MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 With Spring, Brings the Wind of Change Headlines CREG made progress with its review of the MDB Constitution The Code Review Expect Group (CREG) discussed the MRA Development Board (MDB) Constitution and agreed that Distribution Businesses could represent their own businesses rather than on a consistency basis, and subject to MDB approval, will see the introduction of a further three seats at MDB. SEG issued an RFI for the ECOES Monthly Report CREG further agreed that another seat for Smaller Suppliers would enable both non-domestic and domestic smaller Suppliers to engage and provide views within the MRA Change Process. IREG drafted a “Statement of Operation” Working Practice In other news, the Issue Resolution Expert Group (IREG) drafted a Working Practice which detailed the information Distribution Businesses require to allocate additional MPANs and the information that should be sent within the D0168 and D0169 Data Flows. A change is to be raised for April’s MDB meeting. Inside this issue - Security Expert Group (SEG) 1 - MRA Code 2 Governance Review - Business Process Model 2 - Issue Resolution Ex- 3 pert Group (IREG) - Change Proposals 4 - Prepayment Allocation Expert Group 5 - Smart Meter Imple- 6 mentation Programme (SMIP) - The Green Deal Update 6 - Assurance 7 Page 1 The Pre-Payment Allocation Process Expert Group (PAPEG) reviewed a number of options regarding the future of XREF, as well as three options to reduce the reliance on the database, which are due to be further investigated. Security Expert Group (SEG) SEG has been tasked with reviewing, investigating and developing potential system and process enhancements to ensure adequate security of the personal data held within the MRASCo systems is maintained. Source: SEG last met on 3rd March 2015 and reviewed the initial findings of an Information Security Risk Assessment and proposals in relation to Information Security measures in the MRA and its subsidiary documents. The ECOES monthly report was also considered which resulted in a Request For Information (RFI) being issued to MRA parties. The deadline for responses to this RFI is 22nd April 2015. SEG will next convene on 5th May 2015, for further details please contact the MRA helpdesk. Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 Business Process Model The MRASCo Business Process Model has not been updated since 2007 so the Business Process Model Review Group (BPMRG) aims to update the process diagrams to include any implemented changes that affect the diagrams until May 2014. BPMRG met on the 23rd March 2015 and agreed the Gap Analysis Report as final, following party feedback. The report is due to be re-circulated with a request for any further comments as Casewise testing is due to commence from the beginning of May 2015. At the BPMRG Meeting, it was also noted that an internal workshop had been organised to review MAP17 - Change Management Procedure and that the process was currently being modelled in Casewise for the purpose of identifying any potential improvements within the procedure and to make any consequential recommendations. It was noted that this work would be running in parallel with the project schedule. Page 2 MRA Code Governance Review The Code Governance Review Expert Group (CREG) last met on 26th March 2015 and discussed the following: Post Implementation Review - CREG Stage 2 The concept of materiality was introduced in to the MRA Change Process in June 2014. Since its introduction Gemserv has discussed possible areas of improvements with Ofgem leading to two options for CREG to consider. The first option would extend the scope of the materiality criteria e.g. reviewing whether material obligations existed within MRA Agreed Procedures (MAPs) and should be better placed in the MRA document itself. The second option for consideration looks at whether rejected material changes should be sent to the Authority for decision, aligning to other industry code processes. The Expert Group expressed concerns in making changes when the rational and benefits for amending existing processes was not clear. As a result, a paper will be taken to the MRA Executive Committee (MEC) in April, with a view to provide CREG with a steer as to how to progress with the workstream. MDB Constitution Review The MDB Constitution has been subject to review and consultation since November 2014. The review has been broken down into two areas, a review of Distribution Business representation and secondly a review of Supplier representation, following market developments. In February 2015, the MEC Distribution Business representative was recommended by CREG to liaise with Distribution Business Contract Managers to gauge whether representation at MDB was fit for purpose. At the March CREG meeting, consensus across Distribution Businesses to represent their own businesses rather than on a consistency basis was acknowledged which, subject to MDB approval, will see the introduction of a further three seats at MDB. CREG further discussed changes to Supplier representation. CREG agreed that a further seat for Smaller Suppliers would enable both non-domestic and domestic smaller Suppliers to engage and provide views within the MRA Change Process. Gemserv are to draft the necessary changes and enter them into the MRA Change Process. Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 Dates for the Diary 13th April 2015 -PAPEG_15_0413 28th April 2015 - MEC_115_0428 28th April 2015 -Board_15_0428 30th April 2015 -MDB_15_0430 30th April 2015 -CREG_15_0430 5th May 2015 -SEG_15_0505 8th May 2015 -PAPEG_15_0508 12th May 2015 -SAFEG_15_0512 13TH May 2015 -IREG_15_0513 14th May 2015 -GDEG_15_0514 26th May 2015 -MEC_15_0526 26th May 2015 -Board_15_0526 28th May 2015 -MDB_15_0528 28th May 2015 -CREG_15_0528 Page 4 Issue Resolution Expert Group (IREG) An update from the IREG meeting on the 11th March 2015 is provided below: MPRS Validation for P272 St Clements presented options for MPRS validation following the changes due to be implemented as a result of P272. IREG discussed the options presented and established that validation requirements within MPRS would not be necessary owing to a number of factors including a number of Profile Class 5 to 8 sites which will not be able to be settled Half Hourly. IREG noted that the creation of a report would benefit parties as to the status of changing sites over to be settled Half Hourly although this report would best sit under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). MIF165 - D0168 Process Governance Gemserv presented a draft Working Practice detailing the information Distribution Businesses require to allocate MPANs and the information that should be sent within the D0168 and D0169 Data Flows. Following feedback from an IREG member a “Statement of Operation” Working Practice matrix was also presented highlighting additional information each Distribution Business required for certain logical scenarios. IREG reviewed the Working Practice drafting, recommending minor amendments and agreed for the final drafting to be provided at the April meeting. MIF169 - Adding a While Current, CT and VT flag on ECOES IREG reviewed a proposed solution to add a Whole Current, CT and VT flag on ECOES which would be maintained by the D0312 Data Flow. Costs had been gained from the ECOES Technical Service Provider however due to the significance of costs IREG agreed that the cost of the implementation outweighed the benefit of the solution. IREG discussed the addition of the Measurement Class Data Item into the ECOES monthly consolidated report as this may provide a work around to the solution. Gemserv agreed to gain costing for this change and feed this back to IREG ahead of the next meeting. An update from the IREG meeting on 8th April will be provided in the next issue. If you have any questions please contact the team at Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 £47bn Deal for Shell to buy UK’s BG Group Energy giant Shell has agreed to buy oil and gas exploration firm BG Group in a deal worth around £47 billion. If approved by shareholders and regulators, the deal will be one of the biggest transactions of 2015 and the first major merger between energy firms in at least a decade. The agreement will add around 25% to Shell’s oil and gas reserves and 20% to production as well as provide it with “enhanced positions” in competitive new oil and gas projects, particularly in Australia LNG and Brazil deep water, the company said. It also expects to make annual savings of around $2.5 billion (£1.7bn) following the deal, leading to further investments of £4 billion between 2016 and 2018. For further information, please go to: m Page 5 Change Proposals Forthcoming Change Proposals This month’s MDB on 30th April 2015 will look at the following Change Proposals: MAP CP 0228 - Escalation Responses - Erroneous Transfers MAP CP 0221 - Amending MAP15 to mandate resolving D0312 rejections MAP CP 0222 - Amending MAP15 to introduce a report detailing the number of D0312 rejections MAP CP 0223 - Amending MAP15 to implement Algorithm 5 MAP CP 0224 - Amending MAP15 to introduce an Algorithm 5 report MAP CP 0225 – Amend MAP 18 to Improve Exception Handling in the GDCC (Option 1) MAP CP 0226 - Amend MAP 18 to Improve Exception Handling in the GDCC (Option 2) MAP CP 0220 - Amendments to MAP17 to introduce the concept of Materiality to GD Changes MRA CP 0227 - Amendments to the MRA to introduce the concept of Materiality to GD Changes WPPS CP 0122 - Amendments to WP124 DTC CP 3458 - Reporting of Excluded Energy Volumes in the CFD Supplier Invoice Backing Data Flow D0362 DTC CP 3459 - Changes to facilitate implementation of BSC Modification Proposal P305 DTC CP 3459A- Changes to facilitate P305 DTC CP 3465 - SVAA reporting changes to facilitate P305 DTC CP 3460 - Reporting of Additional EMR Backing Data to Suppliers (D0362 and D0364) Recently agreed Change Proposals can be viewed on the Change Register, found on the MRASCo website. If you need help please or information, please contact the MRA Change Admin team at Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 Our Team Continuing with our new feature, we are providing you with an opportunity to get to know a MRA Team member: Lauren Nicholls Part of the MRA you are involved in: Supporting PAPEG and the newly formed SEG, as well as the MRA Executive Committee and Board. Interesting fact: For my 21st, I went to South Africa and took far too many selfies with animals. Home town: Croydon What are you looking forward to in the next 12 months: The return of summer. Who is your Role Model: Warren Buffett. Page 6 Prepayment Allocation Process Expert Group (PAPEG) PAPEG has been developing solutions for the redistribution of unallocated prepayment transactions and solutions to enhance the current allocation process, outlined in MAP14. PAPEG last met on the 16th March 2015 to discuss the following: XREF Database PAPEG reviewed a number of options regarding the future of XREF as well as four options to reduce the reliance on the database. One of the options to reduce the reliance on XREF, the ‘look up function’, was discounted as the associated benefits could be achieved by the redirected reports detailing the routing mechanism or the implementation of a centralised view of XREF. PAPEG agreed that the remaining three options should be further investigated and that XREF should be removed from the allocation process with a long-lead time. Disconnected MPANs A report was generated to establish the impacts and scale of disconnected prepayment MPANs in ECOES. The report highlighted that a small proportion of prepayment meters were associated to disconnected MPANs but were accruing large sums of unallocatable transactions. Gemserv will be developing options to resolve the issues being caused by disconnected MPANs, which will be considered at the next meeting. Transaction Routing Flag PAPEG reviewed the Transaction Routing Flag (TRF) in ECOES, in order to determine whether the flag’s functionality could be improved to enhance the allocation process. A number of options were presented to the Group, with the concluding thought being that further information was required regarding central processing of the TRF and the ability to set the TRF for a set timeframe rather than a whole registration period. Both solutions will be developed and reviewed at the next meeting. Key Distribution CP PAPEG reviewed the final Key Distribution Change Proposal (CP), and agreed for the drafting to be progressed via the MRA Change Process. A sponsor for the CP was found and the due diligence is being carried out prior to the CP being issued for Impact Assessment. The next PAPEG meeting will convene on 13th April 2015, if you have any questions please contact the team at Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 The Green Deal Update The GDCC Release 9.0 is due to be implemented on 26th June 2015. There are currently a n umber of Green Deal related Change Packs issued for Impact Assessment. Two CPs that were raise following the February GDEG meeting were MAP CP 0225 and the MAP CP 0226. The accepted changes are proposed to be included in the June release of the GDCC. Two other Green Deal related CPs are also currently out for Impact Assessment, following February’s CREG meeting. These CPs are MAP CP 0220 and MRA CP 0227, which concern the materiality of GD changes. All MRA Parties have been invited to comments on the CPs by the IA response deadline, on the 14th April 2015. The GDEG meeting was held on the 9th April 2015. The meeting discussed a number of potential changes that could be raised to the GDCC. If you have any Green deal related questions please contact us via or 020 7090 1068. Page 3 Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) DECC have been issuing a range of consultations and responses in advance of purdah. An overview of the key documents has been provided below: Non-Domestic Smart Metering which seeks views on two issues relating to the roll-out of smart and advanced meters to the nondomestic sector. The consultation is in two parts with part A covering the existing policy position in relation to non-domestic suppliers accessing smart meters outside of the DCC and whether the position should be revised or removed. Part B seeks views on the policy position on the installation of advanced meters until 2016 to meet roll-out obligations. The closing date for responses is 15th June 2015. Home Area Network Solutions sets out options for the provision of the HAN in premises where the 2.4GHz HAN is unlikely to operate. The consultation offers 2 options: an 868MHz solution and an alternative HAN solution. The closing date for responses is 19th May 2015. Smart Metering Rollout Strategy sets out the Government’s positions and key regulatory proposals to assist organisations in making robust commercial and investment decisions for the rollout of smart meters. The consultation covers SMETS2 installation commencement, the timescales for SMETS1 deployment and the enrolment and adoption strategy. The closing date for responses is 19th May 2015. A consultation on New Smart Energy Code Content and Related Licence Amendments – March 2015. This consultation covers performance reporting, scope of risk management obligations for users, confidentiality, security licence condition covering DCC enrolled smart meters, implementation performance regime and other SEC amendments. The closing date for responses is 29th May 2015. Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013 MRASCo Newsletter Issue 108 Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) Who to Contact Don’t forget there is a dedicated team available to help with all your MRA related queries: MRASCo Helpdesk: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv. com ECOES queries: - T: 020 7090 1024 - E: Any industry issues regarding the MRA or its associated products: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: GDCC Helpdesk: - T: 020 7090 1068 - E: GDCC@Gemserv. com For all other general MRA queries: - T: 020 7090 1029 - E: MRAhelpdesk@Gemserv. March 2015 Smart Energy Code government response covers the decisions from the previous SEC consultations in June, November 2014 and January 2015. It covers a range of areas including technical aspects such as alerts, schedules, security requirements and testing conclusions. From a regulatory perspective it concludes on proposals to move technical arrangements into subsidiary documents and consequential changes to supply licence conditions. All documents can be found on the DECC website and a more detailed update will be provided in the next Smarter Markets Update for MEC. Assurance The Market Assurance team continues to provide a wide range of services. In March we; Monitored weekly CME reports to ensure compliance with agreed operating conditions. Conducted one CME exit audit Booked in one CME Exit Audit to take place in April Held planning meetings with three new applicants Visited a supplier to view their systems prior to ITA com Let us know your thoughts on the Newsletter Please send your comments through to: Stephanie Catwell. Page 7 MRA Assessment Service March 2015 Statistics In Entry Assessment Pending Entry Assessment In Controlled Market Entry Pending Controlled Market Entry Re-Qualification 9 20 14 12 0 Services provided by: Gemserv, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4AJ © Copyright 2013
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