 0228 - Amending the MRA to introduce a debt recovery process DTC CP 3462 - Clarification of Data Item Descriptions for EMR MRA CP 0231 - Amendments to reflect the introduction of MRA Objectives into the Electricity Distribution Licence MAP CP 0236 - Amendments to reflect the introduction of MRA Objectives into the Electricity Distribution Licence (MAP17) DTC CP 3467 - Changes to facilitate implementation of BSC Modification Proposal P305 (Version 3) MAP CP 0237 - Update MAP13 to reflect Licence change for indebted prepayment meter customers Recently agreed Change Proposals can be viewed on the Change Register, found on the MRASCo website. If you need help with finding anything please contact the MRA Change Admin team at - Assurance 7 Page 1 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 MRA Code Governance Review The Code Review Expert Group (CREG) met on 30th April 2015 with a number of open workstreams being discussed: Stage 2 Post Implementation Review The Expert Group discussed MEC’s view that the scope of materiality should be extended to cover the MRA’s subsidiary documents and that all changes should be assessed against the materiality criteria, with material changes being provided to the Authority, regardless of whether they are accepted or rejected. CREG recommended that any resulting changes to the MRA (or its associated documents) be sponsored by a MEC representative. Gemserv has instigated a legal review to develop the necessary changes, ahead of raising them into the MRA change process. Introduction of MRA Objectives On 28th April 2015, a notice was received from Ofgem regarding the decision to modify Standard Licence Condition 23 (SLC 23) of the Electricity Distribution Licence. The amendments include the insertion of MRA Objectives and consequential amendments to the provisions relating to reporting requirements and self-governance appeals rights. Two urgent Change Proposals have since bene raised into MRA Change process, subject to MDB decision on 28th May 2015 (MRA CP 0231 and MAP CP 0236). MDB Constitution Review The MDB Constitution has been subject to review since November 2014, following which, four Change Proposals (CPs) have been developed for MDB consideration. To date, feedback on Supplier and Distribution Business arrangements has been gathered from parties by way of a consultation issued in November 2014, and by Gemserv attending a smaller Supplier workgroup in March 2015. This fed into the development of the CPs mentioned above. One of the additional comments was in relation to the ability to vote by proxy. CREG agreed that no change was required when current arrangements do not allow for proxy voting, except in extenuating circumstances where an attendee is delayed or unable to complete their journey to the meeting. The next meeting is to be held on 28th May 2015. If you have any questions, please contact the team at Page 2 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 Dates for the Diary 5th May 2015 -SEG_15_0505 12th May 2015 -SAFEG_15_0512 14th May 2015 -GDEG_15_0514 18h May 2015 -PAPEG_15_0518 26th May 2015 - MEC_115_0526 26th May 2015 -Board_15_0526 28th May 2015 -MDB_15_0528 28th May 2015 -CREG_15_0528 4th June 2015 -SEG_15_0604 10th June 2015 -IREG_15_0610 23rd June 2015 -MEC_15_0623 23rd June 2015 -Board_15_0623 25th June 2015 -MDB_15_0625 25th June 2015 -CREG_15_0625 Issue Resolution Expert Group (IREG) IREG met on 8th April 2015 and discussed the following: MIF165 – D0168 Process Review Gemserv presented IREG with the final drafting of the Statement of Operations Working Practice, which looks to introduce guidance surrounding the requesting of additional/new MPANs process. IREG recommended several minor changes to the drafting and for a change to be raised into the MRA Change Process. P272 and P300 Consequential ECOES Changes IREG discussed consequential changes to ECOES as a result of P272 and P300. New functionality would not be introduced to ECOES, however the updates would allow for the new Measurement Classes to be introduced to ECOES. An all-encompassing ECOES release paper shall be discussed at the May MDB meeting. Inclusion of Measurement Class to the ECOES Monthly Consolidated Report Gemserv presented the solution to add the Measurement Class Data Item to the ECOES Monthly Consolidated Report. It was noted that this information would work towards the solution initially proposed under MIF169. An all-encompassing ECOES release paper shall be discussed at the May MDB meeting. Addition of a Green Deal Plan Indicator to the ECOES Monthly Consolidated Report Gemserv provided the solution to include a Green Deal Plan Indicator within the ECOES Monthly Consolidated Report. IREG agreed that parties would have to take into consideration that the ECOES Monthly Consolidated Report is not a live view of the information held on ECOES. IREG however concluded that a Green Deal Plan Indicator would be a useful addition to the report and for an all-encompassing ECOES release paper to be taken to MDB in May. Review of MAP08 Following P302 IREG discussed the scope of the review of MAP08 and noted that the full details of the P302 solution had not been established. IREG agreed to issue a Request For Information (RFI) to gain a view from the industry as to current issues with the disputed/missing reads process and how the procedure should accommodate the added functionality of smart meters. The RFI was issued on 15th April for 30 Working Days with responses due on the 29th May 2015. If you have any questions please contact the team at Page 3 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 The Green Deal Update The following Green Deal Change Proposals have been accepted by MDB on 30th April 2015: MAP CP 0220 MRA CP 0227 MAP CP 0226 The amendments to MAP 17 and the MRA will be included in the 26th June 2015 release. As there are currently no changes which require amendments to the functionality of the GDCC agreed for implementation on 26th June 2015, GDCC Release R09.0 may be delayed until 5th November 2015. This will be confirmed upon receipt of consent from the MRA Executive Committee (MEC). A GDCC Training Day, open to all MRA parties, will be held on the 1st July. The training will Include an introduction to the GDCC and MRA, as well as an interactive session on interpreting data flows. The next GDEG meeting will be held on the 14th May 2015. If you have any Green deal related questions please contact us via . Page 4 Security Expert Group The Security Expert Group (SEG) has been tasked with reviewing and developing potential system and process enhancements to ensure security of the data held within the MRASCo systems is maintained. SEG last met on 5th May 2015 and carried out an in depth review of the Information Security Risk Assessment report. The report detailed 23 risks and the associated mitigating actions required. As part of the review, SEG categorised each risk and agreed the appropriate next steps. The outputs of the report shaped a number of drafting proposals in relation to Information Security measures contained within the MRA and its subsidiary documents. The ECOES monthly report Request For Information (RFI) responses were reviewed, which resulted in SEG agreeing a number of principles including: One user per company group should have access to the data; The warning banner displayed when a user attempts to view an MPAN in ECOES should be expanded to explicitly state the implications of misusing the data contained within the report; A two factor user authentication approach should be adopted; and A further RFI should be issued seeking suggestions regarding the appropriate encryption for the personal data contained within the consolidated report. SEG agreed that the scope of the audit approach should be expanded, be clearly defined and should request parties to provide evidence of responses contained within the audit. Finally, SEG agreed that the project team should carry out the majority of the required analysis, providing the Group with their findings and proposals. In line with this suggestion, the drafting, RFI and ECOES user audit scope will be reviewed by the Group ex-committee. SEG will next convene on 3rd July 2015, but are expected to be reviewing and providing feedback on a number of workstreams ahead of this meeting date. For further details please contact the MRA helpdesk. Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 Business Process Models The MRASCo Business Process Models has not been updated since 2007 so the Business Process Model Review Group (BPMRG) aims to update the process diagrams to include any implemented changes that affect the diagrams until May 2014. The BPM Team have been using the Casewise tool to develop and update the impacted end-toend diagrams identified in Phase One of the Gap Analysis. Prepayment Allocation Process Expert Group (PAPEG) PAPEG has been developing solutions for the redistribution of unallocated prepayment transactions and solutions to enhance the current allocation process, outlined in MAP14. PAPEG last met on the 13th April 2015 to discuss the following: XREF Database PAPEG reviewed a draft consultation to ascertain the implications of routing prepayment transactions using ECOES. To help parties minimise the impact of routing transactions using ECOES alone, four ways to reduce the reliance on XREF were reviewed. Of the options, PAPEG agreed to discount centralising a view of XREF in ECOES due to the associated benefits being achieved through the remaining three options: 1. A system reconciliation, to compare the data held in ECOES to that in Meter Operator systems, which is being further developed and considered by MEC. 2. Mandating the frequency of the Redirected Report, for which a Change Proposal has been drafted and is due for review. 3. Formalising a process to enable Prepayment Meter Infrastructure Providers to ensure that future transactions are not routed via XREF subject to a request being received by the respective Supplier. Disconnected MPANs A report was generated to establish the impacts and scale of th disconnected prepayment MPANs in ECOES. The report highlighted BPMRG was held on 13 that a small proportion of prepayment meters were associated to May 2015, where the Gap Analysis approach disconnected MPANs but were accruing large sums of and the review of Phase unallocatable transactions. As a result, MAP CP 0227 (Amending One activity was under- MAP14 to resolve issues resulting from disconnected MPANs) was raised to release transactions to the last registered Supplier in taken, in order to ECOES that take place after the disconnection date and to release progress with the update to the MRASCo transactions associated to multiple MPANs, whereby one is disconnected, to the Supplier registered to the live MPAN. Models. Transaction Routing Flag PAPEG reviewed the Transaction Routing Flag (TRF) in ECOES, in order to determine whether the flag’s functionality could be improved. The Group agreed that the flag should be amended to allow the TRF to be set for a set timeframe rather than a whole registration period, for which a Change Proposal has been raised. The next PAPEG meeting will convene on 18th May 2015, if you have any questions please contact the team at Page 5 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 What’s new in Huddle? Search Better We all want to be able to find what we’re looking for quickly and easily, so Huddle are working on a continued program to improve speed and accuracy. Therefore, the ability to filter search results by the past year, six months, one month, or week has been added. In addition to layout changes designed to improve navigation, Huddle can now search for files only. However, if you want to find other features simply select “Everything”, then search again. Browsing Files Just Got Faster Instead of requesting every item at once, Huddle now retrieves 50 items at a time. Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) The following consultations have been released by the DCC over the last month: Communications Hub Support Materials On 30th April 2015, DCC released the Communications Hub (CH) Support Materials for consultation. It covers two documents which will eventually be designated under the SEC as SEC Subsidiary Documents: CH Support Materials - detailing the requirements for submitting forecasts and orders, packaging and labelling, rejecting and replacing CHs, and their storage, transit and delivery requirements. CH Installation and Maintenance Support Materials – detailing the conditions for installing a Communications Hub, diagnosing and handling faults, and removal and return. The two documents are supported by the CH Supporting Information documents, which provide further technical detail to the formal regulation. The DCC proposes to provide this document on the DCC website on an enduring basis and a process to amend its content is prescribed in section 6 of the consultation. The consultation seeks stakeholder feedback on these documents and whether they provide the necessary processes and detail to facilitate the delivery, installation, maintenance and return of CH. Updated DCC Indicative Consultation Planner Published The latest ‘DCC Indicative Consultation Planner’ was published on 28th April 2015. This document provides a view of the status and indicative timeline for the current and upcoming DCC consultations on Testing, SMKI, Interface Specifications, Service Management, Communications Hubs, Non-Gateway Interface Specification, DCCKI and other documents. Indicative Charging Statement for RYs 2016/17 Published In April 2015, the DCC published the Indicative Charging Statement for Service Charges for Regulatory Year (RY) 2016/17 (Issue 6.0). The statement sets out the annual service charges for RY 2016/17 and the input used to calculate these charges. Page 6 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 109 Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) Who to Contact Don’t forget there is a dedicated team available to help with all your MRA related queries: MRASCo Helpdesk: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv. com ECOES queries: - T: 020 7090 1024 - E: Indicative Budgets for RYs 2017/18 and 2018/19 Published In April 2015, the DCC published a document, setting out their indicative budgets for the RYs 2017/18 and 2018/19 (Issue 6.0). The documents allow SEC Parties and other users to estimate their Service Charges for the relevant RYs. Any industry issues regarding the MRA or its associated products: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: GDCC Helpdesk: - T: 020 7090 1068 - E: GDCC@Gemserv. com For all other general MRA queries: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv. Source: Assurance The Market Assurance team continues to provide a wide range of services, in April we: Monitored weekly CME reports to ensure compliance with agreed operating conditions; Conducted one CME exit audit and reported to the MEPB who subsequently approved exit from CME (NHH); Held two new applicant meetings; Booked in a further two new applicant meetings; Held detailed meetings with two applicants who are currently in CME. com Let us know your thoughts on the Newsletter Please send your comments through to: Stephanie Catwell. Page 7 MRA Assessment Service April 2015 Statistics In Entry Assessment Pending Entry Assessment In Controlled Market Entry Pending Controlled Market Entry Re-Qualification 15 19 14 17 0 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
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